Chapter 446

The base of the space beacon is not small. In addition to other precious magic materials, the main body is fine gold and mithril, and the demand is 100 million points.

This is very troublesome, but there is a chance that generally the planes with the power of Transcendent have this material, but it is a little troublesome to find and collect.

This matter is not in a hurry, anyway, he still has more than 20 years to collect, so he can take his time.

Four marine squads were sent out by him to explore the islands, and the remaining Marines continued to renovate their camps. According to Lin Xiao’s idea, it is estimated that they will stay in this plane for a long time, and may stay until the end of this big class. Maybe, at least there will be more than 20 years.

Such a long time must establish a perfect base, even if you live better, you can also defend against possible dangers.

He has always remembered that there are many indigenous tribes on this plane. In the future, the establishment of space beacons will definitely be hostile to the will of the plane, and 100% will face attacks from these indigenous tribes. It is very necessary to have a strong base.

After the exploration team explored the camp for more than 30 kilometers, Lin Xiao and his girlfriend decided to summon the family members out.

The dependents have been summoned long ago and put into one-time storage items, just wait for it to be released.

Shen Yuexin summoned her core family, the high-level Thunderwing Man, a huge birdman with wings spread over ten meters and surrounded by thunder, possessing the power to control thunder.

Thunder wingers are promoted to the sixth Transcendent level, and they are Skywrath Warlocks with more powerful lightning control capabilities.

Flying unit and thunder spell, her family is stronger than ordinary sub-legendary races.

At least, the illegal non-flying sub-legendary races generally can’t beat them.

Higher races only occupies four populations. One thousand population is enough to summon 250 Thunderwingers. The Thunderwing people she summons are all Tier 6 or above Skywrath Warlocks, including 20 Tier 7 Skywrath Guards. And two eighth-order legendary Lords of Skywrath.

It can be said to be a very powerful combat force. The frontal combat may be stronger than the combination of the Marine Squadron and Flying Snake in Lin Xiao’s hands. After all, the two legendary Tier 8 Lords of Skywrath.

The power of thunder, which specializes in racial talents, is combined with the class of thunder warlocks, and then promoted to the legendary level, the explosive power of the Lord of Skywrath will be very terrible.

Thunder is originally a high outbreak, reaching the legendary rank theory has almost no legends of the same rank can match.

It may be comparable to the legendary mage if he is prepared, but the legendary mage is no match for the Lord of Skywrath in a head-on encounter.

This kind of flying unit is a very good aerial reconnaissance unit. Lin Xiao formed a team of two seventh-order skywrath guards and ten skywrath warlocks. A total of four teams let them catch up with the previously sent Marine Corps team and join them. Keep exploring.

Ground-air cooperation can greatly Ascension efficiency and safety.

When the girlfriend’s family members were released, Lin Xiao’s family members would naturally also be released.

Throw the disposable space props in your hand into the air and activate it. The dazzling white light quickly shuttles and outlines like a snake, forming a huge light array on the ground. With the spread of spatial fluctuations, a huge dragon head and dragon body The figure came out from it.

This guy is fifteen meters tall and has a tail length of nearly 20 meters. His body is covered with scales like gold. A majestic head is revealed in the ferocious dragon. A pair of sturdy dragon horns are curved and stretched, making a strong and powerful dragon. The body is full of power. A row of sharp dragon spines on the back extends to the tail like a siege hammer. Two very thick spikes rise from the dragon’s back into the sky, like a pair of wings, looking extremely mighty.

Even Shen Yuexin was surprised when he saw his core family for the first time, and couldn’t help asking:

“This is your core family, the Naga clan? But there is a certain difference from the Naga clan. Isn’t this Naga upgraded and promoted to a sub-legendary race?”

Lin Xiao took her hand and smiled:

“Not a sub-legendary race.”

“Isn’t it a sub-legend? Impossible, the higher races can’t have this…”

The voice stopped abruptly, her small mouth opened slightly with surprise, she rarely showed a hint of shock, and asked:

“Are you a legendary race?”

She seemed to have thought of something just after speaking, and quickly asked:

“I have never seen a legendary race of this type. Are you a new legendary race?”

Lin Xiao nodded:

“Yes, this is a brand new legendary race, I named Shura Naga.”

“Sura Naga, very appropriate!”

With a sincere smile on his girlfriend’s face, she shook his hand and said:

“The children of God’s Domain who have always been able to create new legendary races will be legendary in the future. Congratulations.”

He squeezed her little hand tighter, and said with a smile:

“When I become a legend, that’s when I officially propose to your father.”

His words caught his girlfriend by surprise, and his exquisite and beautiful face suddenly became blushing and shy.

One by one, the legendary big naga lord walked out of the teleportation circle, and walked out thirty before stopping, which accounted for a total of six hundred people.

But these are all the eighth-order legendary great naga lord, even if there are only thirty thunderwing people who can easily defeat his girlfriend with a population of 1,000.

Although the lightning spell of the Skywrath Warlock is powerful, the great naga, who perfectly inherits the blood and talents of the dragon family and strengthens it, has resistance that ordinary people can’t imagine. The super-high explosion of the Skywrath Warlock can’t help them.

Thirty large naga lords, who were extremely large and under pressure on the marine squadron members, came out and retreated to the side. Then, there was a burst of starlight in the teleportation circle, which turned into star fog to fill the whole circle, one figure taller than ordinary people. Came out of it.

One hundred protoss above the sixth order, twenty seventh protoss plus eighty sixth-order protoss.

Speaking of Lin Xiao still earning it, the Protoss was still a wise goblin when he was summoned before, and he was only a medium race, with only two populations.

Now the wise goblin has transformed into a sub-legendary protagonist occupying ten people, which is equivalent to a population of eight hundred in vain.

Then there are fifty Red Furnace tribes. Although this race is a high-level race, the combat power of individuals with powerful talents is also considerable. If it is properly cultivated by the core family members of the sons of other gods, their light will be greatly enhanced in the hands of Lin Xiao. Naga and the Protoss are completely covered up, and they can only be reduced to the role of soy sauce.

The fifty Red Furnace in Lin Xiao Nong still depends on their talent for forging. Building a base may conquer the natives in the future. At that time, in order to arm the natives, a large number of weapons and equipment will be needed. Without support, they can only forge themselves. .

Compared with the big naga, Shen Yuexin prefers the prosperous clan of star spirits, girls like good-looking things, most of the core family members of the children of the goddess domain are good-looking races such as elves or half-elves.

Many family members were summoned one by one, adding up to more than 400 numbers, and the empty base was a bit popular.

Thirty Shura Naga takes up a bit of space. After all, the tail is more than 20 meters high. This body is already larger than the average dragon, and only 30 takes up more than the other nearly 400 family members combined. place.

Lin Xiao arranged tasks for them separately. The Thunder Wing could fly, and the main task was to patrol the nearby air.

The Red Furnace clan opened a furnace for forging. It happened that they had collected a large amount of ore materials on the road before. They only waited for the patrol team to find iron ore on the island before they could start their work.

The big naga is divided into two halves, one half is stationed at the base, and the other half goes to the sea to fish.

So much food for the dependents is a big problem. These 30 Shura Naga are super big stomach kings. The food needs are very high. If you don’t rely on yourself, you will all starve to death.

The Protoss is also divided into two halves. One half processes the magic sapphires collected on the road first, and grinds them into powder to make magic ink for later use.

The other half is to build the defense system of the base, such as enchanting city walls, enchanting weapons and armor for the Aka Furnace tribe, and so on, and some directly use precious minerals and magic materials collected on the road to make magic props.

As many family members enter the working state, the base has entered a state of full-blown development, almost the same every day.

In less than two months, the entire base has undergone earth-shaking changes.

A hundred protagonists are all mages. Although they have changed from wise goblins to protagonists, their races have changed, but the profession of mages has not changed. Not only do they completely inherit the original mages class level, but also because of their powerful spell-casting talents, they are more intelligent The goblin is more powerful, the racial talent is combined with the mage class, and the current Protoss in the same rank state is several times stronger than the original smart goblin.

Apart from others, Ascension with a full range of magic power upper limit and casting speed, magic power consumption and difficulty of casting are drastically reduced, not to mention racial talent.

It can be said that the racial talent is superimposed with the powerful real mage profession itself, and the real strength of the Protoss can almost be increased by one level.

The level of the sixth-order species plus the professional level of the sixth-order mage, plus the bonus of the remains of the gods, can make them comparable to the average seventh-order mage.

A hundred protoss wizards joined forces to cast spells, and forcibly lifted the entire ground of this one-kilometer-diameter base by about two meters. The gravel-filled ground covered by the city wall was forcibly smoothed and flattened by magic.

The most crucial Protoss inherited the bloodlines of two high elves. The aesthetics of the high elves influenced them, whether it was a raised city wall or a building, even the rocky ground solidified by the magic of pressing the mud into stone was deliberately formed. Create all kinds of beautiful lines and shapes.

Although it is only a rough embryo now, it is indeed much better than before.

Just like the armor of the elves, the defense is one thing, it must be good-looking.

Although the elf armor looks thin, in fact it has a very strong defense…

I am very interested in this aspect of my girlfriend. I especially spent half a month drawing a beautiful design drawing for the entire base, so that the Protoss can construct according to the design, and sometimes they are very interested. Discuss together how to design better.

Lin Xiao saw in his eyes, and occasionally went to accompany her with great interest.

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