Chapter 640

The scary Sword Ray is endless.

Illuminated the dark thunderstorm mountains.

Fujieda was a little afraid.

It felt a strong threat.

The next moment, Fujie quickly backed away.

Everyone was shocked.

The big demon who was not alive just now was actually forced back by Brother Fan’s bright sword?

Brother Fan yyds!

Of course Mu Feifan didn’t intend to let him go.

So just now he did not hesitate to use the power of the original pill.

“Die to me!” Mu Feihua pointed at a distance.

In the sky, all Flying Swords are like Divine Armament following orders.

One by one hummed violently.

The swords flowed into a surging river, strangling the vine branches.


Fujie was overwhelmed by Sword Ray.

Was beheaded into several segments in an instant, and smashed to the ground.

Admiring this strike, it’s as horrible!

Everyone was shocked.

Pang Guang even screamed, “My God, Brother Mu is too awesome!”

Chen Zhihui was even more excited. He grabbed the collar of a cultivator and said excitedly: “What am I talking about? What am I talking about? Brother Fan punched the fourth-level peak Demonic Beasts to death, isn’t it bragging? Now the fifth-level big demon was killed by him with a single sword! Who would dare to say that I was bragging?”

The cultivator was frightened. Seeing that Chen Zhihui was so excited, he nodded hurriedly: “Yes, Brother Fan is strong! One punch to kill the Black Bear King, one sword to kill the Vine Branch Monster.”

“Brother Fan is my god!” Chen Zhihui banged and tore off his upper body robe.

Everyone was speechless.

The child is sick.

But this action is full of force and looks very enjoyable.

Especially He Xiaona, her eyes were green.

Li Jie was no less excited than Chen Zhihui.

He happily said: “Oh my God, this time I return to Sect, I can blow for a lifetime, Fan is my Dage!”

As if influenced by Zhihui, Li Jie thought it was handsome to tear his clothes.

He must follow suit.

Li Jie grabbed the collar and tried hard.

It’s just that the quality of the robe is too good.

It can’t be torn.

“Damn, what’s the matter?” Li Jie squirmed desperately, looking like a large caterpillar.

Everyone was even more speechless.

It seems that there is more than one sick child.

Mu Feifan narrowed his eyes, and suddenly said in a deep voice, “It’s not dead at all!”

The crowd followed Mu Feifan’s gaze and looked down.

Good guys.

Although Fujieda’s standing body had almost nothing left, the tail was still moving backwards.

I don’t know how long the end is connected.

Mu Feifan: “This vine branch is only a part of Demonic Beasts. I don’t know how big its body is. Let’s catch up and take a look.”

Boss Xu was a little panicked: “Is it okay if I don’t go?”

Mu Feifan said coldly: “Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze blows and regenerates.”

Now that the beam has been forged, even if you pay a price, you will have to kill the Demonic Beasts!

The cultivator is excited at the moment.

They nodded one after another: “It’s necessary, we follow Brother Fan to destroy this big demon together.”

Therefore, Mu Feihua took the lead and led the crowd to chase the defeated Tengzhi.

This group of people walked through the mountains like young and Dangerous boys, looking full of momentum.

So many cultivators gathered together.

Even the fourth-level Demonic Beasts dare not covet it.

Not to mention other Demonic Beasts.

At this time, even if it was the night when Demonic Beasts had frequent activities, they were just watching from a distance.

Afraid to approach.

Seeing this situation, everyone cried out for fun.

“Follow Brother Fan, it’s a cow!”

“Ahaha, Daddy walked so arrogantly in Thunder Mountain for the first time.”

“Yes, Ping Chong’s grandson is used to pretending to be sneaky in the mountains.”

Boss Xu followed behind.

He knows these residents quite well, and he sighs with emotion: “This group of people had nothing to do with each other. If it weren’t for Brother Mu, they would never get together to act together. Hey, this damn charm of Brother Mu!”

Everyone keeps track of it all the way.

The vines ahead finally disappeared.

They leaned over to take a look.

It turned out that there was a huge pothole here.

It has a diameter of 100 meters.

The big demon went back and forth through this pothole.

“What should we do? Do we want to go down?” They were a little nervous.

With such a big hole, I don’t know what unknown danger lies below.

Mu Feifan sipped: “If you are not afraid of death, follow me!”

He is determined to kill the big demon.

No one can stop it!

Then, Mu Feihua jumped deep into the pothole.

Xia Yucicada followed closely behind.

Chen Zhihui and others also jumped in, exaggerating one by one.

Just looking at the action, I thought it was a diving competition.

Pang Guang didn’t want to go any further.

He is the most timid and cherish his life when he is old.

As a result, Boss Xu rushed up and flew out.

“Ah!” Pang Guang screamed, and fell face down.

Boss Xu also set off with his son Xu Xiaoxin.

This time, they didn’t want to back down.

The other cultivators look at me and I look at you, but none of them jumped down.

It seems that everyone does not want to take personal risks.

Finally, a burly middle-aged man couldn’t bear it anymore, and tentatively said: “Everyone, I want to go down and take a look.”

“No, the following must be dangerous. Didn’t you hear what Brother Fan said? Fujie is only a part of the big demon, and its body must be too strong to imagine.” Others discouraged.

The middle-aged man suddenly sighed: “I have been mediocre for a lifetime, and I have spent my entire life. I want to participate in this killing of the demon. If I die, forget it. If I don’t die, I can boast the best of my life when I come back!”

The next moment, he also jumped down.

Everyone was deeply touched.

“That old brother is right. Almost all of us are not talented, and they all live like grandchildren! It’s rare to see Brother Fan come to kill a demon. In my opinion, everyone can go down together and lose. In the blink of an eye, if you win, you can live a lifetime.” Someone said.

Everyone feels enthusiasm.

The whole person ignited.

“Yes, if you win, it’s really an honor.”

“Fifth-level big demon, the existence in the legend, looking at the world of immortality, if there are a few people who dare to attack it, we dare!”

“Don’t be pessimistic. I don’t think we will necessarily lose. Brother Fan chopped Fujie to pieces with one move. His strength has been underestimated by you all the time.”

Speaking of Mu Feifan, everyone was excited and instantly felt confident.


For everyone, Mu Feihua is the source of their confidence.

“Let’s set off together. What’s the point of doing quests secretly every day? Fighting with the big demon is full of fun!” Everyone was impassioned and jumped into the pothole one by one.

Without hesitation.

Under the pothole, Mu Feifan waited for the first batch of people to come in, preparing for the adventure.

Unexpectedly, all the Bailai people who had stayed on the ground jumped in.

Pang Guang asked strangely: “Is there anything you can’t think of, and you want to give away the heads one by one?”

Everyone was speechless.

Someone took the lead in answering: “Follow Brother Fan, you must take down the big demon today!”

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