Chapter 240: The Secret of Vientiane Ruins

The crystal wall system that once belonged to the Vientiane Academy is the Vientiane Remains, also called the Tomb of the Vientiane God, where millions of the true gods of the main world and several times the foreign evil gods are buried.

Lin Xiao couldn’t see from the teacher’s information about what a foreign evil god was, and there was no relevant information in this area on the Internet, but it was definitely very powerful.

After all, the Vientiane Academy was almost able to become the thirteenth super academy in the main world. It is said that the former Vientiane Academy almost completely conquered this small crystal wall system.

The Void Battleship crossed the unknown chaos void. The terror outside the chaotic void space between the crystal wall system and the crystal wall system. The endless chaotic storm of tens of millions of kilometers or even hundreds of millions of kilometers hit the void warship. A powerful transparent energy shield blocks it.

This chaotic void looks similar to the void between the inner plane and the plane of the crystal wall system, but it is even more terrifying.

There are living creatures like the void in the crystal wall system, but the number is not as large as the void, but everyone would rather encounter a large number of malicious void creatures in the void than any creature in the chaos void.

Because the creatures that can survive in this chaotic void are the weakest creatures comparable to true gods, and the powerful ones are no inferior to the strong god-tier powers.

It is said that in the depths of the chaotic void where some chaotic energies converge, there are still some extremely ancient existences, and that existence can’t match even the great god-tier power.

To give a simple example, the famous nine-faced dragon god AO was once an ancient chaotic creature.

Yes, it was once. The former Nine-faced Dragon God was just a chaotic creature. Later, for some reason, he condensed the godhead to give birth to a priesthood. In one fell swoop, he crossed more than 20 godhead levels and entered an unimaginable Realm, becoming the famous Nine-faced in the Chaos Void Sea. Dragon God, great god-tier power.

So in the chaotic void, the most feared thing is to run into anything.

The road they took was a fixed route, and the Lord World deity would clean up every once in a while. Recently, the Vientiane ruins were opened and there was a large-scale cleanup, so they flew all the way without encountering any creatures.

In the chaos, the distance and the time are not counted. The few of them stay in the void battleship without knowing how long they have been outside, only knowing that every three or five days the battleship will enter the back of the chaos void and jump at an unknown distance.

This transition refers to the transition engine in the main world science fiction novel. It is designed with mythological technology to refer to the physical parameters of the chaotic void and the complex space array, which can quickly cross the void to reach distant places.

A leap can span a distance of tens or even hundreds of billions of kilometers, but in Lin Xiao’s induction, they have been flying for almost a year, and the distance spanned may be tens or even hundreds of billions of kilometers.

During this long span, they spent most of their time in a deep sleep, and in this fast flight state, they couldn’t even communicate with their own gods.

It is a pity that the eldest brother-in-law has been staring at all this time, and it is not convenient for him to play with the little aunt.

At most, I can take the time to chat for a while, take a stroll on the Void Battleship, and spend most of the time in a deep sleep.

I don’t know how long it took, Lin Xiao was awakened by a crisp ringing, and a reminder that he had arrived came in his ears.

He got up from the sleeping cabin and looked at the time. It was almost two years since they set off, and it was only two days before they left in the main world.

Coming out of the sleeping cabin, several fellows in the corridor woke up. Everyone came to the main cabin together. Along the huge landing ship, the void battleship seemed to be slowing down, and the surrounding chaotic void gradually became clear and terrifying. The chaotic energy of has become a little bit smoother, no longer as violent as before.

“Look there.”

Following Lu Zhou’s direction, everyone saw a Void Warship that was larger than them rushing out of the chaos, and it was gradually slowing down like them, and the Void Warship’s target direction was the same as theirs.

Along the direction of the void battleship sailing, Lin Xiao saw that the hundreds of millions of kilometers ahead was clear and the chaotic energy was restrained by an invisible force and eased.

In the depths of that clear and bright void, he saw a huge indescribable vortex of chaos rotating slowly from their perspective, and there were no less than twenty void battleships of different sizes and specifications just as far as his eyes could go. To that whirlpool.

The purpose of these void warships is the same as them, obviously their destination is within that whirlpool.

Next, the Void Battleship slid into the vortex silently, everyone only felt that the eyes were dark, and then the infinite light quickly stretched into a line to form a huge light tunnel, which led to the unknown distance.

Then, after about an hour’s journey in the tunnel of light, the void warship rushed out of the tunnel of light and appeared in a…broken void.

Yes, a void filled with broken ruins everywhere.

The void battleship glides quietly in the calm void, and there are broken land floating islands floating in the surrounding void. The broken building debris floats quietly as if in a gravity-free space, and the void battleship floats silently. .

Lin Xiao stood on the edge of the porthole and looked out. In the distance of this void filled with debris and debris, one could see traces of divine power like an aurora, and occasionally saw the corpse of a deity that was as large as a city island floating in the void.

This crystal wall system has completely collapsed, and even the star realm representing the spiritual world has overlapped with the material world.

When a normal deity falls, the corpse will fall into the star realm, and the corpse will gradually become petrified over time. The stronger the deity is, the larger the corpse will be.

The corpse of a weak deity may only be the size of a building, and a strong may be the size of a town, and those super-powerful deities, such as strong god-tier power, can transform into a huge continent.

Every crystal wall system has a star realm, even if the main world has it, that is a place where life cannot survive. That is the destination of the deity after Death. Generally, only the strong above the legend can enter for a short time.

However, the crystal wall system where the Vientiane Relic is located has completely collapsed, and even the star boundary has appeared in reality, indicating that this crystal wall system is going to be destroyed. Lin Xiao estimates that this crystal wall system will be completely destroyed and collapsed someday, and cease to exist. .

The void battleship flew in a certain direction, flexibly circumventing huge ruins, terrifying remnants of divine power and rules, and even an island transformed from a huge corpse.

Along the way, I saw void warships passing by from time to time. Everyone had the same purpose. The more and more void warships they accompany each other, as they crossed a wall of sacred fire that stretched across the void, unknown tens of thousands of kilometers. , They saw a huge temple in the distance, and as they approached quickly, the temple quickly filled their vision.

This temple is based on the void, helpless, and huge. The same huge void battleship approached the temple and fell down in front of the temple.

Lin Xiao approached the porthole and saw that the angle of view in front of him expanded rapidly, and the void battleship, nearly ten kilometers in length, stopped above the temple…on a floor tile decorated with strange patterns.

Then a mysterious wave swayed, and he found that his vision changed for a while. The floor tiles became bigger and bigger in his eyes, and soon the Void Battleship stopped on a certain line of the strange pattern on the floor tiles.

This line was just an inconspicuous point in the strange pattern of the earth turning a minute ago, just like an inconspicuous pattern on an 80*80 floor tile, and the ten-kilometer-long void battleship was parked within that pattern.

At this moment, Lin Xiao didn’t know whether they were reduced, or the temple was originally this big.

But he felt that this temple was originally this big, and what he saw before was just a representation.

At this time, the head teacher’s voice came from everyone’s ears:

“Everyone is ready to gather at the hatch in a quarter of an hour.”

But at this time everyone woke up, most of them concentrated on the window of the warship cabin, all looking shocked at the surface covered with mottled battle traces, and the waves of divine power full of dangerous aura.

The eldest brother-in-law stood by the French porthole with his hands shoulders on his back and looked outside for a long while, Gu Jing Wubo had no expression in his eyes, but after a long while, he sighed and said to himself:

“I haven’t seen it for many years, Vientiane will finally come to an end.”

He suddenly turned around and asked Shen Yuexin:

“Sister, do you know why the six grave guards agreed to the proposal of the God of Gamblers?”

My sister-in-law blinked and blinked, thinking for a while and replied:

“Is this crystal wall system about to collapse?”

The eldest brother-in-law suddenly turned to look at Lin Xiao and asked:

“do you know?”

He stepped forward and stood side by side with Shen Yuexin, pondered the organization language for a moment, and said:

“I have a bold guess. One of the reasons is that this crystal wall system is about to collapse and cannot be maintained? Another reason is that you want to find an inheritor?”

Xia Yu nodded, then shook his head, and said:

“You are only half right. They really want to find a successor. Unfortunately, until now, they haven’t found a real successor.”

Lin Xiao wondered:

“This Vientiane relic has been opened for so many sessions, and there are so many outstanding seniors in the past, and there is no one qualified?”

“Of course there are qualified ones. Every tenth session, one or two qualified ones will be selected by them.”

Xia Yu suddenly chuckled:

“I was selected by them at the time, and I was once the leader among all the competitors, but unfortunately I was still a little bit behind and failed to become the ultimate successor.”

He turned his head, glanced over the two of them, and said:

“Don’t think about this. The general Tianjiao deputy rankings are not qualified to be taken by them. You perform well in the ruins and you can grab a Vientiane treasure. Don’t think too much about the pictures.”

“Don’t think I underestimate you.”

The eldest brother-in-law glanced at Lin Xiao and said:

“Although your current strength is good, you are barely qualified to be included in the Tianjiao deputy list, but you are still far from the requirements of the grave guards. Unless you can grab and open the last Vientiane God Treasure, maybe they will give you one. Chance.”

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