Chapter 129 Inventory and Statistics

This is the attribute table of the newly born Grand Naga. As expected, he has been promoted to a higher creature, so he named it Grand Naga, which is different from the past.

This attribute table does not include the omnipotent knight class. This is only the most basic big naga attribute table, but only the most basic big naga is comparable to third-level units. If you are promoted to a naga warrior, it’s a good job. Of the elite fourth-level arms.

Lin Xiao squeezed this ancient divine card with rich crystal light in his hand, kissed lightly to his mouth, and gently tossed it, the card shattered into a sky full of crystal light and exploded, directly blending into the realm of God.

In the next second, the naga gathered around the tribal altar to pray suddenly shuddered, and a faint blood burst out all over their bodies, their muscles swelled rapidly, the scales on the body surface flew from inch to inch, the skin cracked, and blood flowed out of the cracked skin. Stained all over the body, like a blood man.

This is because the blood of other species in the naga is deprived of blood. When the new card merges into the realm of the gods, naturally they begin to transform the existing naga, stripping the excess blood in their body, it seems painful and terrible, in fact…

It’s really painful, it’s like peeling and cutting flesh to draw blood with rough methods, it’s extremely painful.

For this reason, Lin Xiao personally took action, expending one hundred thousand faith points to use the divine art ‘Essence of Sea Water’, and the sky blue light fell from the sky, covering most of the tribe on them and the surrounding murlocs to relieve their pain.

At this time, Lin Xiao had gathered four points of divinity, and his strength was stronger than before. The same 100,000 belief value displayed the effect of the sea water essence was several times stronger than when there was only a little divinity.

If you face the snake-man demigod at this time, when he had only a little divinity, he would consume tens of millions of faith points to condense the golden spear to cause damage to the snake-man demigod. Now he only needs between 3 million and 4 million. The belief value of can cause the same damage as the original belief value of 10 million.

The stronger the divinity, the stronger the strength, and there will be a huge difference in the efficiency of the use of power.

Therefore, for unapproved divine beings, divinity is the foundation and the core of strength. After becoming a demigod, both the divine nature and the priesthood are the core of strength. When the deity is proclaimed, the fundamental core is the divine personality and priesthood.

As time passed, layers of blood flowed out of the naga, but their breath was not declining. Instead, they could feel a powerful vitality gushing out of their bodies. The breath became stronger and stronger, and soon surpassed the previous one. state.

At the same time, at the moment before the breath surpassed, Naga’s body shape also began to change.

Or evolution.

The appearance of the evolving great naga has not changed much from before. It is still a human body with a snake tail, covered with scales, but because the blood of the snake-man goblin jackal is removed, only the pure murloc is left, and its figure is more than before. Stronger, more muscled.

When the evolution is nearing the end and new thick scales are about to take shape, even if the basics are not advanced, the big naga has a height of two meters and five meters. The length of the tail is about three meters below the waist, and the total length is close to five meters.

This is just an adult naga with a third-level class.

If the advancement is a great naga fighter, it is a fourth-level unit with a height of about 2.8 meters, a tail of more than 3.5 meters, and a total length of 6 meters.

Then advance to the fifth-level Great Naga Warrior, with a height of more than three meters, a tail length of four meters, and a total length of more than seven meters.

Generally speaking, the upper limit of the regular advancement of the intermediate species is fifth-level, and the big naga is now an advanced species, so it can naturally be advanced again, beyond the fifth-level to advance to the sixth-level Transcendent creature, named Whale Rider.

When advancing to the sixth-level whale hunter, his size can instantly exceed twelve meters and awaken the power of Transcendent.

The newly born Naga has a lifespan that is slightly lower than that of humans. The theoretical life expectancy is 80 years. If you are promoted to the sixth-level, you will increase your lifespan by 20 years. Once you are promoted to the sixth-level Transcendent life, the life span will instantly reach 200 years.

The pregnancy time is eight months, two years of infancy, three years of juvenile period, and about five years of juvenile period. The tenth year is considered adult.

The adult time is much shorter than that of humans, but the corresponding reproductive ability is not only far lower than that of humans, but also far lower than before evolution.

As the creator of the Great Naga, Lin Xiao knew very well that the reproduction ability of the Great Naga was quite low.

Let’s put it this way, if the previous 1,000 black-scaled naga could give birth to 200 newborns a year, then the current 1,000-large naga could give birth to less than 100 newborns in a year. This is not only less than half. If it multiplies from generation to generation, what is lost is calculated by geometric multiples.

Fortunately, after God’s Domain has loaded the God’s Domain Heaven Card, a certain increase in reproduction speed was added, which slightly made up for the shortcomings of low reproduction speed.

Moreover, he also possesses the power of reproducing the divine Transcendent, so he can use the power of Transcendent to catalyze his birth quickly, believing that the speed of reproduction will not slow down.

The strength of the nearly 1,000 large naga that has undergone transformation is several times stronger than before. Two-thirds of the previous large naga themselves have been promoted. Although all members of this club did not jump on the original basis, they were not cleared. Those who have been promoted have basically four fifth-levels now, and there is no sixth-level yet.

The one that has changed the most is naturally the epic hero Slardar, who…

Still in metamorphosis, a huge blood cell enveloped him, and it has not yet come out at this time.

But as the lord of God’s Domain, Lin Xiao knew very well that Slardar’s strength was growing rapidly at this time, and he had already crossed a certain boundary and made the leap to the sixth-level Transcendent level.

What is Transcendent?

Literally, beyond the ordinary.

To use a popular metaphor, you can refer to the kobold dragon warlock that Lin Xiao has seen, that is, the pseudo Transcendent.

It is called pseudo Transcendent because the kobold dragon vein warlock’s talent spell has reached the level of Transcendent, but it does not have it.

The reason why the kobold is strong is because he has awakened the dragon bloodline in his body, and a Movement Technique technique is all given by the bloodline. After awakening, the strength is basically the same throughout his life.

The magic of the dragon warlock is definitely very powerful, but the body is not strong. The key is that the kobold foundation is here, even if it is strengthened by the dragon blood, it is not strong, so this kind of pseudo Transcendent is created, with the spell of Transcendent, But without a powerful physical body, the spells possessed are also random. Once a real Transcendent creature gets close, it basically suffers death.

The real Transcendent creature can already carry the horror spells of the kobold dragon vein warlock frontally, and the kobold can’t resist the attack of the real Transcendent creature at all.

So just as Lin Xiao thought after seeing Wu Zhonglin’s kobold dragon warlock phalanx, if he had ten times the cannon fodder resistance at the time and could rush to the kobold dragon warlock phalanx, it would be possible to defeat him.

Ten times the cannon fodder is definitely impossible to defeat Wu Zhonglin at this stage, but it is possible to strengthen the own family, and it has now been realized.

If you can gather a large number of Tier 6 great Naga whale hunters, it is not impossible to compete with Wu Zhonglin.

Well, it is possible, theoretically possible.

In fact, even if there are a thousand great naga whale hunters who have reached the sixth rank, they may not be able to beat the opponent. After all, there is a kobold dragon warlock phalanx, a wave of no dead-angle spells covering several kilometers. It is hard to say whether the whale hunter can rush through the bombing.

No matter how weak the kobold dragon vein warlock is, the magic power is the real Transcendent level, without any moisture, even the whale hunters of the same Transcendent level can’t stand it after a few waves of bombardment.

In addition, there is another problem, that is, the sixth-tier Naga Whale Hunter is not good for promotion. The Transcendent rank must require countless fierce battles of life and death to advance. Grand Naga.

“Or, get this out?”

He has a five-star card of mythological quality in his hand, the bloody arena, he can summon a bloody arena in the realm of God, for the family to fight in it, increase the combat experience and professional experience.

It allows the dependents to enter the battle when there is no battle. Ascension combat experience and professional experience, so as not to be fine for a long time, and the strength of the dependents in God’s Domain cannot increase.

Just now there is an additional card slot.

Lin Xiao considered it for a while and decided to do so, just as Slardar hadn’t finished the transformation.

Throwing the card into the good fortune cube, he thought for a while, and consumed one unit of good fortune energy. So far, he only has two units of good fortune energy left, and that’s how it decomposes the thirty-four units of good fortune energy obtained by the destiny judgment Libra. used up.

But it was worth it, quite worth it, in Lin Xiao’s words, the thirty-four units of good fortune energy completely reborn the entire God’s Domain, completely transformed from head to toe.

His God’s Domain had considerable potential from the beginning, and now it is not only infinite in potential, but also in his own strength.

A few minutes later, the bloody arena absorbed a little good fortune energy and strengthened, as he expected, he broke through the golden mythical qualities and transformed into an ancient god card that exudes crystal light.

Five-star building card-Ancient Arena (Ancient): Summon an ancient arena to be placed in the domain of God.

Effect 1: Arena. The ancient arena can provide different specifications of competitive gladiatorial battles, up to 1000VS1000, defeating the enemy in the arena, you can get a lot of combat experience and professional experience.

Effect 2: Ancient power. The ancient arena contains ancient power, which can more easily stimulate the hidden power in the organism. There is a very small probability that gladiators can break through the upper limit of species or be promoted to heroes.

Note: The ancient arena consumes one million faith points at a time.

This ancient god card only has two effects, but its second effect is to make Lin Xiao’s eyes bright.

If the first effect is a large-scale arena with mid-range and mid-range, the second effect directly increases the value of this card by more than a hundred times.

This thing can actually make the gladiator breakthrough the upper limit!

This is pretty scary.

Even if the probability is small, it is also a probability. Ten times does not make a hundred times, and a hundred times does not make a thousand times. If possible, try thousands of times, and the odds are 100%.

As for the consumption of one million points of belief value that was activated once, he ignored it. It may be a bit expensive now, but when there are more and more dependents in the future, this consumption is not a problem at all.

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