Chapter 576: The Bandit City? Find a guide

The two chatted and walked near the high wall.

The three characters “Black Wind City” are very conspicuous.

Mu Feifan looked at the city name engraved on the wall and was startled: “Black Wind City? Wife, do you think it sounds familiar?”

Xia Yuchan was surprised: “Do you hear it well, Feng Xiaoxiao, they didn’t seem to say what the name of the first city was.”

Mu Feifan: “I remember, it seems that there used to be a group of bandits whose nest was called Heifengzhai…”

Xia Yuchan looked weird: “Don’t worry too much. This is a city, not a cottage. As soon as you meet the robbers, you fall into their nest? Our luck is not that bad.”

Mu Feifan smiled without saying a word.

Naturally he would not believe in luck.

It’s just that Feng Xiaoxiao and others haven’t mentioned this.

So Blackwind City should not be a bandit city.

The two walked to the city gate.

The guard next to them immediately stopped them and said, “Pay the fee first when you enter the city.”

Mu Feifan was slightly surprised.

But he didn’t think much about such trivial matters.

If you are a newcomer, please follow the rules.

Therefore, Mu Fei Fei silently took out a middle-grade Spirit Stones.

“One piece is enough.”

Unexpectedly, he just handed it over, but was met with contempt by the guards.

“Just this thing, want to enter the city too?” The guard’s tone gradually increased.

At this moment, Mu Feifei began to wonder if the other party was a bun.

Haven’t you seen the middle-grade Spirit Stones?

One piece can hold up to 100 yuan!

“Hey!” Mu Feifan stared at the opponent with a nasty expression, and said solemnly: “Open your eyes and take a good look…you can add more money!”

Xia Yuchan looked speechless.

Husband, you are really using the fiercest expression and talking the most insulting words…

It seemed that Wan Feihua had a good attitude, and the guard’s expression was calm, and he said: “We don’t use Spirit Stones here, we use runestones.”


Mu Fanping is strange.

The guard took out a stone: “That’s it.”

The couple looked curiously.

But seeing this stone also exudes energy.

It’s just that the weird rune is also engraved on it.

Suddenly, Mu Feifan’s eyes lit up.

The rune on the rune is somewhat similar to the god pattern.

He took out the blue ice god pattern and said, “Can this be used as a rune?”

“Blue god pattern?” The guard was startled.

Seeing such a big reaction from the other party, Mu Feifan’s heart jumped slightly.

Is my opening method wrong?

The guard asked: “Where did you get the blue god pattern?”

Mu Feifan opened his mouth, looking for an excuse.

Guard: “Don’t tell me that I picked it up. How can a newcomer who don’t even know the runes get a blue god pattern?”

Mu Feifan pointed behind him, and said, “In the small forest, killing Demonic Beasts just broke out.”

I don’t know, the guard chuckled: “Young man, let me tell you the truth. In the jungle where you came, Demonic Beasts can only explode green god patterns, and they are all wood attributes…so, next time you lie, please be more reasonable. .”

Damn it!

Can only explode the green wood god pattern?

It’s too cheating.

Mu Feifan was speechless.

While he was wondering how to continue arguing, the guard suddenly said, “You are a god pattern that explodes after murder, right?”


Mu Fandian’s eyes slowly cooled.

It was seen through!

Could it be that this guard is in the same group as the Killing Temple?

Is this really Bandit City?

He began to doubt.

The hand has been pressed on the storage bag.

It seems that Mu Feifan is about to get up at any time, and the guard hurriedly said: “Young man, impulse is the devil, I haven’t finished speaking yet…”

“Say it!” Mu Feifan scolded.

Guard: “On the path of the Dharma and God, killing is a very common thing, but I give you a kind advice. We don’t care about things outside the city, but in the city, even if you encounter an enemy who killed your father, you can’t do it… …”

Mu Feifan frowned.

So overbearing?

The guard explained: “This is the rule. It is precisely because the people in Blackwind City obey the rules that they provide a peaceful place for everyone. You don’t know how difficult it is to have an own house in the city. You Look at me, as an aboriginal on the Way of Dharma and God, they still live in a dormitory.”

Mu Feifei was a little surprised: “Aboriginal people are there on the road of the Dharma and God?”

“Of course! Unlike your foreign newcomers, you can only enter under 35 years old.” The guard replied.

Mu Feifan was speechless.

No wonder Master Yunhai, Teacher Feng, and He Guangning have never been to the Road of Dharma God.

It turns out that the age is over.

I thought the three of them were greedy for life and fear of death…

Hey, they are wrong.

At the same time, Mu Feifan got another important message.

There are age restrictions for newcomers like them.

But it is also in line with the name of the Way of Dharma and God as a place of genius trial.

“But the newcomers are so young, where can Cultivation Base go? It seems that I have a great advantage.” Mu Feihua instantly thought of a lot.

So here, his greater threat is the native cultivator from the Way of Dharma and God.

Thinking of this, Mu Feifei couldn’t help but ask: “What would happen if you kill people in the city?”

The guard smiled: “In that case, our city lord can only invite him to drink tea, but the city lord has a bad temper…”

Mu Feifan said.

Santo, you are a local, so you are better than you.

After that, Mu Feifei delivered the blue god pattern.

He was about to take Xia Yuchan into the city.

Unexpectedly, the guards stopped them suddenly.

“What’s the matter?” Mu Feifei became a little impatient.

The guard was speechless: “…I’m looking for your money!”

So, Mu Feifan took a bag of runestones newly obtained and entered Black Wind City.

Just a few steps away.

I was stopped again!

“Master, please stay.”

Mu Feifan turned his head and saw a thin young man who looked like a monkey running over.

“Are you calling me?” Mu Feifan was surprised.

The young man laughed and said, “This is the first time the son has come to the road of Dharma and God. I am Fan Jian, a local cultivator in Blackwind City. I know all the affairs in the city, and I am willing to be a guide for the son. I only need a little reward.”

Mu Feifan hesitated for a moment.

Before he first came, he thought he had done his homework.

But after receiving the city fee, Mu Feihua suddenly realized that there were still many things he didn’t know.

Those three Faye were also confused, and didn’t say many key points.

Too unreliable.

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan did not rush to say to hire the other party.

I saw him quietly asking: “How is the reward calculated?”

Fan Jian: “All you need is a blue god pattern.”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “You have seen everything about me when I was at the gate of the city just now.”

Fan Jian smiled awkwardly, without denying it.

Mu Feifan: “In that case, you should know that my only blue god pattern has been handed over.”

Fan Jian: “Master, do you know how the god pattern is obtained?”

“Behead Demonic Beasts?”

Unexpectedly, Fan Jian shook his head: “The god pattern obtained by killing the demon is too low…Most cultivators have other ways to obtain the god pattern!”

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