Chapter 417

The seventh-ranked prince used to be inconspicuous, but he did not know how to get support in this storm. He defeated several brothers in one fell swoop, occupied six provinces in one fell swoop, and became the third powerful force in the empire in one fell swoop. .

The church also smelled an unusual aura from the chaos, and did not dare to transfer the local church’s force away, and the situation on the plane froze for a while.

This is good news for Lin Xiao. The more chaotic the world, the longer the delay, the better it will be for him. This will give him enough time to make more adequate preparations.

On this day, Lin Xiao met an acquaintance again in the Wisdom Cathedral.

Xinhuo and several companions clenched their right hands and pressed them to their chests, and gave a slight salute to the figure sitting on the throne above the hall, and said in a deep voice:

“Have not seen for many years, the Rohr brothers have become stronger and stronger.”

Lin Xiao’s eyes swept over Xinhuo, and then landed on a slim and beautiful figure beside him. He smiled and nodded when he saw a mole on her eyebrows:

“Lisa Miss, it’s been a long time since I saw you.”

This beauty is Lisa who met at the landing base at the time, and she said with a complicated expression at this time:

“Jin Lin is originally a creature in the pool, and it will transform into a dragon when you encounter wind and cloud. I didn’t expect Luo Er to have such a good fortune after you descended into this world. Now you are the strongest in the entire plane.”

Lin Xiao said with a smile:

“Of course, the faith of an entire kingdom belongs to me, of course it will be stronger.”

Several people showed envious expressions, and Xin Huo asked:

“Brother Roll, are you planning to take the path of belief in the gods?”

Lin Xiao pretended to smile wryly, raised his hands, the power of life emerged, and said:

“There is nothing on this plane. The power of faith can replace the power of the gods, but there are no other things that light up the talent. I can only take the road of belief in the gods with the strength of Ascension.”

Nodding clearly:

“It’s really a pity. If there is no God of Sacred, you can still collect the power of faith and use it after leaving the plane. It’s a pity.”

Lin Xiao shook his head and said:

“There is no if in the world, and if I can, I won’t stand here anymore.”

Turning the conversation, he asked:

“By the way, Brother Jinhuo came this time because of???”

Xinhuo smiled:

“I’m here this time, I want to ask Brother Roll to send troops.”

Before Lin Xiao could speak, Xin Huo stretched out his hands and said:

“Brother Rohr first listen to me before deciding whether to send troops.”

He paused, then sat down and listened again.

“Maybe the Rohr brothers have guessed it. Now the internal strife of the Sarnos Empire has our own strength, and our supporter is the Seven Princes. Now the Sarnos Empire is in a tripartite state and needs external forces to break the deadlock, so I This time I was entrusted by Brother Chao to come to see Brother Rolle…”

“Wait a moment.”

Lin Xiao interrupted him directly and said:

“Speaking of the main point, what benefits can I get? You must know that I am so far from the Sarnos Empire and need to expedition across a country. If the benefits are insufficient, please forgive me for not being able to agree.”

In fact, he didn’t want to agree at all, just as he said on a cross-country expedition, joking.

But there is no way to refuse directly, so I can only put the ugly words first.

However, Xinhuo’s confident expression on his face made him a little confused.

Xinhuo said:

“Before talking about the conditions, let me tell Brother Rohr a secret. When a plane’s will is awakened and the elemental tide is surging, if there is enough strength to force the elemental tide and expand the scale of the surging, when it reaches a certain point, you can The basic rules of the bottom layer of the Universe are briefly shaken. At this time, the crystal walls of the Universe will fluctuate slightly, resulting in very small cracks. At this time, the inside of the Universe can communicate with the outside of the Universe for a short time.”

Speaking of this, Xin Huo looked at Lin Xiao and said in a seductive tone:

“Brothers Rohr may not know what this means, which means that we can briefly break through the blockade of this totem universe to communicate with Gaia’s will, thereby establishing a Gaia node.”

“Once the Gaia node is successfully established, the feedback from Gaia’s will will increase our physical strength and gain unimaginable benefits. If the true body is a demigod, if you are willing to be a god, no matter your level, Even if it’s just a child of the ordinary God’s Domain, the feedback from Gaia’s will is enough to fill all your previous flaws, instantly consecrate the gods, and the potential will never be worse than those of the elites of higher institutions.”

Xinhuo talked eloquently, and his tone was full of temptation. To be honest, if it was someone else, it would make him easily fooled.

But Lin Xiao didn’t listen to him fooling around, but waited for him to tell the truth before asking a question that pointed to the core of the problem:

“If I send troops, what can I get?”

After a pause, he said:

“If you send troops, you alone will get half of all our gains on this plane when things happen in the future, and everyone can help you unify the surrounding countries and expand the scope of your beliefs, how about it?”

“anything else?”

Lin Xiao opened his mouth slightly and felt a little unhappy in his heart.

However, Xinhuo was also taken aback for a while, and said:

“Is this not enough?”


He expressed his negative expression blankly.

Are you kidding me, is this a good thing? This is totally treating him as a fool.

Need them around the unity? He can do it himself, it just takes a little time.

Half of all gains after the incident? After the incident, he will occupy more territory and gains than they combined. If he develops better then, is it possible that he will return a part of it to them at that time?

And the most important thing is that he didn’t mention a word about the core interests. If whoever counts the first to establish the Gaia node, the core interests are not mentioned at all, obviously there is no sincerity.

Lin Xiaoqiang endured the urge to scold his mother and said:

“I’m sorry, I’m not interested in this.”

After speaking, no one spoke in the hall, and it was extremely quiet.

Xinhuo’s face was a bit ugly, but he had nothing to say for a while, and said with a dry smile for a while:

“Brother Rohr really don’t think about it? If it feels less, we can discuss it again.”

At this moment, a companion behind him said displeasedly:

“Fifty percent of the income is not enough, you are too greedy, are you going to take it all?”

Lin Xiao glanced at the person who was speaking. He didn’t know the Gaia node clearly when he looked at him. If he didn’t know that his thoughts were normal, if he knew it, it would be just as bad.

No matter what they said, Lin Xiao shook his head firmly and vetoed:

“Humans are not for themselves, the heavens are extinct. I have finally had the current site now. If I can help if not far away, I will help you, but now it is impossible for me to pay a huge price to help you internationally.”

After a pause, Lin Xiao continued without waiting for them to speak:

“Just like the regulations in the Adventist organization, the prerequisite for mutual help and mutual assistance is not to affect the interests of others, and within your own ability, your requirements are beyond my ability and will have a huge impact on my interests, so I It is reasonable to refuse.”

Several people had nothing to say at this time, and the other female descent from the team and Lisa Beauty hadn’t spoken even more, even if they hadn’t followed the lobby before, they didn’t seem to be the same person.

He said that, and Xinhuo naturally had nothing to say, and he spread out his hands with a dry smile:

“Now that’s the case, that’s a pity, then let’s talk about some other things.”

After a few words, Xinhuo’s face quickly became normal, as if the displeasure had never happened before, he said:

“Now that the Rohr brothers cannot send troops, whether we can sell us some supplies, we pay to buy them.”

Lin Xiao did not immediately agree, but asked first:

“I don’t know what supplies you want to buy?”

“One thousand potions for giant beasts, five hundred potions for strengthening giant beasts, two hundred for giants…”

“Wait a moment.”

Lin Xiao interrupted him directly:

“Five hundred potions for giant beasts, 50 potions for strengthening giant beasts, the mixture of giants is gone, not to mention the mixture of high-level giants, I ran out of such good things long ago.”

What’s the joke? He opened his mouth with a thousand behemoth potions and 500 fortified behemoth potions. How could he give so much assassin that allowed him to crush the native kingdom? Isn’t this just causing trouble for himself?

“Five hundred copies is too small, nine hundred copies.”

“Only five hundred copies, not many.”

Lin Xiao patiently explained:

“This kind of good stuff can be stored so much is already very good, I have to keep some for my own use, what should I do if I give it all to you?”

“But five hundred is too little. I’ll go back, how about eight hundred?”

“five hundred.”

“Then seven hundred?”

“five hundred.”

“Brother Rohr, I have retreated from nine hundred to the present, you also let one step, how about six hundred?”

“five hundred.”

Pay fire….

“Well, five hundred is five hundred, you can really do business.”

“No, I don’t know how to do business. Mainly, I really only have so many, and I won’t have any more.”

Two days later, after seeing Xinhuo and another Adventist leaving with a box, Lin Xiao turned around and said to Lisa and the other Adventist:

“Go, I’ll take you to see my cathedral.”

The two of them didn’t leave with Xinhuo, this time they came with Xinhuo, and they themselves came to Lin Xiao.

It’s not that they are working under him, but that their previous subordinates and the site have died in the continuous melee. Now they are the two bachelor commanders. In addition, both of them are girls. They are not as interested in war as men, so discuss it. Later decided to come here and ask him for a mission.

They only have the right to mission, do not need territory, and will not build an army. They are prepared to ignore the affairs of the plane, concentrate on preaching and collect some power of faith to replace the power of the gods. After leaving this plane, they only need to collect enough to light up their talents. Materials can quickly Ascension strength become an official totem division.

As long as he doesn’t have other thoughts, Lin Xiao welcomes him, and he doesn’t skimp on a site.

The last province that the kingdom conquered was demarcated, the pastor sent before was withdrawn, and the two of them were divided into two as missionary areas.

It is only a mission area, and the government agencies in the province have not changed.

He was not afraid of their thoughts, no matter what, as long as the military power was in his hands, no matter what thoughts he had, he would not be able to overcome the storm. This law

Of course, they really don’t have any other thoughts, they just want to find a safe place to save some power of faith.

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