Chapter 422: The Arrival of the Notary

Time is advancing gradually in the chaos. After the arrival of the human outsiders, the children of nightmare and the children of the spiritual realm will come one after another, and the whole plane is becoming more and more chaotic.

There are a lot of these outsiders, and most of them don’t talk about the distance. They start to grab the territory as soon as they arrive, conflict with the existing descendants or the local indigenous people, and the war is frequent.

And all this has nothing to do with Lin Xiao. The Alfonso Kingdom itself is remote and located at the southernmost tip of the mainland. Most of these descendants are directly descended from the three empires within the mainland. Large groups of descendants descend in this area in order to compete for territory. Fight hard.

Among them, the most injured was naturally the Sacred Church. Two of the three empires were basically out of the control of the Sacred Church. Among them, the Sacred Church faith in the Sarnos Empire collapsed completely and was divided by many descendants.

As the competition continues to expand, more and more descendants are coming, many of which are from other regions of the Totem Continent.

Most of them came to share the power of faith, but a small part came with other purposes.

As there are too many people, and the territory is not divided enough, naturally someone will hit the Alfonso Kingdom, where there is no war, and want to divide several provinces.

It’s just that they were easily suppressed by local troops in various provinces before they even started, and many of them were killed directly.

But this still aroused the interest of many people, even if many people suppressed it on the spot, some people still came over.

And none of these reached Lin Xiao’s side, and Alfonso had already dealt with it.

The Cathedral of Life, the sanctuary.

“Huh, it’s finally done!”

Seeing the golden rune on the surface of the space godhead in front of him, Lin Xiao let out a sigh of relief.

It took him a full eight months to initially refine the seal rune on the surface of the godhead. The next step is the most critical step.

But before that, he left the cathedral temporarily, first summoned all the core believers to tell something, and then wrote a letter to Lisa.

Not long after Lisa rushed over, she was taken aback when she saw him for the first time. She looked up and down with her beautiful eyes, wondering:

“You are……. Seems to be different.”

He smiled, beckoned her to sit down in front of her, and said:

“It’s a little different, and it’s also related to calling you here.”

She sat down generously in front of him, looked at him carefully, and said:

“Are you promoted to Lord Totem?”

He shook his head:

“No, but it’s the last step. I have something to tell you before that.”

“Well, I’m listening.”

Lin Xiao turned around and took out a small box with an exquisite appearance from behind. When he opened it was a golden statue with a milky white halo. Lisa’s eyes lit up when she saw it:

“What a strong power of faith.”

He pushed the box over and said:

“After a while, this plane will undergo earth-shattering changes. You’d better leave this plane immediately.”

She changed a little and asked:

“Are you going to prepare?”

He didn’t nod, but didn’t shake his head either, just said:

“Don’t ask too much, the power of faith accumulated above is enough for you to use the Totem Lord.”

“It seems to be true, that’s okay, I’ll listen to you.”

She was not polite, put away the box, raised her eyes and looked at him beautifully, suddenly smiled and leaned forward:

“Seeing you still have a conscience, I will make you feel good again.”


Seeing the shadow disappear, Lin Xiao recalled the wonderful taste just now, chuckled, and withdrew his mind.

The processing is basically done, and the next step is to officially start to develop the totem Realm.

Ordering the church to prepare, Lin Xiao once again returned to the Cathedral of Life.

Calm and calm, the consciousness sinks to the sea of ​​knowledge, an ancient pure gold tree is undulating in the sea of ​​consciousness, and circles of golden light waves undulate up and down around the ancient golden tree, ready to take off.

In the past eight months, he was not only refining the godhead, but also preparing for the development of Realm. Now he has already reached the final step.

Taking a deep breath, his mind moved, and the golden waves that had been ready for a long time swelled sharply, and several strands merged into one, mixed with an invisible wave gushing from the ancient golden tree, forming a tear. The dark golden light wave in the space slowly expands around the golden ancient tree.

Every time the dark golden light wave expands, Lin Xiao feels that his own soul and will are also expanding and becoming stronger.

This dark golden light wave expanding with the golden ancient tree as the center is the newly opened Realm edge, and all the dark golden light waves pass through are the newly opened Realm.

The dark golden light wave is the power produced by mixing his Mental Energy and the power of faith. The more you expand outward, the power is gradually consumed. Once it is exhausted, it is the limit of Realm’s range.

Lin Xiao did not pay attention to the expansion of this dark golden light wave, his will was retracted when the light wave expanded to a certain point, and landed on the godhead rolled up by the golden branches above the ancient golden tree. He took a deep breath, and his thoughts moved. The seal rune began to burn.

And as soon as this last seal rune burned, a powerful law that was far beyond the previous wave surged out, rushing in all directions like a tide, and quickly passed the dark golden light wave that opened up the Realm and flew to the distance that can only be seen on the spiritual level.

From the outside, an invisible wave swept across Lin Xiao, who was sitting on the metal magic circle platform, and sank into the surrounding walls.

At this moment when invisible fluctuations emerged, the distant center of the Sacred Empire’s imperial capital, the Sacred Cathedral surrounded by the halo formed by the power of the creamy white faith suddenly sounded an angry roar, followed by the infinite power of faith that permeated the holy capital. The center of the church converged into an angel of light exuding awe-inspiring power, holding a huge lightsaber and pointing to the distance:

“Here, holy war!”

The mighty Sacred empire was boiled up by this divine metaphor. As the empire where the headquarters of the Sacred church is located, the emperor is the highest authority in the empire and the pope of the Sacred church.

After entering the St. Capital’s Cathedral to personally communicate with the God of Sacred, the Pope issued the highest order of jihad in the history of the church.

At the same time, a shocking news was released to all forces across the continent:

“A heresy is about to become a god!”

The whole plane was shocked by the news, that is, it was a heated discussion.

“You mean someone wants to be promoted to Lord Totem on this plane?”

One of the newcomer leaders of human descendants, Lei Yi looked at his men in surprise, wondering:

“Do you know who it is?”

He pinched his chin and nodded:

“Although the Sacred Church has not yet determined who it is, it points to the south of the mainland, and the most powerful force in the south, the most likely person is Rohr, who occupies the Kingdom of Alfonso. If there is no accident, it should be him.”

“You said before this person that the strongest descendant of the plane robbed a kingdom of the power of faith accumulated for thousands of years, and occupied another kingdom. As long as the promotion resources are sufficient, it will indeed be promoted to the Totem Lord soon.”

“Well, it was a difficult choice.”

He looked up to the south, rubbing his chin with his hands and his eyes flickered, not knowing what he was thinking.

The entire plane boiled up because of this announcement, whether it was the descendants of humans, the children of nightmare and the children of the spirit realm, they were all shocked by this news.

While everyone else was discussing whether to participate, whether to watch a play or to get involved, the kingdoms of Finland and Sardinia, located on the border of Alfonso, responded to the call of the Sacred Church and declared war on the Kingdom of Alfonso at the same time.

The garrison located on the border immediately sent a large number of spies into the territory of Alfonso, and soon lost track.

The Alfonso Empire neither attacked nor retreated, and the border remained the same.

Half a month later, with the help of the Sacred Church, the two kingdoms assembled a legion of more than 20,000 at a speed never seen before. They agreed to gather at the junction of the two countries, and at the same time several children of nightmare and children of the spirit realm. The army also gathered here in response to the call of jihad.

Although they are also descendants, as long as they do not preach, they will not be rejected.

But this is not the most radical. Outside the city of Dell, a caravan from abroad is slowly approaching the city of Dell. More than a dozen sons of spirits dressed as merchants looked at the tall city wall and squinted slightly to hide the light in their eyes. The Son of Spiritual Realm whispered:

“After entering the city, first go to the palace and kill the king to create chaos, and then assassinate the human descendant. He is not the Totem Lord now and cannot stop our siege.”

The convoy slowly approached the gate of the city along with the flow of people. The soldiers at the gate checked one by one. When it was about their turn, one of the sons of the spirit realm suddenly saw a small pavilion at the gate of the city. Several pastors of the Church of Life and Wisdom stood in the pavilion. One of the pastors is staring here, and they have a bad feeling in their hearts.

Soon it was their turn. Before the soldiers checked, the priest stood up and whispered a few words to his companions and walked over here. A group of priests and church knights with hammers or staff walked over with a bad face.

More than a dozen sons of the spirit realm did not understand that they were exposed. They were quite puzzled, but they couldn’t understand. They turned around and looked around. One of them flashed a vicious color in his eyes, and said cruelly:

“Kill all the people at the gate of the city and evacuate.”

As he spoke with a low growl, the whole person swelled rapidly, and quickly turned into a little black-skinned giant. The two arms quickly swelled and bifurcated, and turned into dozens of twenty to thirty meters long tentacles flying out of the surrounding area. Marveled civilians.

Several pastors were also taken aback when they saw this. Someone immediately rang the gong at the city gate and shouted:

“There is Devil eating people, beware!”

Hearing this voice, the son of the spiritual realm who started his hands became even more angry, and stretched out his arm with seven or eight rolled tentacles and pierced towards the priest.

“Shield of Faith!”

A layer of light shield formed, seven or eight tentacles pierced the light shield and made a muffled sound, and Juli directly smashed people into the air.

Another son of the spirit domain tore off the black cloth covering his eyes, his eyes burned quickly, and two small pillars of flame sprayed out dozens of meters to hit another soldier, directly piercing the armor on his body, but immediately there was another priest. Use a shield of faith to block it.

“Divine Art?”

There was a hint of surprise on the blue and black face of the son of the spirit realm:

“How can this be?”

There was a haze in his heart and a bad feeling.

As soon as my thoughts fell, I heard a huge vibration in the city, like the sound of human footsteps, followed by a huge head rising from above.

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