Chapter 411

Once the Gaia node is successfully established, it doesn’t matter to him the next step. Whether the avatar continues to stay in this world or return, it doesn’t matter if it is destroyed by the angry Totem will, anyway, he has already done what he has to do.

Of course, it would be better to continue to preserve it. After all, it took him so much effort and effort, and consumed a lot of good fortune energy. It is a pity that it is gone.

It’s just that these are not determined by his will. Whether he can survive or not is really only a matter of good fortune.

As the connection with the avatar became clearer and clearer, Lin Xiao could sense the monstrous anger and terrifying coercion that came with the avatar.

Totem Universe, the vast void rippled, suddenly the void arched in the center of the ripples, and quickly expanded into a big bag, accompanied by a roar, a pair of huge and incomparable black claws pierced the void and drilled out of it.

This is a pair of pliers that look like pliers, but they are tens of kilometers in size. They are aimed at the void and smashed down. With a’boom’, the void oscillates. Numerous spatial cracks rupture centered on the smashing place, slowly revealing the next one under the void. A huge figure of a behemoth.

This is a huge black beast with a height of hundreds of kilometers. It looks like a giant scorpion standing up. The black and reflective carapace has huge hollow holes, and thick black smoke is ejected from the giant scorpion. The soles of the feet formed a circle of black smoke clouds with a diameter of seven to eight hundred kilometers, and there were faintly distorted faces of countless creatures roaring and roaring in the black smoke.

The giant scorpion appeared in the void not far from the plane, slowly approaching the plane with a single eye glowing with an unknown red light.

As the existence of this horror approaches, the flowing void around is disturbed by this and has signs of stagnation.

In the plane, Lin Xiao’s incarnation frowned and slowly raised his head.

At the same time, several nightmare children led the jihadists to rest in a small town that had just been captured. They chatted fiercely. Suddenly one of them seemed to sense something looking up at the sky. The rice bowl in his hand fell for a long while, and the rice fell to pieces. At one place, several other Nightmare Children who were chatting raised their heads subconsciously when they heard the sound.


Several nightmare children stood up with their mouths open, and murmured in an incredible tone for a while:

“Gosh, I’m not mistaken, am I?”

In the distant Sarnos imperial capital, Brother Chao and others stood on the palace terrace, looking at the sky with a gray face:

“I think we are dying.”

“This is impossible!”

Xinhuo shouted in surprise and inconceivability:

“How is this possible, how can such a powerful existence come?”

Brother Chao smiled bitterly:

“It seems that things are more interesting than we thought. It’s a miscalculation, brothers, give up everything and go. If you want to go later, you won’t be able to go.”

Turn around and leave after speaking.

The others looked at each other and turned to keep up with the glass in their hands.

Before long, the metal platform at the edge of the crystal wall of the plane lighted up, and several beams of light rose into the sky, revealing the six descendants such as Brother Chao.

The six saw the metal platform that was already a little slanted, and the dozen or so Nightmare Children who had returned on the platform. At this time, everyone was dumbfounded and gasped at the huge giant scorpion demon god in the distant void.

“This should be a Totem King!”

Although he looks like a giant scorpion demon god, the giant scorpion demon god does not exude the chaos and rage of monsters. It should be the road to the totem that has reached the late stage and is promoted to the totem king. The flesh, the totem and the Realm are three. They merged into one to form the appearance of this totem, specializing in the real body of the Demon God, which is the opposite of taking the road of Realm.

If they can go all the way to this point, they may also embark on this path.

This giant scorpion demon god did not know where the Crystal Wall Will came from. The huge size is comparable to some small planes. As he slowly approaches, his existence alone has affected the mortal world and is already interfering. To the surging elemental tide.

Lin Xiao’s incarnation could naturally see this scene, and just by sensing it from a distance, he knew that he could not be the opponent of this giant scorpion demon god.

This guy is not just an ordinary Totem King, it should be a Resource Totem King that has been promoted for a long time, even if he is promoted to the real Totem King step by step, let alone a fake now.

However, it doesn’t matter whether you can fight or not now, it’s already too late, and it’s too late for the arrival of this giant scorpion demon god.

This is not because villain must be able to stop the protagonist in a movie novel because the plot requires that villain must be able to stop the protagonist in time, to set off the protagonist’s Niubi. There is no such thing in reality. Either it caught up with it early, or it just missed it.

But right now is a step slower. When this giant scorpion demon god resists the plane’s instinctive resistance and forcibly touches the crystal wall of the plane, amid the deafening thunderbolt of the clear sky, Lin Xiao’s will uses the energy of the huge array of the plane fortress to forcibly break through. The connection in the incarnation communicated to the incarnation of own.

At the moment of communication with the avatar, the abnormal energy fluctuations on the outer crystal wall of the Totem Crystal Wall Universe suddenly exploded. A gray energy sprayed out thousands of meters high into the void like a fountain, and then rapidly shrunk after a second.

At the moment of communication, Lin Xiao quickly communicated Gaia’s will through the authority he had.

At the same time, all the strong god-tier forces that were prepared for a long time shot at the same time, and the terrifying power distorted the void. Lin Xiao only felt that his own will and all senses were all distorted at this moment, followed by an incomparably angry roar.

When the distorted senses were restored, he had completely restored the connection with the avatar, and all the memories of the experience accumulated during the arrival of the avatar were all recovered in an instant.

If he wants to, he can take the avatar back instantly.

But he can’t do this, and of course he can’t do it now. Now his incarnation still needs to play a role in positioning. If it is retracted, the totem crystal wall on the other side will immediately seal the gap that has just been opened.

What he has to do now is to wait for the Gaia will, which has been temporarily deprived of his control over this avatar, to come to him and suppress the will of the totem crystal wall. The strong existence of the totem world ensures that the channel can be successfully fixed.

Yes, he can no longer control the own avatar, because the coming Gaia will has descended on his avatar, temporarily taking over this avatar, he can’t do anything.

However, this is his incarnation after all, and Gaia’s will has not completely stripped his incarnation. Therefore, his true body will can still be connected to the incarnation, and he can obtain the memory of the incarnation…. To be precise, it is Gaia. The mystery of the laws contained in the will.

I don’t know if it is a reward for him, the will that Gaia’s will come this time completely releases all restrictions on him. He can get everything that Gaia’s will carries like communicating with the incarnation to obtain all the experiences and memories of the incarnation.

This scene is like when the deity gets the feedback from the origin of the universe when he swims in the origin sea of ​​the universe at the moment when the deity enshrines the gods, he can freely absorb the laws and mysteries contained in the origin sea and feedback himself.

At this moment, Lin Xiao’s true body was wrapped in a layer of crystal light flowing with profound fluctuations, and the mysterious fluctuations that radiated made Jin Sisi and Xie Yufei on the side envious.

But envy is envious, Jin Sisi still remembers her teacher’s responsibility, and her divine power is absorbed into Lin Xiao’s ears:

“This is an incredible opportunity. This is the reward of Gaia’s Will to you. It is at this time to ignite the sacred fire. Pay attention, first try your best to absorb the secrets of the law of feedback from Gaia’s volition. Don’t rush to ignite the sacred fire.”

Lin Xiao heard her voice, her nervous mood calmed down, and she felt relieved to absorb the secrets of the law.

With the constant flow of Law of Origin and Sea being harvested, Lin Xiao suddenly found that he had obtained his third priesthood-life.

It is estimated that it is the feedback from the avatar and the golden tree totem. His understanding of the law of life is soaring rapidly as he continuously absorbs the feedback given by Gaia’s will, and quickly breaks through the 5% boundary.

It is difficult for other demigods up to the Conferred Gods to have more than 5% of the understanding of the law. With the feedback of Gaia’s will, they can easily break through this boundary and continue to grow.

And the two main laws of creation and truth that he owns are increasing at a faster rate, and the rapid growth rate makes him feel a little palpitating.

But what surprised him even more was the newly-born fifth real name. Feedback from Gaia’s will made him successfully birth the fifth real name, and this real name made him feel a little incredible, but it was taken for granted.

Real name: Cyberlux Meyer Io Ober Gaia.

That’s right, he obtained Gaia, the same real name byte as the main human world.

And this real name byte has only one meaning, that is, the identity of the son of Gaia. Since the history of the main human world, any son of Gaia has possessed the real name byte of Gaia.

In other words, when his incarnation successfully communicated with the real body to open this totem crystal wall universe like a tortoise shell, allowing the main world to occupy an absolute advantage in the competition with the nightmare world and the spiritual civilization, Gaia will recognize his credit. He was given the identity of the son of Gaia.

Acquiring his real name in Section 5, his mastery of the law of the priesthood greatly increased, and his mastery of the priesthood of life, corresponding to his divinity also skyrocketed.

The original divine value was one hundred and four points, but at this time it was already as high as one hundred and thirty-five points, and it was still growing.

Usually refining dozens of points of divinity can not increase a unit, at this time, like a tripped water meter, it continues to rise soaring, and the speed of this rise feels like it is worthless. A jump is a few points.

But thinking of the significance of his behavior this time, these rewards are completely normal.

God interface:

Username: Lin Xiao (citizen number txwd542154895147)

Real name: Cyberlux Meyer Io Ober Gaia.

Name of God: God of Truth and Creation

Godhead: None

Clergy: 11.5% truth, 18.42% creation, 8.14% life.

Divinity: 233 points.

Surefire: It has been ignited.

Supernatural power: 269481.

Divinity Transcendent power: Transcendent prediction technique LV5, reproduction, small judgment technique.

Kingdom of God: Kingdom of Rubik’s Cube.

Denomination: The Church of Truth.

Believers: Shura Big Naga, Little Naga, Wisdom Goblin, Red Furnace Clan, Four Elements.

Occupation: God warrior hero, super warrior, frost warlock, mage.

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