Chapter 231

After a pause, the head teacher’s aggressive gaze slowed down and said:

“You have one month to think about it. If there is no answer before the next big class, you will be considered to give up automatically.”

Coming out of the head teacher’s office, Lin Xiao thought while walking.

The class teacher’s proposal…

He was quite moved.

After all, as Jin Sisi said, he was born in general, and it is impossible to obtain such top-level resources and great opportunities under normal circumstances.

There is no free lunch in the world, and resources do not come out of thin air.

Just like the resources he got from Huiyao now, it was also in exchange for him to join Huiyao. If he can grow up in the future, Huiyao will not be able to run away if something happens.

Of course, basically nothing will happen with Huiyao’s huge strength, which is equivalent to white prostitution.

But the rule is like this, once something happens, he can’t run away.

The huge resources that Jin Sisi holds can’t be used for nothing, and can only be exchanged for a fee. The terms of exchange are this so-called authority.

At this time, Lin Xiao is more mature than before entering Huiyao, and his personality is far more cautious than before. After all, people will grow up. He didn’t dare to agree to it immediately before he figured out the situation. Anyway, first figure out what the so-called authority is, and How powerful is the authority?

On the way, he searched the campus network and entered the keyword “Tianjiao Deputy Ranking Authority”.

Then he searched a bunch of content, checked hundreds of them one by one, and none of them was what he wanted to know.

He did not continue to search later, he knew that the content in this area would definitely not be found on the Internet, and blocked it.

But he has a way. If there is no news on the Internet, then find someone who may know, such as sister-in-law.

Immediately sent her a missed love note, and asked by the way at the end of the love note.

After a while, Shen Yuexin replied:

“The head teacher convened a few students for special training. I don’t have time. You can ask my brother. I told him. You can contact him directly.”


Special training?

Contact your brother-in-law.

To be honest, he refused. This eldest brother-in-law seems to have a bad temper and is stingy, but my sister-in-law has mentioned it to him. It seems a bit bad if he doesn’t contact him, otherwise, what should I do if I run over and beat me.

Contacted by an unfamiliar communication provided by Shen Yuexin, thought about it in his heart, and re-asked what he had just said.

Then there was no response, and he did not dare to urge.

After returning to the dormitory to finish eating, a projection bounced out without his permission and turned into a phantom of the brother-in-law. He unceremoniously looked around the dormitory and said:

“what do you wish to ask?”

Lin Xiao showed a flattering smile and asked the question again.

“Ask it knowingly, but it was deliberate.”

After hearing this, Xia Yu turned to look at Lin Xiao, looked up and down with a strange look, and said:

“Jin Sisi, that little girl fell in love with you?”

“Ah, it’s my head teacher.”

If you say that, you don’t know what it is.

“This is a good thing, why don’t you agree?”

This virtual projection looked a little different, and he could still sit down beside his bed, stroked the bed sheet and said:

“You are so poor, it is almost impossible to be on the top of the ranks of Tianjiao before the college entrance examination on your own. Now it is a good thing to have a rich woman to take care of you.”


Lin Xiao knew that the eldest brother-in-law looked very upset at him, grinned, and said in a soft voice:

“Brother, what exactly is that authority?”

“Nothing, you can understand it as an infinite wish technique from Gaia’s will, which can satisfy any of your desires within the scope of the rules, including allowing you to immediately ignite the fire and seal the gods without any sequelae.”

Lin Xiao’s eyes widened suddenly. At this moment, he thought of a certain legend-His Majesty Io, the supreme crystal wall master of Toril Crystal Wall Universe, seemed to possess the terrifying power that instantly made mortals enshrine gods. , From this association, is the will of Gaia in the main world the supreme god of the main world?

In his Lenovo Kung Fu, Xia Yu continued:

“Although this infinite wish technique is extremely precious, there is nothing good in the world before you can gain it. It is impossible for you to take up all the good things. With your background, you have basically reached the limit to the point where you are now. If you want to go further , There must be support, you can agree.”

“Moreover, Jin Sisi little girl wants this permission to save her father. If you succeed, you will get a god-tier favor with a tenth-level divine power. This is a life-saving grace, it will not be better than this. The permissions are bad.”

“Hey, the ninth-level strong god-tier power…”

Lin Xiao felt that what the elder brother-in-law said was reasonable. After thinking about it, he was about to speak. The eldest brother-in-law who looked unpleasant to him snorted and said:

“You don’t have to count on my sister. Although my family does not lack this resource, as a man, I believe you are unwilling to eat soft rice from his girlfriend.”

“Ah, actually I am willing…”

He didn’t dare to speak out, for fear of being beaten.

“Well, I won’t beat you for the sake of your recent performance and honesty. Remember, be honest before you meet our requirements and don’t bully my sister.”

The shadow of the two swords Sword Ray crossed in front of him, and the threatening brother-in-law projection disappeared.

This brother-in-law is really…

Lin Xiao was speechless.

Fortunately, although the eldest brother-in-law looked at him unpleasantly, seeing the sister-in-law did not deceive himself.

If it is the same as Xia Yu said, this is indeed a good deal. A god-level up to ten ninth-level, a strong god-tier power that is only one step away from the great god-tier power, is indeed not inferior to this power. The only difference between them is that the authority is more omnipotent, and the upper limit is higher, but the favor is continuous.

Lin Xiao was not a mother-in-law, and soon made up his mind.

Contact the class teacher immediately and say:

“I agree with the teacher’s proposal!”

Soon Jin Sisi’s projection was transmitted in person, and she leaned slightly towards Lin Xiao and said:

“You will never regret today’s decision.”

He obviously felt the change in his attitude towards him after he agreed with the head teacher. If he said that he was only optimistic about the students before, they are now in a cooperative relationship, and they have become more accommodating and closer.

She said:

“Now that you have agreed, my investment in you will take effect from now on. Due to the rules, I cannot provide you with a lot of resources free of charge, but I can provide you with convenience within the rules, for example, every big class You can specify the cards or rewards you need, or you can use the extra cards in your hand to exchange the cards or other resources you need from me.”

“Are there any resources?”

Lin Xiao immediately thought of something and asked.

Jin Sisi nodded:


“You don’t know how terrifying the resources in the hands of the elite class teacher of a super-school affiliated high school. Although this does not belong to me, I have the power to handle it. Within my power, you can get most of the things you want. .”

“What about Yizhen?”

“How much do you want?”


This tone is arrogant!

“I can reward you with the treasures in the big class, and let you get them within the scope permitted by the rules, but I personally remind you that you don’t need these treasures at this stage. What you need is divinity, the more the better .”

Her heroic and beautiful face said to him with a very serious expression:

“The two-month late stage exam is one of the many great opportunities in my hands. At that time, your divinity level will be related to your initial advantage. You’d better have your own divine level Ascension to the fourth within two months. -level.”

“I can do it.”

He now has fifteen points of divinity. According to the third-order divinity level, four points of divinity are converted into one point. Twenty points of divinity is enough, and he has just harvested 27 points of divinity, plus his hands. The remaining two points of divinity, a total of twenty-nine points, are enough.

“You have gained 27 points of divinity in this big class, a thousand and one hundred units of plane origin, and a steel golem manufacturing drawing. The divinity and the drawing are for your own use, and this thousand and one hundred units of plane I suggest that you use it in exchange for what you need, such as treasures or divine nature, or other needed cards.”

“Your God’s Domain has reached the seventh level. The plane origin required to advance to the next level requires a full 10,000 units. Even with my help before the university, it is unlikely that you can get it together. It is better to exchange for other ones that are more suitable for you.”

Lin Xiao nodded, this is what he thought, rubbing his hands, he asked:

“If you change a complete legacy, how many can you change? If it’s a fragment of the legacy?”

Jin Sisi replied:

“If it is a complete legacy, I can only exchange for a Tier 1 treasure within my authority, but I can pick you up with the strongest treasure within Tier 1, if it is a fragment of a legacy treasure, it can be exchanged for 30 yuan. about.”

“Can you choose the fragments yourself?”


Jin Sisi glanced at him strangely and nodded:


“Then I want to exchange thirty pieces of remains.”

“you sure?”


“That’s OK.”

She was very surprised by Lin Xiao’s choice, but there must be a reason for his choice. Everyone has secrets. She didn’t want to explore other people’s secrets. She just stretched out her hand and held her eyebrows for a while, and when she opened her eyes, she stretched out her hand and waved it. Different from the color, the fragments of the treasures that exuded Ruoyouruuo’s breath flew out and lined up in front of him. She glanced at Lin Xiao and said:

“Although it is within my authority, our exchange has been reported.”

Lin Xiao nodded repeatedly, the head teacher meant that their current exchange was under the school’s monitoring, but he didn’t care.

Anyway, as long as he conforms to the rules, he doesn’t have the desire to take advantage or take advantage of the loopholes. It is very worthwhile to choose 30 pieces of the remains of a thousand unit plane.

There are many treasure fragments in stock within the scope of Jin Sisi’s authority. It is estimated that the entire Huiyao Middle School has all the stocks over the years. This thing is not available to others, and it is very exaggerated to accumulate it from generation to generation.

Lin Xiao carefully sensed these fragments and quickly skipped them, and specifically picked out the fragments with strong good fortune energy.

At the same time, so as not to be suspected for no reason, he quickly pulled his fingers over, as long as the good fortune energy contained in the induction was enough, he would choose it, there was no comparison one by one.

Soon the 30 fragments were selected, and then eleven gold cards containing 100 units of plane origin were taken out to the class teacher, and the exchange was completed.

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