Chapter 485 Looking for the entrance, suddenly disappeared?

A group of people swam slowly to the top of the terrain.

The closer the distance, the more spectacular it feels.

“This dragon is so realistic!” Wang Feng sighed.

Lynch: “It’s like nailing a dragon to the ground alive.”

Liu Zhu smiled: “The squad leader’s cultural level is high. This analogy is too appropriate.”

Xiao Yue also smiled and said, “The squad leader will give us the whole job and have a somersault in the water.”


He felt that he still stopped talking.

At this time, Gongsun Fengchu was a little strange: “Why can’t I find the entrance?”

The light of the searchlight has been sweeping around the dragon.

No gain.

Brother Hao pointed to Liu Zhu and said, “Go down and find the entrance.”

Liu Zhu replied: “I am short-sighted and have astigmatism, so my eyes are not good.”

Brother Hao laughed angrily: “I don’t think you have a bad look in your eyes, you have a bad brain.”

Gong Xingyu suddenly said, “I’ll go.”

Brother Hao gave her a thumbs up, and didn’t forget to hurt Liu Zhu: “A young man is not as courageous as a primary school student.”

Uh, he scolded both of them.

Gong Xingyu glared at Brother Hao.

Liu Zhu laughed and said, “She is my teacher, are you stupid?”

Brother Hao: “…I rely on, I said why the 10 generations are so good now, and they started Gold Core as soon as they went to elementary school. I thought she started to cultivate when she hit her mother’s womb.”

Gongsun Fengcu couldn’t stand it anymore.

Brother Hao was cultivated by cultivation, and he had trained his brain into muscles.

Gong Xingyu’s petite body dived downward.

It’s like a flexible swimming fish.

Suddenly, the light went out.

The surroundings plunged into darkness all at once.

Gongsun Fengchu yelled: “What’s the matter with this search light?”

Brother Hao explained: “The power is large and the range is long, so the power consumption is high.”

Gongsun Fengcu was speechless: “I told you not to buy cheap goods.”

Brother Hao sighed: “Mr. Gongsun, the level of technology is limited, how can there be a battery with such a high capacity?”

Zhao Tianba inserted: “You can buy a large power bank.”

Brother Hao said angrily: “I will put the searchlight in your mouth for a while to let you charge.”

Gongsun Fengchu: “Which of you is the light cultivator?”

No one answered.

After all, the light system is too rare.

Brother Hao asked, “Is the fire system okay, grab a lot of them.”

Gongsun Fengchu wanted to squeeze him to death.

“You set fire in the water?”

What brain circuit?

Suddenly, Gong Xingyu’s voice came from below.

“Can you do it? Without light, how can I find the entrance?”

Gongsun Fengcu frowned.

With his palm, a strangely colored Spirit Power surged above him.

It is a pity that the light emitted is too weak.

After all, it is not a professional optical cultivator.

Only the Spirit Power special effects are shown.

Not professional lighting.

At this moment, a light suddenly appeared below.

Light up the surrounding water.

Gongsun Fengchu was overjoyed: “Which fellow daoist is performing supernatural powers?”

He looked down.

The scalp numb instantly.

It turned out to be shining, not a cultivator.

But the eyes of the dragon!

In this terrain, the pair of dragon eyes exudes a strange light!

Except for Gongsun Fengcu, the others also saw this scene.

One by one exclaimed.

Zhao Tianba: “Damn, is there a real dragon hidden underneath?”

Wang Feng: “Don’t scare me, how can there be such a big dragon? Look at the terrain, at least a few kilometers in length.”

Brother Hao was also a little trembling: “Mr. Gongsun, shall we continue to move forward?”

Gongsun Fengcu was also terrified.

But he knew that the other party was not a real life form.

It’s just that the terrain looks like a dragon.

But this is too similar.

But the position of Lombok is still braving.

It feels like terrifying creatures, tempting them to the bait.

At this time, Leng Wuji, who had never spoken, snorted heavily.

“It’s just some weird mechanism. It scares you, and it’s too hopeless!” he said.

Brother Hao and the others turned red.

Gongsun Fengchu immediately smiled and complimented: “Leng Senior’s mood far exceeds ours and is a role model for everyone. Now that matter, please ask Leng Senior to help us find the entrance.”

Everyone looked expectantly at Leng Wuji.

Leng Wuji was silent for a while, then slowly said, “I have never seen such a thing… It’s strange, why do my eyes glow?”

Gongsun Fengchu:…

Everyone is speechless.

It turned out that the person with the highest Cultivation Base pretended to be confused, no different from ordinary people.

This cold senior obviously knows this well and is a master.

Gongsun Fengcu’s heart is endless.

Although Gong Xingyu is a little scared, at this time, he must not let own students take risks.

She said: “Anyway, there is light, I’ll go see it.”

Xiao Yue: “Teacher Gong, be careful.”

Gong Xingyu nodded.

This place is strange everywhere.

I just don’t know if it will be dangerous.

She continued to sneak down.

Everyone stared at Gong Xingyu’s figure.

Seeing the other party swim deeper and deeper.

The figure is getting smaller and smaller.

Suddenly, Wang Feng rubbed his eyes and said strangely: “Am I dazzled?”

Zhao Tianba: “What’s wrong?”

Wang Feng pointed down and trembled: “Ms. Gong, it’s gone.”


Hearing this, everyone found out.

Gong Xingyu, who was still in everyone’s sight just now, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As if it had never appeared before.

It evaporated suddenly.

Brother Hao was anxious: “Damn, a big living person, is that all gone?”

Gongsun Fengchu was surprised: “Your teacher, you don’t know how to use any weird spells. You ran away?”

“Impossible!” Xiao Yue retorted immediately.

Wang Feng also shouted: “Mr Gong will never abandon us!”

Liu Zhu: “Gongsun Wolong, don’t slander Teacher Gong!”

Gongsun Fengcu: “…I am not Wolong, I am Fengcu.”

At this time, Leng Wuji spoke: “I didn’t perceive any Spirit Power fluctuations nearby, so she didn’t cast any spells.”

Hao Ge wondered: “What the hell is going on?”

Liu Zhu sneered: “A group of big cultivators, so courageous, want to find the reason, don’t you know if you go down and take a look?”

Everyone looked at the shining longan below, and they couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.

Especially now it is still in deep water.

The sense of oppression is immense.

Liu Zhu: “I’ll go and see!”

Xiao Yue: “I’ll accompany you!”

Zhao Tianba: “To die together, I will follow you.”

Wang Feng: “There is still me.”

Lynch, who has been silent, said, “Then… Then I’ll go too.”

Gongsun Fengchu sneered: “What good thing do you want, leave one hostage, and the rest will go down.”

The four boys pointed at Lynch at the same time: “He stays!”

Unexpectedly, everyone’s caliber is so neat.

Without even discussing it, Lynch’s fate was directly decided.

Lynch: “Fuck, you sell teammates!”

Liu Zhu: “Neither, nor, as a squad leader, you must have the consciousness to be a hostage.”


I f*ck!

Is it time to resign now?

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