Chapter 646 Gods Offering Axes! So faithful?

When the demon tree heard it, his voice became even more mad: “Junior Ant, rants…”

The next moment, Mu Fei Fei turned into a great golden ape.

This time, he no longer suppressed his figure.

The horrible shape of forty meters is like a towering hill, which makes people afraid to look directly at it.

Demon Shu’s voice seemed to be blocked, and she couldn’t speak for a moment.

It seems to have just called the other party an ant.

If this size is an ant, then its demon tree seems to be not much bigger than the ant.

At this moment, Mu Feifan is shoulder to shoulder with Pangu.

The two looked directly.

Mu Feifan did not have a sense of oppression in front of the gods, but calmly said: “I will kill it!”

At this time, Pangu, who was carrying the majesty with a solemn expression, made an amazing move.

He slightly bent over to Mu Feifan, and offered the Heaven-opening Axe in his hand.

Mu Feifei was a little strange: “Do you want me to use this weapon?”

Pangu nodded.

At this time, the rest of the people were shocked when they saw this scene.

“Dignified god, why are you so polite to Brother Fan?”

“Could it be that this god was summoned by Brother Fan?”

“No, we are also participants, but the gods still look indifferent to us.”

Everyone talked a lot.

Pangu’s offering of axe had a powerful impact on their hearts.

The gods seemed to be three points shorter in front of Mu Feihua.

At this time, Mu Feifei took over the Kaitian Axe.

The next moment, he was bathed in divine light, and gently shook the giant axe.

It’s like a divine ape in all directions.

As if any matter in the universe, in front of him, could not be worth this axe!

Pangu took a step back and gave the home court to Mu Feihua.

His expression fluctuates unexpectedly.

Everyone sees it.

That’s a kind of awe!

Pangu god-tier, a powerful god in the legend, even awed a mortal!

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, who can believe it?

But this is the fact.

Pang Guang said excitedly: “Oh my god, Brother Fan wouldn’t be a descendant of the gods from the upper realm, right?”

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Pang Guang’s brain hole was so big.

I really dare to think about it!

“Yes, this is bloodline suppression!” Boss Xu also jumped out and threatened.

The corners of everyone’s mouth twitched.

These two people are talking about cross talk, sing and harmonize each other.

However, no matter what the real reason was, everyone looked up to Mu Feihua even more.

Except for the word Niubi, there is no other wave in his heart.

Xia Yuchan, who had never spoken, stared at Mu Feifan.

There was a gleam of light in her eyes, as if thinking of something.

“Is the descendants of gods…Is that so?” Xia Yuchan said secretly in his heart.

At this time, Mu Feifan, who was holding the Sky Axe, was already murderous.

He came to the demon tree.

The demon tree had been split by a huge mouth before, and there was a thick wooden Spirit Power circulating around it.

But this scar cannot be repaired!

“It seems that ordinary weapons can’t cause harm to you.” Mu Feiyan glanced at the sky axe.

This is the real artifact.

Yaoshu spoke again.

This time, its voice lost its previous confidence.

“You are just a mortal, you can’t use the power of that axe, it is of no use in your hands.” said the demon tree.

Mu Feifan asked Pangu: “Is it true?”

Pangu just shook his head.

Without saying anything, Mu Feifei turned around and raised the Heavenly Axe and slashed towards the demon tree.

The Demon Tree was scared, and shook his body desperately, and many more vines sprang out in an attempt to stop it.

“You chaotic branches, can’t you kill them?” Mu Feifan asked.

The demon tree laughed: “I am a pure wood spirit body, with extremely strong healing power.”

Boom boom boom!

Mu Feihua held a sky-opening axe in his hand, and unexpectedly used the combat skills he learned earlier to kill him.

It slashed out with one axe, and immediately carried dozens of shadows of the axe, pouring out.

Although Mu Feihua hasn’t practiced for a long time, with the Ascension of Cultivation Base, his comprehension is also improving.

Performing it again, it is even stronger than the combat skill Realm that I learned before!

Countless vines and branches were chopped down by the shadow of Axe, annihilated, and burst into pieces!

The power of Kaitian Axe is vividly displayed.

The chaotic branch was destroyed, leaving only the demon tree itself.

Mu Feifan’s killing intent is more vigorous.

Raising the axe again.

“No!” Yaoshu’s voice trembled.


Mu Feifan cut at the wound before it.

The scars further expanded and continued to spread.

The demon tree became more and more painful.

“Take advantage of your illness to kill you!” Mu Feifei knew that now is the perfect time.

He kept slashing away the sky axe.

Under this kind of offensive, the extremely broad body of the tree was suddenly cut off!

The tree is slanted, with the upper end, like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

The difference is that the tower did not collapse.

But the demon tree began to collapse.

A rumbling sound came from the top of the cave that was smashed by the growth of the demon tree, like a big earthquake.

This scene shocked everyone.

Who knows how many meters the demon tree grows outside the cave.

Listen to the movement outside, I’m afraid its height can’t be short.

It is equivalent to a lot of skyscrapers superimposed on each other.

Now it collapsed all at once!

And all of this was caused by Mu Feihua.

“Brother Fan is too strong, he actually cut down the demon tree.” There was disbelief on everyone’s faces.

At this moment, Yaoshu was very angry: “You ruined my way, I want to kill you!”

The next moment, its remnant body gushes out a lot of brilliance.

“Vientiane Sunro!”

I saw the earth undulate like sea level.

Mu Feifan but As steady as Mount Tai.

And Pangu stayed by his side, like a loyal old servant.

The next moment, the earth burst.

A lot of tree roots sprang out.

The roots of these trees are extremely sharp, like sharp blades soaring to the sky, unfolding in front of everyone.

That scene, like a forest of swords, was extremely terrifying.

Everyone was shocked by this shocking picture.

“By the way, this demon tree has roots.”

“It seems that this is the way it presses the bottom of the box.”

“The root system is densely packed, how long has this old demon tree survived?”

Then, the roots of the tree were like a knife, all rolled towards Mu Feihua.

The sky is full of sword shadows, covering everything.

It seems that Demon Tree is determined to kill Mu Feihua.

Suddenly, Pangu’s figure moved.

He actually stood in front of Mu Feifan.

Take the initiative to meet the attack of the demon tree.

Mu Feifan did not expect that this Pangu god-tier would be too righteous.

The next moment, the knife was sharp and pierced fiercely on Pangu.


Pangu roared, as if the ancient giant was resurrecting.

He threw his fists to kill.

Take away a piece of tree roots with one punch.

However, the roots of the tree are endless, and there is no way to kill them.

“It’s better for me!” Mu Feifan said with confidence while holding the sky-opening axe.

Pangu nodded and stepped aside very obediently.

Everyone was shocked.

This Pangu god-tier listened to such extraordinary words.

Once or twice is fine, how many times have they been?

Simply the most loyal subordinate.

At this moment, Mu Feihua slammed down.

The face of the axe shot out a terrifying light.

Clean up everything!


Under the shadow of the axe, countless tree roots instantly disintegrated and turned into powder.

Accompanied by the screams of the demon tree!

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