Chapter 642 Two Ha do meritorious services, know a little about the fur?


With anticipation, everyone listened.

Unexpectedly, Mu Fanping’s method of preaching is extremely special.

He didn’t say a word, but he released unparalleled spiritual thoughts.

Pang god-tier read, like a long river rushing, rushing over.

Overwhelmed everyone’s head in an instant.


“It feels so sour!”

“This is the first time I have seen such a teaching.”

Everyone screamed, painful and happy.

They were empowered by Mu Feihua and quickly mastered the methods of this big formation.

In short, this ancient big formation requires everyone to hold the formation flag and stand in a specific position.

Each person’s placeholder is unique and very particular.

“Keep in mind the own position.” Mu Feifan said at last.

“No problem, Brother Fan!” everyone answered.

Then, a hundred flags were distributed.

Mu Feifan has refined a brand new formation for himself.

Everything was ready, he led the crowd to the depths of the big hole.

It’s just that everyone is still quite nervous when participating in this kind of war for the first time.

In order not to lose the chain, many people practice walking in large formations as they move forward.

From a distance, in such a long line, many people are jumping and jumping, and it feels irritating no matter how you look at it.

I knew I was practicing walking, I didn’t know I thought there was a bunch of god-tier dancers.

The underground world is very dark.

Mu Feifan uses lighting techniques to lead the way.

The tunnel in front of me is very far-reaching, I don’t know where it leads.

Occasionally, some underground creatures pass by.

Mu Feihua was mercilessly beheaded.

As I walked, two forks suddenly appeared.

The team stopped and didn’t know how to choose for a while.

Mu Feihua turned around to find a young Taoist priest and asked, “Has Erha brought it?”

The young Taoist priest had long been conquered by Mu Feihua.

He heard the other party questioning himself, and hurriedly replied submissively: “Bring it!”

In the next second, the young Taoist priest patted the spirit beast bag.

Accompanied by a bark, two dumb-eyed Erha crawled out.

The last time it was Erha showed prestige and determined the murderer.

So this time, everyone is looking forward to it.

Erha walked to the middle of the fork.

It first sniffed to the right, with a strange look on its face.

Everyone looked at them and asked in amazement: “Is it the right side?”

At this time, Erha smelled to the left again.

The next second, it groaned and slipped to the ground.

The young Taoist priest was speechless: “You are too burying, shame me!”

He walked over and turned the dog over.

Then, the face of the young Taoist priest changed drastically.

I saw Erha was already rolling his eyes and foaming at the mouth.

This time, there is no need to call out Erha, everyone already understands.

“The rich Monster Qi on the right!” they exclaimed.

Mu Feifan asked the young Taoist priest: “What is your name?”

The young Taoist priest cupped hands said: “Little brother Yang Jian.”


Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan looked at each other.

This is too coincidental, right?

Yang Jian held Erha and said, “It’s a pity that my smiling dog has been in a coma, and I won’t be able to show you the way next time.”

Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched: “You and the dog’s names are both serious?”

Yang Jian looked blank.

Unexpectedly, an unknown Medicine Pill suddenly appeared in Mu Feifei’s hand, which was a handful of flicks.

Medicine Pill hit Erha’s mouth accurately.

Yang Jian:? ? ?

Can you feed it even if you are unconscious?

At this time, Erha whimpered and slowly opened his eyes.

“Gouzi, are you awake?” Yang Jian said excitedly.

I saw Erha jumped out of his arms and shook his fur, looking very energetic.

Yang Jian asked: “Brother Fan, your Medicine Pill should be very precious, right?”

Mu Feifan said indifferently: “Erha has repeatedly made meritorious service. He is our comrade-in-arms. What a mere Medicine Pill is nothing.”

Yang Jian hurriedly expressed his gratitude.

This scene was greatly moved by everyone’s eyes.

“Brother Fan is too righteous!”

“I am willing to use such a precious Medicine Pill for other people’s spiritual pets.”

“Didn’t you hear what Brother Fan said, the spirit pet is also our comrade-in-arms!”

Boss Xu couldn’t help asking: “Brother Mu, the Medicine Pill just now was not easy, right? A strong medicine can be smelled far away.”

Mu Feifan: “Oh, I refined it.”


Boss Xu was shocked: “Do you still know pill refining?”

Mu Feifan: “Understand a little fur.”

This time Boss Xu got it.

The so-called fur of Mu Feihua is the ceiling of this Realm.

He is the best in the world.

At this time, Mu Feifan said: “When you fight for a while, don’t slack off, as long as you are not killed by a spike, I will snatch you back from King Yama!”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone’s fighting spirit was fierce.

This time I got even more motivated!

Can’t wait to find the big demon right away and kill the other party.

“Haha, mix with Brother Fan, life is guaranteed!”

Everyone continued on.

I don’t know how long it took, the underground passage became wider.

A huge hole appeared in the front.

When they walked in, there seemed to be no edge inside.

Mu Feifan hit a source of illumination, illuminating the entire big hole.

Seeing everything in the cave, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath.

I saw a terrible tree standing in the middle!

This tree is very thick.

From the front, it looks like a high mountain, extremely majestic.

The tree stretched upwards, breaking the dome of the big hole long ago. I don’t know how high it is out of the hole.

Someone exclaimed: “What kind of tree is this? Is it too big?”

Boss Xu replied: “I heard that there was a sacred tree in the depths of the Thunder Mountain. I don’t know how many years it has lived. It must be the one in front of me.”

I don’t know, Mu Feihua sneered: “What kind of sacred tree, I think it is a demon tree, take a closer look!”

Everyone looked over again.

The next moment, they just feel that their scalp is tingling!

I saw a lot of corpses hanging on the thick branches of the giant trees!

Among them are Demonic Beasts and humans.

Several cultivators pointed tremblingly at the corpse, seeming to recognize something.

“Isn’t that Lin Dazhong?”

“And Wang Xin!”

“Why did they come here?”

Seeing that the corpses were all shriveled, and only skin and bones were left, Mu Feifei couldn’t help but say: “This demon tree will roll these up, absorb their flesh and blood, and turn them into their own nutrients.”


Everyone was shocked and stepped back subconsciously.

“This tree can eat people!”

“It’s terrible too.”

“Look, the top of the tree has broken through the cave. I don’t know how high it is yet.”

Pang Guang thought of something, and suddenly asked, “Isn’t the Vine Branch monster body that we are chasing this monster tree?”

This suddenly reminded everyone.

One by one, they screamed: “Such a big body, if it is chopped into firewood, it will have to be burned for a lifetime.”

At this time, the demon tree seemed to be aware of the change.

Its branches are shaking.

Of course, it wasn’t any fruit that fell.

But those corpses!


Meal out.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What is this operation?

The next moment, someone screamed: “Look, those corpses… come alive!”

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