Chapter 599 Direct fifth-level, heaven-defying!

There are more than one or two people who have this kind of reaction.

The maid who has been watching the lively next to Fan Jian is also eager.

Fan Jian said silently: “Big Sister…”

The maid leaned back: “What are you screaming? I haven’t married yet.”

“Well, this Miss… please lower your head.” Fan Jian couldn’t help reminding.

The maid looked down, and she was stunned.

I didn’t know when, my pants were all wet.

The shape of Chuanji is very clear from the outside.


In an extremely awkward posture, he ran outside.

What a shame!

These unsatisfactory tears!

Fan Jianchang sighed.

Hey, deserve it!

Tonight, I don’t know how many fourth-level roulettes have been used by Mu Feihua.

Seeing every one hundred thousand runestones smashed down, everyone’s little hearts choked.

Can’t bear it!

“Brother Fan is too rich!”

“Unconsciously, the son has transformed into a Dage for all of us.”

“Is this the power of money?”

“Ah, another night of fear of money dominance!”

After watching for a long time, someone raised a question: “Brother Fan, if you don’t take a break, let your sister-in-law come on. According to your luck, it is estimated that you will not be able to draw out the orange card in this life.”

Mu Feifei was speechless: “Who said I want to draw an orange card?”

He would like to add one more sentence.

Is my luck so bad?

The next moment, the spinning roulette stopped again.

Everyone took a look.


Good guys!

The plot that makes the scalp numb has appeared again!

It’s the Demonic Beasts space again.

Mu Feifan: “…Well, my luck is indeed very bad. It takes a long time to get everything I want to smoke.”

Everyone was speechless: “Brother Fan, is this stuff you want to smoke?”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Of course!”

Soon, he was sucked in again.

Everyone looked nervously at the Demonic Beasts pattern.

One minute later.

The Demonic Beasts pattern broke again.

This time it was more thorough.

Split directly in place!

Was broken down.

More thorough and violent than last time.

“Damn, this familiar picture, is it Brother Fan?” Someone was surprised.

Soon, Mu Feifan was sent back again.

He was a little pleased, and muttered in a low voice: “Finally, a god pattern that is useful to him was exploded.”

Wood properties!

Can increase his skill of all soldiers.

Mu Feifan was secretly happy, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

When he looked up, he found that everyone was looking at him dumbfounded.

“What’s the matter?” Mu Feifan was surprised.

Fan Jian said tremblingly: “Brother Fan, why do you want to take the Demonic Beasts space? This is too anti-human.”

Mu Feifan smiled and said: “The three beautiful things in life, eat and sleep and play Demonic Beasts.”

Everyone was speechless.

Hit Demonic Beasts?

Is that the normal Demonic Beasts?

This is the pinnacle of the fourth-level Demonic Beasts!

A large cultivator equivalent to the pinnacle of Nascent Soul.

But in Mu Feifan’s words, hitting them is as simple as eating and drinking.


The good, bloody plot was turned into a daily essay by Brother Fan.

Everyone’s hearts have been hit like never before!

“Look, this is the real boss!”

“Brother Fan is so awesome, he’s so handsome and can play!”

“When will I play the fourth-level peak Demonic Beasts, can it be as simple as eating?”

“Be realistic, I still think it’s easier when Demonic Beasts eat you.”

“Don’t talk about fourth-level, I can’t even beat the second-level peak Demonic Beasts.”

“You bought this Gold Core, counterfeit? Artificial? Produced by a tannery?”

“Damn, can ordinary people beat lions and tigers? This is not a truth. Demonic Beasts is born stronger than us. Even if we are a little higher in the Cultivation Base, we may not be able to win.”

Listening to everyone’s discussion, Mu Feihua smiled lightly.

Keep pumping!

Soon, a few hours passed.

Mu Feifan got two more ready-made orange god patterns.

He found that the probability of drawing the Demonic Beasts space is no higher than the probability of drawing an orange card.

Therefore, it is not that simple to want to die.

The previous king Fatty, who can be drawn, is considered lucky!

In addition, Xia Yuchan also helped smoke for a while.

Mu Feifan counts the harvest.

So far, there are four orange gods, twelve orange cards, and twenty purple cards.

On the contrary, the blue cards are the fewest, with only four.

The total cost is about 15 million runestones.

The people in the hall of fate are numb.

Some of them even fell to the ground and started to fall asleep.

Everyone can’t understand.

Why doesn’t Fan Fan’s runestones finish?

Old special can jump out!

Mu Feifan counted, the spells he possessed were almost enough to break through.

There is even wealth.

“Hey, there are still 20 million runes, how do you spend it?” Mu Feifan was melancholy.

If others hear this, they will be surprised that their jaws will fall to the ground.


Brother Fan, did your money come from the wind?

There are so many more?

Mu Feifan will nod in acknowledgment when the time comes.

Boy, you got it right, it was just scratched…

At this time, Mu Feifan’s inspiration flashed.

Is the fourth-level roulette the end?

Will there be a higher first-level?

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan’s heart was fierce.

He crackled another pile of runestones.

At this moment, almost all audiences are feeling sleepy.

For Mu Feifei’s inverted runestones, their nerve response has been slow.

Anyway, it’s a lot. Who cares if it’s one hundred thousand or one million?

At this time, Mu Feifan’s words woke them up!

“I want to use fifth-level roulette!” Mu Feifan said.



Everyone was taken aback.

There were originally snoring, but also followed a Ji Ling, awakened from the dream!

Fan Jian was about to kneel: “Brother Fan is too ruthless, fifth-level roulette, one million runestones.”

At this moment, Mu Feifan stared at the roulette.

He did this not just to satisfy curiosity.

I am also fully prepared.

If you really get the Demonic Beasts space…

The fifth-level peak Demonic Beasts!

It was much more powerful than the dragon ancestor after seizing the house.

I have to say that Mu Feifan has the element of gamble this time.

However, he also has a back hand.

The big deal is to use all the power of the four yuan pill at that time!

Mu Feifan has a great chance of winning!

At this moment, the roulette was spinning wildly.

Everyone dare not breathe.

One minute later.

The pointer points to one area.

That is a golden area.

Look again at this moment, extremely dazzling, extremely holy!


A golden card fell down and reached Mu Feifan’s hand.

“Golden card!” Mu Feihua’s pupils shrank slightly.

Oh My God!

After drawing so many Demonic Beasts space, Mu Feifan, who has almost never won a mission card, finally opened!

Moreover, this opening is a mountain collapse and the ground is cracked, and the whole body is boiling!

All of them are not calm anymore.

“Look, everyone, golden mission card!”

“Fuck, something I haven’t heard of before was actually pulled out by Brother Fan.”

“Fan Ge Niubi, if you complete the task, won’t you get the golden god pattern?”

Mu Feifan held the golden mission card, and an agitated feeling rose in his heart.

This is really the rhythm of heaven-defying!

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