Chapter 400 Abnormal Energy Fluctuations Outside the Universe Crystal Wall

Kingdoms and lords have joined the jihad one after another, including several indigenous churches. There are people on the border of the kingdom who want to sneak in almost every moment. The border guards are tired of coping, and they simply ignore the infiltration of small troops.

With the entry of a large number of civil adventurous organizations composed of jihadists, they were destroyed everywhere, and the stable kingdom had frequent civil disturbances, which could not be suppressed by the powerful force of the church.

Slowly, as more and more small groups of jihadists infiltrated in, they began to unite into a stronger jihadist army to create chaos inside, and even have the courage to attack ordinary towns.

Although most of them have been suppressed, some have been breached. Once the town is breached, it will be a terrible loss.

Jihad, this is a feast of legal plunder, and many jihadists with impure purposes came with this idea.

Soon after, Alfonso ordered the border guards to withdraw and retreat to important cities in the country. At the same time, they sent a large number of squads to kill small groups of jihadists everywhere, but the enemy knew that the enemy would retreat, and the enemy would retreat. , Only making trouble everywhere, and soon the entire Alfonso Kingdom was messed up.

After all, with the power of a country to host half of the continent, the absolute force is worthwhile, but the number is too small. The total strength of the Alfonso Kingdom now adds up to more than 50,000. How can it prevent the entire kingdom from blooming and infiltrating.

Seeing that the kingdom became more and more chaotic, it continued to abandon its territory and shrink inward. It only took half a year to give up the six provinces north of the royal capital. With the royal capital as the center, a line of defense was established to confront the progressively advancing Finnish and Sardinian kingdoms.

Before most people were optimistic about the Kingdom of Alfonso, and at this time they were even less optimistic. Many descendants saw this opportunity and sneaked in and wanted to fish in troubled waters. Among them, there were many human descendants who played the autumn breeze.

Including, came to Lin Xiao for the third time.

Every time this guy came, his purpose was not pure, but this time Lin Xiao didn’t see him at all, because he had already entered the final stage.

After the Godhead is completely integrated into the Totem Realm, the Totem Realm is temporarily transformed into the Kingdom of God, using the power of the Kingdom of God and the power of the gods to leverage the world’s bottom rules, forcibly promoting the surging of the elemental tide, and using the terrifying power generated by the elemental tide to connect with the real body connect.

This step is quite difficult. It is impossible for a normal descendant to do it. Even if you are promoted to the Totem King, you will have to encounter the plane that has just awakened, you can encounter the tide of elements that have just appeared, and the avatar can communicate with the real body, and You can also find a group of strong people to help, these conditions are indispensable.

A lot of harsh conditions can be combined to achieve incredible, but in the end let Lin Xiao do it.

At this time, he had entered the final step. As for the mighty jihadists and all kinds of ambitions outside, he didn’t pay attention to it at all.

The only threat to him on this plane is the God of Sacred. However, it has now been determined that the will of the plane has occupied the God of Sacred as the incarnation of own. Because of this, the God of Sacred is currently being refined and cannot be shot at all. Otherwise, he would call me personally as early as six months ago.

The God of Sacred couldn’t make a move, and no one on this plane could stop his movements. At this time, the general situation was complete.

At this time, in the temporarily transformed God’s country, the incarnation of Lin Xiao could vaguely sense the existence of his own real body in a distant and unknown direction, and there was no need to transfer it through the good fortune cube.

A tree of gold that reaches the sky and the earth stands between the sky and the earth. The pure gold roots are inserted into the depths of the earth. The god-tier, which is a hundred kilometers in diameter, is in chaos. There is nothing in the temporary god-tier country, only the tumbling chaotic air current. Not suitable for believers to survive.

This is the transformation of the void energy drawn by his totem body roots through the kingdom of God into the void. This temporary kingdom of God is also a one-off. After this action, whether it succeeds or not, this temporary kingdom of God is abolished. This avatar doesn’t know what fate will be faced, it is estimated that it will be scrapped with a high probability, even if it succeeds…

Years of preparation, in this battle!

If someone can watch the void far away from the plane, they can see that the entire void where this plane is located is slowly flowing.

Elemental tide, in the final analysis, is the change of the void. When the violent void energy enters the plane, it will automatically transform into the four basic elements of Earth Fire Feng Shui. When these basic elements flow on a large scale, the elemental tide that the creatures in the plane recognize will be formed.

Normally, this plane is not very large, and the will of the plane is silent all year round, and there is no Transcendent power in the plane, and the range of the elemental tides that are induced should not be very large.

However, after Lin Xiao’s intentional promotion, the elemental tide fluctuated more and more intensely, and the range became wider and wider. Waves of relay pushes were carried out, thereby stimulating a larger scale and range of elemental tides, and this totem incarnation of Lin Xiao Instead, it uses the power of the temporary kingdom to attract the terrifying energy generated by the elemental tides, and the will senses the will of the true body in the distant future, and pushes this indescribable terrifying energy to slam into…

Totem Crystal Wall Universe, from a distance, it looks like a sun radiating flames floating in the chaotic void sea. On the edge of this huge crystal wall, there are three huge void fortresses suspended, a large number of which belong to the three god-tier domain civilizations. Void warships patrol the edge of the crystal wall.

A void battleship belonging to human civilization slowly slowed down to a certain area. Inside the bridge stood a group of very tall soldiers. In the center, a giant man with a height of five or six meters in military uniform stretched out his hand and pointed at the light curtain in front of him. Pointing, Shao Qing said to another equally tall officer on the side:

“We have reached the junction area, ready to return!”

The handsome officer with a lightning bolt on his eyebrows nodded, reached out and clicked on the same light curtain in front of him. A woman in military uniform popped up on the screen, and he said with a serious face:

“The patrol ship No. 76 has patrolled to the border without any abnormalities, please return!”

On the light curtain, the woman looked at the front intently, as if she was looking at something, Shao Qiu turned her head and showed the smile of an acquaintance. She leaned forward slightly with her clean hand on her chin, and cast a wink at the second officer. Said:

“Don’t be so serious, wait for the next time…”

“Please confirm the instructions!”

“Cut, incomprehensible style!”

The woman sighed lightly, her face was solemn, and said in a deep voice:

“The patrol route has been verified, it is confirmed that it is correct, and the return is allowed.”

“The patrol route has been verified, it is confirmed that it is correct, and it is allowed…”

Before the voice fell, the light curtain in front of me suddenly lit up with dazzling red, and a mechanical voice sounded:

“The edge of the crystal wall is abnormal, and there are abnormal energy fluctuations. According to Article 7 of the patrol regulations, please go to the site immediately for inspection on the 76th patrol ship!”

“The edge of the crystal wall is abnormal, and there are abnormal energy fluctuations. According to Article 7 of the patrol regulations, please go to the site immediately for inspection on the 76th patrol ship!”

“The edge of the crystal wall is abnormal, and there are abnormal energy fluctuations. According to Article 7 of the patrol regulations, please go to the site immediately for inspection on the 76th patrol ship!”

The warning sounded three times, and the woman behind the light curtain saw this with her hands spread out:

“It seems that you will not be able to come back for the time being. Let’s see if there are any smugglers doing small actions.”

The light curtain closed, and the officer pinched the lightning mark on his eyebrows, and the giant-like colleague on the side laughed:

“The little girls are so proactive, why are they so serious? Smile more.”

He didn’t speak, but just raised his head to give various orders to the void ship, and the huge battleship turned to the direction where the energy index was found to be abnormal.

The giant officer only shrugged, and looked down at the abnormal fluctuations being detected.

The Void Battleship quickly approached the vicinity of the abnormal fluctuations, and the professional equipment on the ship began to detect data. A copy of the data was transmitted to the light curtain in front of the two at the same time.

However, the two of them were preparing to report, but they had not yet made any actions. A force that they could not imagine came and directly solidified the void where the battleship was, and a huge voice rang in their ears.

The expressions on their faces became more and more serious. The Shaoqi battleship launched a clear light ball wrapped in a golden light net into an area with abnormally fluctuating energy and exploded. The sky clear light wave quickly spread to hundreds of kilometers away, shielding this entire area. .

In the void fortress, Lin Xiao was in a huge space inside the fortress at this time, and dense runes were depicted on the flat metal floor with a diameter of more than ten kilometers.

The dense runes are combined into small magic circles, and these small magic circles themselves are a rune in the large magic circles. These big magic circles are part of this super large magic circle with a diameter of ten kilometers. The third stage is stacked together in a series. , Powered by the entire fortress, formed this super array that can instantly generate terrifying energy.

In the Totem Universe, his avatar is pushing the power of the elemental tides to contact the real body, and his real body cannot be idle, and is also communicating with the real body with the help of the power of the huge void fortress.

The two are of the same origin, naturally connected, and at the same time pushing a powerful force, Lin Xiao can now vaguely sense the actual existence of the incarnation.

“It’s close!”

He raised his head and said to himself:

“I feel that I can get through it soon, and then I will invite you to please Gaia’s will to come.”

The object of his speech is hidden in the void, but the strong god-tier powers who have been paying attention to him.

Although he can communicate with Gaia’s will as a player in his Tianjiao deputy list, his strength is too weak, and there will be a delay from communication to Gaia’s response.

Although the delay is very short, only ten seconds, normally it will not affect anything, but this time the time to temporarily open the outer crystal wall of the totem crystal wall Universe will only last for a moment, maybe a second or two, so short. Time is difficult to communicate Gaia’s will in real time.

However, there are more than forty strong god-tier forces that communicate with Gaia’s will at the same time, which is enough to ensure that Gaia’s will will always exist for the period of time that is about to be opened. As long as the avatar is connected to the real body, the strong will simultaneously take action to resist the Universe. The will of Gaia was forced to stabilize the passage for a period of time, and Gaia’s will came immediately.

At that time, the Gaia node can be successfully established.

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