Chapter 622: Darker Than Me? Food fight

Add money?

The corner of Xu Xiaoxin’s mouth twitched.

This is returning what he used to say.

But in Xu Xiaoxin’s heart, there was always a voice echoing.

“It’s so delicious, if you miss it, you will regret it for a lifetime!”

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoxin didn’t care about his father, and asked directly: “Guest, how many runestones do you need?”

Mu Feifan considered it and said, “A thousand runestones, I allow you to take a bite.”


Xu Xiaoxin and Boss Xu directly lost their writing.

“A thousand in a mouthful? Grab the money, you are too dark, right.” Xu Xiaoxin was shocked.

Boss Xu was even more speechless: “Unexpectedly, there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. He is even darker than me…”

Mu Feifei pointed to the two dishes and said, “Look at the green peppers in this dish, do you think they are ordinary green peppers?”

The Xu family’s father and son widened his eyes, “Isn’t this just an ordinary green pepper?”

“Wrong!” Mu Feifan said solemnly: “It is called Jumbo Pepper, which cannot be cultivated artificially. It can only be found in some inaccessible deep mountains and rivers. The quantity is very scarce and contains a lot of Spirit Power… Cultivation Base, do you still think a thousand runestones are expensive?”

Xu Xiaoxin opened his mouth wide: “Damn, there are such green peppers, it’s almost unheard of.”

Mu Feifei smiled faintly: “If you haven’t heard of it, it doesn’t mean you don’t. My knowledge is far from what you can imagine.”

The Xu family and his son were all frightened by the call.

The main thing is the precious pepper, it sounds tall and tall.

Mu Feifan asked, “Are you still buying?”

Xu Xiaoxin shook his head hurriedly: “Don’t eat it, don’t eat it.”

One bite of a thousand runestone dishes, can’t afford to eat it!

Mu Fei Fei served two dishes.

Under the shocked watch of Xu family father and son, he left slowly.

Who would have expected that Mu Feifan was smiling secretly in his heart at this moment.

I didn’t expect the ingredients in my storage bag to come in handy now.

Although Zhenbao Pepper is rare, it is not as rare as Mu Feihua said.

Anyway, most of the ingredients can be bought at the Ling Kitchen.

Mu Feifan returned to the table.

When the two dishes were placed, a tangy fragrance was released in an instant.

Chen Zhihui was immediately excited: “My God, is this the little stir-fry that Brother Mu asked them to do? It’s too fragrant!”

Mu Feifan: “Wrong, I did it.”


Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Li Jie said tremblingly, “Brother Mu can still cook?”

Pang Guang also looked incredible: “I thought Brother Mu was dedicated to martial arts, but I didn’t expect to have this unique skill…”

He Xiaona’s eyes gleamed even more: “My God, Brother Xia is really a treasure boy, there is nothing you don’t know.”

Mu Feifan’s expression was indifferent, as if he didn’t care about these compliments at all.

But in the eyes of everyone, the other party seemed even more unpredictable.

It seems that apart from having children, there is nothing that Mu Fei can’t do.

“I’ll take a bite and taste it.” Chen Zhihui was a little excited.

He was about to stretch out his chopsticks, but was hit by Pang Guang in midair.

“Let the girls eat first!” Pang Guang glared.

Li Jie also said: “That’s right, I don’t know the rules at all.”

Chen Zhihui smiled awkwardly: “It’s mainly because it’s too fragrant. My fingers don’t listen to me.”

Everyone cut.

He Xiaona quickly dialed some into her bowl.

When she looked up, she saw that Mu Feifei was serving Xia Yu cicadas.


He Xiaona received tons of crit in an instant.

“Sister Xia, there are still singles here, please stay back a little bit.” He Xiaona protested in a low voice.

Xia Yuchan chuckled lightly: “You can also find a husband who will pick you up.”

He Xiaona subconsciously looked at the other two single boys.

Chen Zhihui and Li Jie turned their heads away immediately.

This is too annoying!

He Xiaona gritted her silver teeth and complained in her heart.

Ciced Xia Yu’s cicada, and Mu Feifei said, “A few male compatriots, you can eat it.”

The marching horn seemed to be sounded.

Chen Zhihui and others couldn’t wait a long time ago.


They raised their chopsticks and attacked the two dishes.

People who didn’t know heard this shout, and thought these people wanted real PK.

Who would have expected that they were fighting for a dish.

“It’s so fragrant, so delicious!” Chen Zhihui shed tears while eating.

“It’s also the first time I have eaten such a delicious dish.” Li Jie couldn’t stop his chopsticks.

Pang Guang was speechless: “You two guys, you really are nothing.”

He took a bite.

In the next second, Pang Guang’s expression changed drastically!

“Fuck, what kind of fairy cooking is this, it’s so delicious!”

At this moment, Pang Guang didn’t care about being reserved, and began to grab them.

The three of them seemed to be hungry for days and nights.

The eyes are red.

The people at the next table looked inexplicable: “What’s wrong with the people at this table, haven’t they eaten for several days?”

Finally, Chen Zhihui couldn’t wait to lick the plate.

“Remember, you are a person, not a dog!”

Under the persuasion of Pang Guang and Li Jie, Chen Zhihui gave up.

He Xiaona lowered her head to indicate that she didn’t know this product.

It’s too embarrassing.

Suddenly, Chen Zhihui’s expression changed drastically.

A surge of Spirit Power surged in the body!

“I rely on, I made a breakthrough!” Chen Zhihui said in surprise.

“What?” The others couldn’t believe it.

Chen Zhihui laughed: “I am now in the Gold Core middle stage, with a bald head. I think you dare to educate me in the future…”

As soon as his voice fell, Pang Guang hit his head with a hammer.

“Oh, master is forgiving, I am overwhelmed for a while, don’t fight, don’t slap in the face if you want to.” Chen Zhihui hugged his head.

Li Jie was stunned: “How can Zhihui break through after eating?”

Chen Zhihui smiled triumphantly: “Of course I don’t forget cultivation when I eat. The most terrifying thing in this world is people who are more talented than you and more diligent than you.”


Li Jie couldn’t help it, and punched Chen Zhihui on the dining table.

Pang Guang analyzed: “Is it because Brother Mu made these dishes?”

He Xiaona was surprised: “Impossible, it’s just a dish, how can it be more effective than a panacea? But speaking, my abdomen is warm now, and I feel a lot of Spirit Power has skyrocketed.”

Mu Feifan explained: “What you see is just an ordinary dish, but it has a lot of effects from the super chef.”


“What is the spirit chef?”

“Superior… it sounds very powerful.”

They were completely dumbfounded.

But these people have really experienced the benefits of this dish.

Mu Feifan: “I won’t explain if there are too many. In short, this dish is not only extremely precious, but also has a special technique…the first time it is eaten, the effect is the best, so Zhihui can make a breakthrough.”

Suddenly, Chen Zhihui thought of something and asked cautiously: “The ingredients are precious? How much does it cost?”

Mu Feifan answered casually: “Tens of thousands of runestones.”


These people were so scared that they all fell off the stools.

Tens of thousands of runestones?

Good deed, how much do they earn by working hard?

A dish completely emptied the family!

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