Chapter 206

The little guy stood in his palm and hugged one of his fingers with both hands. It was so cold to the touch that he was very comfortable, and he raised his delicate face and nodded repeatedly:

“Big Brother, what do you want Xiaodingdong for?”

He gently pulled Xiaoding Dang’s body with his fingers and swayed from side to side, smiling:

“Big Brother wants to turn another world into another paradise full of water, and let you be the queen of that world, would you like it?”

The little guy asked curiously:

“What is a queen?”

“It’s the most powerful one, the one that listens to you and plays with you.”

The little guy immediately lit his little head:

“Really, Xiaoding Dang go.”

He stretched out his fingers and touched her delicate and cute little face that was raised up, with a face of doting.

His idea is very simple. To connect the water elemental realm with the main divine realm, let the divine realm of the main divine realm spread to the water elemental paradise ecological effect along this channel, and transform the water elemental realm into a water-based divine realm paradise ecology, not simply Water element ecology.

Let Xiaoding Dang become the queen of the water elemental realm, and rule everything in the water elemental realm, including the water element and the many creatures in it.

Not only the Water Elemental God Realm, but in the future, he will also find a way to open a channel in the Heaven God Realm space above the main God Realm and God Realm, extending the God Realm heaven ecology to the past.

There are a total of six divine realms in the four elemental realms plus the upper heaven and the underworld. The only ones that need special modification are the water elemental realm and the heaven realm. The other divine realms do not need to be transformed into a paradise ecology because of the existence of a large number of extreme elements. The general environment is fine, anyway. There is no requirement for creatures, only a batch of ecological cards suitable for the remaining four gods’ realms environment needs to be purchased to integrate into it.

Of course, it’s just a preparation now, and Xiaoding Dang doesn’t need to go there now. Lin Xiao initially estimated that it would take decades for the God’s Domain to wait before the initial transformation of the Water Elemental God’s Domain was completed.

During this period, a large number of powerful and fierce marine creatures were purchased and thrown into the water element god realm to multiply.

Unlike the main divine realm, the water elemental divine realm does not need to raise ordinary marine creatures, and specializes in raising a large number of marine beasts.

I wandered around in Own God’s Domain, including the still empty Heaven God’s Domain space and the underworld space below. Both spaces are now wasteland, and there is not a single ant, and there is nothing to see.

These are just his pre-planning, and he cannot support him in developing these two divine realm spaces at this stage.

God’s domain is developing well, and Lin Xiao is full of joy.

With his consciousness regaining the kingdom of God, he was about to return to the main world, and suddenly he moved in his heart to accurately reinvest his will into the city of truth, appearing above a huge building.

This is the laboratory processing workshop of the intelligent goblin Alimonte. One of the hot air rushes into it, and at a glance, the huge empty workshop is filled with various metal machines, what clockwork goblins, and mechanical combat puppies. , Goblin bombs, goblin artillery, etc. Early stage mechanical engineering creations belong to the early engineering creations and are of little use.

His gaze was quickly attracted by a huge golem that was four meters high and made of metal standing in the open space in the middle of the workshop.

This thing is like a heavy infantry with a large shield with a height of four meters in his left hand and a two-handed sword with a wide door in his right hand.

After reloading the golem, Alemante has now researched and built a real machine.

Lin Xiao quickly swept the reloaded golem through the authority of the Lord of God’s Domain at an angle of 360 degrees, and immediately discovered many problems in this golem, and he could not go into actual combat.

But now that the first prototype has been researched and manufactured, subsequent adjustments are easy.

Spend more time to experiment, adjust, find out all the problems and fix them before you can put them into actual combat.

In fact, at this time, Alemante, who was dressed as a craftsman more than a wizard, was crawling under the golem, and was taking apart a metal plate that might be four or five centimeters thick and looking at something.

He was very satisfied with this, and immediately dropped the gods to praise Alemante, and gave him ten points of divine power to Alemante, directly Ascension his strength to the seventh rank.

There is no need for many physical rewards. For a devout believer, recognition and praise from the gods is better than any reward.

After returning from God’s Domain, Lin Xiao is in a good mood. Now he has created a reinstalled golem. According to the reality, one day and one year in God’s Domain, it will take 30 years to wait for the next big class. I believe this reinstalled golem is not only long ago. Perfect, I’m afraid it can be transformed into multiple models adapted to different situations and manufactured on a large scale.

He first connected to the Internet and acquired a group of rare resources necessary to make golems and magic towers within the campus network, which cost him a lot of faith.

But it’s all worth it. The armor is super thick, and it’s not afraid of death. It is suitable for fighting tough. As long as the accumulation is enough, it can display a combat power beyond ordinary people’s imagination.As they entered the second and third year of high school, the players of God’s Domain gradually began to sharpen their troops, and no longer rushed out all the dependents in the God of War domain as before. Now they are more elite.

When he occasionally Slardar prayed to himself, he consciously conveyed this concept. After many times, Slardar has begun to try to establish a stable full-time army. The first batch of experiments is the big naga, with a small amount of strength reaching the second. -A little murloc above level.

Now the base of the family members of God’s Domain is still not big enough.

With the rapid development of God’s Domain, Lin Xiao was in a good mood and sent a message to Shen Yuexin:

“We haven’t seen each other for two months. I heard that there is a beautiful place called Moonlight Lake outside the campus. Let’s go and see?”

But there was no response after a long time.

After he finished a meal, there was still no response after sending several more messages. Lin Xiao knocked on his forehead, thought about it, and went out. He was going to go out for a stroll, so he stopped by to take a look.

As soon as I left school, I received a reply from Shen Yuexin:

“I had something just now.”

“It’s okay, no class today.”

After a while, she replied:

“I may not be free today, I will go tomorrow.”

After returning the message, Shen Yuexin heard the voice of the gentle man opposite:

“Is that little boy?”

She bit her red lips and nodded gently.

In front of her, stood a young man in white clothes with an extremely handsome face, looking at her with a gentle face, turning his eyes to a certain side, and smiling:

“Well, let me see, he got a hit, do you want to see him?”

Shen Yuexin showed a trace of hesitation. Before speaking, the handsome white-clothed boy swung his back and said:

“Come on, let me see if he is worthy of my Xia Yu’s Little Sister.”

As soon as the voice fell, the two disappeared at the same time.

Lin Xiao took the crystal plate across two huge floating cities to the floating city where the No. 1 Middle School campus was located. From a distance, he saw the tall and mighty school gate. The two statues are several hundred meters high, and they are like gold castings, exuding a faint light. The statues are standing on both sides of the gate.

This is not a real statue, but two mythological structures comparable to high demigods-Titan Colossus.

Before he came to the Titan Colossus, he immediately sensed that two real eyes fell on him and swept past him, and then his eyes disappeared.

This means that he can enter the campus of No. 1 Middle School without being blocked.

This is because No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School belong to the Fai Yao Middle School, and students from both middle schools can go to each other’s campus.

The crystal plate was slightly lowered and flew towards the gate. Lin Xiao stopped suddenly when he was about to enter the school gate, and suddenly lowered his head to look at the edge of the school gate. A familiar figure was standing at the school gate, standing very close in front of her. A handsome young man in white that made him feel ashamed.

At that moment, Lin Xiao felt as if his brain had been hit by something, and his figure fell from the sky in a flash.

The young man in white did not look up, and gently said to Shen Yuexin:

“Let’s guess, your little boyfriend came over the first sentence…”

“do not want!”

Her delicate and pretty face turned pale for a moment, and she saw a fist drop from the sky and hit the face of the young man in white.

Then, her small mouth was slightly opened in a daze.

The white-clothed boy did not move at all, even the flesh on his face did not change, as if he had hit a rock with a punch, but his expression was quite wonderful.

Shocked, angry, surprised, funny, etc. appeared on his face in an instant.

Slowly turning around to see the young man who looked at Shen Yuexin with grief and anger, all expressions on his face disappeared, and he stretched out his hand to touch his face and suddenly smiled:

“It’s been many years. The first time someone slapped me in the face besides my father.”

A look of nostalgia appeared on the raised face.

However, neither Lin Xiao nor Shen Yuexin paid any attention to him. At this time, Shen Yuexin was covering her mouth with shock and joy, while Lin Xiao looked at her with grief and indignation, waiting for her to explain.

No one spoke for a while before the white-clothed boy sighed:

“Boy, do you dare to hit me, you are done.”

Lin Xiao turned his head fiercely and stared at the young man in white. For a moment, he felt a little familiar, but he didn’t have any impression after thinking about it. He shook his head and put aside the messy thoughts, reaching out and grabbing her hand. Declaring sovereignty in his arms, he said earnestly every word:

“She is my girlfriend!”

The white-clothed boy looked at Shen Yuexin blankly, her face was covered with red clouds at this time, but she did not struggle.

The boy suddenly furiously said:

“Who said it’s your girlfriend, I’m going to challenge you!”

Lin Xiao’s uncompromising challenge:

“Come on, who is afraid of whom!”

As soon as the voice fell, she felt that Shen Yuexin was pinching her own waist, which was even more unbearable, so she comforted her loudly:

“Don’t worry, even if he is the first in the elite class of No. 1 Middle School, I’m not afraid, just wait.”

The white-clothed boy looked so fake no matter how he looked, but Lin Xiao couldn’t see the anger, and said loudly:

“Good boy, courageous, come with me.”

Speaking secretly transmitting to Shen Yuexin:

“Don’t stand in the way, little girl, you dare to beat me the first time you meet. It’s okay. I’m going to beat him up later and I won’t even recognize it.”

My sister-in-law looked at the two cockfighting teenagers with helpless expressions. Lin Xiao couldn’t help but stand on the same crystal frisbee by holding hands. She shyly wanted to get rid of it, but he held it tightly and gave each other from time to time. A provocative look.

The boy in white was very familiar with No. 1 Middle School, and soon took him to a high tower and fell down.

Many middle school students passed by, but no one paid attention to them.


“Boy, you still have time to regret now!”

The young man in white stood in an empty classroom with his hands on his hips and looked at Lin Xiao, but the expression on his face was as much as he owed as much as he ought to be beaten. He was so angry that he said without showing any weakness:

“Joke, I have never been afraid of anyone in the same grade!”

“Very well, I hope you won’t regret it later!”

Talking and waving his hand, Lin Xiao saw the world collapse before his eyes, and his will quickly fell into the abyss.

In this moment of darkness, he seemed to sense a shadow that made his soul tremble watching him beyond the abyss, and he shuddered subconsciously.

But before he could think about it, the will had already arrived in front of a huge virtual position. The white-clothed boy glanced at him with an unknown expression and said:

“Summon all the projections of your family members in God’s Domain, don’t leave any hands, otherwise you will lose miserably!”

Lin Xiao snorted coldly:

“I want to say this to you.”


The strange laughter made him feel bad, and when the battle was approaching, he seemed to wake up suddenly, feeling something wrong.

But at this time the arrow is already on the string and I can’t regret it, and I always feel that it will be troublesome if I regret it.

Fortunately, this is just a projection battle that will not affect God’s Domain, so he dared to stay here. If it was a real God’s Domain battle, he would definitely not be so impulsive.With a heart move, he communicated with God’s Domain and felt the growing God’s Domain. He had some confidence in his heart.

This white-clothed boy is a bit familiar, as if he has seen it before, but he has no impression when he thinks about it carefully, but he must have been in the first middle school who has been pestering my aunt. My aunt is now a student in the elite class of the first middle school, and he guessed that too.

The strength of the elite class of Huiyao No. 1 Middle School is generally better than that of No. 2 Middle School, but the strength is limited. Lin Xiao himself is in the top five of the class in No. 2 Middle School. The other elites are in the same class as him. There is no supermodel like Wu Zhonglin. There is not much difference between the players. According to the gap between the first and the second, he can also be ranked high in the first.

Not afraid.

Lin Xiao was determined in his heart and summoned projections of all the dependents to come.

In an instant, white light from the sky descended into the plane, exposing many family members with more than 90,000 people.

As the pope, Slardar called out loudly for the first time, and lined up.

And the young man in white on the other side of the plane is watching his family with interest, still pointing his finger:

“It’s okay. Compared to growing up a lot in the summer camp, the core family’s potential has been fully utilized. However, it is still far from being my brother-in-law on this basis.”

“These heroes are okay, with good potential. If they are well trained, they have a future.”

“Hey, this cannon fodder…”

“It’s still a low-level race, but the potential…it’s a bit unexpected!”

Xia Yu pinched his chin and pointed at his many family members, the more he looked at it, the more unexpected it became.

At first glance, these many dependents are murlocs, naga and goblin races, but after a closer look, he can see that these three races are not the three common races, but are all upgraded species. Raised his interest.

Tilted his head and thought for a while, snapped his fingers, a beam of light fell from the sky, revealing an old man with his foot on a gorgeous flying carpet, wearing a gorgeous Magical Robe, and a crystal staff.

“Then, let’s start!”

The white-clothed boy Xia Yu stood in the air and snapped his fingers again. Aunt’s projection appeared on the side.

My sister-in-law cast her eyes on the virtual plane and swept around, and said:

“Brother, don’t bully him.”

The white-clothed boy lifted his eyelids and said:

“Did you turn your elbow out so quickly? Besides, I didn’t bully him. I didn’t send any one of so many gods, so I sent a legendary believer.”

Shen Yuexin bit her red lips lightly with her porcelain white teeth, unable to vomit.

At the other end of the plane, Lin Xiao watched the old mage standing on the flying carpet for a long while without seeing the second projection coming, and shouted:

“That’s it?”

The boy in white waved his hand, turned his head and spread his hand to Little Sister:

“Look, he doesn’t like this.”

It was another snap of ‘pop’, an old man wearing a white-washed sackcloth and holding a rusty sword fell from the sky to the ground.

Lin Xiao frowned and squinted slightly at the old sword-lifting man who seemed to be walking unsteadily. He instantly remembered the low-key masters in Fantasy novels he had read in his previous life.

“F*ck, it doesn’t feel right!”

This appearance, this dress, no matter how you look at it, are super strong like the legendary Hidden Sword Saint.

However, in the second stage of normal high school, no one has that kind of super family, right?

Normally the strongest in the second stage of high school are the 7th-order family members, and they are all special heroes.


Lin Xiao always feels something wrong, it looks too dissonant


PS: I went back to my mother-in-law’s home today. There is not enough time, so I can only make more than four thousand codes.

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