Chapter 452 Expansion

His girlfriend showed a hint of joy and said:

“If there is a way to mass-produce Totem Warriors, it can indeed come back. What you need, we will prepare now.”

“The most urgent task now is to help the Vine Snake Tribe conquer the surrounding tribes and expand the population and territory. Let us both be promoted to Totems first.”

He looked up to the horizon and said:

“Now we are not a totem. We have not been included in the system of this plane. We have been under the gaze of the seniors. This is too unsafe. The first step is to ensure our safety. When we become a totem and be incorporated into the plane system, even if we know us On Snake Lizard Island, we cannot be caught at any time without knowing the specific location.”

Lin Xiao has a complete set of plans in his mind. The first step is to become a totem to save his life, the second step is to defeat the two totem master tribes, the snake and the lizard, and the third step is to unify all the tribes of the archipelago and establish a complete system.

At that time, you can slowly study the secrets of totems, and how to mass-produce totem warriors.

The first step to become a totem is the easiest, as long as the population of the tribe reaches a certain level, it is enough to directly expand the population of the vine snake tribe.

Next, he sent a big naga as a messenger to convey his own wishes to the vine snake tribe, and sent ten big naga, 30 protoss, and fifty Thunderwing to help.

In most cases, totems will not participate in tribal wars. Generally, they only protect the tribe when the tribe is facing a life-and-death crisis, but there are no regulations that do not allow it, but most totems are not interested.

Although the current vine snake tribe is very weak and is not very willing to go to war, the current tribal chief means preparing to rest for a few years before starting, but they don’t have time to wait that long, so they directly send the big naga over and force them. Ready to send troops.

His demand was so strong that the tribe couldn’t refuse, and could only draw soldiers.

Of course, this is also based on the fact that the ten great naga are too powerful, and the addition of thirty protoss and fifty thunderwing men gave them enough courage.

After all, under normal circumstances, the appearance and strength of each of these great naga are qualified to be the totems of some small tribes, and it is completely fine for such a powerful force to defeat a tribe that is not very strong.

The Vine Snake Tribe, a native of the island, knew all the tribes nearby and chose a goal after some discussions.

It took half a month to gather rations, and the Tengshe Tribe officially dispatched troops.

And when they were preparing for the expedition, Lin Xiao was also starting to reclaim the nearby land.

Use magic techniques to transform the terrain, send the Void Ship Flying Snake to flatten the surrounding rocks and protruding terrain, cut down trees, use large trees for spare use, branches for firewood, and weeds to pile up and burn grass ashes for spare use.

Then sent the legendary mage Feather Snake to cast a legendary fire spell, which burned a large area of ​​rock into lime, then cooled it, mixed with the soil, and turned a large area around the tribe into arable land, and then the accumulated miscellaneous The ashes of the burning grass were sprinkled into it.

Then, through the real body, a batch of sweet potatoes and potatoes, which are easy to grow and have high yields, came to be planted.

What kind of rice and wheat are not suitable for growing here, only sweet potatoes and potatoes have a high survival rate, low requirements for land, and large yields.

The elderly, women and children of the entire tribe were all mobilized to reclaim wasteland and farm. Lin Xiao consciously cultivated their awareness of farming instead of hunting.

Hunting can satisfy several people.

What he wants is a kingdom that can accommodate millions of people, not a tribe. He wants them to transition from the era of tribal hunting to the era of farming. Only the farming era can produce enough food to feed so many people. At that time, there will be redundant men. To do other things, more strong fighters will become professional soldiers to fight for him.

If it were still in the tribal era, most of the strong and strong tribal warriors would go out hunting for food every day, so who would fight for him?

Normally, based on the situation of the tribes on this island, it is estimated that it will take hundreds or even thousands of years to slowly transition, or with the island’s rich resources, they will always live a hunting life instead of entering the farming age. So Lin Xiao had to take the initiative to let them in.

Cultivate wasteland and plant food. As long as they see that the food grown in these areas is enough for the whole tribe and there is excess, they will not think about hunting in the future.

The first tribe they attacked was a small tribe on the south side of Snake Lizard Island. It was a branch of the Lizard Tribe. There were about five to six thousand people, which was stronger than the Vine Snake Tribe.

But that was before, now it’s different. The ten-headed naga entered the battlefield when the battle was fierce, and directly pierced the battlefield and killed the opponent’s main wizard on the spot. The Thunder Wing descended from Ten Thousand Thunder to cut off the battle. Between the enemy and the tribe.

Protoss casts a spell with two hundred vine snake tribe warriors teleported to the enemy tribe. The battle has been decided and the enemy surrenders.

One and a half months later, this branch of the lizard tribe migrated and merged into the vine snake tribe, forming a large tribe with a total number of about 8,000.

At this time, the potatoes planted on the cultivated land near the tribe have entered the fruiting period. Normal potatoes only take two to three months from planting to fruiting. He planted good seeds that have been trained and matured within two months.

At this time, it had been two and a half months since the two tribes were merged after the end of the war, and the results had already matured. After the merger, there was just enough manpower to harvest.

This wave of harvested potatoes is enough for the entire tribe to eat for several months, but this is just the beginning of the experimental field, and there is no large-scale planting.

At the same time, with this harvest, there is no need for Lin Xiao to urge the next time. The tribe has tasted the sweetness and is very enthusiastic about this. A large number of warriors gathered and set aside a large area not far from the tribe, and they were busy logging and reclamation. .

The land reclaimed for the second time was more than ten times that of the previous time. I estimated that it was about fifty times. While reclaiming, the wizards also spent a lot of time building a high wall to enclose this area. Get up to prevent wild beasts in the jungle from rushing in to eat potatoes and sweet potatoes, as well as other crops for the second trial planting.

For example, plants such as flax, sisal, jute, etc. can make linen clothes in the future.

These indigenous people still use leaf bark and animal skins as clothing, which is simply unsightly. For the development of civilization, they must be given clothes.

Next, through mixing into the tribe, most of the Marine Corps members who are already high-level tribes teach them various things, such as building houses, firing pottery, etc., do not require much advanced level, at least represent the various aspects of farming civilization. There must be everything.

After two months of recuperation, three thousand tribal warriors set off again, and with the cooperation of the big naga, they destroyed the two nearby small tribes. The total number of the combined Goteng snake tribe has reached more than 14,000.

This number is already more than that before the Vine Snake Tribe was split. If it is still in its original state, then you have to consider splitting the tribe.

But now the tribe potatoes have experienced two maturations, especially the second batch of potatoes that have been expanded by 50 times, and the first batch of sweet potatoes, which produce enough food for 14,000 people to eat for several years.

With enough food, the tribe is more eager to expand than Lin Xiao. In the words of the leader of the tribe, they need more tribesmen, and they need a tribe totem.

Because there is no totem, it is impossible to continue to produce new totem warriors. The seeds that the wizards carried from the original tribal totems during the previous split are almost used up. They must generate new totems as soon as possible to obtain new seeds to produce new ones. Totem warrior.

Lin Xiao felt this point, because as the tribe’s population increased, he could sense in the secret that there was something positive about himself besides the power of faith generated by the tribe’s worship.

Although it is not clear what this is exactly, he knows that when this unknown thing condenses successfully, he will gain the totem personality and become a real totem.

Judging from the current population of 14 thousand, it is estimated that it will take several years to achieve success.

He certainly can’t wait for several years, there is not much time left for him.

Then, you have to increase the population of the tribe and shorten the time.

Or defeat a tribe with a totem, and forcibly plunder the totems of other tribes.

They chose the second type, because the nearby lizard tribes without totems were completely conquered by them, and now the weakest lizard tribes nearby all have their own totems.

After reconnaissance, the closest tribe to them is the venomous lizard tribe that intercepted the vine snake tribe. It is a large tribe with a population of 25,000 to 27,000. Its totem body is a giant monster lizard, and its strength should be better than normal. The legend is stronger.

This is also the weakest totem, no matter what creature, no matter what strength, as long as you become a totem, under the blessing of the totem, you will have the strength comparable to the legend of the eighth rank.

The stronger the tribe, the stronger the power it possesses. The two main tribes, like the snake and the lizard, have totems comparable to demigods. If they are in the home court of the tribe, ordinary demigods can’t beat them.

So these two main tribes have been in a stalemate over the years, because no one can do anything about it.

Even if Lin Xiao went with his girlfriend, he couldn’t break either of the two totems, the snake and the lizard, which dominated the home court, so he wanted to take the totem route and expand his tribe.

As long as the strength of the vine snake tribe is not inferior to that of the main tribe of the snake and the lizard, it can defeat the two main tribes of the snake and the lizard at the same time and conquer the entire archipelago.

At the same time, considering that he won’t be able to attack on both sides, he still plays the name of the snake tribe branch, and has not changed the name of the tribe.

The venomous lizard tribe, the hall of the patriarch.

The patriarch, the wizard leader, and the warrior leader are gathering together to discuss the threat from the vine snake tribe not far away.

They had killed the Vine Snake Tribe before, but they were unsuccessful. Later, they thought about organizing a second expedition.

However, when the tribe was preparing to collect food for the next year’s action, it suddenly heard news that several nearby tribes were annexed by the Vine Snake Tribe, one of which was a small tribe that split from the Viper Tribe many years ago.

Acquiring several small tribes in succession, the Vine Snake Tribe now has more than 14,000 people. Although it is far less than the Viper Tribe, it is not weak anymore and is not as easy to deal with as before.

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