Chapter 259-Fusion of Griffin Archers

All the way back to the dormitory in a beautiful mood, he received an encrypted message from the head teacher as soon as he entered the door, and it was automatically deleted after reading it. He touched it with his finger, and a screen slowly unfolded in front of him.

Compared to the information obtained from his girlfriend, the information sent by Jin Sisi contained complete information about the “Relics of Vientiane”, which was very specific.

First of all, this activity has a certain degree of danger, whether it is an individual or a family member.

Among them, individuals can choose between the incarnation and the incarnation, and the meaning does not need to be explained, but the meaning is literal.

There are two key points in these two modes. One key point lies in strength. The true body is naturally stronger when it comes. After all, the true body is here.

The second point….

Before talking about the game mode.

Yes, the participation mode of this Vientiane Ruins is similar to a game. All participants need to project to descend on an unknown plane. Each person initially has a zero-level summoning core, just like a game with a population limit, and then can be in the population Summon the family members within the limit to fight on the current plane, explore and collect resources to summon the family members, defeat the monsters in the ruins to obtain treasures, and kill other opponents to eliminate them.

Like some games, all dependents occupy different populations according to their strength and size.

To make a simple analogy, the little murloc occupies only one population, and one hundred population can summon one hundred.

But if it is a dwarf, it takes up two populations, and a hundred population can only summon fifty.

If it was Shura Naga, it would directly occupy a population of four, five or even higher. If it was a black dragon, it might directly occupy a population of forty or fifty people.

The family members summoned are actually summoned, so if they die in battle, they die directly.

However, killing monsters in the ruins or collecting treasure chests has a probability of obtaining unit cards, which can be activated to summon different units to participate in battle. In addition, there is a very small probability of obtaining various units and monster lair cards. Load the cards in the summons. Within the core, you can summon various types of troops.

If you feel that the risk is too great, you can choose not to summon the family members and instead summon various arms cards to fight.

But correspondingly, the creatures summoned by either the troop card or the lair card are similar to puppets. They have almost no wisdom. They can only perform some simple operations and commands, and their combat power is also fixed. There are no powerful types of troops. Most of them are low-level troops and Lairs are not only extremely rare, but also extremely powerful creature guards. It is not easy to get them, and they are generally not as easy to use as the dependents.

There are a lot of shortcomings, but one advantage. If you die, you can use it as cannon fodder.

After reading the information, a familiar memory quickly appeared in Lin Xiao’s mind. Isn’t this the thing that he didn’t go through the previous game called “Heroes invincible”?

Seeing this, it’s back to the second focus of the Advent Mode. Because the rules of the game are similar to Heroes’ Invincible, so as a player descends, you automatically gain the identity of a hero.

Among them, the hero template is different when the real body comes and the avatar comes.

According to the rules of the game, after the real body of the God Domain player arrives, each point of divinity is equivalent to a point of strategic attributes freely allocated to the four strategic attributes of physique, strength, agility and intelligence, which can increase all of his family members.

For example, Lin Xiao’s 20-point divinity is equivalent to a 20-point strategic attribute, and ten points are allocated to strength. Then all his subordinates will receive a bonus of strength +10, which is equivalent to a bonus of a top treasure.

Isn’t it terrible?

With his own powerful strength, coupled with the terrifying hero bonus, if a master like him really comes, he is almost invincible in the early stage, and he can sweep all the way with a cannon fodder, and he can quickly accumulate enough resources to convene one. A powerful army gains a huge advantage.

But if you do this, you have to bear the risk of your real body coming.

As I said before, this game is risky and can eliminate other players, even if the real body comes, if you are killed by a powerful monster, or a native hero, or killed by other players in the game, That is to fall directly.

If the incarnation is replaced by the incarnation, it will naturally not have the terrifying strength and strategic attributes of the real body.

The strength of the avatar depends on the strength, and the strategic attributes can only be calculated based on the divine level of the real body. How many levels are the real body’s divine level, and how many initial strategic attributes.

This is why the former head teacher asked him to Ascension the divine level to fourth-level before the mid-term exam, in order to make him incarnate.

Speaking of this, Lin Xiao found that he still had eight points of divinity, and he needed to refine ten points of divinity after 20 o’clock to transform into one point of fourth-order divinity. He had almost two points of divinity.

“Let’s find the class teacher to change two points later!”

He is not sure whether he is coming in his true body or incarnation now, but it is right to gather Tier 4 divinity first.

The information Jin Sisi gave him is very detailed, covering almost all the information for this mid-term exam.

In addition to the information about the game rules, what caught Lin Xiao’s attention most was the information about the participants who opened the Vientiane Ruins this time.

As a great opportunity that the entire main world is famous, the participants not only dazzled ten students, but also included the four major forces of the entire main world, many universities, as well as the descendants of the top powers and families. According to the previous situation, each The number of participants in this session is as few as 20,000 to 30,000, and as many as 50,000 to 60, covering the four major forces.

So if you want to stand out in this situation, you must have very strong strength, superhuman luck, and cruelty.

When competing with students from other forces, you must not be merciful, and you must start when you should start, even if the opponent is actually coming.

In the ruins of Vientiane, blood is allowed to be seen, and opponents are allowed to be completely killed.

After reading all this information, after turning the last page, the information will disappear automatically.

Lin Xiao sat on the chair, leaning his head on the back of the chair, looking at the smallpox, lost in thought-is he coming from his true body or a projection?

The information just automatically deleted contains detailed information about the Vientiane Treasure. According to the data, the Vientiane God Treasure can be ignored. The head teacher did not recommend him to take it. Instead, he suggested that he should grab at least one Vientiane Treasure, if possible. Tibetan.

Tens of thousands of people compete for treasures that don’t add up to a hundred. It’s difficult…

Lin Xiao was entangled and hesitant about this, whether he wanted to take a risk.

With his current strength, there is no advantage to the projection coming, but if the real body comes, there is enough advantage to go to the end, as long as the opportunity to grow up quickly in the early stage, the chance of grabbing a treasure in the late stage is still very high.

But the risk is even greater. As the real person comes, and the strong person who is likely to grab the treasure, he will definitely be attacked by a group.

Ordinary projection is not his opponent, but if there are enough, it will be very troublesome.

After hesitating for a long time without making up his mind, he contacted the head teacher to ask her, but the answer left him speechless.

She didn’t give him advice, but provided a set of data:

“Last last year, there were more than 40,000 contestants, of which more than 2,100 people actually came, and less than 100 people survived in the end.”

“The last time there were more than 30,000 contestants, of which 1,655 people actually came, and less than 100 people survived in the end.”

“In the last session, more than 35,000 people participated in the competition. Among them, more than 1,300 people actually came. In the end, fewer than 50 people survived.”


These three sets of data, the number of people is large and small, the highest survival rate is less than 100 people, and the number is less than 50. This probability can be said to be quite low.

But what really made Lin Xiao determined is that every session of the Tianjiao deputy ranking players fell. In the previous five sessions, two Tianjiao deputy ranking players fell. Peerless and outstanding players on the deputy rankings added up. More than forty people have fallen.

According to the analysis of some people, people have dark psychology. Those super geniuses who are on the rankings of Tianjiao’s deputy list and peerless or outstanding people are easy to be jealous. It is good for the projection to come, and the real body can’t die. Don’t dare to offend. But if the real body comes…

The data can prove that the Tianjiao-level masters are the worst in dying.

This line of data made him look like a basin of cold water, and directly extinguished the little impulse in his heart.

No way, he had to honestly exchange the last two mythological quality five-star cards from Jinsisi for two points of divinity, together with the existing eight points of divinity, use the good fortune cube to obliterate the remaining will, now only a few days Time for the mid-term exam, no time to refining on your own.

When the last point of divinity was refined, the power of ten points of divinity merged into one point, and his twenty-first point of divinity was condensed in his divine sea, which was also the first point of fourth-order divinity.

At this point, his divinity finally reached the same level as Wu Zhonglin, not much different from him in this respect.

Two days later, Lin Xiao, who was gathering his divine spirit in God’s Domain by his own divine power, received a message from the class teacher, asking him to be ready to gather in the afternoon and get ready to set off.

The mid-term exam that belongs to him and the top students, unlike other students, is about to begin.

This departure is not where to go, but to separate the projection, and descend with the teacher to a certain super war fortress in the subspace, and then go to the crystal wall system where the Vientiane ruins are located. The real body does not need to move.

This aspect is very convenient, because the Huiyao Super Academy is in a super-large God Realm, and can use the power of the God Realm to directly project them to a super void fortress in the subspace, and then transfer them to the crystal wall system where the Vientiane Ruins are located.

When Lin Xiao will pass through the void of unknown number of billions of kilometers and appear in the Yanhuang II Super Void Fortress, he opened his eyes and found that he appeared directly in a room in a void ship, sitting on a chair with the front of him A round table surrounded by dozens of familiar or unfamiliar young teenagers and girls.

He smiled at Shen Yuexin who was sitting next to him, and quietly stretched out her hand under the table, and she shyly stretched out her soft little hand for him to hold.


The familiar cold snort shook his ears like thunder, and he lost consciousness for a while. After recovering, the soft little hand in her palm disappeared, and the little aunt was sitting there without moving, with her little hand in her arms.

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