Chapter 624

When Liu Dayang heard this, he was speechless.

There was already a little disdain in his expression.

As if to say, I didn’t ask for your help, do you still want to bargain with me?

I didn’t know that Pang Guang suddenly felt like a chicken blood, and said excitedly: “Brother Dayang, let’s go too!”

Chen Zhihui and others also echoed: “Yes, we must help.”

Liu Dayang was stunned.

You one by one, didn’t you just unwilling to do so?

Why are they all agreed now?

Is this the legendary desire to refuse and welcome?

As a result, the freckled girl He Xiaona smiled and said, “As long as Brother Xia goes, we will have protection.”

After hearing this, Liu Dayang finally understood.

He couldn’t help but cast his gaze on Mu Feifan.

It turned out that this group of people dared to go because of Mu Feifan.

After figuring out the ins and outs of the matter, Liu Dayang suddenly felt sad.

Hemp egg!

It took me a long time to speak, but it was not as easy as a word of others.

I’m a dignified Gold Core middle stage cultivator. Isn’t it as good as a Foundation Building stage with a face?

What is the reason for this?

Liu Dayang was depressed, but he heard a sentence floating: “Have you considered it?”

He immediately raised his head, but saw Mu Feihua staring at him with a smile on his face.

What to consider?

Liu Dayang was confused.

Mu Feihua reminded: “If you let us help, you need to pay for this…”

He reached out and rubbed his fingers.

At this time, Liu Eryang and Liu Sanyang couldn’t help but whispered, “Dage, he wants us to pay.”

Depend on!

Liu Dayang was about to vomit blood in depression.

He wanted to refuse directly.

But then I thought about it, if Mu Feifan didn’t go, the others wouldn’t go, then the own task might not be completed.

“Hey, how do I feel that I was pinched by a Foundation Building kid?” Liu Dayang felt very sad.

He tentatively asked: “How much do you want?”

Mu Feifan thought for a while, and said, “Well, except for the red sun flower that you need for your mission, all the other gains belong to us.”

When Liu Dayang heard this, he nodded without hesitation: “That’s okay!”

It seemed that it was going too smoothly, and Mu Feihua suddenly said to himself: “No, if we kill Demonic Beasts, won’t the harvest belong to us? This doesn’t count… let me think about it again.”


Liu Dayang felt his head sink and slammed into the dining table.


If we kill Demonic Beasts, our three brothers will also work hard at that time, okay?

You know how to settle the bill too.

Mu Feifan asked: “How long have you been in Thunder Mountain?”

Liu Dayang stunned for a moment, and subconsciously replied: “It’s more than half a month.”

Mu Feihua: “I need a map… to record the distribution of Demonic Beasts Spiritual herbs on this mountain.”

The corner of Liu Dayang’s mouth twitched: “Dage, the map is top secret, and many dangerous situations are our lives.”

Mu Feifan: “Yes, top secret is worth the reward this time, otherwise would we not give you free work?”

Liu Dayang was completely speechless.

He found that in terms of bargaining, he was absolutely inferior to the other party.

“All right.” Liu Dayang could only agree with tears.

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Just call me when we leave tomorrow.”

Pang Guang immediately assured: “Don’t worry, Brother Mu, I will definitely greet you!”

This is too enthusiastic.

While Liu Dayang looked incredible, only Chen Zhihui and others understood what was going on.

Nonsense, if Brother Mu doesn’t go, how dare we go out…

Isn’t that killing us?

After dinner, Mu Feifan walked out of the inn with Xia Yuchan, wanting to take a walk around the neighborhood.

In layman’s terms, it is a walk after a meal.

After the two left, Liu Dayang asked Pang Guang strangely: “Brother Pang, you trust that little brother too much, is there anything special about him? Forgive me for my clumsy eyes, I really can’t see it.”

Pang Guang smiled: “Brother Mu is our comrade-in-arms. Only by his side can we inspire our combat effectiveness.”

Liu Dayang:…

Are you serious about this answer?

How Liu Dayang thinks Pang Guang now feels like an old god stick.

Will flicker!

But Pang Guang is an old fried dough stick.

When Liu Dayang saw that he couldn’t find any useful information, he gave up.

Can only say goodbye.

At this moment, in the open space outside the inn, some cultivators were scattered.

Like Mu Feifan, he was full.

The sky is still dark and terrible.

If it weren’t for the occasional lightning flashes, I would really be out of sight.

Xia Yuchan said suddenly: “This place is so noisy, I’m afraid I can’t sleep peacefully at night.”

Mu Feifan looked at his wife and thought, I don’t know if others can sleep, but his wife must be fine anyway.

A properly sleepy cat!

However, in front of Xia Yuchan’s face, Mu Feifei naturally would not say such words.

He smiled faintly: “You can fall asleep if you don’t hear anything outside the window.”

Xia Yuchan was speechless.

Isn’t this to encourage people to study hard?

Can it be used to encourage people to sleep?

Her husband’s ability to make sentences makes people afraid to look directly at it.

After a while, the Xu family father and son walked out.

Boss Xu said: “The enchantment is about to be set up soon, please go back to your room and rest.”

The cultivator outside seems to have long been used to it.

They yawned one by one and stepped into the inn again.

At this moment, Xu Xiaoxin, holding a pile of array flags, began to arrange them around the inn.

Mu Feifei was a little curious: “Crayon Shin-chan, is your formation useful?”

Xu Xiaoxin showed a hint of dissatisfaction: “It is true that I am called Xiaoxin, why do you scold me for rubbish?”

Mu Feifan chuckled quietly.

How did he explain this?

I can’t say that on the other side of the mountain, on the other side of the sea, there is a little friend who lives in a soggy pot. It’s okay to sing elephants. Why do you have such a long nose?

Xu Xiaoxin’s temper is pretty good.

He shook his head and said, “Our formation works naturally. Without two brushes, do you dare to open an inn in Thunder Mountain?”

Mu Feifan smiled secretly, the kid was a little bit interesting, and his words were obviously showing off.

He grasped the opponent’s xinxing, and followed Xu Xiaoxin to ask: “What level of damage can the enchantment after the formation is opened?”

Xu Xiaoxin: “The fourth-level peak Demonic Beasts’ full blow!”

Mu Feifan was slightly surprised.

Then this barrier is indeed very strong.

At this time, Boss Xu jumped out and shouted to Xu Xiaoxin: “Hurry up and set up the flag, stop talking nonsense!”

Xu Xiaoxin ran away aggrieved.

Boss Xu smiled graciously at Mu Feifan at this time: “This guest officer, we are absolutely assured of the safety of our inn. This enchantment has been arranged with a huge amount of money. It not only resists damage, but also has the effect of sound insulation! Ensure that you can sleep. A good night’s sleep.”

Mu Feifan said lightly, “Can it still be soundproof?”

Boss Xu: “Of course! Otherwise, how can the guest officers rest?”

Xia Yuchan said a little annoyingly: “Someone just taught me to turn a blind eye to things outside the window.”

Mu Feifei suddenly asked, “Can you arrange one outside my room?”

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