Chapter 611

When Mu Feifan heard this, his eyes were slightly cold.

Once the emperor and the courtier.

As Ma Debiao’s cronies, it would be nice if Mu Feihua didn’t kill them, and would he want to make arrangements for them?

think too much.

“Let’s go.” Mu Feifan was too lazy to explain.

These people couldn’t get into his eyes at all.

One of the middle-aged people yelled: “Brothers, I can see that he just wants to kill us indirectly, copy the guys directly, and we will avenge the Lord Ma!”

This middle-aged man should be a no small official position in the city lord’s mansion.

Under his instigation, these soldiers all stood up, fighting for their lives.

Mu Feifan sighed.

He didn’t want to kill anymore.

But there is no way, there are always eyesores…

That night, blood stained the city lord’s mansion.

The most important thing is that when Mu Feifan and the others stepped out of the gate, the City Lord’s Mansion compound was spotless.

It’s just that in Fan Jian’s mind, he has a deeper understanding of the two of them.

the next day.

Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan slept until almost noon before slowly getting up.

Recalling the experience of copying his home in the city lord’s mansion last night, Mu Feihua had a headache.

This Ma Debiao, a poor group.

Except for some high-level spells, there is nothing to get it.

Rune stones are even more pitiful.

I don’t know how he splurges.

They are all used to honor the spirit of the formation.

“But…” Mu Feihua’s Divine Sense passed through the storage bag, quietly looking at the magic secrets.

The prompt immediately followed.

Obtained a copy of the Golden Sword.

System rewards (optional):

One: One hundred copies of Jindao quickly empty.

Two: A book of golden knives.

Get a copy of Samādhi.

System rewards (optional):

One: One hundred Samādhi are really popular.

Two: A book of Purgatory.

Get a copy of Lightning and Thunder.

System rewards (optional):

One: One hundred copies of lightning and thunder.

Two: Five thunders hit the top one.

I have to say that the magic secrets on the way of the gods are still easy to obtain.

Mu Feifan chose the second item all.

In the research-level spells, he has learned that the woods are all soldiers, the light of the light rushes through the night, and the waters are making waves.

The three newly acquired ones just complement the barren spell category.

In fact, Nascent Soul cultivator can learn one or two advanced spells, which is very good.

Mu Feifan is completely high-yield.

At this moment, he finished washing and walked out of the inn with Xia Yuchan.

The two walked to the city lord’s mansion.

At this time, the gate of the city lord’s mansion was already crowded.

Very lively.

Being able to attract so many people, at first glance, I thought I had to send money on the street.

Mu Feifan was also stunned.

Compared to the cultivator that came last night, it’s much more.

It seems to be a drag on the family.

At this time, the team leader saw Mu Feifan and hurriedly said hello: “Hello, City Lord Mu!”

Mu Feifan nodded: “Hello Captain!”

The captain said embarrassingly: “City Lord Mu, don’t call me captain, just call me Zheng Bo.”

Mu Feifan: “Zheng Bo, how many people will come back with me this time?”

Zheng Bo is very responsible.

He had counted it long ago and answered directly: “About 13,000 people.”

Mu Feifan looked at the black crowd, calling out a good fellow in his heart.

Heifeng City is small in scale.

It is normal for the permanent population to be more than 100,000.

Unexpectedly, only one tenth would leave together.

Zheng Bo explained: “On the road to the Dharma and God, there are very few local cultivators and most of them are foreigners.”

Mu Feifan nodded.

Those foreign cultivators have already learned the news this morning.

They also packed their bags.

Some went back to the original world, and some went to the rest of the way of Dharma and God.

Each has its own choice.

Mu Feifan: “Okay, let’s set off now!”

Zheng Bo shouted: “Everyone, line up, turn right, and walk in unison!”

13,000 people were quickly organized.

This long dragon-like team, mighty and mighty, set out to the gate of the city.

Fan Jian and Zheng Bo opened the road ahead.

Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan followed closely behind.

Fan Jian said suddenly: “Brother Fan, this team is too powerful. If we go to fight, our people can scare away the other side just by stopping there.”

Mu Feifan laughed blankly: “Do you think it’s a street gangster fight, do you have more people than where?”

Fan Jian suddenly remembered Ma Debiao’s 40-meter-long sword before, and said with lingering fear: “Hey, don’t look at the number of people, if you face a high-level cultivator, it’s really not enough for others to cut.”

Zheng Bo said amusedly: “It sounds like you’ve seen it before.”

Fan Jian got his energy all of a sudden, and said sternly: “Captain Zheng, I really saw him last night. Ma Debiao can cut dozens of meters with a single knife.”

Zheng Bo was dumbfounded: “Fuck, Brother Biao is so fierce?”

Fan Jian: “But Brother Fan is more fierce and blows Brother Biao with one punch.”

Zheng Bo was taken aback.

Ma Debiao ruled Black Wind City for many years, and his majesty has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Strength is even more unimaginable.

Zheng Bo thought that Mu Feifan and Ma Debiao were incomparable in the dark and inextricable, but he finally won by a fluke…

Unexpectedly, it was solved with a punch.

Zheng Bo shrank his neck when he thought of such a fierce man standing behind him.

Fan Jian was still preaching the glorious deeds of admiration.

Mu Feifan couldn’t stand it anymore.

He hurriedly corrected: “Zheng Bo, don’t listen to Fan Jian’s nonsense, it is not solved with one punch at all.”

Zheng Bo breathed a sigh of relief.

I knew that Brother Biao was so powerful, how could he be a second-hand.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feifan’s next sentence directly caused Zheng Bo to kneel: “It was a trick…”

Zheng Bo was speechless and collapsed.

Damn it!

Gangster, did you stand up just to explain specifically that it is not a punch but a move?

What is the difference between the two?

no difference!

Anyway, Brother Biao was killed by a spike in the end.

At this moment, Zheng Bo looked at Mu Feifan’s eyes and became even more in awe.

A group of people came to the exit gate.

The tall and chunky guards are still watching the door.

They were all dumbfounded when they saw so many people coming in one breath.

Tall guard: “What’s the situation?”

Chunky guard: “By the way, many cultivators left this morning, but there is no such large-scale one?”

Fan Jian smiled and said, “We are leaving Black Wind City and will never come back again.”

They were surprised: “Where are you going?”

Zheng Bo said: “The wheel of fortune in Blackwind City has failed, and there will be no cultivation resources in the future, so we all go to the world of the city lord.”

“Isn’t the city lord surnamed Ma?” The tall guard was puzzled.

“From today on, this is our new city owner.” Zheng Bo flashed sideways, and Mu Feifan behind showed his figure.

When the two guards saw Mu Feifan, they were dumbfounded: “Is it you?”

Zheng Bo was surprised: “Do you know each other?”

The two guards immediately hugged each other tremblingly.

More than cognition.

It was here last night, and they saw with their own eyes how Mu Feifei was killing the Quartet.

The two of them felt terrified when they thought of the way Mu Feihua turned into a giant ape looking at him!

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