Chapter 213: The Underground World Digged Through

Jin Sisi groaned a little, and shook her head:

“Chuo Mo will win.”

She added:

“Although his big naga is slightly stronger than the upgraded bear, but the strength is limited. Between the two sides’ same ranks, they can’t tell the winner in a short period of time. The victory is also a miserable victory, but at this time The two sides fought at full strength. There are three battlefields. The main force is irrelevant. It is also difficult to tell the victory or defeat between the storm eagle and the fire element in a short time, but the victory or defeat between the two sub-battlefields is easy to see.”

She pointed to the battlefield between the little murloc and the tauren and said:

“His little murloc was obviously also upgraded, and the combat power shown now is far beyond the normal murloc, but after all, it is only upgraded and not evolved. It is impossible to beat the 30,000 tauren of Chumo, and he will definitely lose in the end. .”

“Unstoppable, really unstoppable!”

What Jin Sisi, the head teacher, said was exactly what Lin Xiao was seeing now. Outsiders could see it, and he could see it more clearly.

Although the little murloc is very powerful and supported by a large group of elemental adders, after all, the individual strength is not strong enough to stop the barbaric impact of the tauren.

Absolute power gap, using a low-level race to resist a high-level orc race is really difficult.

While the big naga and the upgraded bear were still bloody and torn, the dual method system confronted them with the advantage, but the opponent was unable to defend it for a while. The storm eagle dragged the remaining fire element by its air superiority. After several hours of torn and killed on the battlefield without reinforcements on both sides, the central murloc phalanx was finally pierced by the main force of the tauren.

Countless corpses were piled up, and almost five or six little murlocs added some elements to fight to death a fully armed tauren.

“I need better weapons and armor, and a new conventional main species!”

Lin Xiao’s intuitive battle is not a complete show. He is carefully observing how the little murloc falls into a disadvantage. Even if there are many elements and the support of the murloc and the wisdom goblin mage, the opponent also has the unique shaman profession of the orc, regardless of Both the bunny and the tauren have shamans.

The complete face-to-face duel, even the four magic towers exchanged in the center of the plane were useless.

The core, the main force, the hero, and the wizard are not inferior to Senior Sister Chumo. In other words, if the battle time is prolonged, one or two battlefields can gain an advantage.

But lacking in the conventional main force, Lin Xiao knew that he needed a regular main battle race like tauren between the little murloc and the core big naga.

No matter how much the murloc modulates, the murloc foundation does not have much room for growth here, and it is destined to be only a servant and cannon fodder.

The Great Naga is already the absolute core main force now, and as he continues to modulate it in the future, especially if he transforms once again according to his ideas, it will definitely be stronger. At that time, the reproductive ability will definitely drop greatly, and it is destined to be unable to be used as the regular main force.

Then, he needs to reformulate a race between the little murloc and the big naga.


Lin Xiao already had a vague idea in his mind, ready to start implementing it when he accumulates more good fortune energy.

The collapse of the conventional battlefield did not affect other battlefields. In order to test him, the Tauren did not continue to attack and support other battlefields after defeating the little murloc. Interfere with other battlefields, and the battle continues.

An hour later, the battlefield of the wizards was divided into winners and losers. By virtue of their numerical advantages, the wizard group headed by the intelligent goblin hero Alemante finally defeated the few legal team of Chumo Senior Sister.

Two more hours later, the battlefield between the Storm Eagle and the Flame Lord Culbert was still in a stalemate, and the core battlefields of the two sides began to change.

After several hours of shopping and shopping between the upgraded bear and the big naga, there was finally a significant change. The big naga, with its powerful BUG-like talent and bloodsucking to restore itself, insisted on to the end, which lasted longer than the upgraded bear. Fighting hard until the end, the most downgraded bear is the bear.

Yes, the difference between the two sides is really not that big.

The physique of this upgraded race is far stronger than normal bears, but it still does not consume the overlord body of the big naga.

Lin Xiao saw that in the entire battlefield, every big naga and upgraded bear were covered in wounds, and every big naga was covered with claw marks and blood holes, and a large number of scales on his body were caught and cracked.

Although the wounds on the body of the upgraded bear are not as large as the big naga, the size of each wound is shocking. The double-wielding special saber has a very high damage. It can easily tear the muscles a few feet long and penetrates the bone. The big wounds caused considerable damage to the upgraded bear.

When the main battlefield Slardar shot and killed the upgraded bear hero, and was the last upgraded bear guy, there were less than a thousand big naga standing at this time, and all of them were covered in blood and swayed, and there was no more combat power left. .

At this point, Chumo-senpai finished the battle, and did not watch the final battle result between the storm eagle and the fire element.

The two can fly, and the other changes the terrain to create a huge lava lake. The one on the ground can’t go up to the sky, and the sky doesn’t dare to come down. Neither side can do anything about it.

At the end of the battle, this slender girl from the third grade of Tianjiao’s deputy ranking looked at Lin Xiao with a hint of approval in her eyes, and said to him:

“You, an upgraded race similar to the Naga, have very high potential. You can fully cultivate it as your core family member. Don’t be stingy with the card slot. You can buy a large number of reproduction cards, use one every month, and keep it for one year. In the end, by the third year of high school, if you can gather 30,000 or 40,000 core family members, and other races maintain this growth rate, you will most likely be ranked among the top 3,000 people.”

Xiong Chumo was very optimistic about this junior, and he paused for a while and said:

“I heard that you are a special recruit for this year. Some things may not be known. As one of the two high schools affiliated to Huiyao, our school has resources beyond your imagination. The first class of elites is one of the facades of the second middle school, and it has the opportunity to get those big opportunities.”

“Your current strength is enough to rank among the top three in the elite class, and the potential is also sufficient. What is lacking is the resources and the opportunity to make your potential explosive growth. As a senior sister, I will remind you that it is good for you. Show yourself in front of the class teacher, show what ability and potential you have, don’t hide it, or you will easily miss opportunities.”

Senior Sister Chumo’s tone was very sincere. Lin Xiao chewed her words carefully and bowed a serious polite:

“Thank you, senior sister, for reminding me, I know.”

“Remember my last words, if you are lucky, you can also seize the possible luck, you may be able to rank in the top three ranks of Tianjiao like me.”

When she said this, she stopped talking, and smiled:

“My evaluation of you for this test is very good, come on!”

“Thank you senior sister!”

He could feel that the senior sister gave this evaluation to himself purely because he was good enough, without any other reasons.

Now this kind of pure idea is hard to come by. It can be regarded as bringing him some resources. After all, he is evaluated as very good, and he can get the extra rewards that the teacher said before class-a blueprint for the construction of a lightning spire, and two have been built. Lightning Spire.

The Lightning Spire is a type of war building, one of the advanced versions of the magic tower.

Normal magic towers need to be presided over by a mage, and the power of many mages is gathered through the magic circle and enlarged to form powerful war spells.

The lightning spire is one of the advanced versions of the magic tower. It has the same name as the flame tower, frost tower and so on. As the name suggests, the magic circle depicted by the tower is the lightning magic circle, which can store the magic energy It is directly converted into a fixed lightning spell and released, and the casting speed and casting distance are faster than the magic tower.

The most important thing is that as an advanced magic tower, the lightning tower array has the function of storing lightning energy. It can store a certain amount of lightning energy in advance, and it can be activated and released instantly during a war. If the enemy does not pay attention, it will eat a lot. deficit.

In the case of a more powerful mage tower that is expensive to build, the magic tower is the most powerful conventional war building.

Lin Xiao returned from the virtual plane happily, and could return when the battle was over.

Will return to his true body, he opened his eyes and saw that there were only a few people chatting in the classroom. These were all students who had completed the big class, regardless of whether they passed the test.

However, looking at their expressions, most of them are pretty good, and it is estimated that they have passed the level.

It’s a pity that there is no acquaintance in the class. He came to Huiyao from Yunmeng province and crossed over hundreds of millions of kilometers to go to school. He only knew Shen Yuexin, and the others were not familiar with each other. In addition, everyone was actually a competitive relationship. I can’t talk about the descendants of the true gods related to Huiyao.

The two middle schools of the huge Huiyao Middle School add up to tens of thousands of students. They are basically descendants of true gods, most of them are direct descendants, and many are descendants of the first or second generation of true gods.

When they were in the Fifth Middle School of Dongning City, Yan Renjie and Wan Ying, who were the only two true gods in the class, couldn’t talk to each other at first, and the classmates didn’t say a few words for a year.

Life is used to the huge gap between families and it is difficult to be friends.

After looking around, he simply called out the light curtain and thought about entering a certain keyword query.

After a few seconds, he revealed a hint of surprise and murmured:

“Not really?”

What he searched for was the so-called great opportunity that Senior Sister Chumo just said, but no matter what keywords he entered, there was no content related to what he expected in the campus network. There was even no information about the final exam of the second year of high school and the college entrance examination. The same as being blocked.

“Well, it should be blocked!”

He has to search for it if he doesn’t struggle, forget it, he still has a way out.

The final reminder from Senior Sister Chumo is very obvious, to build a good relationship with the class teacher, and try to show her own strength and potential in front of the class teacher.

As the head teacher of the elite class of the Second Middle School, she must have certain resources and opportunities in her hands. As long as she is optimistic, there will naturally be resources and opportunities.

The way to show Own’s strength and potential is very simple. The teacher can see the best performance in every big class.

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