Chapter 135 Special Invitation and Rejection

Just like Linxiao School only took out a few in the final exam each year. Where there is enough score, only the best students have the opportunity to grab them.

Although the descendants of true gods are not lacking in divinity, having divinity does not mean that they can be merged casually.

It is important to know that the divinity that is condensed by the power of faith is not pure, and the divinity does not appear out of thin air. It is all other demigods or true gods who condense by condensing the power of faith provided by their believers, which naturally contains a lot of power. The spirit of foreign believers, and the brand of the spirit of the cohesive owner.

It takes time to thoroughly refine the spiritual imprints in it to integrate into one’s own body. Otherwise, it will be affected by the spirit of different divinities, which will affect the personality at least, and affect the potential.

Before Lin Xiao merged the deity of the snake-man and demigod, it was because he used the good fortune Rubik’s Cube to directly extract the pure divinity, saving this step of effort.

The descendants of other true gods gain extra divinity and can only refine slowly, which is not coming soon.

Anyone who wants to go further will not merge a large amount of divinity in one breath to influence oneself.

After coming out of the realm of God, Lin Xiao received a brief message from his instructor:

“After the challenge, you can move around freely, but you must not leave the fortress. You must gather on the third morning.”

There are almost no restrictions, but he has nowhere to go. He just thought about sending a message to Lin Xu. He didn’t reply for a long time and didn’t wait. He ordered a meal first and applied for the reward by the way.

He should be the first group of students to complete the elimination task of the team, and once the task is completed, he can naturally receive the reward.

After waiting for the meal called for a while, he browsed the trading platform while eating.

Speaking of which, Lin Xiao found that even ancient-level cards were available on the trading platform, but Divine Cards and God’s Domain Cards were rarely found.

Although the five mythical quality five-star cards rewarded for completing the mission are of arbitrary choice, they do not include the Divine Card and the God’s Domain Card.

As soon as he thought of this, he received a message and clicked on the light curtain to pop up. The reward displayed on it happened to be the reward he had just applied for, so he could choose the type of reward card.

He put down his chopsticks and thought for a while, the first one he chose was the goblin species card.

The mythical quality goblin card is a total of three thousand goblin males and females.

Choosing this species that can’t even be regarded as cannon fodder is mainly for the third race of God’s Domain.

At present, both murlocs and great naga in God’s Domain are considered to be combat races, but a perfect God’s Domain cannot be all combat races. There must be one or two auxiliary races, and goblins are the auxiliary races he chooses.

Strictly speaking, Lin Xiao could already choose a middle-level race at this time. There were two reasons for choosing a goblin.

One reason is that the support race doesn’t need much strength, and it is good for health. The goblins are very up to the standard and can eat everything, even the carrion of grass roots and leaves, which is quite easy to raise.

The second reason is that he has a goblin afterglow talent in his hand. This talent is quite impressive. He wants to try if he can use this talent to reproduce the glory of the ancient goblin empire.

Well, this is unlikely.

The splendor of the ancient goblin is a man-made virtual god, which is not allowed by any true god, even Lin Xiao will not allow it.

All gods can be made, can you expect them to keep their faith and believe in you?

I’m afraid that the first thing they have to do at that time is to overthrow what he thinks is a false god.

Just like humans in the main world, after they can open up the gods on a large scale to create gods, ordinary people in the main world will not believe in gods, so the players of the gods can only plunder foreign races from the foreign land, and then transform into the gods race to provide faith.

Unless Lin Xiao can become the legendary supreme god, the king of all gods, and the god of the gods, perhaps he can control these virtual gods.

But that was too troublesome, and when he became the supreme god or god, he wouldn’t care about it anymore.

Therefore, the upper limit of its growth must be limited from the source.

In other words, don’t untie the curse of the gods in the Blood Essence vein. As long as the curse is not lifted, no matter how the goblin develops, it is impossible to reproduce the ancient glory.

After all, he just needs an auxiliary family member who specializes in forging weapons and construction machinery for the main battle race of God’s Domain.

The task of resisting the blood legion rewarded five mythical quality five-star cards. In addition to the goblin card, he chose two very suitable talent cards and two speciality cards.

Two talent cards-advanced enlightenment, advanced enlightenment.

Two specialty cards-Mental Energy genius, ingenuity.

Kaizhi and Enlightenment are developed for commercial use. Advanced Kaizhi and Advanced Enlightenment are enhanced versions of mythological qualities. Nowadays, goblins are very ignorant. Without Kaizhi and Enlightenment, these two cards are necessary.

Mental Energy genius is used to mine its Mental Energy, which is a necessary talent for making magic equipment. Without Mental Energy, it is impossible to make magic items.

As for dexterity, it means literally, the mind is more active, and the hands and feet are more dexterous.

With these two talents and two specialties, a new species full of potential suddenly appeared in Lin Xiao’s heart.

Lin Xiao didn’t use the things immediately, so he put them away first.

He remembers that the instructor said that any student who stayed in the elimination link in the team can get two mythical quality five-star cards. Although he said that ninety-nine percent of them can stay, the other students have not finished the test, and they still can’t get those two cards. card.

And he doesn’t have an extra card slot yet, so…

Have to wait.

Speaking of which, the organizer of this summer camp is indeed rich and rich. The mythological quality cards are really calculated. This time the test has won a total of seven mythical quality five-star cards, which are placed in Dongning Five. China is unimaginable.

Of course, this is not to say that the flood of cards is worthless, but rather valuable.

It’s just that the organizers of the summer camp come from more than one hundred institutions of higher learning in China, and with military support, this resource is still available.

No matter how rare resources are, they are not rare at a higher level.

When I return to Dongning No. 5 Middle School and wait for the second year of high school to start, I don’t expect to have a chance to encounter such a good thing again. At that time, I will return to an epic-level card. Stage.

The levels are different, and the experience is different. Lin Xiao suspects that when the summer camp is over, he will not be very appreciative of the rewards provided by the school.

So taking advantage of this summer camp phase, you have to do your best to earn more resources, and narrow the resource gap between your first-year high school and those top wealthy elites.

Two days passed quickly. Lin Xiao finished washing up that morning and received a message from her instructor——

“Three days are up, go to the playground immediately!”

He immediately went out, took out a flying skateboard to set a route, and arrived at the square when he first arrived. From a distance, he saw that there were already many people gathering there, chatting in groups of twos and threes, and he noticed that everyone’s faces were generally not so good.

“Don’t everyone behave badly?”

At this moment, he saw a slender figure among the several figures standing on the other side separated from the other students. It was Aunt Shen’s.

There were several acquaintances not far away, but they stood on the other side and did not communicate with Shen Yuexin.

He thought about it and didn’t say hello.

In the second stage of the summer camp, everyone is basically taking care of their own interests. Even most of the original Yunmeng provinces have been eliminated, and the rest are divided into four teams. Now the same Rage Flame team except Shen Yuexin In addition, there are a few that are not very familiar.

Eliminating others in the team can’t help, and everyone is not very familiar, so naturally there is no need to contact.

As for Aunt Shen Jia, he contacted him once during the period, but she was still undergoing the test and did not respond.

The flying skateboard stopped next to Shen Yuexin. These people were the ones that the previous instructor was particularly optimistic about. The silver player was the last time, and Lin Xiao was the weakest among them.

Of course that was before, and now he is definitely not the weakest.

Lin Xiao self-assessed that his current strength could definitely reach the level of a silver player, and he was still the strongest group, and was already qualified to compete for the three golden thrones.

The reason why it is said that it is qualified instead of being able to grab it is because the family’s equipment is not good.

The weapon problem has been solved, but the armor is not there yet. The fish has a different body shape than humans, and the armors that are paid cannot be equipped.

On the market, there are armors specially adapted to different races, but the problem is that his murlocs and naga are both self-created races, and their size is different from normal murlocs and naga. There is no matching armor, so you can only Find someone to customize it yourself, or…

No, there is no murloc armor on the market at all, and there is no one tailor-made for murloc cannon fodder, not at all.

This is also the reason why he plans to make the third auxiliary race, just to be self-reliant.

Without armor, you will suffer a lot when you encounter evenly matched opponents. One has a thick armor for defense, and the other is hard-carried by the flesh, and the end will naturally be miserable.

Shen Yuexin greeted him openly. He smiled and waved his hand. The others just nodded slightly to indicate that someone responded, but someone didn’t see it.

Obviously these people neither saw nor recognized his strength. If it weren’t for no chance, somebody would want to challenge him.

Lin Xiao didn’t pay attention to them either, whether he recognized it or not, seeing the real chapter under his hand, if they really wanted to challenge, he would naturally give them a surprise.

Ignoring them, he and Shen Yuexin stood together and talked in a low voice.

After talking several times, he found that although she was called aunt in terms of seniority, she was actually no different from other girls. Strictly speaking, she was indeed a young girl. She was not very big, but she was of the same age. It’s still possible to talk.

When speaking, he could not help but quietly raise his eyes, aiming at her charming face openly.

Yes, charming!

He felt that it was difficult to describe her appearance and temperament with adjectives such as beautiful and beautiful. Under the change of divine nature, it is difficult for female gods to be ugly. It can be said that everyone can be a goddess, but she has an outstanding appearance and figure. And temperament, Lin Xiao thinks can only be described as charming.

Chatting with her feels very comfortable and very pleasing to the eye.

So he couldn’t help aiming at her, and he looked at her with integrity.

Of course, she only looked at her charming face and didn’t look at other places. It’s not that he didn’t want to, but the audit was not allowed.

However, no matter how openly they are, no matter how generous the girls are, they will be shy. When he aimed at himself openly again, Shen Yuexin said with some shame:

“Do you talk to girls like this?”

“No, because others are not as pretty as you!”

“Have you always talked like this with girls?”

“No, what I said is true. If you don’t believe me, touch it.”

He held his chest akimbo, Shen Yuexin tilted his head and looked disgusted:

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