Chapter 244-Carl Archimonde

“Ding Ding Ding…”

Countless noises that passed through the soil of the trees were mixed with a crisp clanging sound, and tall figures separated the trees one by one and walked out of the forest under the rain of arrows.

The scales are exactly the same as the giant dragon, which can not be shot through by ordinary arrows.

The Shura Naga don’t need armor at all. Their dragon scales are the best armor. They only need two handy weapons to become a butcher and appear on the battlefield.

With extremely hard dragon scales and powerful flesh, many Shura naga rush towards the square like a Vajra who is not bad.

Tu Hu’s lips pressed tightly and stared at the ten thousand Shura Naga. It was clear that the number was less than one-tenth of him, but he felt so dangerous.

After more than ten waves of arrows were thrown down, none of them were killed. It was shocking, and I couldn’t believe it.

It’s not that he has never seen such a terrifying family, but it was only from seeing those super elites on the Tianjiao or Peerless list on the Internet. In reality, he saw it for the first time.

“How can this be!”

Not reconciled, he glanced across his family, gritted his teeth and waved fiercely:


“The supreme god of the earth is on top, kill those heretics.”

The two 10,000 Minotaur phalanxes began to advance under the command of two leaders with stronger physiques than their counterparts. One left and the other slowly spread out, followed by Drow Wandering Xia.

In this regard, the ability to slaughter tigers is quite good. The Minotaur’s intelligence is average. Few people can command as much as he does. Not only can they execute tactical orders, but they can also make temporary changes in battle.

The two sides quickly approached. After entering the range, Drow Wandering Xia changed its projectile to charged shooting. Although the firing frequency would be greatly slowed down, it can greatly increase the range and lethality. It is a tactic used specifically to deal with heavy armored infantry.

Before the battle between the two sides, the charged shots, which Tuhu had hoped for, were completed. The full longbow shot out with a fierce bullet. In an instant, it struck the first row of Shura Naga over a distance of more than 300 meters. .

“Clang clang…”

Countless crisp golden and iron symphony sounded into one piece, and one arrow bounced off with sparks exploding.

Except for a few powerful drow Wandering Xia’s arrows that can shoot through Shura Naga’s dragon scales, most drow Wandering Xia can’t shoot through their bodies even with a single shot of energy.

Without waiting for Tu Hu’s expression, the heavily armored Minotaur in the front row had already smashed into the first row of Shura naga, and in an instant, countless heavy metal crashes rang into one piece.

Then, a row in front of the neat Minotaur phalanx fell neatly, without missing one.

Absolute suppression at the level and strength level, the minotaur whose average strength is between the second-level and the third-level, no matter how good the equipment is, it is impossible to be the opponent of the fifth-level Shura Naga, the forwards of both sides Upon contact, the Minotaur fell in pieces, like cutting wheat.

The collapse was so fast that Tu Hu felt like he was dreaming.

“This Tamar, where’s the monster from?”

An elite student of No. 1 Middle School who was watching the game was dumbfounded at Tuhu, who was completely crushed and could not resist. The pieces collapsed at an exaggerated speed than bowling, which made him think it was a counterfeit match.

Quickly checking the names of the challengers, he looked puzzled:

“Lin Xiao? This name… is a bit familiar!”

“This guy is so perverted, when did the second class have such a monster?”

Another elite of the First Middle School put away the chin that was about to deform in shock, and grinned and said:

“I think Brother Piaoxue may have to run into an opponent.”

Several classmates from the elite class of No. 1 Middle School gathered together to communicate in a low voice. Everyone could hardly conceal the shock on their faces. One of them bluntly said:

“How do I feel that this guy is even more perverted than Piaoxue’s main family member.”

“Be confident and get rid of the feeling.”

“But don’t panic, the problem is not big.”

The talking man smiled and said:

“Brother Piaoxue’s main family members seem to be a bit worse, but there are more than this person, plus many dependent family members, unless he doubles the core family members, he will definitely not be able to beat it.”


“But what? Brother Piaoxue didn’t panic what you were afraid of.”

“No, I’m a bit square!”

A handsome man with white eyebrows drifting into his temples frowned and watched the virtual battlefield. He quickly simulated a virtual battlefield in his mind. If his own family members face this abnormal family member, the result is not optimistic.

He pinched his eyebrows for a while, and quickly contacted someone:

“Check me the information of a member of the elite class 1 of the Second Middle School called Lin Xiao, and ask if anyone at the Second Middle School knows him.”

Opposite OK, turn off the communication, his expression is solemn.

In the virtual plane, the battle lasted only halfway and ended. Tu Hu chose to surrender after two minotaur heavy infantry phalanxes were crushed by road rollers.

It’s totally impossible to fight.

He would try it whenever he wished, but after his 20,000 heavily armed Minotaurs were wiped out, fewer than ten opponents died in battle. This gap made him desperate.

Maybe in the end, he could fight to the death of hundreds, but it didn’t make sense. He directly surrendered.

Coming out of the challenge plane, Lin Xiao received a communication from Yun Shaoning, and the projection that connected to Yun Shaoning appeared in front of him, staring at him with an expression like a monster.

“What are you looking at?”

After a long while, Yun Shaoning said:

“Did you challenge me before to abuse me?”


He hurriedly waved his hand to deny Sanlian:

“I don’t have it, it’s not me, don’t talk nonsense!”

He would not admit that he thought so.

Yun Shaoning looked at him deeply for a few seconds, suddenly his face turned straight, and said:

“We have no grudges and no complaints, right?”

“Uh, it should be.”

He thought for a few seconds, and he was sure it was right.

Yun Shaoning nodded:

“That’s good.”

After speaking, he hung up, leaving Lin Xiao alone in shock, and suddenly laughed after a while.


Reopened the Fengyun list, looked around the top 20 of the list, and randomly selected a player named Li Xiushen to challenge.

In the dormitory of No.1 Middle School, Li Xiushen was challenged to come out of God’s Domain, and he picked up a red fruit at the table and stuffed it into the entrance with a few bites and swallowed it, while checking a message and a video from a friend:

“Slim yourself, look at the video, there was a monster in the second middle school.”

He swept his eyelids and didn’t care, and took a glance at the challenger and determined to accept the challenge.

“Second middle school? Lin Xiao? Never heard of it.”

He was relieved when he saw the opponent’s name. As his will sinking into the challenge virtual plane, he suddenly remembered that he hadn’t watched the video sent by his friend. After thinking about it, it was not important, so he finished the game first and then watched it.

Familiar virtual plane, familiar with the terrain of the battle plane, he shrugged and selected all randomly:

“Confident men must be random.”

The plane was quickly outlined, and he thought of his family members in the realm of God, and said to himself:

“Well, let’s hide some strength before challenging Brother Piaoxue.”

I clicked my finger and selected a part of the family members in God’s Domain. More than 20,000 core family members only picked 10,000 who have reached the third-level strength. The second family member picked 30,000, and the cannon fodder only picked 50,000. , There were only five thousand auxiliary family members, after thinking about it, a powerful elite creature in God’s Domain was also included in the list of battles.

“Very good, I hope you have enough strength to force me out of all the power to fight.”

Determined to fight, with his thoughts, the projections of the families of the fight descended into the challenge plane.

“lets go!”

Five thousand cannon fodder lizardman warriors set off first, and the main force followed closely. A large three-headed snake with a length of 20 meters from end to end followed with heavy steps, and a tall and strong emerald snakeman hero was stationed in the crystal method. The stick sat on the back of the three-headed snake with eyes closed. A dozen beautiful emerald snake-man girl priests also sat on the back of the three-headed snake, surrounded by powerful emerald snake-man warriors.

The Emerald Snake Man is an upgraded species of the Snake Man. Normal snakes have a thin layer of scales on the surface of the human body, which is of average defensive power. However, the snake scales on the surface of the Emerald Snake’s human body are replaced by a thick layer of emerald scales, which not only has a stronger defense, this The jade scale itself is a natural jade gem, which can be collected and used as a magic material.

If it is just that the defense is stronger and the emerald scales have economic value, it is not enough to be his core family. The point is that the body constitution of the emerald snake is different from the ordinary snake man. In addition to being stronger than the snake man, it can also be immune to several things like a stone puppet. This kind of negative effect, and the texture of emerald scales is hard, it has super high defense against sharp objects such as swords and arrows.

But correspondingly, the texture of emeralds is hard but brittle, and heavy weapons such as hammers and sticks have huge extra damage to them.

The Emerald Snakeman is born with a high Mental Energy. There is a very small probability of being promoted to a bloodline spellcaster when he is promoted. It is an exception with a warlock class he loaded, thus obtaining a very rare Emerald Priest spellcasting class, and awakens a very rare class. A perverted talent spell-petrified ray, can shoot petrified light from both eyes to petrify opponents like Medusa.

Of course, the power is not as perverted as the legendary Medusa. Generally, a higher resistance has no effect, but it is also a petrified ray. When facing opponents of the same rank, it is almost always unfavorable and has no opponents.

After obtaining this emerald snake-man race, Li Xiushen immediately set it as his core family member to train with all his strength, and now it has begun to take shape.

Originally, I wanted to rely on this surprisingly unintentional challenge to Dongfang Piaoxue, which is now No. 1 on the Billboard, but this new core family hasn’t had a large-scale actual battle yet, and he doesn’t have a deep heart. Someone happens to challenge him. You can let others test the actual combat ability first.

Li Xiu’s will sank and projected onto the emerald snake-man hero on the back of the three-headed snake, and slowly opened his eyes to adapt to this coming container.

This mighty emerald snake-man hero is the vessel he usually descends from, and he has been familiar with it many times.

Putting the crystal rod on the throne on the back of the three-headed snake, he snorted softly, and two beautiful emerald snake-man girls stepped forward and kneeled in front of him respectfully. One of the emerald snake-man girls was charmingly Stepped forward, stretched out her white tender hand to hold something and move it up and down.

He hadn’t prepared any tactics at all, the army pushed forward directly, and quickly crossed thirty or forty kilometers of complex terrain.

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