Chapter 427

“Of course, if I’m really exiled to the guilt and exorcism this time, it doesn’t matter whether there is evidence or not, my father will let the entire Zhang family be buried.”

She spoke quietly, her eyes fell on Lin Xiao’s face again, her eyes softened, and she whispered:

“Thank you for saving me.”

He waved his hand, haha ​​laughed:

“It happened that you were by my side and saved you easily. Besides, you are my Big sis, how can I not save you.”

“Hmph, for the sake of a little conscience, I don’t care about you taking advantage of me.”

“Ah, that’s to save you where to take care of your posture in a hurry.”

“Then why did you hold me so tight when you let me down?”

“Ah, is there? When?”

Lin Xiao quickly sacrificed his amnesia Dafa and talked about him. Xie Yufei felt a little funny looking at the man’s appearance.

Before the change, she would definitely show a look of contempt, but after experiencing life and death, she herself did not realize that her eyes were softer, more patient, and even her voice was much softer.

“By the way, where are we going now? Go back to get revenge?”

Lin Xiao rubbed his chin and was quite interested in this.

But she shook her head and said:

“No, don’t take revenge yet. Grandma was almost exiled to the Abyss of Sin. How can this great vengeance be exposed so easily, go back to the fortress first, and wait for this girl to concoct the Zhang family well in the days to come.”


Seeing her gnashing her teeth, he had anticipated what would happen to the Zhang family in the days to come.

Even if I can’t run, I can’t run.

Now that she did it, there was no need for him to intervene. I believe that the almost fallen Xie Yufei will concoct the Zhang family well. He can just spare time to return to his own private crystal wall and think about how to manage this plane group.

“By the way, take care of Captain Li’s family. He was killed in the line of duty anyway. By the way, I would like to talk to Lieutenant Colonel Sun about our experience. It is not convenient to go to AX-14 Crystal Wall Universe.”

“Don’t worry, I will deal with it.”

Separated from the star realm, they returned directly to the Yanhuang No. 5 Super War Fortress.

Speaking of the identity of the son of Gaia is really useful, the main world Gaia will pay much more attention to him than when he was ranked in the deputy ranking of Tianjiao, he was forcibly intercepted halfway through his exile and brought back to the Lord. World astral.

Back in the fortress, Xie Yufei’s incarnation returned to his true body directly.

The floating city in the main gods is still under construction, and the progress has increased a lot compared to the previous time, but Lin Xiao is not very optimistic that the family members can build the floating city.

Among other things, he doesn’t have the most critical Nether core.

Before, he was thinking about whether he could borrow the channel of the Fifth Military Region to get a Nether core. Not long ago, when he chatted with Xie Yufei, the military did not have an extra Nether core.

This kind of super energy core itself is extremely rare. There are simply large energy cores that can drive the floating city, but there is no super energy core that continuously provides energy like perpetual motion machines like the Nether core. This kind of energy can fully play the floating city. The Nether core of the empty city against the true god’s terrifying power, even the Fifth Military Region, has nothing to do with it.

There are quite a few floating cities in the Fifth Military Region, including some super floating cities. In fact, the main garrison fortress of each Crystal Wall Universe is actually the floating city of the main world version. The sub-base fortresses are just large energy cores, plus other energy sources. , So the sub-base fortress cannot be moved.

In theory, it can be said that the many super war fortresses located in subspace are actually a super huge super giant floating city, whose size and power have surpassed the scale of a conventional floating city.

The conditions for the construction of this super war fortress are unknown, and it is certain that not a Nether core can provide energy.

Having said that, the Fifth Military Region currently does not have redundant Nether cores or similar super energy cores. Some of them have been used to build base fortresses, and there are no ready-made ones.

If he wants to, he must wait for a new Nether core to be created. The time is uncertain, and it is estimated that there will be no in a short time.

In Xie Yufei’s words, if you are not in a hurry, just wait for this. If you are in a hurry, you can go to a plane with a floating city to snatch it.

This is obviously impossible. How could he be able to grab the floating city with his current strength? This is equivalent to attacking a base fortress alone, and he definitely doesn’t have that ability now.

Then only wait.

However, when the new Nether core is created, it may not be allocated to him.

Because the teams applying for this thing are all out of 10,000, and many of them are military leaders, even in his capacity, he can’t jump in.

During the period, Lin Xiao had thought about whether he could make it by himself, but he directly ruled out this idea after reading the manufacturing method of Nether Energy.

The so-called Netherite core, the original version comes from the product of the Netheril Empire of the Multiverse Universe of Toril. It turned out to be a super magic device created by the Great Arcanist Gate of the Netherel Empire, which can directly penetrate into Toril. In the magic net of the multi-universe, the most primitive and pure magic power in the magic net is directly extracted, so as to obtain a continuous and inexhaustible magic power.

But that is the Nether core of Toril’s multi-universe. Other crystal wall universes don’t have magic nets. This thing is useless in other universes.

But after getting the Nether Energy Core, the big guys in the main world improved it, changing the extraction target from the magic net to the sea of ​​power in the main world.

In fact, the magic net of Toril Multi-Universe is the sea of ​​Genesis. It is just that the magic goddess of Multi-Universe covers the surface of the sea of ​​Genesis with the magic net, turning the sea of ​​Genesis into the private domain of the god of magic. The previous magical gods that led to Toril’s multi-universe are very powerful gods and have a very important position in the Pantheon.

As long as the previous magic goddess can successfully enshrine gods and master magic clergy, no matter what strength in his lifetime, even mortals, they can instantly be promoted to a strong god-tier power by virtue of the power of the magic net.

In other Crystal Wall Universes, there is no controller in the Sea of ​​Genesis, so you can modify the Nether Energy Core and use it directly.

Speaking of which, although there is also a priesthood of magic in the main world, it is also a strong god-tier position, but the strength is far less powerful than the magic priest in Toril’s multi-universe, and the equality system of the main world does not allow the existence of magic nets.

The manufacture of Nether energy nuclear devices requires a powerful Arcanist, the kind of Arcanist in Toril’s Multi-Universe, as well as various precious materials.

Of course, the materials are not expensive for powerful forces, mainly because it is too difficult to cultivate a great arcanist.

This profession conflicts with the gods. The sons of God’s Domain can work part-time as a mage but not the Great Arcanist. They can only be employed by children of non-God’s Domain.

In the final analysis, don’t think about this stuff for the time being.

However, the construction of the floating city in God’s Domain does not need to stop. Although there is no Nether-energy core, you can build the foundation and shelf of the floating city first, and only wait for the Nether-energy core to be installed on the floating city directly to lift off in the future.

For the next period of time, Lin Xiao stayed in the realm of God, consuming the power of faith every day to open the ancient arena for the family members to fight in order to accumulate combat experience and professional experience.

Regardless of the number and quality of the family members in God’s Domain, they are more than ten times higher than before, and the power of faith accumulated every day is enough to open the ancient arena every day.

In addition, he now began to consciously adjust the terrain of the main divine domain.

As he became the son of Gaia, with feedback from the main world, God’s Domain has begun to grow slowly and automatically.

What’s more, when he is ready to start slowly refining and trading the small crystal wall universe, I believe that the area of ​​God’s Domain will increase rapidly by then.

He had always been allowed to develop freely before, and the space of the main divine realm and the six sub divine realms grew evenly. Now he has to adjust the growth ratio.

Among them, the quota allocated to the main divine realm is 20%, the six branch divine realms each have 10%, and the remaining 20% ​​he plans to open up some small divine realms outside the main divine realm and the six branch divine realms. It is ready to be expanded to a certain area in the future, dedicated to the production of basic resources.

To put it bluntly, it is to develop God’s Domain in the direction of plane groups.

The main plane, the subsidiary large plane, and the subsidiary small plane, the main divine realm provides for the survival of the dependents, and the large and small planes produce resources for support and are self-sufficient.

This is the most ideal state, and it is estimated that it will take a period of time to adjust. The most important thing now is to quickly swallow the small crystal wall universe from the transaction.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao didn’t waste much time in God’s Domain. He checked the return of God’s Domain consciousness and edited a message for Xie Yufei:

“I am going back to my Crystal Wall Universe to observe and set up a business plan. Do you want to go there?”

After looking at it, there is no problem.

“Ding Dong!”

After the message was sent, there was a reply in less than two seconds, and he murmured unexpectedly:

“So fast?”

Turning on the wrist wheel, the name of his girlfriend jumped in front of him.


Quickly answered, a light curtain unfolded, and quickly transformed into the tall and graceful figure of his girlfriend. Her star-like bright pupils were glowing with a coquettish blush. Seeing his exquisite and flawless face, the jade hands clasped his hands and said softly. :

“I am back!”

Lin Xiao asked with joy:

“Where are you?”

“I’m going back to the Lord’s World, and I will soon descend on Fort No. 5.”

“I’ll pick you up on the teleportation platform.”

He couldn’t wait to open the door, and rushed out like the wind.

Soon I came to the transport platform in the fortress, and from a distance I saw a huge beam of light descending from the sky on the platform. The turbulent energy light waves flowed in all directions like a tide, without passing the waiting crowd around the platform.

Lin Xiao looked up at the platform, and as the energy tide slowly dissipated, silhouettes flew in all directions, but his eyes were firmly attracted by one of the tall and exquisite silhouettes.

He beckoned, and the Miao Man figure floated towards him gently, the energy mist dissipated, revealing an extremely charming face that was both disgusting and happy.

Spreading his hands, Miao Man flew down and hugged him in his arms.

Hugging the beauty tightly and turning around, looking down at the face in front of him is dazzlingly beautiful and exquisite. The affection in the faintly glowing pupils makes him fascinated.

At this moment, there is no need to say more, hands clasping the amazingly curved slender waist, Lin Xiao lowered his head and gently kissed the red lips that fascinated him.

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