Chapter 450: High Energy Ahead? Rain girl without melon

The sheriff smiled and said, “It’s okay, I’ll get used to sitting a few times.”

How many more times do I need to sit?

Mu Feifan’s face was a little unsightly.

He hurriedly said: “I will try not to trouble the sheriff Uncle in the future.”

After speaking, Mu Feifan glanced at Xia Yuchan next to him.

At this time, Xia Yuchan had closed her eyes slightly, and she didn’t know if she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

In addition to them, there were Li Meng and Yang Xiaojie in the car.

Li Meng sat on the other side of Xia Yuchan.

Yang Xiaojie sat in the co-pilot.

It seems that they have experienced too much tonight, and they are also silent.

Mu Feihua guessed that he also closed his eyes and took a nap.

However, the sheriff seemed very talkative.

He whispered: “Little comrade, your name is Mu Feifan, my name is Gao Neng!”

What the hell?

Mu Feifan was stunned.

High energy ahead?

His parents’ names are too casual.

It is better to call Gaoguang than Gaoneng.

“Hello, Uncle Gao Neng.” Mu Feifei said hello politely.

“Hey, your uncle called me old. I’m only thirty-five years old.” Gao Neng seemed to turn his face to the side in order to prove that he was young.

Mu Feifan screamed: “Brother! Brother! You drive well!”

Thirty-five years old is not too young!

It’s almost twice my age!

Mu Feifan silently complained.

But at this time, he was agitated for fear of Gao Neng, come to the front of Gao Neng or something.

After all, the road conditions are too bad now because of the dark lights outside.

Gao Neng is a little embarrassed.

He straightened his body immediately, and said: “Extraordinary, I heard that everyone is safe and sound, almost all relying on your own strength…You are very suitable to be a sheriff, are you interested?”

Mu Feifan was speechless.

What happened tonight?

First, Audio-Technica wanted to make his debut.

Then Xu Dashan wanted to pull himself into the military.

Now Gao Neng asked if he wanted to be a sheriff again.

Is there such a shortage of people in all walks of life now?

Mu Feihua replied: “The sheriff is very handsome, but I am used to being leisurely…”

Gao Neng heard what he meant.

The sheriff really worked hard.

Frequent overtime is too much.

However, there are always shadows in places where the sun can’t reach.

The people need them.

Thinking of this, Gao Neng faintly sighed: “You may be still young, and you will experience more in the future, you will understand that the greater the strength, the greater the responsibility.”

The corners of Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched.

He understands this.

Spider-Man’s Uncle said…

Suddenly, Gao Neng received a call.

“Captain Gao, there is a special situation…” the other party said anxiously.

“Okay, I’ll go after sending the students in a while!” he said immediately.

Mu Feifan was surprised: “Did something happen?”

He didn’t expect that Gao Neng was still a captain.

Gao Neng didn’t want to talk about their official duties.

But he suddenly thought that in this matter, Mu Fei Fei might provide some useful information.

So Gao Neng said, “After Hu Yufeng took the museum up to the sky, a huge cave appeared in its original location, and it was bottomless…”

Mu Feifan:! ! !

There were so many twists and turns tonight, he almost forgot.

Below the museum, there is an 18th floor underground.

At the time, Mu Feifei still complained whether Hu Yufeng was a rat… dig so deep.

“High, high Dage… High team, you are asking the right person about this. I really know a little bit about it.”

At the beginning, Mu Feifan was called Uncle Gao Neng, who was disgusted and called old by the other party.

But with this Dage, the shout was extremely awkward.

Let’s call it the high team honestly.


Are you thirty-five years old, and still have idol baggage?

Don’t want to hear someone called Uncle?

Mu Feifan secretly complained.

Gao Neng’s expression immediately became pleasantly surprised: “Extraordinary, then you can talk to me quickly!”

Mu Feifan nodded.

He inadvertently looked at the sleeping three women in the car.

The gloomy moonlight glided across their young faces.

They all seem to be asleep!

Gao Neng used his peripheral vision to see this scene, and said that this admiration was really careful.

But from this it can be seen that what the other party says next must be very important!

Behind Gao Neng, Mu Feifan slowly explained the underground situation…

Then, the high-energy expression, at a speed visible to the naked eye, changed more and more.

At first it was amazed.

Then came the shock.

Finally turned into fear!


After Gao Neng listened, he took a breath.

He felt his scalp numb.

“Then, is there really that kind of thing down there?” The energetic voice was trembling.

Fear can’t be contained at all.

Mu Feihua nodded cautiously: “I only saw a part of it, but I can imagine it only by scratching the scales. The other party is very big.”

Gao Neng: “If this is true, then our Public Security Bureau may not be able to deal with this thing.”

Mu Feifan agreed: “By the way, inside that spaceship, I advise you to investigate it. There is a huge laboratory full of ancient creatures.”

The more Gao Neng listened, the more frightened.

It seems that Hu Yufeng’s plan is far more terrifying than imagined.

Fortunately, this guy was killed by Mu Feifan.

Otherwise, the other party may also point out how much disaster it will bring to the alliance!

Thinking of this, Gao Neng immediately made a call.

The call is connected quickly.

“Jiang Ju, I am Xiao Gao, I will report a major event below.” Gao Neng said slowly with a very serious face.

On the other side is Jiang Youyi.

After the high-energy report, Jiang Youyi was silent for a full thirty seconds before digesting all the information.

The impact that brought Jiang Youyi was simply too great!

I dare not make up stories like that!

After a long time, Jiang Youyi slowly said, “Xiao Gao, are these things you said are true? Where did you get them?”

Gao Neng hesitated, and then said, “Mu Feifan told me…”

“That must be true!” Jiang Youyi said immediately.

Gao Neng was taken aback by the leadership’s sudden reaction.

He thought to himself, what magic power does Mu Feifan have?

When it comes to the other party, doesn’t the chief have any doubts?

Jiang Youyi would naturally not doubt Mu Feihua.

In the eyes of Jiang Youyi, Mu Feifan is a rare talent with brains and courage.

What’s more, the three-faced general is the third grandfather of admiration.

Regardless of ability or background, Jiang Youyi was extremely convinced of Mu Feihua.

Jiang Youyi said at this time: “Xiao Gao, after you send the students, come to the museum site and join us immediately.”

Gao Neng: “Understand!”

Mu Feifan, who was sitting in the back row, heard this and heaved a sigh of relief.

Tell these people what they know, and they must be able to think of a solution.

The next thing is the rain girl, no, it has nothing to do with me.

Mu Feifan stretched out, a feeling of sleepiness struck.

He looked out the window.

Leaving the eastern suburbs and heading to the center of the city, the street lights gradually increased.

“It’s almost two o’clock, no wonder it’s so sleepy.” Mu Feifan murmured.

Gao Neng said at this time: “Extraordinary, thanks to you, it saves us a lot of time.”

After speaking, he found that Mu Feifei had no answer.

Gao Neng glanced at the rearview mirror.


All asleep!

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