Chapter 296-The Frightening First Opponent

As an invisible wave spread from the vortex, a name at the end of the huge list light curtain of the Vientiane Temple quietly disappeared.

Jin Sisi sighed silently, a trace of disappointment came to her heart.

The sudden disappearance of this name this time did not arouse as much attention as it did when it was at the bottom of the list. At this time, everyone’s eyes were focused on the top of the list, even those true gods were no exception.

Somewhere in the void, more than a dozen gods of gambling with gambling and other priests are paying attention to the list and the performance of the players. The sudden disappearance of Lin Xiao from the list has attracted their attention, most of them only paid attention to it. Then he looked away, one of the true gods shook his head when he looked away:

“I thought it was one of the big hits of the relics this time, but I didn’t expect to perform so badly, and I was eliminated even if I didn’t do it until the end.”

A true god on the side nodded and said:

“I was very optimistic about him, but I didn’t expect it to be like this. Because of his background, he was eliminated early this time. It can be said that he has no income. This will definitely have a huge impact on his future growth.”

“I heard that he was born in a very ordinary background. It is very rare to grow up to this point. The support from Huiyao is very important to him, but this time without results, it is bound to make Huiyao somewhat conservative in his investment.”

“Are you from an ordinary background…”

“Yes, he was born in average, his parents are only demigods, and the strongest in the family is just…”

The voice suddenly stopped here, and he wondered:

“Hey, how come someone buys him and buys so much? Isn’t he eliminated…”

The true god suddenly raised his head, his pupils spit out, and said loudly:

“Quickly, check the current situation of this classmate Lin Xiao!”

A true god on the side stretched out his hand, and Lin Xiao’s information appeared in the light curtain in front of him. It was no different from before. He was about to speak, and suddenly the light curtain in front of him refreshed, and a peculiar mark appeared in his eyes.

Even if it is a true god, the experience is very comparable to that of others, at this moment he is also a little surprised, and…

“Quickly, close the disk immediately!”

All the true gods nearby cast their gazes to look at their anxious colleagues, with a puzzled expression.

“This classmate named Lin Xiao was ranked in the deputy ranking of Tianjiao just now, and he is also ranked 11th in the double ranking of strength and potential.”

“How is this possible? Didn’t he just get eliminated?”

“Yes, but what does this have to do with his being on the list?”

“But….””But what, seal the disk first, and the news will spread immediately. If you don’t seal the disk, wait for your death.”

All the true gods immediately closed all trades regarding Lin Xiao, and no more purchases were allowed.

But just this time, more than a dozen new orders have appeared, all of which are big orders, the largest of which comes from Xia Yu.

Not to mention that the gamblers were depressed and puzzled. In the temple of Vientiane, Xia Yu was in a good mood after buying a deal while it had not been sealed. To be honest, when he first received the news, he thought he had read it wrong. .

Normally, Lin Xiao had no results at the bottom in this opportunity. It should be said that he will be depressed and low-key for a period of time. He did not expect that just after being eliminated here, the other side will be on the top of the list, and he still has the potential to enter the list at the same time. , This is weird.

After receiving the news only for a few seconds, he placed a heavy bet on the handicap and bought Lin Xiao to obtain the Vientiane God Store.

After thinking about it, Xia Yu felt that his brother-in-law could be included in the deputy ranking of Tianjiao immediately after being eliminated. Ninety-nine percent of them were obtained from the Vientiane God Treasure. Only the treasures in the Vientiane God Treasure can make his strength soar in an instant. So it jumped into the list of Tianjiao.

He didn’t know why Lin Xiao got the Vientiane God Treasure. There is no reason to think about it, but the facts are already in front of him. If this is the case, then this time the player who was eliminated in the Vientiane Ruins will be the biggest winner.

The value of a Vientiane God Treasure is much higher than the number one in the standings.

Excluding that inheritance right, the value of a Vientiane God Treasure is even higher than the number one in the standings plus a Vientiane Treasure.

If you add the right of inheritance, then the value of a Vientiane God Treasure is even higher than the sum of everything in the entire ruins.

After all, if the Lord of Vientiane does fall in the future, this entire Vientiane relic will only be a small part of its legacy.

As the son of a great god-tier force, Xia Yu knows more secrets than ordinary people. In his knowledge, although the Lord of Vientiane is still lingering, if there is no special change, he will definitely fall in the future.

Once it falls, its inheritance will be inherited by the three Tianjiao who once obtained the Vientiane God Treasure, and the three Vientiane God Treasure rights holders have already fallen, and now there are only two, which means that in the future Lin Xiao may get a great one. Half of the legacy exists, which is very exciting.

Soon after Lin Xiao’s handicap was blocked, news that he was ranked on the deputy ranking of Tianjiao gradually came. Almost all the true gods in the Vientiane Temple showed incredible expressions. The second reaction was to go down and bet, and the third reaction was to swear. , Strongly demanded that the market be reopened, and there was chaos in the Vientiane Temple.

In the midst of this chaos, the vortex on the chaotic fireball in the center of the six tomb-keepers in the center of the temple suddenly shrank inward to the extreme and reopened. White light spewed out from it and fell on the ground, turning into the silhouettes of players with different expressions. .

Some people are happy but others are sad, and those who get the treasure are happy. The mood of not grabbing the treasure and not ranking is definitely not much better. Everyone has found their own team leader and returned to their warship.

The twelve students of Huiyao who were still alive gathered together, all of them filled with joy, chatting and laughing together.

A dozen players passed by not far away, Li Xiu looked at them with hands on hips and said loudly:

“Some schools weren’t coaxed by Niubi before, but they got two treasures. It’s really a dish!”

Carl stopped and looked at him blankly and said:

“If you are not convinced, come heads-up.”

Li Xiu choked for a moment, and Carl looked contemptuously:

“Either fight or shut up.”

….. Everyone choked and wanted to refute, but no one could refute it.

Not to mention that Carl himself is better than them, this time the other party also got a Vientiane Vault, which is even more difficult to beat now.

“It would be great if Lin Xiao was here.”

Everyone looked up at the same time, Dongfang Piaoxue shook his head and said:

“He should not be able to beat Karl now.”

“I didn’t expect that the previous big hit would be eliminated so early. It’s really unpredictable.”

Immortal’s authority and the group returned to their own Void Battleship. There are no outsiders. They can chat freely. A student laughed and said:

“Then Lin Xiao was not much different from Chief Carl before, and now Chief Carl has got a secret. One can go up and down. Seniors can easily defeat him.”

Carl didn’t speak, but the corner of his mouth curled slightly when he heard this, indicating that he was in a good mood.

“This doesn’t require seniors to start their horses. Waiting for Senior Giles to digest this treasure, I’m afraid it will be the same.”

“It’s not that much difference. Senior Giles performed well this time. He will definitely receive a great reward from the school when he goes back. If he gets a few suitable ancient cards, he might surpass him in one fell swoop.”

“Haha, when the time comes, the first person of Huiyao will not even be the second person of my Immortal authority, I believe it will be funny.”

“Is it funny?”

“Of course, you don’t…”

The voice stopped abruptly, and all the students quickly stood up and saluted the introductory tutor.

The Immortal authority mentor is a middle-aged man who looks very stern. He walked up to them and stood still, squeezing a smile when his eyes fell on Carl and Giles. When he looked at other people, he showed a cold stern face. Said with a hint of reprimand:

“I don’t know why you dare to ridicule someone who is stronger than you here, where are you qualified?”

Most of them lowered their heads to show shame, but a few showed disdain, which made the instructor look at them, and he stared at them with stressful eyes and said:

“Are you dissatisfied?”

No one answered.

“Aren’t you all very good? No one looks down on the queens, but now they don’t even dare to answer. What’s the difference between this and trash?”

As soon as the voice fell, a student immediately stood up and said loudly:

“I’m not convinced!”

“Very good, kind of kind.”

The middle-aged tutor walked up to the student who was speaking, and said blankly:

“Then I’ll give you a chance. I want you to challenge him in the next semester, dare you?”

The man gritted his teeth and nodded vigorously:

“I dare!”


Crisp applause sounded from behind, and everyone turned around to see another tutor who was accompanying the team. He stepped forward and patted the man on the shoulder with admiration:

“This student is very courageous and fearless. He dares to challenge a super elite who ranks eleventh in Tianjiao. This teacher admires him very much.”


Everyone was stunned, and Carl asked with his pupils shrinking slightly:

“Are you saying that the brilliant Lin Xiao is already on the list of the arrogances?”

“Yes, not long ago, he was on the list with strength and potential at the same time, ranking 11th on the list of Tianjiao.”

“How can this be!”

Du Liqing’s first reaction was as unbelievable as the other companions. Wu Zhonglin, who was sitting on the futon not far away, slowly opened his eyes, also a little surprised, and said with a smile:

“I thought this fight would not be possible. I can’t think of it being more interesting and interesting than I thought!”

After speaking, I closed my eyes again, not much affected.

As the news spread, more and more people received the news, most of them didn’t believe it at first, but as the news fermented and there was no refutation, and the official closure, everyone had to believe that it was true.

What followed was all kinds of incredible and all kinds of speculations, and even Lin Xiao, who was far away in the God Realm of the Lord World, received inquiries from the school.

Of course, it was not asking if it was true. The Tianjiao rankings all announced that it could not be faked. They asked if he really got the Vientiane God Treasure.

After hesitating for this Lin Xiao did not give an answer.

Although he knows that he must have obtained the Vientiane God Treasure, he can’t admit it, he can’t admit it now, and he won’t be able to admit it in the future, otherwise there may be some unforeseen troubles.

The tour of the Vientiane Ruins is over. The Huiyao students have not returned yet, but Lin Xiao’s ranking on the deputy ranking of Tianjiao has been passed on in advance.

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