Chapter 183 Five-Star Miracle Card-Tower of Truth

Another super-large Qi element that summons the Transcendent level is not bad. It can summon tornadoes and lightning, and its combat power is not inferior to the fire element.

As for the last defensive enchantment card, it’s not bad. What can you say about defense?

The cards are all good, but they are a bit embarrassing when combined, because these cards can’t reinforce the original main force of the Undead Legion, and they are very tasteless in the current round of challenges.

However, this does not mean that it is impossible to fight. The tasteless is just relative to him, whether it is the air element of the Transcendent level or the defense enchantment, it is a good thing.

Moreover, the Undead Legion card in his hand is really too powerful. After many trainings, it is already a supermodel card that exceeds the average ancient quality class card. It is enough to have this card.

Loaded all the cards in his hand except for the professional cards, Lin Xiao bravely faced his opponent and started the eighth round of battle.

And the fact is as he imagined, the opponent in the eighth round is an opponent with three super large fire elements, twelve fifth-level large fire elements, seventy to eighty medium fire elements, and hundreds of small fire elements, except In addition, there are more than 2,000 first-level murloc cannon fodder, more than 2,000 first-level kobold cannon fodder, more than 300 third-level murloc tidecaller warlocks, five hundred fourth-level human archers, and five hundred werewolves warrior.

Lin Xiao had a good idea after reading the composition of the troops. If he guessed right, this opponent had an ancient quality fire element summoning card at the beginning, and he summoned so many fire elements in one breath.

The other troops are all arms cards drawn from previous battles. They seem to be quite a lot, but in fact they add up to the fire element summoning card.

“That’s it!”

With the opponent’s strength, as long as it doesn’t have any super powerful cards, it should be able to be played.

Unknowingly, the combined strength of his film set is already very powerful.

At the beginning of the battle, Yossell ordered the entire army to charge. All the fire elements gathered together around the three-headed Transcendent-level super large fire elements and started casting spells. It became dark red, and the fire rain fell.

The three Transcendent fire elements simultaneously cast the fire rain technique, covering a considerable area.

If other players face this trick, they can only carry it hard, but Lin Xiao also has a large fire element in his hand, quickly summons three waves of fire elements to gather together, and simultaneously casts a spell for the undead archers in the troops covered by the rain to cast flame defense Enchantment.

At the same time, the super-large air element on the other end also casts an air enchantment to resist fire and rain for another important unit.

As for the ordinary cannon fodder, I don’t care if I die.

The effect of the fire rain did not meet expectations, and the opponent frowned, and began to fine-tune the command of the troops.

Lin Xiao chuckled, ignoring the undead army that attacked, and the fine command was too troublesome.

Under the control of Yosair, a large number of fire elements followed forward, and when they were close to the casting distance, they called out fireballs and threw them into the undead group to bombard them.

These fireballs are just ordinary fireball techniques, and the scope and power of the explosion are far less than that of the flame explosion. Of course, to the cannon fodder, the scope of the explosion is just as dead.

A small fire element can only throw three fireballs a day, a medium fire element has six rounds, and a large fire element nine rounds. There are thousands of fire elements here, all of which are powerful enough to destroy the undead army, but a dozen necromancers will not. Watching the death of his subordinates, he began to approach the battlefield to cast spells together.

Exile, exile the creatures summoned by spells back to the original world, so a large group of extra summoned fire elements are expelled back home to receive a box lunch.

The enchantment of the undead is formed with the help of the Death aura emitted by the undead itself. The defensive ability is not high, but there is no problem with resisting a few waves of fireballs.

Weak, the power of Death makes the target weak.

Fear aura, combined with weakness and Death make the enemy fear and morale decline.

Bone shield, use the broken bones of dead skeletons to form a shield to resist physical and magical damage.

The Necromancer itself is not as powerful as the orthodox mages, but it has a stronger role on the battlefield than the orthodox mages. Various buffs and weakening spells are cast, which can easily change the situation of the battle.

Although Yosair’s spell power is strong, the fire element is not a mage and cannot dispel various undead spells.

All the fire element companions summoned by his own fire element were expelled, but all the fire element summons of Lin Xiao were still there.

He also had to be thankful that the original fire element was summoned by the card and couldn’t be dispelled, otherwise he would be unable to play directly after a wave of dispelling.

However, as the Necromancer exerted his strength and waited until the sneaking explosive assassin touched the rear of the conventional army and blew himself up for a round to kill his long-range shooter, the battle was tilted again.

Lin Xiao didn’t choose to explode the opponent’s fire element. There were three Transcendent-level fire elements there, and the self-explosive assassin couldn’t get close.

Anyway, waiting for the opponent’s conventional forces to die, the remaining fire element group will not be able to turn the sky.

One thing surprised Lin Xiao, until the end of the battle, the three tall, super-large fire elements collapsed and formed a sea of ​​fire.

Although there is no additional fire element summoned, there are so many fire elements in this increase, there is no reason why you can’t cast spells beyond the level?

“Is it because my fire element is a special ability acquired by the fusion of multiple elemental summoning cards?”

Lin Xiao could only guess like this.

Defeating Yosail, Lin Xiao has entered the top ten, not to mention, two extra card slots and an ancient god card are in hand.

Opening the drawing roulette with anticipation, after an exciting spin, a lone card appeared in front of him, but instead he looked happy, because this card turned out to be shining, and he called Yossell. The fire element card was drawn out.

Ancient Five-Star Summoning Card-Flame Molten Sea: Each time you use it, randomly summon three to five super large fire elements, ten to 20 large fire elements, 50 to 100 medium fire elements, 300 Up to five hundred small fire elements.

“Good guy, this card is a bit better!”

Although it is not as good as the Undead Legion Card, it is only inferior and very powerful, and now it belongs to him.

With the card in hand, Lin Xiao was full of confidence in the next game, and his special consciousness returned to the square of the tomb of God to take a glance, but this glance surprised him.

At the end of the last round, there were only nine players left. Originally, what Lin Xiao wanted to see was how many people were left in the China area to see if Aunt Wu and Wu Zhonglin were eliminated. The result was beyond his expectation. The nine players China In addition, there are still six people in the district, and there are only three in the Ivy League. This contrast is astonishing.

What made him even more surprised was that the two remaining people from Yuming Trading Company were still there.

These two were Captain Li Cheng and Wang Jiechao respectively. No matter what happens, the two will definitely get special tricks and training from the military, and they have changed their own destiny from then on.

This is quite rare, which means that they have a high chance of becoming a demigod, and a very small chance of becoming a true god in the future.

Although the probability of changing from a one-in-a-billion chance of an ordinary adventurer to a one-in-100,000 is as small and pitiful, it is better than before.

It is difficult for ordinary adventurers who are eliminated in the high mid-rank segment to be promoted to a demigod, not to mention the true god. It is a negligible possibility. History can prove that the main world will give birth to hundreds of millions of eliminated students every year in the first year of high school. It’s terrible, but every year, fewer than ten players from the Gods who are eliminated from the realm of God are able to become gods.

Most of these are supported by big forces, and it is rare for many years of a completely ordinary adventurer’s background.

This shows the difficulty of God’s Domain player conferring the gods.

Of course, this does not include abandoning the identity of the player in the realm of gods and enshrining them in a foreign land to become a pure faith deity with various restrictions similar to native gods.

Such aboriginal deities are far less difficult to ordain than gods players. After all, as long as there is a godhead in hand, or there are enough believers, it is possible to be a god with a little bit of luck. N many aboriginal gods are good luck and get the godhead. God.

This kind of deity will be restricted to the plane with the most believers, bound by belief, and influenced by the priesthood, and its actual combat power is far inferior to the gods domain believers plus the gods domain player carried by the gods.

But no matter how bad it is, it is also a deity, with Immortal life, many Gods Domain players will choose to become a native deity when there is no hope of conferring the gods.

In the void outside the tomb of the gods, several instructors and many observers of the summer camp gathered together to watch the selection of fingers on the square of the tomb of the gods, chatting and laughing, and several mentors from the Ivy League colleges and universities not far away. The ugly expression is in sharp contrast.

This result is not only Lin Xiao did not expect, but many instructors have never thought about it.

In the beginning, the Ivy League had an absolute advantage. When the biggest advantage was at one point, the number of both sides fell below 8 to 2. However, after entering the top 100, the gap between the two sides quickly approached, and the gap has been reversed until the end of this round.

That is to say, the Ivy League colleges and universities have an absolute majority in the top 100, but the reverse is the case in the top ten.

The instructors can’t see the battle in the tomb of the gods, but they can guess their status through the expressions of the players.

The best mood among them is naturally the instructor of the Rage Flame Team. Among the six top ten players in China, except for the two lucky ones from Yuming Trading Company, of the remaining four, her team has two and one is the War Throne team. , Team Wolfyao, Team Shengjing didn’t have one, no particles were collected.

Of course, the good mood of the mentor of Team Rage does not mean how bad the mentors of Team Shengjing are. In fact, they don’t care about the winners or losers at this stage. It doesn’t matter which player of their team is ranked. What they care about is whether there is at this stage. The players in China defeated all their opponents to become the first place and became the heir to the tomb of the ancient ancestor, Major General Kerry.

As the team mentor, they knew from the big man before that there was a very special treasure in the tomb of the gods. The big man didn’t tell them the specific treasure attribute, but he repeatedly told them to go all out to obtain that treasure.

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