Chapter 415 Return to the Family Plane

This wave of gains, I am afraid that most true gods will not be able to reach it, and he can obtain it with a demigod, which is very outrageous.

In other words, every senior who can become a son of Gaia has had a miraculous experience like this time.

No, to be more accurate than him, after all, those seniors can’t open the hook.

But maybe, this experience is really outrageous. Normally, it’s really not something that people can do. Maybe people can also open it.

But no matter what, the benefits are already in hand, and it’s over with stealing pleasure.

Immediately afterwards, there was the third reward from Gaia’s will, a fourth-level treasure.

At this moment, he felt the light of the whole world converging in front of him, quickly condensing into a light ball, and soon the light ball successfully condensed, the light slowly dissipated, revealing a looming… Libra in the light ball?

This is a balance formed by the convergence of streamers. If you look closely, there are streamers flowing back and forth. On the crystal plates on the left and right ends of the balance, there is a group of transparent streamers that seem to be changing back and forth. Mysterious rune condensed composition.

Relics: Balance Libra (the top-tier relics of Tier 4)

Passive effect 1: Load into God’s Domain, all attributes of all dependents +5.

Passive effect two: balance the advantage, load it into the domain of God, every time a friendly army enters a disadvantage in a battle, all attributes are +2 to +20 points.

Passive effect three: balance the disadvantages, load it into the domain of God, every time the enemy enters the advantage in the battle, all attributes are -2 to -20 points.

Active effect 4: Balance trial, a trial based on balance is implemented on a target. If the target violates the trial conditions, it will be judged by the Lord of Balance.

Note: Each trial of a target requires a minimum of 10,000 units of divine power based on the equal strength of both parties and the divine power consumption related to the trial result.

It was unexpected and reasonable. The balance Libra should be bestowed on the basis of Lin Xiao’s choice of the balance rule. In the entire main world, he is the only one who can best display the strength of this top treasure.

With the law of balance, he will have a huge effect bonus when he uses this balance scale.

However, the attributes of this top-level treasure are destined to be a passive treasure. The last active skill is not only limited in use, and the huge consumption of divine power is destined not to be commonly used in the early stage, but it will be very easy to use when the divine power is abundant in the future.

Collecting the treasures, Lin Xiao looked at the fourth reward from Gaia’s Will.

When he looked at the reward, his pupils involuntarily shrank, and the next second his face showed an irresistible joy.

The fourth reward is a species adjustment authority.

With the power of the main world, choose one of the family members to accept the adjustments specified by him.

The meaning is very clear, he chooses one of his own family members and accepts the strengthening of the main world, it’s that simple.

This does not need to be chosen, what other choice is needed, of course it is the big naga.

Now his big naga is a sub-legendary species, only one step away from the true legendary species, and this step would have to consume a huge amount of good fortune energy to be able to do it, and also take a huge risk, now it can be a direct step. In place, this made Lin Xiao very happy, and excitedly took out the dragon blood inheritance system and the dragon language magic system of the dragon clan that existed before.

To say that the method of adjusting the great naga and the good fortune energy Lin Xiao has, but the key is that the fusion of these two dragon systems will alarm the nine-faced dragon god, and he is not sure that he can withstand the anger of this great god-tier force.

The Nine-faced Dragon God’s anger has been angered by the previous integration of the Dragon Race’s evolution system to the Great Naga’s bloodline, and each subsequent fusion will anger the Nine-faced Dragon God, and its anger will only become stronger and stronger. If there are two remaining All systems have been stolen, and I am afraid that the nine-faced dragon god will directly enter the main world.

With the strength of the nine-faced dragon god, I am afraid that no one in the main world can stop this violent existence, and even the great god-tier guarded by the main world cannot stop that one.

Of course, the main world has the home court advantage, and there are so many great existences, the Nine-faced Dragon God will definitely not be able to enter.

However, at that time, it was certain that the main world would thoroughly investigate why the nine-faced dragon god was furious, and he was even more afraid that if the power of the main world could communicate with the nine-faced dragon god, it would be troublesome.

He believes that the main world will not compromise, but he will definitely find out what is going on. Internal inspections, as long as Gaia’s will cooperate, it is easy to find him. At that time, God knows what will happen.

So Lin Xiao now holds enough good fortune energy, but he has not dared to continue making it, just because he is afraid.

But now he is not afraid. Now that he, as the son of Gaia, has made such a feat, Gaia will take the initiative to give him a chance to make a modulation, which is equivalent to the main world taking the initiative to help him with all the troubles. No need for nothing, he hurriedly took two copies The dragon clan system offered it, silently reciting the own request in his heart.

Yes, he didn’t want Gaia Will to modulate, but only let Gaia Will separate the two dragon system and the connection between the Nine Faces Dragon God and bear the anger of the Nine Faces Dragon God.

How to make specific adjustments, he plans to do it himself.

After all, only oneself knows the own thing better, and only when you make it yourself can you fully release its potential.

When he took out the two dragon power systems and handed them out in the form of balls of light, he clearly felt that the main world… was imperceptibly stuck, but there was no other reaction, and the two balls of light disappeared.

Then, there was nothing. He stayed in the star realm of the main world. It was impossible to know the situation outside the world. He didn’t know if the Nine-faced Dragon God had run away. He only knew that after a long time, Gaia’s will has been completely divided. Give him the dragon power system that removes the imprint of the nine-faced dragon god’s will.

Then, he hastily handed him the fifth reward, which was the first work reward, an opportunity that is not available for use now but that many strong god-tier powers dream of.

In other words, permission, a promise.

This thing is useless now. It can only follow the main world to explore the totem civilization. Once it can be completely captured in the distant future, Gaia will devour the totem civilization will, merge the totem civilization, and then discuss the merits and deeds to consume and conquer the totem civilization. All the gains obtained are calculated.

Naturally, the greater the gain, the more valuable this first work is, and if you reach a certain point, you will get a chance to leapfrog that step.

Many powerful people are so eager for this opportunity, it is precisely because they can see the value of totem civilization that they look forward to it.

With the authority in hand, he had not had time to study anything. He left the star realm and reappeared in the Yanhuang No. 5 Super War Fortress. Xie Yufei waited by the side, seeing him reappear and asked with a smile:

“How about, is the reward from Gaia rich?”

He did not hide the joy on his face and replied:

“Unexpectedly rich!”

“You are making a lot of money!”

She patted him on the shoulder and said:

“Come with me, there are still good things for you next.”

“There is still something good?”

He wondered:

“What else is there?”

Xie Yufei’s pretty face was close at hand, her exquisite face was so sassy and heroic, extremely seductive, she didn’t seem to be aware of this, and she smiled and said to him:

“Of course it’s a reward for meritorious deeds. You belong to an officer in this theater. The previous arrival was regarded as a military operation. You made such a credit for opening up the Gaia node, and naturally you are promoted to your military rank.”

Speaking of this, her delicate face showed a trace of depression and said:

“According to the General Military Rank Manual, the impact factor of your behavior involves the entire main world, not just your own military district, so your merits will be greater than you expected, so don’t be surprised when that happens.”

Lin Xiao frowned and said:

“Unexpectedly big? How big? Is it bigger than you?”

His gaze fell involuntarily on the huge outline and the attractive curve of her fit uniform restraint, and he subconsciously pursed his lips.

She quickly noticed his salty and wet gaze. Liu raised his eyebrows and slapped him on the back of his head.

“What are you looking at.”

“I found out that you are also such a man, brother, you disappointed Big sis too much.”

Lin Xiao held his head and looked aggrieved:

“Big sis you are so good-looking, how can I bear it.”

“Huh, that’s not allowed.”

Turning around, his eyebrows were raised, the corners of his mouth were slightly bent into crescents and he left.

He shrugged and followed obediently.

Next, he was arranged in an independent military camp in the fortress, waiting for the results of the high level of the military district to discuss.

According to Xie Yufei, the senior management has not yet determined his rank and position. He is still arguing. He has to wait a while.

She didn’t say exactly what she was arguing for, but she told him that no matter what she was arguing, she would not treat him badly.

This independent barracks is obviously dedicated to senior officers. It has an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters in the fortress military area. There is also a small training field, a squad of guards, full-time drivers, etc., which makes him uncomfortable.

Before the rank was determined, Lin Xiao hung up the Do Not Disturb sign outside the door, instructing the guards not to disturb him unless there was something important, and he sank back to his own domain.

As soon as he returned to God’s Domain, his eyes were quickly attracted by the huge city in the main God’s Domain that encompassed the entire God’s Domain.

It was a very huge fortress city, a huge fortress formed by connecting a huge main city with eight smaller satellite cities around it.

The whole body of the fortress is made of hard granite, and even the floor is covered with a layer of granite that is not known how thick. The outermost wall of the city is more than fifty meters wide and hundreds of meters high. It is completely a small mountain range. At the southern end of the fortress, with wisdom A large group of wizards headed by the goblin leader Alemante are jointly casting spells, pulling the earth up, fossilizing the clay into the shape of the city wall, and then using the mud-to-stone spell into the overall city wall structure.

Then another group of wizards carved complicated formation patterns on the hard rock city wall behind them, and used magic techniques to strengthen the city wall.

But this was not what shocked Lin Xiao the most. What shocked him most was the many mage towers distributed in the main fortresses and satellite fortresses of this fortress group.

Lin Xiao had already obtained the blueprint of the Mage Tower long ago. After so many years of exploration, he finally started to build the foundation of the Mage Tower on a large scale by himself.

Yes, except for a few archmages, most of the archmages’ mages

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