Chapter 545 There will be a period later! About to return

Xia Yuchan knew what was going on when he heard it.

My husband must be retaliating.

Mu Feifan played with the magic mirror in his hand.

It seems that the Evil Eye Illusion Art is more powerful in conjunction with this new ancient treasure.

At this time, two footsteps sounded.

Xu Dashan and Ah Quan are back!

Mu Feifan asked, “How’s the matter going?”

Xu Dashan’s expression is a bit weird: “This group of kidnappers, I don’t know why they are so timid. They haven’t been interrogated much yet. They have all done it.”

A Quan: “Their boss Liu You is actually a dealer reselling various cultural relics in the name of Ocean Exploration…”

Xu Dashan: “Yes, among them are our Kyushu cultural relics. The sheriff will block their company soon.”

Mu Feifan said seriously: “The cultural relics of Kyushu must not be left overseas.”

Everyone instantly felt full of positive energy.

At this time, Zhao Tianba asked weakly: “The treasure of Longzu, isn’t it a cultural relic?”

Mu Feihua explained: “It doesn’t count… this old dragon doesn’t know how many years it has lived, all kinds of forcibles. The treasures taken from the people must of course be returned to our people.”

When everyone heard it, it made sense to say so.

Mu Feifan said again: “I will donate all the remaining cheats to our Binjiang Museum.”

Xiao Yue’s eyes lit up: “Brother Fan is really selfless.”

Everyone also liked it.

Mu Feifan added silently in his heart: Well, after all, he can’t use it.

Xia Yuchan looked strange: “To the museum, is it safe?”

Mu Feifei knew that she had a shadow, so he smiled and calmed down: “The security of the entire alliance is still very stable. A bad guy like Hu Yufeng has never seen it in a century.”

At this time, Xu Dashan said again: “Extraordinary, we will have to go to the public security bureau on the island to make a transcript. After all, many people died during this trip.”

Gong Xingyu asked: “Then shall we go?”

Xu Dashan: “It takes a long time to make a transcript, and it can’t delay your return to school, so I told them that you don’t need to go.”

Gong Xingyu: “Thank you, Chief Xu.”

Ah Quan smiled and said, “Teacher Gong, you are welcome, it’s a trivial matter. Our boss still has this ability.”

Mu Feifei asked, “Have you investigated the identity backgrounds of Gongsun Fengcu and Leng Wuji?”

Xu Dashan shook his head: “I don’t know yet, but it should be easy to check. Leng Wuji Cultivation Base is higher than me. People like him definitely have a certain status in the league. I will send you a WeChat message when I find it.”

Mu Feifan: “Thank you.”

Xia Yuchan asked: “You have considered too comprehensively, are you worried that there are forces behind Leng Wuji to retaliate?”

Before Mu Feifei spoke, Xu Dashan said domineeringly: “We can’t control it at sea, but as long as we step into Binjiang, our military will suppress them all.”

There was a sense of confidence in his words.

It even infects everyone.

Our Kyushu Army is powerful!

Mu Feifan smiled faintly: “I’m actually not afraid that they will retaliate. I just want to figure out all the truth and don’t let myself be confused.”

Ah Quan also smiled and said, “Extraordinary, if you are confused, there are probably not many people who understand in this world.”

Everyone was amused.


After experiencing so many things, they had long understood that Mu Feihua not only had strength, but what was even more frightening was his resourcefulness.

Liu Zhu also said: “That Gongsun god stick always praises his cleverness, and he hasn’t been played around by Extraordinary.”

Everyone agrees.

Only Xia Yuchan sighed in his heart.

She knows Mu Feifan best.

What to figure out the truth… That is just to find an excuse for myself.

The real reason is still fear of retaliation.

The strongest attribute of my husband is not his strength or his brain, but his cautious character.

Count three steps before taking one step.

Such a person is truly terrible.

Thinking of this, Xia Yuchan wanted to pray for the enemies of Mu Feihua.

Xu Dashan said at this time: “Extraordinary. By now, our mission is almost complete. Your current strength… no longer needs our protection.”

Ah Quan: “This trip to the East China Sea, on the contrary, you protected us.”

Mu Feifan knew what they were going to say, so he asked, “Are you going to do the transcript?”

Xu Dashan nodded: “You will be back to Binjiang in the afternoon. We will probably stay on Moon Island for a few more days. We will go back when the matter is over.”

Everyone was laughing and joking, but a sense of parting suddenly enveloped.

The three days of getting along seems to have gone through as long as half a century.

After all, and Xu Dashan Aquan, they have lived and died together.

It is inevitable to have a feeling of comrade-in-arms.

Mu Feihua suddenly cupped fist and cupped hands said: “The road to Rivers and Lakes is far away. Don’t pass by here. The mountains are high and the rivers are long. There will be a period of time later.”

Xu Dashan’s eyes were a little moist.

Ah Quan next to him didn’t hold on, he was choked with sobs.

The two puffed up their chests, stood at attention, and paid a military salute to everyone.


There will be a period later!

After saying goodbye to them.

Gong Xingyu said, “Let’s go back to the place where you live for dinner first, and then gather at one o’clock in the afternoon.”

Zhao Tianba asked: “What is the gathering?”

Gong Xingyu gave him a white look: “Of course you are back to Binjiang, is it possible that you still want to stay here?”

Zhao Tianba yawned, “But I’m so sleepy, Teacher Gong.”

Wang Feng and others also expressed sleepiness.

These people have not closed their eyes for more than twenty-four hours.

Gong Xingyu said softly: “I know everyone is very hard, but if you are late, the school is not waiting for anyone, you can only go back on your own.”

Everyone sighed lazily.

They first set off from Moon Island by boat, and when they arrived at East China Sea City, they took a bus to Binjiang.

Mu Feifei suddenly asked, “Ms. Gong, is there a place for us on the transportation?”

Gong Xingyu smiled and said: “Of course, you can still free up your space. If you don’t, you are so skinny. It’s okay to squeeze.”

Hearing the other party’s ridicule, Mu Feifan smiled: “It doesn’t matter, I like to be a human-shaped seat.”

Humanoid seat?

Thinking of that picture, Gong Xingyu’s expression changed.


That’s too exciting.

Can’t give them such an opportunity.

Gong Xingyu hurriedly said: “If not, I will give up my seat.”

Mu Feifan:…

Unexpectedly, Teacher Gong reacted so much.

Xia Yuchan glared at Mu Feifan with an annoyance, and said in a low voice, “Husband, your cheeks are too thick, so many classmates are watching, you actually want to be a human-shaped seat.”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “It’s not the first time. When you are in the cinema, don’t you sit comfortably?”

Xia Yuchan’s face was reddened: “There are dark lights around, the situation is different…”

“Cough cough cough!” When the boys next to them heard these dialogues, they immediately left.


Why should I hear this?

My stomach is so hungry, I just want to have a good meal, I don’t want to eat dog food.

Only Lynch could barely withstand the crit.

But when I thought, if the fat fairy let him be a human-shaped seat, her thigh thinner than her arm would be broken.

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