Chapter 440 Big adjustment to the gene of the wise goblin

In the Moon Heaven Realm, when the avatar was idle and bored studying spells, Lin Xiao’s true body was also very busy at this time.

Busy to adjust the population structure of Yuexiao’s main plane, and then open up the surrounding subsidiary planes.

Originally he wanted to wait for a while, but now it seems that he can’t wait anymore.

When the mysterious big man planned this crystal wall system, there were other sites to provide resources, so the Moon Sky Realm did not have plans for agriculture and breeding, except for Chongren.

But the worms are underground, and the worms eat different things from humans. They eat all kinds of fungi and underground meat. These can only barely raise the worms, and there is definitely no excess to support the human kingdom on the ground. It is impossible to support them, but they are mortal enemies for tens of thousands of years.

In the past few years, the food stored in the human kingdom has been eaten seven or eight eighty eight. At this time, some places have begun to supply limited quantities, and food prices have soared.

Going to the main world to buy it is definitely not worth it, you can only grow it yourself.

Fortunately, the preparations were almost the same before. It was the same plane as before. Five hundred steel golems and a batch of large and small naga units were dropped, and the fierce beasts in the plane were slowly eliminated.

Fortunately, this dimension is not big, five hundred steel golems plus two thousand big naga and twenty thousand small naga can be taken care of.

After the plane was almost cleaned up, some of the most powerful fierce beasts were killed seven or eighty-eight, and three thousand pioneer golems were dropped and started to clear the ground.

There were only one thousand pioneer golems before, and the other two thousand were purchased later.

This kind of golem can be used for farming, logging, mining and fishing, and it can do almost all farming work.

The tall trees are cut down to make wooden boats, wooden houses, wooden fences and warehouses, etc. In this small plane that is ready to be completely transformed, there is no need to build high-end buildings, ordinary wooden houses are completely usable.

With the development in full swing here, the human kingdom in the world of Moon God is also undergoing a great change.

His guard, consisting of two true gods and twenty demigods, has now reached the Moon Sky Realm, and has signed the Gaia Oath with him to officially serve him.

Naturally, these subordinates need to use the forces left behind by the previous crystal wall master to begin to establish and pass on a god-tier church with many gods in the human kingdom.

With his supreme god as the head, the two main gods of war and protection, power and anger, and twenty gods with different priesthoods, form a huge church.

However, the establishment of the church did not go smoothly, mainly due to the rejection of the upper-class nobles of the human kingdom.

The civilians didn’t respond much, mainly because the upper nobles of the human kingdom with status and the mages who mastered the power rejected them.

In fact, the upper-class nobles can handle it easily. As long as they promise not to contaminate any secular power, the resistance will be greatly reduced. The main reason is the rejection of the power masters.

There are legendary mages in the world of the Lord of the Moon. Although there are not many, they do exist. Mages at this level have already touched the rules, and they have touched the Conferred God in the dark.

To put it simply, for a world that had no gods before, the original legendary mage was qualified to be the first god in this world.

Now suddenly a group of gods split their beliefs, even if they don’t know the inside story of the gods, but they will feel that they have lost something, and they will naturally reject it.

In addition, the masters themselves are a group of people who pursue the truth, and are inherently repulsive from the Conferred God system.

If it were placed in the past, the wizards who mastered the power of the human kingdom would refuse to cooperate. Even if Lin Xiao held a chaotic clay tablet in his hand, he would have been crushed. Although he was the master of the crystal wall system, he could not forcefully change their will. Use your authority to slowly draw and divide the group of wizards.

But now there are two true gods and twenty demigods under him, and it can be said that they have absolute force to suppress them.

Lin Xiao didn’t pay too much attention to this aspect. Two true gods plus twenty demigods, and some members of the mage organization left behind by the mysterious bosses, this can’t suppress the natives with the highest legendary rank and the number is less than ten, so just commit suicide. Come on.

When the development of Yuexiao realm entered the right track, there was nothing big for the time being, and Lin Xiao’s consciousness returned to the realm of God.

As he gradually opened up the Moon Sky Realm, he suddenly discovered a problem that he hadn’t noticed before. Although the family members of his God’s Domain were powerful, they seemed to have a huge flaw, that is, there was no race suitable for communicating with humans.

Whether it is a large naga, a small naga, a red furnace tribe, a wise goblin, etc., they are very different from humans, and they are not suitable for living with humans.

You must know that in the Chaos Void Sea, the most mainstream species are common races such as humans, orcs, elves, etc. Almost every crystal wall system may find races such as humans, orcs. In this case, there is one that is very similar to humans and will not be affected. The repellent species are definitely easier and more willing to communicate with than the big naga, which is properly a monster in the eyes of humans.

In other words, he now needs a species that is very similar to humans in order to facilitate communication with humans on foreign planes in the future, and even when conquering foreign humans and natives, he will not be too repulsive and reduce losses.

It is definitely unrealistic to find it now. It feels unnecessary to add another family member, so I can only modulate it by myself, and select an existing race from God’s Domain to modulate it.

And looking at the races in God’s Domain, it seems that there is only one choice, and that is the wisdom goblin.

First of all, other family members have been modulated several times, and most of them are modulated to the current race limit, and there is no better reference for modulating.

The wise goblin has only been modulated once when it was first acquired, and its potential has not been fully exploited.

Moreover, the intelligent goblin is a humanoid race, and the model body is somewhat similar to humans, but after being modulated once, it is more similar to humans, but the size is too small.

The most important thing is that all the family members in God’s Domain have been adjusted too much, basically adjusted to the limit of the race, only the wisdom goblin has not adjusted too much, it is time to start a new round of strengthening them.

Compared to before, Lin Xiao now holds much richer resources.

First, purchased a batch of sun elves and moon elves through the campus network.

It’s just a small batch of sun elves and moon elves, not species cards, too few and no males and females can’t reproduce.

Through the good fortune Rubik’s Cube, the bloodlines of these two high elves are extracted first for use.

Then, I purchased a batch of psychic monsters and extracted the talents of psychic monsters with the good fortune cube. Only the talents were extracted but the bloodline was not extracted.

The spirit sucker is the legendary Heart’s Demon. This thing looks ugly and extremely disgusting. The blood is definitely not required, only the talent is extracted, and it is only one of the talents.

Then it is to buy a batch of spell-like talents, or interesting talents.

There is only one strengthening direction for the wise goblin, that is, the spellcasting profession, which naturally needs to be equipped with some spell-like abilities.

With all the necessary preparations, Lin Xiao took out the Wisdom Goblin Card and put it into the Rubik’s Cube space, and began to adjust the genes of the Wisdom Goblin.

First, extract all the talents and bloodlines of the wise goblin, and then take the bloodlines of the two high elves, the sun elves and the moon elves, and remove the conflicting parts and the redundant overlapping parts, and then continue to invest in good fortune energy. The remaining blood is merged into one.

This time gene modulation is very important to Lin Xiao, and the estimated investment is very high. He is ready to make it in one step, so as to save money and continue to modulate it.

The fusion of the three biological genes is dominated by elves. After all, elves are the best to fight in terms of appearance. People are visual animals. A group of adventurers encountered an elves and an orc in the wild. , Regardless of the reason, just because the elves are better-looking than the orcs, subconsciously they will turn to the elves instead of the ugly and terrible orcs.

Correspondingly, when the fusion gene is based on the elves, the new species after fusion is no longer a goblin, and it should be called a smart elves more appropriately.

Of course, the adjustment has not yet been completed, and there are more important adjustments and enhancements that have not yet begun. It is a bit early to call the Wisdom Wizard.

First, remove the redundant and useless and redundant genes from the newly fused bloodline, leaving only useful genes, and then strengthen the existing genetic capabilities.

This point is considered familiar with many adjustments to other species in the past, and the elimination was completed smoothly and smoothly.

Then, extract the original talents and specialties of the Wisdom Goblin.

Talents are extraordinary wisdom, time is money, and the afterglow of goblins.

Expertise is Mental Energy genius, ingenuity.

In addition, the sun elves and the moon elves have several talents, namely, children of the sun and children of the moon, spell talent, mental energy genius, archery talent and so on.

And prepared several powerful spells and talents.

This time, Lin Xiao plans to spend a lot of good fortune energy to strengthen the newly adjusted Wisdom Elves to the level of sub-legendary races in one step. Therefore, the upper limit of the talents and specialties that can be accommodated will be very high, and the options will be high. .

It is a pity that it is impossible to directly promote to a legendary species in one step, or that the racial talents of high elves and intelligent goblins cannot be strengthened enough to strengthen to a legendary species.

This must be divided into two steps, first promote to the sub-legendary species, and then get a super powerful and suitable bloodline to fuse into the wisdom elf bloodline, perhaps enabling it to leapfrog that step and promote it to the legendary species.

Refer to the requirements of the Great Naga to be promoted to the legendary species to be sure, this should be a long time later.

Fortunately, the sub-legendary species are also very powerful. In addition, the wisdom goblin has always followed the route of the pure mage. The species level has little restriction on the upper limit of strength. Mage, waiting to become a sub-legendary species, will definitely be able to give birth to a large number of legendary wizards of the eighth and even the ninth order.

Looking across all the talents and specialties, Lin Xiao first looked at the talents exclusive to the wise goblin. Time is the afterglow of money and goblin.

These two talents originated from ancient goblins. Previously, due to the upper limit of the intermediate species of intelligent goblins, they could not continue to be strengthened. Now that there is no such limit, it can be…

“Integrate or strengthen separately?”

Lin Xiao pinched his chin, with several thoughts in his mind.

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