Chapter 609 The big grievance has been reported, pay respect to the city lord!

While Mu Feifan was puzzled, he couldn’t help asking Xia Yuchan.

Xia Yuchan: “I don’t know, there is no tool spirit in it anyway.”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “I will grab one for you someday and put it in?”

Xia Yuchan shook his head repeatedly: “I don’t like having other people around me.”

Mu Feifan: “Do you just like me by your side?”

Xia Yuchan gave him a white look, but did not refute.

Fan Jian looked embarrassed, so he almost said directly, so shall I go?

At this moment, the ancient large formation that had lost its spirits completely lost its function.

With a roar, the great array collapsed.

Mu Feifan pointed to the dilapidated Great Array and said, “The Great Array is ruined. It is estimated that Black Wind City is also finished.”

Xia Yuchan chuckled: “You have just taken the position of the city lord, and you can’t wait to throw your rights out. Your behavior is unprecedented.”

Mu Feifan: “The city lord sounds good, but in the final analysis it is just a puppet of the creator of the Way of Dharma and God. How can I let him Ruyi Scepter?”

Xia Yuchan nodded.

This is Mu extraordinary character, who will not be controlled by others.

Fan Jian cried his face: “Black Wind City is over, then where should we go?”

Mu Feifan thought for a while, and said, “It’s a problem.”

The three walked out of the city lord’s mansion.

At the moment, it was still pitch black outside.

But the fire dazzled.

It turned out that a group of cultivators had been standing at the door.

They are all primitive holding torches.

Keke, after all, not everyone knows how to perform lighting techniques.

Fan Jian saw that there were many old acquaintances.

I’ve seen them all in the Hall of Destiny.

Seeing the three come out, an old man headed angrily said: “The city lord, we want an explanation.”

Originally, this group of people was very afraid of the city owner.

But the bullying is usually small, and the loss to Cultivation Base is large.

Cultivation Base is the lifeblood of cultivator!

It’s okay if you suppress me and abuse me, but if you break my life root, this thing won’t work!

Therefore, everyone was filled with righteous indignation and gathered together to ask for an explanation.

Fan Jian was frightened by the opponent’s momentum, and he didn’t know how to answer, so he had to look at Mu Feifan with his eyes asking for help.

Mu Feifei didn’t panic at all, he said with a righteous look: “Macheng Master’s cultivation evil skills, absorbing everyone’s Cultivation Base, is really bad, but everyone can rest assured that Ma City Master has been killed by me!”


Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

They just came to ask for an explanation.

Unexpectedly, people would directly slaughter Ma Chengzhu!

Who is the Lord Ma?

That is the earth emperor of Blackwind City.

Even the children became terrified when they heard the name.

Whether it is strength or majesty, in Black Wind City, they are all covering the sky with one hand.

Will such a person be beheaded?

The headed old man was a little suspicious.

He asked Fan Jian, “Jian, is what this little brother said is true?”

Fan Jian was speechless.

Can you not ask me to build it?

Am I cheap?

However, Fan Jian stood up and said: “Of course, I have seen with my own eyes, our brother Fan punched Father Cao, kicked the city lord, and beat all the scum in the rampant village to death, and avenged everyone!”

Damn it!

When Fan Jian said that, everyone believed it all.

After all, these three people came out swaggeringly from the city lord’s mansion.

If it is tied, who can get in and out of the city lord’s mansion freely?

City Lord Ma had to wring his head off.

At this moment, the old man’s eyes were different when he looked at Mu Fanping.

That is the look of gratitude, but also the look of worshiping the strong!

“Thank you, son, avenging us!” The old man knelt with a bang.

The people behind looked stunned.

Bang bang bang!

They all knelt down too.

No way, the leaders are kneeling, and they are a little embarrassed not to kneel.

Let’s kneel together!

Mu Feifan was taken aback.

He pointed to the old man and asked Fan Jian, “Is this a custom in this city?”

Fan Jian said embarrassingly: “Brother Fan, they are different from me. My legs are scared.”

Only the audience said in unison: “Thank you son for helping the people!”

Mu Feifan waved a big hand: “It’s a trivial matter, everyone please hurry up.”

Everyone stood up again, discussing.

“The son is a model of talent for our generation.”

“The son is humble and upright, but it seems a pity that he has been married.”

“What do you mean?”

“My daughter is pretty good, don’t you know if the son is interested in taking a concubine?”

“What a mess… Hey, I suddenly remembered that I also have a girl.”

The corners of Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched.

He had to complain.

When these people saw the outstanding outstanding youth, they were eager to marry their daughter.

How hard is it for their daughter to marry?

At this time, another group of people rushed over.

The person who took the lead, Mu Feihua still knew, was the captain of the guard in the Hall of Destiny.

Seeing the excitement at the gate of the city lord’s mansion, the captain thought he was going to fight.

The whole person couldn’t help being more cautious, his legs tightened, and he seemed to be ready to escape at any time.

Mu Feifan said loudly: “Captain, what’s the matter?”

The captain saw that he was an acquaintance, and hurriedly said, “My son, I’m looking for City Master Ma.”

Mu Feifan said lightly: “City Lord Ma, you can’t find it. He has already driven west to Hexi.”

The captain said softly: “You ran off? It’s hard to do.”

Fan Jian was speechless: “Dage, driving the crane west means death.”

The captain was taken aback: “Damn, as soon as a major event happened in our hall of fate, did he pick him up?”

Mu Feifan asked: “What’s the big deal?”

He had guessed it vaguely.

The captain explained: “The wheel of fortune… is out of order!”


Mu Feifan narrowed his eyes.

The wheel of fortune is closely related to the ancient grand formation of the City Lord’s Mansion.

Once the array spirit died, it must have failed.

Unexpectedly, when the old cultivators heard it, they all applauded and cheered: “Okay! This harmful thing, it’s better if it fails.”

But some people sighed: “The wheel of destiny fails, what should we do with our cultivation resources in the future, and the external cultivators can still return to their hometowns. Where do we local cultivators go?”

The rest are also deeply moved.

Everyone grew up in Black Wind City.

The wheel of fortune is like a goal to strive for, closely related to the fate of everyone.

Whether they are daily cultivation or becoming stronger, they all go through the wheel of fortune.

Now that the roulette wheel is abolished, the life goal of this group of people disappeared all at once.

Seeing this scene, Mu Feifan was silent.

Originally, he wanted to pat his butt and leave. What does the life and death of these people have to do with him?

But now it seems that killing the spirits and destroying the roulette by oneself is equivalent to cutting off the cultivation resources of many cultivators.

Mu Feifan thought for a while, and said loudly: “Everyone, don’t lie to each other, after the death of City Lord Ma, this rule orders me to be the new City Lord.”


When everyone heard it, they were particularly shocked.

Mu Feifan thought, if you don’t recognize me, then I will leave without worry…

I don’t know, The next moment, everyone kneels down.

There is no hesitation.

They shouted neatly: “Well, see the city lord!”

Mu Feifan’s fingers trembled slightly.

This group of people admitted too quickly, right? Didn’t they discuss it?

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