Chapter 613 Suddenly shot, come from the upper realm!

Every storm falling in the sky corresponds to a gate of time and space.

The passage representing that realm has already been opened.

Suddenly, a thunderous roar came from another piece of void.

“What’s the matter?” Fan Jian and others looked over.

Zheng Bo said: “Is there still a group of people to pass away, we crashed, no, hit the storm?”

Fan Jian shouted: “What are you talking about? The wind is too strong, I can’t hear you!”

Zheng Bo scolded: “Bitch!”

Fan Jian was speechless: “Captain Zheng, are you scolding me?”

Zheng Bo:? ? ?

When talking about business, you pretended to be deaf and dumb. If you scold you, your hearing will return to normal?

At this moment, in the storm, their eyes are full of messy air currents.

But now the gate of time and space hangs above his head.

The power of the storm is not so strong.

Everyone took the opportunity to look in another direction.

It stands to reason that the gates of time and space in each realm are different.

It is impossible to have such a scene as hitting a storm.

However, the roar of that space became more and more intense.


The void was torn apart.

Everyone was shocked.

It turned out that something came from tearing through the space!

what exactly is it?

This is too scary.

At this moment, the void was broken, and a gap of nearly a kilometer appeared.

A quaint warship rushed out.

This battleship is hundreds of meters long, like a giant steel beast.

On it stood a huge battle flag.

There is a Chu character impressively written!

Standing on the deck are several cultivators with a deep breath.

It turned out to be Cultivation Base above Nascent Soul.

These big cultivators guarded a young man’s side.

The young man is dressed in brocade clothes, although there is only Gold Core early stage Cultivation Base, but his temperament is outstanding and his face is cold.

Don’t look at the inconspicuous Cultivation Base here, but the big cultivators all show the appearance of looking at each other’s head.

The young man looked around, with a trace of leisure in his eyes, as if he were on vacation.

“Is this the rumored way of the Fashen?” He said lightly.

One of the elders said: “Master Huishen, according to the information, the place where we are should be the Liangjie Mountain on the Way of Dharma and God, through which external cultivators can return to the original world.”

The young man suddenly sneered, “No wonder there are so many small garbage around, it turns out that this is a teleportation point.”

The arrogance of the tone is surprising.

However, the expressions of the cultivators around him did not change.

It seems that what the youth said is just the truth,

At this time, Fan Jian and others, who had not yet arrived at the Gate of Time and Space, were already shocked by the warship’s momentum.

Fan Jian suddenly sighed: “Oh my god, is that handsome guy a second-generation immortal? He is so eager when he goes out and hugs after him!”

Zheng Bo also said: “It’s very possible. I don’t know which world I come from. The way of playing is too shocking. I just broke in.”

The little turkey snorted: “Compared with the wicked man, it’s far worse!”

The villain?

Those two are a little strange.

Little Turkey: “…I just want to admire the extraordinary.”

Fan Jian almost fainted.

Oh My God!

Worthy of being a chicken god.

Courage is big.

Dare to be the villain of Brother Fan.

But when he thought of what Mu Feifei had done, Fan Jian actually had a feeling that this nickname was quite appropriate.

Brother Fan burned, killed and looted all the way, he really didn’t fall into the name of this wicked man!

Suddenly, the little turkey was excited.

It turned its head, and its eyes fell on the warship in the distance.

At that moment, it had a sense of danger of being watched.

what happened?

The little turkey was still wondering.

At this time, on the battleship.

The young man stared at the storm that towered over like a sacred pillar.

“There seems to be a powerful bloodline of creatures…” The young man’s eyes were fiery.

The old man beside him said: “My Lord God has a keen perception, and his subordinates can’t feel it at all.”

The young man laughed and said, “I didn’t expect to have good luck today. I just came to this road of Dharma and God, so I have such a chance.”

The old man said: “Master God, the people in the storm seem to be leaving through the gate of time and space.”

The youth snorted coldly: “It can’t go!”

The next moment, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

A big golden hand immediately condensed in the air and screamed towards the storm.

On this side, the little turkey was wondering.

Suddenly, the chicken feathers stand up!

The storm all over burst suddenly.

A majestic hand was in the air.

“Not good!” The little turkey was shocked.

It flapped its wings and spewed out a burst of fire.

Vermillion Bird God Flame!

At that moment, the flame seemed to be the shock of crimson, rushing past.

As soon as the giant hand was contaminated, it immediately melted away.

It collapsed soon!

At this time, another storm surged up from below the little turkey and swept it in again.

After a layer of storm, the little turkey glared at the battleship: “mmp, which bastard shot me?”

Fan Jian and Zheng Bo were shocked by this scene a long time ago.

Can we be attacked in a storm?

The opponent’s strength is a bit outrageous.

This is like a tornado coming, a group of people watching the excitement from a distance, who knows that someone suddenly appeared and slapped the tornado to pieces.

Their expressions are messy!

Is this a human job?

Fan Jianxin said with lingering fear: “Fortunately, the chicken god is strong and can break the opponent’s trick.”

The little turkey snorted coldly: “If the evil man asked me to escort you back, I would have to fight them.”

The door of time and space on the head is wide open.

After the storm sent them all in, it gradually disappeared.

Then, the gate of time and space was closed.

On a battleship in the distance.

The young man looked at this scene, and his eyes flashed with surprise: “I didn’t expect this creature’s supernatural powers to be so powerful, it should be the blood of the ancient heritage.”

The old man asked: “Master God, just let them go like this?”

The young man smiled lightly, as if he didn’t care about the defeat just now: “My god palm of Zhentian had already canceled most of the energy when bombarding the time and space storm, and it was already insufficient to deal with the creature. That’s all, we came to the house. In the world, we still have to be in awe of the laws of heaven and earth here.”

When the cultivator heard it, they nodded secretly.

Worthy of being a son of God, the pattern is big!

The young man said again: “I heard that there is a way to increase spells, so it attracts cultivators from all walks of life.”

The old man replied: “But according to rumors, this method can only take effect in this world. If you want to increase the rate forever, you must complete some specific trials. It seems that no one has been able to do this since the emergence of the way of law and god.”

The young man laughed loudly: “I Chu definitely can do things that others can’t do. Let this group of people see what a genius in the fairy world is!”

The cultivators all agreed with this Chu Jue talent.

“With the skills of Lord God Son, you will surely be successful.”

“How can the cultivator of the rest of the world compare to our fairyland?”

“The birth of the Son of God will surely crush everyone!”

At this moment, the god son Chu Jue’s eyes flickered, showing strong self-confidence.

Unexpectedly, this group of people turned out to come from the rumored fairy world!

The fairy world is also collectively referred to as the upper world.

The Chu family is also famous in the immortal world.

Their arrival, I am afraid that the road of the Fashen will be even more unstable!

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