Chapter 117

According to the agreement, this time there is no limit to the number of battles between the two sides.

This is because Lin Xiao’s family members are mostly murlocs. It’s okay if the number of troops is less than 1,000. If the two sides send more than 1,000 troops, it will be too bad.

He did not conceal this, nor did he need to conceal it.

If you put it in the past, Shang Xiaoxue, a classmate of this kind of low-level race like Murloc, wouldn’t even look at it with his eyes, but after the previous battle, he didn’t dare to underestimate it.

Although the murloc in the last battle was crushed directly by his centaur, he also saw that Lin Xiao’s murloc was extraordinary. If it weren’t for the own centaur, the murloc was really armed to the teeth, and with the same equipment, the victory or defeat was still It’s a little hard to say, it makes him very interested.

After confirming the plane situation, Lin Xiao directly dispatched four hundred naga and ten thousand murlocs. Almost all the murlocs who could play were played. They were all the least first-level murloc fighters. Then they loaded the omnipotent fighter class. The combat power exceeds the second-level, but it is still a short distance from the third-level.

If it is a second-level murloc warrior equipped with a profession, or the profession level Ascension first-level, it can be comparable to the third-level troop.

In contrast to his almost popping out, on the other side, Shang Xiaoxue also mobilized more than two thousand heavily armed centaur cavalry to appear on the plain on the edge of the plane under the leadership of the centaur hero.

There are a total of nearly three thousand centaurs and more than five thousand kobolds in Shang Xiaoxue’s God Realm.

Kobolds were his initial race, but after having the new race of centaur, kobolds became a vassal race, and their usual job was to mine and fight iron.

The wealthy Shang Xiaoxue got a set of blacksmith career cards, and cultivated some kobolds into full-time blacksmiths. Half of the weapons and equipment of his centaur were made by kobold blacksmiths. This made Lin Xiao drool. I really want a set.

Same as last time, this time Lin Xiao did not command, letting Slarda play freely. Anyway, it was a simulated challenge. If he died, he would not die.

He is like this. Shang Xiaoxue is naturally unwilling to be outdone. He simply told the hero to no longer command. The two sat on the plane of the sky overlooking the earth. The vast grassland was divided by several rivers and swamps, one on the left and one on the right. Under the command of their respective heroes, the army gathered in the center of the plane.

In less than an hour, the two armies converged on the opposite bank of a small river that divided the entire plane. The river was very shallow and gentle. The centaur hero who commanded did not hesitate to order an attack.

But Slardar on the other side of the river reacted faster than him, and ordered the fishers to use salted fish stabs to go one step ahead of the river.

The current salted fish spurs no longer need to be cast by the target, and in an instant, they rushed into the river for a distance of 50 meters, occupying favorable terrain.

The river is more than ten meters wide. Although the level of the river is slow and shallow, it is also about one meter. The center of the river can reach about two meters. There is no obstruction to the centaur and you can go straight across, but at this time there is already a large school of fish in the river. people.

When the centaur crossed the river, Slardar shouted loudly:

“Stop them.”

Many murlocs who have rushed into the river rushed out of the river water, the thick and powerful fish tail flicked hard, the skill “Thunder Strike” exploded, centered on the murloc, the river water quickly expanded, twisted and exploded, and the skill released the tremendous force. Wrapped in the river water several meters high and rushed in all directions, the strong water pressure brought hardly smashed the centaur that rushed into the river. Many close ones were directly stunned and fell into the river, which is more powerful than on land. The release is even bigger.

Taking advantage of this effort, many murlocs swarmed and dragged the fallen centaur into the water to crush them.

However, the water is too shallow. If deep water is a very deadly trick, it will be useless in shallow water that is less than two meters in the middle of the river. The centaur can be stabilized with four feet.

But with this effort, enough murlocs and even naga came to support, forming a line of defense in the several kilometers of river, and firmly blocking the centaur on the other side of the river.

Next, the two sides fell into a stalemate.

The murloc and the naga can’t help the centaur on the shore, and the centaur can’t help the murloc in the water. Even if there is a javelin, it is well known that the reflection of light in the water from the outside is not the standard for fishing. It can be ignored. Two thousand and a half people More than 10,000 javelins killed less than a thousand murlocs, and the battle was completely frozen after throwing all the javelins.

Fortunately, this is just a simulation challenge, so you don’t need to fight if you freeze.

But in the next, they continued to challenge by simulating different terrains.

There are waters and terrain suitable for naga and murlocs, as well as Yimapingchuan wasteland suitable for centaurs, forest terrain that is not very suitable for both, and volcanic terrain for blood knaga murlocs.

Putting different forces into different terrains is not only to increase the experience of the warring family members, but also to increase the experience of the two of them.

With this kind of experience, you can make a more correct response when you encounter this harsh plane environment in the future.

The two exchanged five or six times, and other people joined the exchange. Lin Xiao immediately sent invitations to other people, and soon someone responded and entered the challenge mode.

Tang Ling responded, showing a strange smile to Lin Xiao, and stepped into the virtual plane first.

His family is a Minotaur, not a minotaur of the orc race, but a Minotaur, a powerful species of Life in the dark underground. The human body is a bull head, which is more than two meters tall, and is very strong. It is a very good heavy infantry unit. , Good at tackling tough problems.

It is estimated that Lin Xiao defeated Lin Xiao with one mind early, and he dispatched more than three thousand fully armed Minotaurs in one go.

The whole body is zappa, a fully enclosed steel helmet with only visible eyes, a two-handed heavy axe, and a row of palm-sized small hand axes at the waist, it is almost armed to the teeth.

There was no suspense in this round of battle. The first row of murloc warriors was lined up by the minotaurs on the spot. No matter how high the morale of the murloc warriors, how strong the battle, but the gap between weapons and equipment is too big.

A steady stream of murlocs resisted stubbornly and did not retreat.

Tang Lingxu stood on the sky above the plane, embracing a proud face overlooking the plane with both hands.

Standing on the other side, Lin Xiao sat in the void with no expression on his face overlooking the earth. There was no frustration on his face. Instead, he carefully observed the battlefield and observed Slardar’s performance in the battle.

It was almost the same as printed in a mold of him. When he could still observe the battlefield in a calm and calm manner, Slardar could maintain a certain level of calmness even when his subordinates were faced with such a disadvantage, standing on a boulder and observing the battlefield with cold eyes. Observe the enemy.

Above the sky above the plane, a dozen figures appeared at some point. Seeing the battle almost turned sideways, Baize Lion shook his head and said:

“This guy is abusing people again.”

Several beautiful girls looked at the battlefield, one of them shook his head and said:

“The murloc side is not saved, it’s lost.”

No one disputes this point, how can the absolute gap come back.

At this time, one of the girls with green pupils said:

“Shall we make a bet and see how long he can hold on?”

Shen Yuexin frowned when she heard it, and shook her head:

“It’s all companions, don’t make people embarrassed.”

Baicheng also nodded and said:

“There is no need to bet. This classmate Lin Xiao still has the strength, but the resources are not as good as us. If he has our resources, some of us may not be as good as him.”

At this moment, there was a change in the plane, and Slardar, who had been observing the enemy, suddenly summoned all the reserves to leave the Chinese army and headed straight for the battlefield that was being torn down.

Headed by him, nearly two hundred naga followed, like a sharp knife thrusting into the unknowingly scattered Minotaur front.

The leader Slardar jumped more than fifty meters and fell from the sky. A thunder smash set off a thick layer of gravel and exploded, clearing a clearing of more than twenty meters on the spot, and the minotaur was the nearest one. The circle was smashed on the spot, and the outer circle was shaken away and fell into a coma.

Then a salted fish stab arbitrarily slammed into a large group of minotaurs in a straight line, and slammed into the minotaur hero who did not know when he had been exposed to the minotaur, crossing a distance of 100 meters in one breath.

This three-meter-high Minotaur hero is just an ordinary hero, whose strength is far lower than Slardar, and he has no time to react to this swift and violent blow.

At a critical juncture, Tang Ling directly and accurately gave the guards around the Minotaur heroes a miraculous metaphor. A group of guards rushed forward, and the Minotaur hero directly grabbed a guard beside him as a meat shield.


As the huge black shadow hit one head, a group of minotaurs flew up at the same time, the thick snake tail swept away the surrounding minotaurs, Slardar jumped up and hit the anchor, and slammed the minotaur hero into the air on the spot. On the ground, when he landed on the ground, a large dent in his chest was knocked out.

It’s a pity that the Minotaur had already reacted at this time, and a large group of Minotaurs surrounded him and blocked his way forward.

Tang Ling directly took over the command of all the dependents in the plane, using God’s perspective to fine-tune the actions of all the dependents, easily dissolving Slardar’s plan.

The already dominant Minotaur’s combat power under the command of the general God perspective has increased by N times compared to the previous one, and Slardar has fallen into a heavy siege, and the situation has taken a turn for the worse.

“It’s out of play.”

“The equipment is too poor.”

The eyes of everyone looking at Lin Xiao did not ridicule, but were complicated.

After this battle, they clearly saw the fighting power of these murloc families of Lin Xiao that far exceeded normal murlocs. One by one, the weak murlocs in their impressions could be so powerful, and they were not inferior to some second- The level of the Minotaur, this is very outrageous.

But what surprised them most was the tenacity of the murlocs, who had extremely tenacious fighting spirit when they were downsizing by more than half.

Up to now, the reduction of staff has exceeded 70% and it has not collapsed. This is incredible. They ask themselves that their family members have lost more than half of the battle in the battle, and their hearts have been floating. They need to supervise the team to maintain it. If the battle damage exceeds 70%, Even if there is a supervising team, they can’t stand it, except for a few core members, other people who are not religious enough will basically collapse.

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