Chapter 106 Super Combination War Artifact

The chaotic virtual sea is vast, and God knows how many crystal wall systems are floating and sinking in it. The main world is just one of the more special ones. The slightly stronger one is not the strongest.

At least at this stage, among the crystal wall systems discovered by humans, there are some extremely powerful crystal wall systems, including special crystal wall systems like humans.

The vast void, boundless, a stream of light flashes and disappears in the boundless void.

I don’t know how long it took, Lin Xiao was awakened by a clear reminder, opened his eyes and saw a dazzling colorful streamer in front of him.

At first thought it was the light inside the aircraft, but soon discovered that the colored streamer came in from the outer wall of the aircraft on one side, and passed through the extremely hard alloy wall of the aircraft on the other side. He quickly turned and looked out the window, and found that there was a piece of light outside the window. The sea of ​​colored streamers cannot be seen, and the aircraft shuttles in the sea of ​​colored streamers that cannot be seen.

At this time, many fellow practitioners woke up one after another, and Baize Lion sitting next to him saw this and said:

“This is the colorful sea, not far from the void fortress.”

Several girls stretched out their hands happily, and wisps of beautiful colored light flowed around their hands, like colored ribbons.

This beautiful colored light can penetrate everything except divine power, so it can pass through the aircraft but cannot pass through them. It is harmless to them, but if non-divine creatures come here, they will have no divine power to protect themselves. Slowly assimilated, and finally turned into a colorful streamer into this vast and colorful ocean.

This colorful vast sea is not only a great beauty near the void fortress, but also a natural defense system.

The aircraft moved very fast in the channel, but it took several hours to pass through the colorful vast sea, and once again entered a clear void, seeing from a distance two huge vortices running through the void.

This vortex is unimaginably large, and the diameter is probably one billion or even tens of billions of kilometers. It looks like two slowly intertwined galaxies parallel to the void, ejecting a supernova from the silver heart in the center of the two river systems. The pulse beam of the explosive jet is generally a dazzling beam of light. One end jets into the void of billions of kilometers at both ends, and the other end converges in the center of a huge unimaginable metal disc-shaped sphere in the center of the two huge vortexes. The sphere spreads out at the center.

This metal disc-shaped sphere, which is larger than the planet, is the void fortress of the Human Federation located in the subspace. It is also a super-combined war artifact. The two super river vortexes measuring tens of billions of kilometers are this super Part of the artifact of war.

When needed, activate this super combined war artifact, which can extract the energy from the upper and lower two huge energy vortexes to release extremely terrifying power.

It is said that this thing can directly compete with the great god-tier power under the auspices of the strong god-tier power.

When the aircraft slowly approached this void fortress named Yanhuang No. 5, Lin Xiao was surprised to find that the halo around this fortress, which was larger than the planet, was not an imaginary ring of escaped energy, but a series of powerful ones. Energy defense system.

When I looked at it from a long distance, I felt that this thing was terrifying. When the aircraft flew closer, I realized that it was actually bigger and more terrifying than I thought. I looked up at the sky and felt that the entire Milky Way galaxy could not be seen at a glance.

The combination of super technology and super myth has created such a terrifying war artifact.

When I first came here, everyone in the aircraft sat quietly in their seats and looked out the window, looking at this mighty fortress of war with piety and pilgrimage.

Densely densely packed aircraft of various sizes flew from afar, or flew out from the fortress, a busy scene.

This is one of the foundations of human civilization and the guardian of human civilization, protecting the main world from the invasion of other powerful crystal wall systems in the Chaos Void Sea.

Although human civilization is strong, it hasn’t risen long enough after all. With a history of less than 300,000 years, it is nowhere comparable to those powerful crystal wall systems that have survived for hundreds of millions of years.

After a full fifteen inspections, the aircraft stopped in a certain area of ​​this void fortress named Yanhuang No. 5. The leading teacher clapped his hands and awakened the students who were still in shock, including Lin Xiao, and said loudly:

“Everyone is ready to get off the plane. We only have temporary access rights when we just arrived. So don’t walk around after getting off the aircraft. When the summer camp officials send someone to pick us up, come with me now.”

Turning and leaving, recently a classmate immediately followed.

No one dares to make a noise, it is very troublesome to make mistakes here.

Lin Xiao followed obediently, coming out of the aircraft, and he saw an extremely flat and unknown silver alloy floor. The light was as bright as a crystal, and from time to time he saw a signal cursor flashing under the floor crystal layer, which resembled lightning. In the distance, the sense of science fiction is more than the sense of mythology.

The place where they landed is similar to one of the many platform berths in the station. It is a special platform that is not open to the outside world. From here, you can see the magic technology aircraft and even the magic warship flying in and out from other berths in the distance.

A group of people on this huge platform were as small as a small group of ants in a huge warehouse, so inconspicuous, Lin Xiao felt a strong feeling of smallness and loneliness.

Fortunately, they didn’t wait long, and in less than two minutes someone pointed to the sky and shouted:

“Look there.”

A blue streamer flew from a distance, and quickly turned into a round of meteors and fell in front of them, revealing a demigod with a blue twisted vortex like a lamp god, exactly the same as the lamp god who sent them the invitation letter.

This is a kind of gods and monsters. It belongs to the result of magical construction in the branch of mythology and technology. It was created by the true gods of the main world based on ancient legends of gods and lights. In memory of the name, it is still called gods and monsters. It is a kind of man-made Demi god.

This man-made demigod called gods and monsters has no clergy. It only has most spells from first-level to ninth-level, as well as a few tenth-level legendary spells. What is stronger than the wizard is that the gods and monsters have no spell slot restrictions. Its most famous Ability is a high-level wishing technique three times a day. Like the legendary lamp god, it can realize the three limited wishes of mortals.

The fighting power of most gods and monsters is not as good as that of real demigods, but it is very compelling to use them as a facade.

For example, I used it to deliver a letter before, and it felt so powerful, which forced the grid to stand up all at once.

The monster’s gaze swept over everyone present, and he didn’t know how to confirm it, and he waved his hand. Lin Xiao felt his eyes change in time and space, and once again opened his eyes and left where he was just now. He appeared in a small room with himself in the room. one person.

Just as he was puzzled, the bare wall in front suddenly lit up, and a series of messages emerged:

“Congratulations Lin Xiao, you are already a member of this super freshman summer camp. In order to have a happy summer camp experience for you, please keep the following rules in mind.”

The following is a series of so-called summer camp rules, there are six in total, and he checked them one by one and wrote them down.

Generally speaking, the rules are not strict. It is nothing more than not to leave the campsite of the summer camp, do not enter other people’s private areas, do not trespass into places that you do not have permission to enter, etc. If you violate the rules, you will be subject to the punishment written on the rules. Punishment, the highest direct deprivation of the qualifications of the summer camp, and record the big mistakes in the life file, the consequences are very serious.

I memorized the six gauges in one breath. I haven’t looked around yet. There is a reminder message on the wrist wheel in my hand. When I opened it, I saw an invitation from the leading teacher. Confirmation is a group chat. It is all from Yunmengxing. Classmates from Shaanxi Province, someone is already talking inside at this time.

“Speaking of where you are, come out and gather in the hall first.”

The next bunch of responses, including some acquaintances.

Lin Xiao casually replied that he wanted to rest, and closed the group chat conveniently. This kind of gathering was meaningless. It’s better to go online and check things when you have this time.

In this Yanhuang No. 5 Void Fortress, ordinary people cannot connect to the main world network, but there is a local area network. As a member of the Super Freshman Summer Camp, they automatically have basic network permissions and can access any ordinary network, including private networks, which is gathered on Yanhuang No. 5. An active network of folk adventurers in the Void Fortress.

These folk adventurers are mostly composed of students who have failed the college entrance examination and have been eliminated in the three years of high school. They also include many folk adventurer teams, companies, or the True God family.

Like Lin Xiao, hundreds of students who were eliminated from the final exam of the fifth high school in Dongning City, after leaving school, most of them joined various folk adventurer teams to the major void fortresses, through the portals here to leave the subspace, and enter the vast chaos. Virtual sea.

Of course, most of them enter the crystal wall system that has been discovered and explored, or receive various tasks issued by the military in the void fortress, or enter the crystal wall system in team mode to explore and search for resources, or be hired by various forces. Resources, etc., to name a few.

Countless adventurers gather here, and naturally there is an online channel for communication. Adventurers can exchange messages through the Internet, form a team, or convert the harvested resources into cards and upload them to the trading platform for sale.

Lin Xiao has basic permissions and can purchase various cards through the trading platform.

The premise is that he has enough faith value or divine power, and there is no need for real credit points here. Common currency is faith value or divine power. Of course, if it is a very rare treasure, it can also barter.

The tens of millions of faith points in Lin Xiao’s hand seem to be quite a lot, but it is actually not used. It is estimated that a better epic five-star card can’t be bought.

Anyway, I’m bored, click to open the trading platform and wander around, and take a look at the prices outside the main world.

Now that he was hanging out, he was only looking at good things. He directly searched for the five-star, legendary or above quality, and clicked to confirm. The screen flashed, and the dazzling orange golden light suddenly came to his face, almost flashing his eyes.

Good guy, the whole page is full of legendary orange light and mythical golden light, and occasionally there are a few crystal clear lights that I have never seen before, which instantly caught his eye.

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