Chapter 671


Hearing this, everyone around was excited.

The breathing is obviously much quicker.

But Mu Feihua showed extra calmness.

He winked at Xia Yuchan.

In the next second, the squeezing force around Emperor Moluo became even stronger.

“Ah!” it let out a scream.

Constantly struggling.

Emperor Moluo asked painfully: “I’m willing to exchange information, why do you still do this to me?”

After resisting the pressure, its Nascent Soul body seemed to shrink in a circle.

Mu Feifan: “After all, you are too powerful, I’m afraid you have any means.”

Emperor Moluo smiled bitterly: “You are really careful.”

Mu Feifan was happy: “There is no way, I have suffered too much.”

The others looked weird.

How could someone like Mu Feifan suffer?

He should have made others suffer too much!

Mu Feifan continued: “After all, you are a bachelor who has lived for thousands of years. I don’t know what you can do. The weaker you are, the more at ease I will be.”

The Great Emperor Mo Luo almost cried: “I am Nascent Soul. I am out of the physical body and will not exist for long.”

At this moment, wisps of smoke appeared from its body.

It’s like snow and ice melting in the sun.

Therefore, Emperor Moluo is in a hurry!

At this time, Boss Xu interrupted: “Brother Mu, what he said is the truth. If the body of the big cultivator is destroyed, Nascent Soul will not survive even if he escapes and cannot find the object to seize the house.”

After hearing this, Mu Fei nodded: “So, I’m sorry, Little Mo Luo, I haven’t reached the Nascent Soul stage yet, and I don’t understand the situation.”

Depend on!

If Emperor Mo Luo was still a flesh and blood body, he would definitely vomit blood in depression.

This kid is definitely on purpose!

He thought aggrieved in his heart.

As a result, Mu Feifan’s next sentence directly caused Emperor Mo Luo to collapse.

“Tell me the method of carrying the augmentation spell.” Mu Feifan asked.

Emperor Moluo: “You find me a parasite first!”

After all, he is a character who has lived for thousands of years, and Emperor Mo Luo is not stupid.

He knew that this method was his last hole card.

Be sure to hold it firmly.

If you say it easily now, you don’t even have the capital to negotiate terms.

I don’t know, but Mu Feifan’s face was cold: “Do you think you are still qualified to bargain with me?”

Emperor Mo Luo was dumbfounded.

He hurriedly said: “This little friend, how do I know if I tell you the method, will you help me find my body?”

Mu Feifan patted his chest and said, “Don’t worry, Little Mo Luo, I promise you my character, I will help you.”


Emperor Mo Luo rolled his eyes in his heart.

He doesn’t believe this stuff.

“Never say it first, I don’t believe anyone can resist this temptation.” The Great Emperor Moluo secretly finalized his decision.

You must know that Emperor Moluo himself spent so many years on the Way of the Dharma and God, isn’t it just to get this method?

How old is this kid in front of me?

I’m afraid he is calm on the surface, but he can’t hold it in his heart for a long time.

As long as I hold on for a while, he will definitely help me find my body first!

When the Great Emperor Moluo fell into his own fantasy, he only heard Mu Feihua say to Xia Yuchan: “Wife, squeeze it!”


Emperor Mo Luo was stunned.

Xia Yuchan said coldly: “What is the mere boosting spell? I really thought everyone was so concerned about this method like it. I don’t like others threatening us with this!”

Damn it!

Hearing this, Emperor Moluo was completely desperate.

This girl seems to be more ruthless than this kid.

Emperor Moluo only felt the squeezing force of the surrounding space strengthened again.

Distorted the face of his little Nascent Soul body.

“I said, I said it’s not alright, let me go!” Mo Luo the Great exclaimed desperately.

At this moment, the others looked at each other.

Fan Sao’s behavior seems to be as sturdy as Brother Fan.

No doubt the bandit couple.

This time, Mu Feifei did not speak.

Xia Yuchan said coldly: “Now, it’s too late!”

The Great Emperor Moluo almost cried out: “As long as you collect five golden mission cards, you can activate a brand-new mission, and after you complete it, you can bring the amplifying spells you learned out of the way of the magic god!”

In critical moments, he can only say this method.

Emperor Mo Luo was betting that the other party could let him go.

I have to say that at this moment, it is the dignity of a country’s great emperor, trampled to death by this pair of young dao companions.

Press on the ground and rub!

I don’t know, but Mu Feifan said: “Nonsense! Do you know how difficult the golden mission card is? Five more? Why don’t you say to pick off the moon in the sky?”


This time, Emperor Mo Luo was really depressed.

He can only tell the truth: “When I was alive, there were five golden mission cards in stock, hidden under the throne in the Great Hall…”

“Brother Fan, found it!” Yang Jian had already found five golden mission cards under the throne under the guidance of Erha at this moment.

I have to say that the Wang Wang team has done a good job again.

When Mo Luo the Great saw this scene, his eyes were red.

Damn it!

Do you want to be so fast?

I didn’t even finish my lines!

Yang Jian handed the task card to Mu Feifan.

Mu Feihua narrowed his eyes for a while.

Sure enough, as the Emperor Moluo said.

All five cards can be used to activate a new mission.

At this time, the Great Emperor Moluo saw Mu Feifan silently and hurriedly explained: “Because I am a worm attribute single Spiritual Roots, I can’t use the golden god pattern, so these task cards have not been done, and only discovered when the deadline is approaching. This mystery.”

Mu Feifan understood this time.

After all, Emperor Moluo had spent so many years on the Way of the Dharma God.

It’s normal to have some hidden goods in your hands.

And it’s still a single Spiritual Roots.

The golden god pattern can synthesize spells with different attributes.

Emperor Mo Luo is useless.

“It turns out that it means that you can find this method with a single Spiritual Roots. It is very difficult for people like me with a mixed Spiritual Roots.” Mu Feifei suddenly smiled.

Emperor Moluo asked carefully: “Now, can I find a body for me? I’m really going to die.”

Mu Feifan said: “Okay, what kind of bugs do you want, I’ll find them for you.”

Emperor Mo Luo looked speechless.

Suddenly, the pressure on its whole body was relieved, and its whole body smashed to the ground.

Xia Yuchan: “Be honest, I’m afraid that if the spell continues, you will be squeezed and you will be killed.”

Emperor Moluo lay on the ground, not to mention taking off, he couldn’t even move.

It wants to cry without tears.

Is this saving my life?

I will be wiped out soon!

Suddenly, Emperor Mo Luo felt something was wrong.

Because it felt a pair of big, cute eyes looking at itself.

It is the second ha.

“Fuck! What kind of dog you are, don’t stare at this emperor!” The Great Emperor Moluo said with a grin.

Unexpectedly, Erha suddenly barked twice, and then ran out of water.

The Great Emperor Mo Luo suddenly had a bad feeling.

I saw Erha showing a greedy expression, opened his mouth, and bit Mo Luo the Great.

Emperor Mo Luo:! ! !


I just want to find a body parasite, I don’t want to become food!

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