Chapter 323: The Violent Slardar

On the deck, all the fifty and sixty people of the ship were present, including the sailors and the marine crew on the bilge.

The old captain looked at the three night-watching sailors with a scimitar, and the other crew also looked at them with vigilant eyes. The three sailors stood there shivering and dared not speak.

Shao Qing, the old captain beckoned, and a sailor handed over a piece of cloth smeared with slime. He threw the cloth onto the deck and said:

“Something was mixed on the boat just now, it’s among you.”

The three sailors looked terrified, and one of them said immediately:

“We have been awake just now. If something gets on the boat, I can’t be alive, but I’m still alive now.”

He tore his chest clothes to reveal his chest, everyone took a step back subconsciously, and one after another raised their guns at them, even the two sailors on the side took a step back subconsciously.

The sailor was taken aback for a moment, and quickly lowered his head to see that there were many small dark-fingered bags under the skin of his chest that were bulging and still wandering. He suddenly screamed in horror, and the small bags that wandered on his chest halted and quickly gathered into the center. Blue and black big bag.


The gunfire sounded, and a sailor went off fire in panic. The steel ball musket bullet hit the man’s chest. The black big bag exploded, and the thick black liquid spurted out. The large fingers were thick and slippery like snakes. The black liquid sprayed out and fell to the ground.

The worm had no eyes on its head, but it had a mouthpart, and when it fell to the ground, it bounced at a height of one or two meters at the crowd.

All the sailors were shocked and shot back one after another, crackling loudly.

The old captain lifted the knife and cut off three heads accurately, and the one-eyed man standing on the left of the old captain also lifted the knife and cut both ends.

At the same time, Lin Xiao, who was standing on the right of the old captain with a knife, also killed both ends, and the rest were killed by other close ship masters one by one.

Killing these weird worms, everyone looked up at the other two sailors. The two of them were pale and slowly looked down at their chests. Before they could untie their clothes, they both shook at the same time, stiffly raising their heads and opening their mouths. , A strange worm emerged from the two populations. The strange worm shook its head and looked at the crowd, then crawled out of its mouth and bounced out.

But instead of bounced at everyone, it bounced at other places on the ship.

At the same time, the sailor suits on their chests bulged and were quickly dyed black.

“Stop them!”

A group of people rushed to chase these weird bugs frantically, but no one cared about the fallen dead bodies of the two sailors.

When they were not paying attention, several strange insects slipped out from the bottom of the corpse’s clothes, and quietly slid down the black water to the edge of the deck. Monster head worm.

Soon the other monsters were killed, the three bodies were thrown into the sea to float in the waves, and the Explorer continued on.

After more than ten seconds, the three corpses suddenly moved slightly, and then they opened their eyes and a black liquid came out of their pupils, with a sly smile on their faces, and they sank silently to the bottom of the sea.

The next journey was smooth sailing, and nothing unusual happened along the way, but there were several sailors who always made mistakes.

When a piece of light in the distance appeared in front of them, everyone cheered and Pearl Island arrived.

In the sea, only islands with lords dare to light up lights on a large scale. On ships, they dare not light up lights on ship decks.

The ship docked, sold the cargo on the ship, returned to the station, and paid the salary, the old captain announced his dissolution.

These sailors will spend half a month in the future, and will not come back until the money is spent.

Lin Xiao first went to the pier and made a mark on the conspicuous place of the pier. If a companion has awakened and came to this island, he would recognize him, and then went to the entrance of the Adventurers Association and the entrance of the hotel. Several places I went to also made a mark.

Then, how to complete the task.

If under the premise of ensuring your own safety, hunt down the son of the nightmare.

I don’t know if there are children of Nightmare on this island, let alone what the children of Nightmare look like and how to recognize them. These are all questions.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but now his eyes are darkened and he doesn’t know how to begin.

“Ascension first!”

Without a clue, Ascension’s strength is right.

I counted the money I saved now. Fortunately, I didn’t spend money lavishly when I didn’t wake up before. I still saved some money to buy some monster flesh and blood.

Stopped a carriage and came to the market belonging to the lord. There are only two places on the island where monster flesh and blood are sold. One is the Chamber of Commerce and the other is the Lord’s Mansion. In terms of types, the Chamber of Commerce is superior, and the quality of the powerful Lord’s Mansion is even better.

It stands to reason that Lin Xiao needs type rather than quality. There is good fortune Rubik’s Cube purification and enhancement, and there is no quality comparable. He chose the Lord’s Mansion mainly because of safety and reliability.

After all, businessman…..

The monster flesh and blood are placed in a special thickened glass box, which is filled with potion ice to reduce its activity.

Although it is only flesh and blood, it does not mean that it is not dangerous. Some powerful monsters will make you Death even at the first glance, let alone their flesh and blood.

The glass boxes are arrayed on the metal counter, and there is a label on it. The information on these monsters, such as body size, strength, origin, abilities, etc., is described in detail, and even the absorption and absorption methods of the potions are clearly written. Clearly Chu.

Given the dangers of this world, mankind needs more powerful people to resist the danger, and even the Chamber of Commerce will not cheat in this regard.

There are too many choices, Lin Xiao is not in a hurry, checking the boxes one by one.

The more I look at it, the more it opens his eyes. These weird creatures have never been found in other worlds before in the main human world. Not to mention, this world alone is very valuable for many kinds of weird and evil things, foreign races, etc. , Is particularly important to Gaia’s will.

If what they plunder is resources, what the gods plunder is divine power and rules, the side of the plundering of god-tier power and great existence is the origin, and what human Gaia will plunder is civilization and history in different crystal wall universes.

This unknown Crystal Wall Universe itself is very novel. Combined with the power of the Nightmare World, it appears in this magical world. For Gaia Will, it contains the civilization history of his rival Nightmare World. If it can be swallowed and absorbed, It is equivalent to absorbing some of the rules of competitors.

Once this part of the rules is absorbed and analyzed, it is equivalent to the Gaia Will having a deep understanding of the rules of the Nightmare Will. If these two powerful wills fight again, the Gaia Will who understands a part of the Nightmare World Rules will take a huge advantage.

Correspondingly, if the previous nightmare king seizes and sacrifices their three Tianjiao players to the will of the nightmare, the will of the nightmare will also gain some understanding of the world of Gaia.

After walking around several boxes, Lin Xiao stopped for a long time in front of the sixth box.

This is an alien race of Life on the bottom of the sea. Its tribe is composed of countless descendants, with only one main body, similar to a bee colony. It looks like a slug-like soft creature. Although the body is very soft but tough, it cannot be cut by a knife. But I am afraid of energy damage such as fire and strong acid.

Of course, if the weapon has energy damage, it can be injured.

The most valuable thing about this thing is its super recovery ability. If you can obtain several advanced potions and then merge the flesh and blood of this alien race, you will have the opportunity to obtain one of its two most valuable characteristics, namely physical alienation and Limb regeneration.

Needless to say, limb regeneration is a manifestation of super recovery. Any part of the body can be cut off and it can regenerate, and it is exactly the same as before.

The alienation of the body means that the body, like this soft creature, can alienate all the internal organs into flesh and blood and move freely, removing all of its own shortcomings. Even if the heart is blown, the head is blown, it will not die immediately.

This kind of alienation can only exert its power in cooperation with super recovery. If it is simply alienated, even if it hits the vital part, although it is fine at the time, the alienation will always end.

Even if you can transfer the vitals, sometimes you will die if the damage is too large and spread all over the body.

If there is a super recovery, even if the injury is severe, as long as the key part of the alienation is temporarily suspended, the key part will be restored after the body recovers, and it will be restored to the original state.

Lin Xiao Lin Xiao bought two copies of this monster flesh and blood in one go, and ran out of the money for the two monster flesh and blood that he had expected, and went back to the residence with his things.

Apart from anything else in this world, the most important thing is the ability to survive.

Back at the residence, the two monster flesh and blood were thrown into the Rubik’s Cube space for purification, and then eight units of good fortune energy was consumed to strengthen, and the two strongest characteristics were extracted and strengthened separately, and then turned into two clear jelly and sucked into the mouth again.

At the entrance of the jelly, Lin Xiao’s body swelled uncontrollably into a little giant, and then his strong body began to soften, the strong muscles quickly turned into fat and softened, and soon the whole person softened three or four meters big and a pile of fat. The flesh was paralyzed on the ground, but his will was still very clear.

“Good fellow, am I a monster?”

With the movement of his mind, the bones and internal organs in the body all softened, and the whole person turned into a paralyzed ooze, with his hands and feet propped up and crawling, but the speed was not fast.

“Next time you have to fuse a creature of a different size.”

This state has life-saving ability but no combat ability.

After about ten minutes, the meat worm returned to its human appearance. Lin Xiao carefully realized the two characteristics of the fusion, and nodded in satisfaction.

A week later, Lin Xiao suddenly received a message summoned by his father and returned to the compound at No. 254 on Second Avenue. He found that half of the crew had arrived.

After a while, people didn’t get to Qi Dad and said:

“Don’t wait, you can’t get the rest.”

Lin Xiao was quite surprised, and the old captain continued:

“I just received the news from the Lord’s Mansion that an unknown alien had landed on the island through our crew. Hundreds of islanders had died when we found out. Because of our cause, the Lord’s Mansion has already punished me two hundred. Vansol’s fine and deportation limit us to leave the Pearl Island within three days and not allow us to go to the island within five years.”

The news was bad news, but the situation was even worse. Because of being expelled, half of the remaining crew decided to leave the Explorer.

According to the rules, expel

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