Chapter 474: Return of the Hero? Code word communication

The behemoth walked peacefully.

The last scene in front of it was the young man throwing the sword.

The next moment, the ancient sword turned into ten thousand in the air.

It is really chaotic swords, overwhelming.

The entire sky has become a vast ocean of swords.

Want to experience what it’s like to be pierced by Wanjian?

Luckily…no, unfortunately, the monster experienced it.

“How can I be able to die under this kind of swordsmanship?”

“Dage, don’t use a sledgehammer to kill chickens in the future!”

“Such a waste!”

After the giant beast sent three emotions, it turned into a pool of blood under the Sword Ray.

Sprinkled in the snow.

Soon, it was buried in the wind and snow.

The ancient sword hovered in the air and returned to the young man’s arms again.

The young man gently stroked the blade: “Old man, we have been cooperating for so many years…this sword has finally caught up with the Master’s level of one percent.”

Gu Jian twisted his body.

It seems to be triumphant.

The master of the master, that is a god-like character.

One percent…a lot.

How many people can’t even match one ten thousandth of the other’s.

At this time, the youth remembered an important thing.

He raised his head, looked around, and finally found something in an inconspicuous mountain col.

The next moment, the youth ejected and flew over.

That is a void hole.

Slightly larger than an ordinary house.

The young man stared at it and slowly said: “It is so small, how did the Thunder Spirit Clan guy get in, and it will shrink its bones?”

The behemoth is bigger than a truck.

“Since I discovered it, hum.” The young man raised the ancient sword.

His eyes became unusually sharp again.

As if carrying a sword light, it can penetrate everything.

In the next second, Gu Jian fiercely slashed towards the entrance of the cave!

At this time, the opposite side of the hole.

There are two guards from the Lei Ling clan guarding it.

They are also beast-like.


A guard shouted: “What’s the matter?”

Another guard was shocked: “It seems that the entrance is about to collapse.”

“The patriarch said that this entrance can last for decades. How long has passed since then is unscientific.”

“Sister Kony! Let’s run!”

I saw that the entrance of the cave was trembling constantly, and there were void fragments collapsing.

Immediately afterwards, a horrible sword glow spurted out from the inside, like a god of death.

The two guards screamed.

It was very unlucky to be swept in.

Instantly crushed to pieces.

The dead can’t die anymore.

The young man’s sword has penetrated both worlds!

Really scary!

With the roar, the entrance completely disappeared.

Only the lonely air is left.

And a rain of blood.

On the other side, the young man looked happy when he was done.

He touched twice on his body, took out a small piece of grass, and held it in his mouth.

“Hey, I am born to be useful. I can’t pay if my money is gone, it can’t be… the poor can only eat grass.”

At this moment, a restaurant in a hotel in Tianzhou City.

Xu Dashan and Ah Quan were gobbled up.

Mu Feifan looked at them, not knowing what to say for a while.

Xu Dashan asked: “Extraordinary, can you eat whatever you want here?”

Mu Feifan: “Yes.”

Ah Quan asked again: “Can I drink all the drinks?”

Mu Feifan: “You can refill indefinitely…No, what do you mean by asking like that? Do you really want to eat up the restaurant?”

Xu Dashan smiled awkwardly: “I’m just worried that it will keep you spending money and will eat you poorly.”

Mu Feifan: “Anyway, it’s a self-service for 30 yuan a person, you just need to open your cheeks and eat it.”

Ah Quan said immediately: “I feel that if you are alive, you have to eat, drink, and gasp.”


A group of people who had just woken up appeared in the dining room one after another.

“Welcome to the return of the hero!”

Chu Tiankuo and others greeted him at the door.

His face is full of enthusiasm!

It was just about posting a banner, and then wielding the baalala magic wand desperately.

Chen Yun yelled: “My audience friends here, how are you, let me see your hands, will you give me a little more applause?”

When Xu Dashan saw it, he shouted at him.

Almost choked to death.

Mu Feifan clapped feebly.

These four goods in Class 2 are too exaggerated.

Ji Yang: “Heroes, please take a seat. Today, Xiao Ji, the waiter, will serve you. What do you want to eat?”

Bai Lesheng and others looked at them like an idiot.

Feng Li: “A buffet, how can you tell the feeling of a five-star hotel?”

Yang Dahao: “We know what we want to eat.”

Chu Tiankuo: “Listen to the heroes.”

Yang Xiaojie was speechless: “Don’t shout heroes, we are just a meat ticket and did nothing.”

Li Meng was surprised: “Xiaojie, I remember you did.”

When the others heard it, their eyes immediately changed.

Yang Xiaojie blushed and stared at Li Meng: “Sister Meng, what are you talking nonsense, what did I do?”

Li Meng smiled and said, “I remember you called out loudly…Help, I don’t want to die. I just worshipped Yue Lao, but I didn’t wait for love but waited for a kidnapping!”

She imitated Yang Xiaojie’s tone.

Learn vividly.

Yang Xiaojie is angrily about to kill!

However, as soon as they saw Mu Feifan, they immediately became very honest.

“Hello brother-in-law!”

No way, Mu Feihua had already conquered them with practical actions last night.

Chen Yun said: “Now your brother-in-law has become popular all over the Internet.”

“Really? I’ll take a look.” Li Meng became interested when he heard it.

Waking up too late, the group hadn’t had time to look at their mobile phones.

While watching, Li Meng said in shock: “Oh my god, my brother-in-law is now Niu Biklas, who is regarded as an admirer by the whole people, and his popularity surpasses Kun Kun.”

Mu Feifan:…

This Kun, and the one in the temple, have so similar names.

This group of people is sighing with emotion.

Mu Feifan was a little uneasy.

He couldn’t help taking out his phone.

Since Xiao Yue contacted him yesterday afternoon, there has been no news until now.

It stands to reason that a person who loves the Internet like Xiaoyueyue should have discovered that he is on the news the first time.

There is no reason to be so quiet now.

Wouldn’t it be that surfing at the beach is too addictive, forgot to surf the Internet?

Thinking of this, Mu Feifei was a little worried.

He immediately sent a message to Xiao Yue: “What are you doing?”

After sending it out, Mu Feifei began to wait quietly.


Wechat has new news!

Mu Feifan opened it and saw that it was Xiao Yue who returned.

“Damn, it turns out that this kid is okay, making me so worried.” Mu Feifei smiled.

He opened the message.

Xiao Yue: “Brother Fan, I played a game last night. It was too waves when the wind went down… The crystal fell. The phone is dead, don’t return it.”

Mu Feihua was speechless for a while.

Suddenly, he frowned.

Xia Yuchan saw the change in his expression and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Before she could get back to her, Mu Feifei dialed Xiao Yue without hesitation on the phone.

A familiar electronic voice came across: “Hello, the phone you dialed is turned off.”

Mu Feifan’s heart sank: “Something happened!”

Xia Yuchan also saw Xiao Yue’s news, and was a little strange: “Didn’t he just lose the game?”

Mu Feifei pointed to the screen and analyzed: “Xiao Yueyue said that the crystal was lost because of too much waves.”

Xia Yuchan still didn’t quite understand.

Mu Feihua said very cautiously: “We usually chat, and we are used to the language of games. What he means by this means… his home has been stolen, and he must have encountered unexpected danger.”

Xia Yuchan gradually understood.

Mu Feifan said again: “When Xiao Yueyue sent this news, she must have been coerced by someone, so she had to send it like this for fear of attracting the other party’s attention!”

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