Chapter 457 The Backlash of Planar Will

In the good fortune cube, everything about this group of totem seeds appeared in Lin Xiao’s eyes.

Regardless of the surface or the inside, even the most primitive composition of the many materials that constitute the seeds of the totem is presented to him in detail, clear at a glance.

The Sisi good fortune energy turns into a mist that fills the space of the good fortune cube. His will takes the good fortune cube as the perspective and takes the good fortune energy as the nourishment, which makes his will enter a very peculiar state, as Oriental Fantasy said. It can be called epiphany.

In this state, he easily understood the deepest mystery at the core of this totem.

In this state, he saw the deepest level of the core of the totem, a thread that could not be noticed by the naked eye passed through the void and connected to his body.

To be precise, the connection is his totem.

Of course, the core of the totem is related to the totem. This is something that everyone knows. It is not a secret, but knowing is the same thing. No one can see this connection thread and the deeper mystery so clearly.

In this state, Lin Xiaozhen, who was also conscious of the good fortune cube, suddenly had a strong feeling in his body and mind. With a move in his mind, his consciousness urged good fortune energy, and he began to feel like he was under a microscope. Bi Xian presented some changes to the totem core under his nose.

This change is not a sudden whim, but based on Lin Xiao’s current knowledge and mastery of the clergy rules, especially the underlying rule network in the crystal wall system origin core that constitutes his soul shell, so as to obtain some crystals only. The knowledge that the master of the wall would have, which gave rise to a certain idea.

The idea is simple to say, it’s just that other gods can’t do it.

He was thinking that the core of this totem is composed of a combination of priesthood, power of belief, rules of the plane, powerful soul, and the Blood Essence of the Great Naga, but in the current first-level analysis of the microscope, the structure of the core of the totem In fact, it can be changed, or some parts other than the main part can be replaced with other things.

The main part is Blood Essence and a lot of soul power, and the other parts can be replaced with other things, such as divine power, or other powers of the same rank.

Of course, if you replace it with other things, the effect of the totem core will also change, which is inevitable.

Lin Xiao doesn’t mind any changes. Everything is gradually improved. The totem core that made the totem warrior now has such a high death rate, which is obviously not perfect. He changed the death rate of about 80% to 100% now. An 80% success rate, even if the requirements are lowered, there is a 50% success rate. This is perfection.

Now he needs to go further, re-adjust this thing, and further improve it.

He now has two ideas and needs to try them one by one.

The first idea is to adjust the core of this totem into a similar profession, such as the totem warrior class, which can be transferred only with sufficient conditions, and then gradually gain similar power to the totem warrior through the Ascension class level.

The biggest advantage of this idea is stability and safety. After all, it is just a profession. The strength gained at the beginning is very small, and the corresponding risk is low.

But there are also disadvantages, that is, the upper limit is not high. After all, it is just a profession. After abandoning the powerful bloodline inherited by the totem warrior, the upper limit is definitely not as good as the totem warrior of the same level.

The second idea is to extract the essence of the core of the totem, such as the Great Naga Blood Essence of the Great Naga Totem Warrior, using this as the core to adjust a lineage class.

That is, directly use the prepared Big Naga Blood Essence to integrate into the indigenous blood, and cover the weak human blood with the powerful Big Naga blood, so that it has the blood of the Big Naga, and thus has the same promotion as the small Naga. Ka’s possibility.

After all, the bloodline is excavated to the extreme, that is, returning to the ancestors as the source of the bloodline.

It is not only similar to the totem warrior in the high rank stage, but also more powerful and lasting than the totem warrior.

Moreover, this bloodline is not a pure bloodline, but a bloodline occupation, which focuses on bloodlines and gradually taps bloodline blood volume.

“Or, I don’t need to rob the totem samurai power system, just use it as a reference to create a more suitable profession or system by myself?”

“No, the system is better!”

Compared with occupations, the system has greater potential and wider applications.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao had an idea in his mind, and focused on the totem core close to the microscope level, and began to eliminate the extraneous things in the totem core, and then add what he needed.

The core of these is a blank career template.

This is easy to solve. Before, the wisdom goblin was adjusted and transformed into a Protoss, and a Frost Warlock professional card was vacated.

Strip the Frost Warlock professional system from this professional card, leaving only a blank professional card template, and then integrate it into the core of the totem, which has stripped many core bloodlines, and integrate the blood of the great naga into the framework of the totem core. Inside.

Regardless of the many elements in the core of the totem, there is only the core of the great naga bloodline, but the most important thing is the framework of the totem core. Without this framework, his ideas cannot be established.

The totem core framework is the core of the totem warrior power system on this plane. After all, the bloodline inside can be changed at will. It can be the Great Naga Blood Essence, the monitor lizard Blood Essence, or the Soaring Dragon Blood Essence. It is the Blood Essence of the Protoss or Thunderwing.

The core framework is integrated with career modules, but the new system has not been able to take shape. Lin Xiao glanced at his remaining more than 1,300 points of good fortune energy. With a thought, a full 100 units of good fortune energy burned, good In the fortune cube space, the endless chaotic good fortune energy spews out, and quickly converges to the cube space to form a vortex that slowly shrinks inward.


There was a sudden thunderbolt in the sunny day, and the cloudless sky suddenly lit up, and a thick and incomparable lightning appeared out of thin air, carrying the anger of almost the entire plane into the base.

To the north of the main island of snake lizards, there is a huge lake to the south of a huge tribe that stretches for more than ten kilometers. With this thunderbolt, the lake is boiling, and a huge black scale snake head as big as a building stretches out from the water to look towards the sky. Not moving for a long time.

At the same time, in the middle of a large swamp in the south of the main island of Snake Lizard, countless black blisters exploded, and strands of black flame rose from the blown blisters, converging into a black mist covering half of the swamp, and in the dimness, one was like a hill. The black shadow of the sky slowly rose, and a halo of gray gas flew out from it, quickly spreading to dozens of kilometers away.

At the same time, the entire plane didn’t know how many powerful beings sensed this thunderbolt that contained extreme anger, and they all looked in the same direction.

The top of a giant tree with a height of 100 meters is paved with leaves on a platform. There is a small wooden house on it. Cao Yichen, who is covered by a layer of faint green light, sits in front of the wooden house and looks in that direction. road:

“That is the main island of the snake lizard. The two are over there. Is this abnormality related to them?”

Sitting beside him was another man with pigtails, and he said:

“Would you like me to go over and see in person? I heard you say that the kid is not obedient. By the way, please warn me?”

Cao Yichen reached out his hand to stop, shook his head and said:

“No, anyway, I didn’t plan to let them leave safely anyway.”

He said coldly:

“It’s just cannon fodder, let them develop freely, and wait for a wave of reaping after ten years. Our main enemy now is the two seniors in the junior year.”

“But, I heard that the kid is quite famous. The high mid-rank player was one of Tianjiao’s deputy ranking players before. The girl who came with him was heard to be the daughter of a big man, aren’t we…”

“Tianjiao’s deputy ranking player is only. When he can sit down on the top ranking of Tianjiao next year, the first year of college is just a continuation of the high school deputy ranking. The kid was born in a very ordinary background, and he was released from the college stage and was kicked every minute. When he is on the top of the list, I think he has the ability to stay on the top three thousand list a year later.”

The braided man smiled and said:

“That’s not an ordinary difficulty. In the past, a large number of super elites from the high school era entered the university and were successively caught up by other high mid-rank students who were not as good as own. This gap is unbearable for ordinary people.”

“However, the girl with him heard that her identity is unusual, how should we deal with it?”

Cao Yichen thought for a while and said:

“It depends on the situation. As long as it’s not clear against us, don’t care. If you don’t want to think about it, then you don’t have to be polite. She has an extraordinary background, so we are just ordinary!”

“Yes, they can only summon a limited number of family members. No matter how strong they are in ten years of development, they will not be much stronger. Just ten years have allowed them to prepare hundreds of thousands of cannon fodder for us. Although these cannon fodder cannot fill the gap between us and our seniors, It is also good to be able to close some gaps.”

“Recently, freshmen have discovered this plane one after another. Up to now, there are 22. Most of them are willing to cooperate with us. As long as half of them can develop to meet expectations, we will be able to obtain millions of cannon fodder and nearly a million. Ten thousand totem warriors, this is a not weak force, enough to change the course of a large-scale war, thereby affecting the overall situation.”

“By the way, it may be affected by us. I found that the two seniors in the junior year now seem to be actively contacting newcomers who have just entered the plane.”

“Don’t worry, we already have the first-hand advantage, and they can’t keep up with us.”

In the far west of the main island of Snake Lizard, which the two of them could not see, there was a wolf in the base not far from the dragon tribe. That flash of lightning suddenly came, Lin Xiao’s divine Transcendent ability predicted no warning at all, and neither had his girlfriend at all. Prepare to be blown off guard.

As a result, the huge rock high platform with a diameter of more than two hundred meters in the center of the base was swept away, and some statues and ornaments carefully sculpted by many protagonists were all erased, and even the rock structure high platform was blown away. The rubble fell outside the base.

Fortunately, they are all demigods, and they carry enough divine power. He carries millions of divine powers. Not to mention his girlfriend, this little rich woman, is much stronger than him.

So although I was embarrassed, I was fine.


PS: Recommend the new book of Pharaoh’s history: Zhen!

Yes, the title of the book is just one word.

Introduction: Go back to the end of Ming Dynasty and become a slave.

This emperor, if the beggars did it, the slaves did it, the gangsters did it, couldn’t the domestic slaves do it?

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