Chapter 158

The so-called incarnation is an incarnation of a strong person above a half god with a little divinity and a trace of consciousness as the core, gathering a lot of divine power.

This refers to below the demigod, if it is the incarnation of the true god, it is different.

The strength of the incarnation is related to the divine nature and the divine power. The amount of divine power carried when condensing the incarnation will be as powerful as the incarnation.

This vampire demigod doesn’t seem to carry a lot of divine power. Although the aura it exudes is strong, they don’t feel much threat.

But for Yu Xiu in the distance, when the vampire demigod descended, he felt as if his head was hit by a sledgehammer. The whole person instantly lost consciousness for more than ten seconds, and when he recovered, his face was pale as paper and busy. As soon as he put the monoculars away, he turned and ran.

Lin Xiao and the others are all divine creatures, and they can ignore the coercion of the demigods with their own divine nature, but Yu Xiu is just ordinary people, and in their eyes is a mortal.

Regardless of any mortal facing a demigod, they will have to accept a round of saving throws with regard to will.

Obviously he couldn’t pass the Will check, and he directly shocked for ten seconds. According to the game, it would be equivalent to ten rounds of inability to attack and allow opponents to attack. Instead, he would have died in battle long ago.

As for the half-orcs under Yu Xiu, they were even more unbearable. After one round of Will checks, they all fled in fear.

This is just a demigod. If the incarnation of a true god descends and fails a round of Will check, it will behave differently depending on the true god’s alignment and will.

If the true god is a Cthulhu, there is a high probability that Death will be triggered on the spot, and the soul will be harvested by the Cthulhu incarnation.

If a non-heretic god descends, there is a high probability that he will be forced to change his mind and will to become a fanatic of the opponent.

Of course, this is the worst case. It is only for mortals who are not determined. If a professional will be relatively determined, they will fall into a state of fear or shock like Yu Xiu.

After escaping from a certain distance to a small hill, Yu Xianxian was about to take out a whistle to summon the chaotic half-orcs. Suddenly his wrists vibrated slightly, and he clicked on a projection of a familiar middle-aged man and said to him:

“Where are you?”

Yu Xiu replied:

“I’m outside Alfonso City.”

“The company has a new order. Now you leave Alfonso and immediately go to the Redstone Mesa near Yingzui Gorge at the junction of the Vampire Kingdom and the Human Kingdom. The company has built a camp there.”

“By the way, don’t pass through the city halfway.”

The middle-aged man reminded:

“Recently, the students from the Super Freshman Summer Camp are practicing on this plane. All the vampire lords are their targets. It is estimated that they will attack the city directly. Don’t go over to avoid being affected.”

Yu Xiu looked at the huge blood cloud covering the entire city just now unfolded above the distant city, took out a hip flask and took a sip of shock, then shrugged and said:

“No need to estimate. Now someone is attacking Alfonso, and in less than half an hour they have penetrated the city. Now even the incarnation of a vampire demigod has descended, and the scale of the battle is big.”

“and many more!”

The middle-aged man stretched out his hand for a moment, and quickly asked:

“You mean the vampire demigod descended in an incarnation?”

“Yeah, is there a problem supervisor?”

The middle-aged man called the supervisor showed a hint of joy on his face and said:

“Then you hurry back and find a way to get the divinity of the demigod incarnation.”


Yu Xiu covered his mouth and rolled his eyes:

“Supervisor, are you kidding me? Why should I take that little divinity? Just my strength.”

The middle-aged man also realized this and quickly explained:

“It’s not for you to grab it. When they defeat the vampire demigod, you used to buy the divinity from them in the name of the company. Then I will remind you how to say it.”

Yu Xiu was speechless. To tell the truth, he refused this order, but he couldn’t refuse.

Fortunately, it was just a message, and he didn’t need to do it. It was not dangerous, so he nodded and said:

“I can go, but I have to wait for them to finish and it is safe to go.”

“Yes, when this task is completed, I will go back to Ascension first-level permission and transfer you to a better and easier position.”

The supervisor made the following promise, and Yu Xiu was satisfied, and threw the whistle into his mouth and blew the whistle to summon the Orcs.

At the same time, not far away from Alfonso City, Shen Yuexin and Lin Xu also appeared when the demigod incarnation of the vampire appeared. She stretched out her hand to grasp it, and a whip flashing with white lightning appeared in her hand, gently Flicking the lightning-like whip quickly extended for hundreds of meters, and it exploded into the void and crackled. She whispered softly:

“Quick battle and quick decision, lest nights have long dreams.”

Lin Xiao retracted his little weird gaze, snorted with a soft drink, and his body quickly soared, transforming into an oversized Naga with the appearance of a 30-meter-high snake tail and a large naga, but with golden scales gleaming with golden light. He stretched out his hand and grabbed a shot. The forty-meter-long golden spear appeared in his hands.

This is the trophy obtained from the demigod of the snake-man when the early stage exams were taken. It must be a good thing to be used as a weapon by a demigod. He used divine power to remove the spiritual imprint left by the demigod of the snake-man. It’s his weapon.

Lin Xu’s weapon was a gorgeous golden long bow. When he opened the bowstring, a golden arrow made of pure power of faith slowly took shape.

The power of his bow depends entirely on the power of faith consumed by the condensed arrows, and the power invested is naturally great.

When the three of them showed their weapons, Lin Xiao knew that he was going to go. He stamped his foot in the void, and a circle of ripples exploded out of thin air. He turned into a golden light and rushed towards the blood of the vampire demigod Realm.

It’s a coincidence that the vampire demigod also has the blood Realm, but it is stronger than the snake-man blood Realm. He can feel that the blood Realm has the rules of aging attached.

If a mortal enters this blood Realm, not only will the blood in his body boil or be forcibly drawn out, but he will also become weakened by the rules of aging.

The rule of aging does not mean that it really makes you grow old. Getting old involves the highest law of time, and aging means that it will produce a state of weakness similar to the aging of life.

And the blood Realm is not only to make your blood boil or to forcibly draw out the target blood, it is just the most commonly used and most powerful manifestation of the blood rule. The complete blood rule refers to the control of the blood. The most terrifying thing for ordinary people is naturally. All the blood is forcibly drawn, or the blood becomes boiling like being boiled.

This is the way to use the blood rules, and the control from the level of the rules cannot be resisted by mortals at all. This is the gap between gods and mortals like a moat.

Deities can only be confronted by the same deities. Although Lin Xiao and the others are not demigods without clergy, their powerful divinity and the power of faith can offset the influence of the rules.Of course, legendary powerhouses who are new to the rule level can also forcibly resist the influence of Realm’s rules in a short period of time.

It is worth mentioning that the legendary arms and the legendary powerhouse are actually two different things.

Legendary arms refer to the level of arms, the sixth-order seventh-order Transcendent arms, and the eighth-order nineth-order legendary arms, which means that the arms of this level are very, very powerful like legends.

The legendary powerhouse refers to a mortal who has begun to master the rules and powers and possesses legendary characteristics similar to divine nature. The strength has reached the level of the eighth rank in the evaluation of countless mortal creatures of the Chaos Void Sea crystal wall system by the main world. Both of them are in physical fitness or There is not much difference in ability, the biggest difference lies in the mastery of the rules.

To use an analogy, both the legendary arms and the legendary strong have reached one hundred strength. A full blow can strike an enemy with a physique of fifty equivalent to fifty points of strength. However, the legendary strong has mastered the rules. The power can hit several times the damage of fifty, or use the power of the rules to ignore the enemy’s defense and cause full damage.

Or to put it this way, even a weak divine power with a god level of only zero, with the help of Transcendent divine power “life and death to seize” can instantly kill a rank 8 or even 9 legendary creature, but cannot kill a rank 8 legendary master who has mastered the rules. By.

Of course, this refers to the vast majority of cases, and does not include some abnormal legendary units, such as giant dragons, such as Xiantian talented and abnormal supermodel units, which cannot be measured by common sense.

In addition, if the arms can be promoted to Tier 10, there will be no distinction between ordinary arms and legendary powerhouses. Other creatures who reach this first-level will definitely have Transcendent characteristics comparable to the legendary rules, which is outrageously strong. Kind.

And this legendary vampire duke named Alfonso actually refers to a legendary creature, not a true legendary powerhouse who masters the rules.

In order to distinguish, the legendary strong man who has mastered the rules is generally called the true legend, or the legendary strong man is named the strong man.

But this is only for people from the main world. Many aboriginal planes call some powerful species that reach the eighth rank by virtue of their bloodline talents as legends, and the divisions are quite chaotic.

But they knew in their hearts that these legendary vampire dukes who reached the eighth rank by virtue of their bloodline were not true legends.


Lin Xiao rushed into the blood Realm like a cannonball, the supernatural power of the body collided with the power of Realm, and the terrifying impact exploded. The blood covering the entire city Realm was torn apart.

The big pure gold spear in his hand pierced fiercely, and the golden transparent light was wrapped around the pure gold big spear to form a triangular inverted cone on the tip of the gun. Like a hot knife to cut butter, the thick blood was easily torn away, and a huge golden figure straightened. Insert into the vast blood Realm.

At the same time, Shen Yuexin, who had flown to the edge of the blood realm, lifted the forbidden whip and threw it fiercely. The white lightning whip suddenly soared and extended indefinitely, transforming into a lightning whip that was bigger than a human and blasted into the blood realm. Inside, the lightning whip suddenly lit up and exploded countless small lightning flashes spreading in all directions, and the power of lightning purification instantly purified the blood Realm in the area covered by the small lightning.

Compared to her powerful whip, Lin Xu’s moves were very low-key, so low-key that they didn’t make any moves.

He was accumulating power from the beginning, and a golden arrow was placed on the bow and pulled apart but it was slow to shoot.

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