Chapter 659 Change to farming? Skyrocketing strength

With joy, Mu Feifan flipped through Jade Slip.

Time passed by every minute!

He was relieved of Jade Slip, and said in amazement: “It turns out that this Cultivation Technique is so overbearing.”

The powerful demon magic, based on the flesh and bones of human Meridians, cultivates all parts of the body as powerful as Magic Treasures!

It can even surpass Dao Item and reach the legendary magical level.

However, the difficulty of cultivation is also of The Underworld level.

“The first stage needs to be supplemented with keel rice and phoenix blood fruit for the best effect…” Mu Feifan frowned.

These two spiritual things are unheard of. Where can he go to find them?

It is said that this Cultivation Technique comes from the demons.

Spiritual creatures are not unique products of the Demon Realm, right?

Mu Feifei thought for a moment and said to himself: “No, Chu Jue has reached the Second Stage. Although he learned the pirated Cultivation Technique, he should also have auxiliary spirits, even if it is a substitute.”

Thinking of this, he used Divine Sense to check the storage bags of all upper bound cultivators.

Hard work pays off!

Mu Feifan finally found something.

However, it is a kind of heaven and earth spiritual creature called Jiao Lin Mi.

What makes people speechless is that they are really seeds.

Only when it is planted, can the scale rice be harvested.

“Chu Jue is to take this cultivation?” Mu Feifei pinched a seed in his hand.

The seed body has mysterious lines on the surface, which looks very magical.

At this time, a reminder appeared in Mu Feifei’s mind.

Obtain a Jiao scale rice seed.

System rewards (optional):

One: One hundred seeds of Jiao scale rice.

Two: one keel rice seed.

Mu Feifan was extremely pleased.

Save trouble this time!

The system is still awesome.

As for the phoenix blood fruit, I will ask about it tomorrow.

The next day, Mu Feifei opened up a piece of farmland behind the inn.

Xu Xiaoxin was beside him, and he was amazed: “Brother Fan, are you going to grow vegetables?”

Mu Feihua replied: “Grow crops.”

Xu Xiaoxin: “Brother Fan, the rice we use for meals is bought in nearby cities, which is much easier than growing it ourselves.”

He thought that Mu Feifan was a kind of ordinary rice.

Mu Feifan didn’t want to explain more.

After the seeds are planted, they do not know when they will be harvested.

“If you’re okay, help me stare, and don’t let the Demonic Beasts passing by be stepped on.” Mu Feifan ordered.

“Good.” Xu Xiaoxin is usually very idle, and agreed.

However, Mu Feifei’s worries this time were unnecessary.

Today’s inn is made of the body of the fifth-level demon tree.

Although the material is dead, the oppressive force still exists.

The other Demonic Beasts dare not approach.

There were people passing by, still wondering: “Brother Fan, this is a diverted job. I’m not a cultivator and want to be a farmer?”

Another day passed.

As soon as Mu Feifei got up, he heard a rapid knock on the door.

When he went out, it turned out that Xu Xiaoxin was at the door.

Xu Xiaoxin looked anxious: “Brother Fan, go and take a look, the crops you plant…”

“Did it be trampled on by other Demonic Beasts?” Mu Feifan’s heart was slightly cold.

“No, it’s not…”

Before Xu Xiaoxin finished speaking, Mu Feifei had jumped out of the corridor window!

Damn it!

Xu Xiaoxin was dumbfounded, feeling that the other party’s actions were extremely chic.

He looked out the window and looked again, finally resisting the urge to jump down.

After all, Xu Xiaoxin hadn’t been flying for a long time, and he was very rusty.

If you fall half-dead, you will lose face.

At this moment, Mu Feifan came to the back of the inn.


This scene is really shocking.

I saw a huge rice plant here.

It is four or five meters high.

The golden ears of rice sway in the wind.

Each one is the size of an arm.

Hundreds of pills!

“Is it mature in just one day?” Mu Feihua couldn’t believe it.

The system is produced, and it is indeed a fine product.

Xu Xiaoxin also ran over and said in surprise: “Brother Fan, what kind of heaven-defying thing are you planting?”

His heart rushed into a strong shock.

The rice that grows in one day is so huge!

If you think about it with your toes, you must know that it is not ordinary rice.

Mu Feifan coughed slightly, “This is the food that I often eat in my hometown.”

Xu Xiaoxin was stunned: “Brother Fan’s hometown people, eat such good things every day? That must be a place of abundance!”

Mu Feifan nodded.

Xu Xiaoxin: “The so-called outstanding people, no wonder Brother Fan is so strong… Brother Fan, aren’t you from the immortal world too?”

He was a little skeptical.

After all, Brother Fan completely suppressed Chu Jue that day.

That Chu Juegui was a god son, and a genius in the immortal world.

But in front of Brother Fan, it wasn’t even wool.

From the fairy world?

Mu Feifan smiled awkwardly.

He didn’t know how to pull it down.

However, in Xu Xiaoxin’s view, the other party smiled without saying a word, making it even more unpredictable.

Suddenly, Xu Xiaoxin became more and more in awe of Mu Feihua!

At this time, Mu Feifei had already started picking rice ears.

He gave a light wave.

Spirit Power turned into an invisible big hand.

Put all the rice ears into the storage bag in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the huge rice collapsed immediately.

Turns into a piece of fly ash, and dissipates with the wind.

Mu Feifan was secretly surprised: “It is a rare spiritual thing, and all the nutrients have been absorbed by the ears of rice.”

He returned to the room, took out an ear of rice, and peeled it.

Xia Yuchan was a little surprised: “What a big rice.”

In the past two days, my husband has been going in and out.

It seems to be busy growing crops.

The rice is very white, like a keel, and there is still light flowing on the surface.

Mu Feifan was wondering whether to eat it steamed or boiled.

Xia Yuchan’s little hand slid across the rice and said, “I think you can eat it raw.”

At this moment, the dragon bone rice exudes a pleasant fragrance, which greatly increases the appetite.

Mu Feifan broke off a piece and put it in his mouth.

Well, the taste is not bad!

It’s like eating cream cake.

Xia Yu cicada originally tasted it first, but when I heard that it was used for body training, I didn’t want to eat it anymore.

She is a girl, but she doesn’t want to build a muscle.

After taking the keel rice, Mu Feifei felt full of power.

Strike while the iron is hot.

He hurriedly began to cultivate the power of the Demon God.

One day, two days…

Another week passed in a blink of an eye.

Mu Feifan finally left the customs.

He stood up and moved his muscles a little bit.

There was a thunderous roar!

Mu Feifan raised his hand and squeezed it lightly.

It feels like the air can squeeze!

Can easily display magical powers such as “Madras of the Devil God”.

The power of the flesh is greatly Ascension.

If he transforms again, he believes that the power of the Golden Retriever Great Ape can also rise to a higher level.

“Without phoenix fruit, my first stage has also been practiced. It seems that talent is more important than resources.”

Mu Feifan smiled faintly.

He has the physique of a mountain giant ape, and his strength is amazing, so he cultivated smoothly.

The second stage is the cohesion phase, which is more difficult.

Mu Feifei didn’t worry about this.

There is another thing in his mind.

After the death of the fifth-level Demon Tree, Mu Feifan had always wanted to go to the heights of Thunder Mountain to see.

It is occupied by the big demon all year round.

There must be more spiritual resources!

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