Chapter 233-Li Xiu’s Upgraded Family

In the second stage, although he conquered the underground world, he failed to successfully occupy the descending plane, so there was no reward.

But because the final score is the first, in addition to getting a very good evaluation, he will receive a gift package from Senior Su, and a gift package from the sixteen seniors to jointly reward the plane origin and divinity.

Senior Su’s gift package is very simple, three points of divinity, 300 units of plane origin, and a steel golem manufacturing blueprint.

The big gift packs of the 16 seniors are the origin of the plane of 800 units, the divinity of 24 points, and the seniors each gave him a business card.

The three-hundred-unit plane origin, and the eight-hundred-unit plane origin in the senior gift package are all in the form of cards. One hundred units are the standard, and they are all golden mythological quality cards. This is because the plane origin has no entity. It is not easy to store, it must be stored in the form of a card.

In other words, these are the eleven mythical quality plane source cards.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this reward, and even these brilliant elites with extraordinary backgrounds were surprised at the richness of this reward.

Yun Shaoning looked at Lin Xiao, Gu Xiaoming, and another classmate named Wen Yi one by one, receiving rewards from the head teacher, with a mixture of flavours in his heart, which was very unpleasant.

They are in the top three, among which Lin Xiao is the first, Gu Xiaoming is the second, and Wen Yi is the third.

Wen Yi stepped forward and took a few cards from the head teacher. Jin Sisi encouraged him to step aside with joy, and she whispered:

“Gu Xiaoming!”

The baby-faced teenager stepped forward with a smile and received the reward from the head teacher. He nodded again and again, as if the head teacher was transmitting to him.

After a while, the smile on the boy’s face increased, and he bowed respectfully and retired.

Then everyone’s eyes fell on Lin Xiao, envy, jealousy, and admiration for the first time.

He got his best performance three times in a row, and finally someone looked at him convincingly with admiration.

He walked to the head teacher, Jin Sisi’s eyes were the same as she had seen other classmates before. She gave him the reward first, and then a voice rang in his ears:

“Very well, you didn’t let me down. As the first place, you will receive a gift from Senior Su and half of the gift package awarded by the sixteen seniors. The other half will be divided equally between two and three.”

“Thank you teacher for training!”

“I hope you will continue to have excellent performance in the next big class.”

“I will continue to do my best!”

“Well, you step back first.”

Then the class teacher gave awards to other students, and finally walked back to the center of the classroom to scan around, and said in a deep voice:

“This big class is over, and your classmates performed well and badly. Fortunately, even the worst performer in this big class has reached the standard, so this time there are no knockouts, which is very good!”

“The teacher will announce one thing next.”

Lin Xiao’s spirits lifted, and it was definitely not a trivial matter that the head teacher could solemnly announce.

Jin Sisi said calmly:

“There are still two months, that is, there will be two mid-term exams after two major classes. At that time, the teacher will come up with a big opportunity. Two months will be among the students who have received very excellent evaluations from the five major classes in the first half of the year. Pick five people.”


Lin Xiao obviously felt that the surrounding students who had received very good reviews had raised their spirits, and their ears stood up and listened.

“This great opportunity is codenamed Vientiane. Some students may have heard of it, and some have not heard of it. Students who have not heard of it can search the campus online after class. This is not a secret.”

“Students who know this should know what this opportunity means, so the students in the remaining two major classes have to work hard.”

The class leader’s arbitrarily deep gaze swept over everyone:

“Class ends now!”

“My office will be after class Lin Xiao!”

The last sentence was sound transmission, other students didn’t hear it. At this time, most of them gathered together in twos and threes and whispered about this great opportunity code-named ‘Vientiane’.

Lin Xiaoben was going to check it online after class, but now he has to talk about it later.

Coming out of the classroom, I saw the baby-faced classmate Gu Xiaoming was standing at the door, and saw him come out and said:

“Do you have time to have a chat?”

Lin Xiao frowned slightly and said:

“If you ask me to buy something, then forget it, I won’t sell it.”

Gu Xiaoming smiled:

“I also have three major classes with excellent evaluations. I don’t need to buy it, and I am not a lobbyist for others.”

“Oh, then how about finding a place to sit for a while, I have something wrong now.”

“You don’t need to sit down, just say a few words.”

“Well, you said.”

Gu Xiaoming said:

“You may not be clear about what Lao Ban said about’Vientiane’. You will find out by self-examination later. What I want to say is that we should not fight internally after we participate in the event. How about unanimous external fights?”


Lin Xiao was at a loss now.

“You don’t need to answer now, you can reply to me after you have checked it.”

“That’s OK.”

After Gu Xiaoming finished speaking, he waved his hand and flew into the air, leaving Lin Xiao standing there for a while, suddenly thinking of something strange:

“The head teacher didn’t call him?”

The direction he flew away was the dormitory, not the same direction as the head teacher’s office.

Scratching his head, while the other students didn’t pay attention to flying into the air, he circled a circle and flew towards the head teacher’s office.

The head teacher’s office is located in an area of ​​Floating City. There is a tall tower full of offices of the teachers of the second middle school. Each head teacher has an independent high tower, which is shared with theory class teachers and counselors.

He came to the class teacher’s office. The two Vajra stone golems at the gate of the tower seemed to know that he hadn’t stopped him. The gate opened silently, walked into the tower and passed through an invisible space membrane, and found himself in the next second. Appearing in a void with milky white streamers flowing in all directions, the familiar figure of Jin Sisi, the head teacher, was standing on the edge of the void. What surprised him was that from behind, the head teacher did not seem to be wearing a helmet, showing a purple-red hair like a waterfall. Sprinkle behind.

As if sensing his arrival, the tall figure in dark golden armor slowly turned around, revealing a…

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, full of heroic spirit, almost flawless face outline, if you reduce the size to a normal woman, you will be a heroic female knight with extraordinary temperament and appearance.

It’s a pity that the head teacher is a four-meter-tall beauty, and the Killing intent faintly revealed between the armor and the eyebrows makes him afraid to look directly, at least he does not dare to look directly.

She stared at Lin Xiao without any expression on her face, and said in a deep voice:

“I called you over because the teacher made a decision to get your consent.”

The voice is low, with a hint of strange magnetism, and it is very nice. It is different from the usual voice in class. It is obvious that she is usually disguised.

He didn’t worry about why the class teacher usually pretends. This is people’s privacy. What he cares about is why the class teacher calls himself over alone.

“After three months of observation, you and Gu Xiaoming stand out from the class. If nothing else, you will get my focus in the next two big classes.”

Lin Xiao was overjoyed immediately, and said quickly:

“Thank you teacher for training.”

“You should thank me. I don’t have the resources in every elite class.”

Lin Xiao…

“The resources I have are enough to cultivate a super Tianjiao-level elite, enough to make you or Gu Xiaoming rank on the Tianjiao deputy list before the college entrance examination.”

Lin Xiao immediately perceives the word ‘or’ sharply, but he did not speak, but stood quietly and looked at the head teacher.

Jin Sisi didn’t sell it, and continued:

“You should have guessed that if the teacher gives you one of the resources, you can use your current strength and potential to grasp and digest these resources, it can be said that you can be firmly on the Tianjiao deputy list before the third year, but if the resources are evenly divided, you can only say It is possible that both of them can be ranked on the deputy ranking of Tianjiao, or even the peerless deputy ranking, so the teacher thought for a long time and decided to allocate the main resource to one of you.”

Speaking of this, it is obvious that the head teacher meant that she had only enough resources to train a Tianjiao deputy ranking. She didn’t want to take risks, so she planned to pick one from herself and Gu Xiaoming to cultivate with all her strength.

But now standing here is that he is not Gu Xiaoming, Lin Xiao knows.

He respectfully asked:

“Does the teacher mean to train me?”

Jin Sisi replied:

“It can be said that you are one of my two most promising students, but if you want to get this opportunity, you must promise me a condition, or that this is our exchange. I give you the opportunity and you have to repay me. ”

This is true…

Quite realistic, the style doesn’t match her at all.

He respectfully asked:

“I wonder what the teacher needs to exchange?”

Jin Sisi glanced at him, then suddenly turned around to answer what was not asked:

“Tianjiao Deputy List and Tianjiao Main List are evaluated by the will of Gaia in the main world. They are rated as the best and most potential rookies below the university, and the best and most potential elite students above the university. The two lists are independent. There is also a close connection. As a list recognized by the will of the main world Gaia, anyone on the list will receive the blessing of the main world’s luck, and the future is boundless.”

“The most important thing is that any person on the list can get a permission to put forward a requirement that can be completed and conform to the rules to the main world Gaia Will.”

“The sub-list players will end after the college entrance examination, and the top players will end after graduating from university. They have the rights for life and can submit them at any time.”

“The most important thing is that if someone can be ranked on the deputy list of Tianjiao until the college entrance examination, and can continue to be ranked as the genuine Tianjiao when entering the university after the college entrance examination, those two jurisdictions will be combined into one higher authority.”

Jin Sisi slowly walked in front of Lin Xiao, her perfect face profile was dazzling, like torch star eyes with a faint divine light staring at him, as if she wanted to see through his heart, she said in a deep voice:

“My transaction with you is the higher authority. Only this authority is yours.”

“If you agree, you will get my full support. This is a resource and opportunity that you will never get from your background.”

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