Chapter 397

On the other hand, the army of the kingdom handed over, but the two sides only touched outside the city. It can be seen that the army of the kingdom is preparing to fight with ten times the superiority of their troops. After Mi Gao dragged a giant wood of 20 to 30 meters as a weapon giant, his morale collapsed, leaving a cannon fodder broken, and the main force ran away.

Imagine how mortals feel when they see a three-story giant. No matter how brave the knights are, they will flee. The difference in size is too big, and even the cannon fodder will directly surrender.

In this way, the capitals of the two provinces were captured almost without blood, and the kingdom directly abandoned these two provinces.

After chasing down, the two church army commanders took the opportunity and took the two provinces in one go. The frontiers approached the border of the province where the king’s capital was located, and then stopped.

Until the fifteen provinces of the entire kingdom, Lin Xiao had already occupied seven.

The next seven provinces are located on the other side of the province where the capital is located. In the past, the city had to be captured.

Lin Xiao ordered the troops to be stationed at the border after receiving information on the battle situation, and at the same time transferred another thousand people there.

He guessed that the God of Sacred might be condensed successfully.

He is now using almost unlimited resources to grow rapidly, and he has not encountered any bottleneck along the way. The opening to the limit of Transcendent is faster than he expected. Now, facing the limit of Transcendent’s power, it is estimated that he is almost reaching the legendary level, according to Lin Xiao It is estimated that as long as the Transcendent level that can be carried by this plane reaches the eighth legendary level, the God of Sacred will be born.

Of course, the power of the newly born God of Sacred still has to be limited by planes. It will not be too strong at the beginning, and the Kingdom of Noll is not the headquarters of the Sacred church. Even if the God of Sacred is really born, it will not help him for a while.

But once the god of Sacred is born, he can grant magic, and the church of Sacred will give birth to pastors and other Transcendent professions.

With the territory and background occupied by the Sacred Church, this release of restrictions will increase its strength faster than him. It will be no ordinary difficulty to defeat the Sacred Church by then.

And Lin Xiao still has one very worrying thing. He is afraid that the awakened plane will designate the newly born Sacred god as the will practitioner, which is equivalent to the child of the plane.

And this is not the most terrifying. What he worries most is that the awakened plane will directly take the newly-born Sacred god as the incarnation and directly occupy its body, which is troublesome.

The plane will come in person, they are equivalent to confronting the entire plane, and the plane rejection alone is enough for them to drink a pot, not to mention the blow from the entire plane.

Therefore, he has to make more preparations, and the most important thing is to promote himself to the Totem Lord before the God of Sacred completely masters his divine power. Only by becoming the Totem Lord with the privileges granted by the Crystal Wall Universe can he fight against the will of the plane.

The Knoll Kingdom probably also knew about this. Then the two sides had a tacit understanding of the two provinces as the boundary, without crossing the boundary.

Less than three days after the actual truce, Lin Xiao convened a secret discussion among his subordinates. The next day, Alfonso sent a large number of messengers to all the lords and lords of the seven major provinces in his territory, and ordered them to gather at the Dell Life Cathedral.

At the meeting, Alfonso officially announced several major events, namely the establishment of the duchy with the existing seven provinces and the reduction of the rights of lords.

The establishment of the principality is mainly to centralize power to coordinate the territory and the army.

The reduction of the rights of the lord mainly focuses on the three aspects of military power, coinage power, and law, that is, depriving the lord army, prohibiting the establishment of large-scale private army, prohibiting private printing of coins, and abolishing all territories laws and enacting unified laws.

All the lords of the duchy basically agreed, anyway, he was already the actual ruler of the seven provinces, and he was qualified to establish the duchy.

However, the motion to reduce the rights of lords was opposed by all lords, and all lords, large and small, were 100% opposed to it.

This objection was of course useless. Alfonso was already preparing for it when he called them together.

When the negotiations broke down, the church and the team already sent by Alfonso took action at the same time, first detaining all the lords they had convened, and then disarming the territories separately or by force or other means.

In the meantime, there may be waves, but there is no lord presided over, and there are only sporadic resistances in various territories, and they are suppressed one by one.

Alfonso did not deprive the lords of the territories, but deprived all the troops in the territories, removed the redundant checkpoints in the territories, took away most of the territory’s independent authority and ownership of some strategic resources, and restricted the territory to re-establish an army.

Doing so will certainly make the lords resent, but they have lost their force and can’t resist no matter what.

Moreover, he did not make an extinction. The lord’s privileges were not cancelled. He just lost his military power. He also retained the authority of the limited guard. Therefore, most noble nobles did not respond much to this, and this kind of lord was among all nobles. The lords account for the majority.

Moreover, under the guidance of Lin Xiao, Alfonso set up a supervision department to monitor the major lords. Once an abnormality is found, it will be arrested and directly deprived of the territory.

Time was gradually digesting the territory. Two months later, Alfonso announced the establishment of the Principality of Alfonso, with the capital of Dale, and the Church of Life and Wisdom as the state religion.

At the same time, the four children of the nightmare united and once again defeated the combined army of the church knights in the province of Aum on the other side of the kingdom and the local high lords, and captured the city of Aum in one fell swoop, and quickly wiped out the surrounding resistance centered on the city of Aum. Those who intend to hold the entire province in their hands.

Half a month later, in the neighboring province of Ghana, the three sons of the spiritual realm also united and mobilized all their forces to launch an attack on the capital of the province of Ghana.

The troops approached the city and attacked the city after a short rest.

Eight days later, the information about the defeat of the son of the spirit domain appeared in Lin Xiao’s hands, and he remained silent after reading the information.

An hour later Alfonso and the Knights of All Saints appeared in the cathedral. He handed the information to them and said in a deep voice:

“Our advantages are gradually disappearing. When they are ready, they will pose a greater threat to us. We need…”

He pointed to a certain direction on the sand table in the hall…


A giant with a height of ten meters and a steel plate armor thicker than red bricks, holding a huge boulder the size of a house, rushed to the city wall with an arrow rain, picking up the boulder and smashing it down, smashing the city wall more than a dozen in one blow. After a gap, the follow-up troops swarmed into the city.

The city’s defenders desperately announced their surrender after the Kingdom Marshal was rushed into the city by two paladins and captured alive. The city of Posa fell, and the kingdom has been transferred from all over the past few months.

When the news came, the kingdom was shaken, and the church knights on the other line of defense quickly withdrew to the capital.

The most practical feedback was that Alfonso secretly met with many envoys that night.

Five days later, the lords of the three provinces and the lords announced the expulsion of the Church of Sacred, leaving the Kingdom of Noor and joining the Principality of Alfonso.

At this time, the church forces in these provinces had been transferred away before, and there was almost no power left, otherwise they would not dare to do so.

So far, there are fifteen provinces in the kingdom, ten of which are occupied by the Principality of Alfonso.

The children of the nightmare united to occupy one, and there were only four left in the kingdom of Noll.

And these four are also chaotic internally, the main battle faction and the surrender faction clash with each other, chaos.

At this time, the main force of the Principality of Alfonso had already approached King Noor’s capital and confronted the last power of the kingdom dominated by church knights. As for the other provinces, most of the previous troops surrendered with that battle, plus The interior was chaotic, and at this time it was unable to deploy troops to support the royal capital.

Under the King City of Noll, there was a large camp built by 25,000 elite soldiers. The main force was 5,000. Another 20,000 prisoners were located behind the camp and did not participate in the war. Fifty giants with a height of ten meters and a thick plate armour stood standing there. Within the camp, huge psychological pressure was given to the defenders on the wall.

Not to mention that they have never seen such a huge giant. There have been giant legends in some myths and legends. Legends of ancient and powerful Paladins killing giants or giant beasts abound, but they are only legends, and they appear in front of them. , There are so many, the key is to wear a layer of full body plate armor thicker than the slabs, and even the face armor, which directly makes them scream, even if their faith is firm, even if there is a priest’s magical soothing, Their morale also fell to the bottom.

Yes, the pastor has been born in the Sacred church at this time, not long ago.

Lin Xiao also received several spirits from the province of Ghana attacking the city of Ghana. In this battle, a priest appeared in the Sacred church that defended the city. He demonstrated divine art, thus inspiring an astonishing fighting spirit and morale. Shengsheng held the elite of several children of the spirit realm and defeated them.

It was after receiving this news that Lin Xiao did not dare to slowly digest the existing turf, and directly attacked and captured the main force of the kingdom, and attacked the capital city in one go.

It is now certain that the God of Sacred has been born, but it is too far away from the Kingdom of Noll. In addition, he is permanently stationed in Dale, where the believers of the Sacred Church have disappeared, and he did not feel his birth in the first time.

Fortunately, it was just born now, and has just given divine art. There are not a few priests who really master divine art, and there is still a chance.

After a short rest, the army left the camp. Twenty giants with thick plate armor came out of the city, and walked toward the city wall with heavy steps under the trembling pressure.

The morale of the guards on the walls plummeted, even the knights of the Sacred church.

Although they believe in piousness, no matter how pious it is to face such terrible giants, it is useless.

Several Sacred church pastors walked up to the city to show divine arts and inspire morale. Although it was just a simple blessing technique, it could indeed inspire morale.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao chuckled and appeared in mid-air with one step, which immediately caused a burst of exclamation.

Although the revival of Spiritual Qi and Transcendent are beginning to appear, no one can fly out of thin air. His hand is quite magical.

But this is not the most amazing, the most amazing, naturally…

He took out a large book of pure gold like a door, opened it, and muttered words, the pages full of gold texture bounced to a certain page, and with his false hand, a ball of golden light on the page condensed into a ball of light and slowly rose.

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