Chapter 443 God level operation, safe to fall into the water?

I don’t know, these people are focusing on taking pictures.

Suddenly, a terrifying wave came!

Bang bang bang!

These people were photographed straight.

All turned into rookie chickens.

A man shook the water from his hair like a puppy had just finished taking a bath.

He suddenly looked down.

“Fuck, the phone is black!”

Others asked: “What’s the situation?”

He said: “It must be water, and the phone is useless!”

Others smiled and took out their own phone, and said: “I told you to change to a Phelps copycat waterproof machine. The copycat is the real cow.”

“Damn, how much endorsement fee Phelps gave you, I will double it for you!”

At this moment, the people in the spacecraft are experiencing a violent turbulence.

In the hall.

The faces of the people holding the fixed objects twitched, and their hands were bruised.

Unexpectedly, the pressure brought by the landing was so great!

Even they are so painful.

Not to mention Jun Ruyu and others.

He and Master Zhencai grabbed each other and rolled around like a ball.

“Ah!” Jun Ruyu yelled heartbreakingly.

“Xiao Yuyu, I will never ride a roller coaster again in my life.” Master Zhencai also yelled.

Gu Qiu: “You two called, louder than an ambulance…Ah!”

Sure enough, no one can escape this law.

In the cockpit.

Mu Feifan also felt a huge sense of oppression.

The coercion of the Bite cultivator’s advanced cultivator is even terrifying!

The feeling that the internal organs are squeezed into a ball is really terrible.

Suddenly, he felt a pair of small hands around his shoulders behind him.

This familiar and wonderful touch.

Mu Feifan could guess it without having to look at it.

My wife is no doubt.

Originally, at this critical moment, Xia Yuchan didn’t want to disturb him.

But the pressure is too great.

Xia Yuchan could only catch Mu Feifan out of instinct.

I have to say that at this time, Xia Yuchan still didn’t want to owe Youbai any kindness.

Even now, Youbai’s condition is as stable as an iron egg.

But Mu Feihua is different.

Being hugged by his wife from behind, the sense of faith suddenly rose to the extreme.

Hug your sister in your arms…

No, I’m a sister hugging her back now.

The combat power has doubled several times!

Mu Feifan suddenly seemed to be beaten with blood.

He let out a muffled snort, then stomped on the pedals under his feet, grasping the control panel with both hands.

Control the spaceship firmly!

Don’t let the angle of advancement be a bit inclined!

You need to know.

The terrifying impact of this landing can even deform the material of the entire spacecraft.

The cultivator watching by the lake only heard a huge scream from the spacecraft!

Then, the spacecraft continued to gallop on the lake like riding the wind and waves!

There were endless waves on both sides.

“The speed is still a bit fast!” The General San Mian and the others looked at it from a distance, and his tone changed slightly.

Ying: “If this continues, will the length of the lake be insufficient!”

Thinking of the terrible consequences, General San Mian was a little panicked.

“Let’s help!” he shouted.

Ying: “We were in vain in the past. A spaceship of this size can’t be stopped with one or two big cultivators.”

The general on three sides said in a deep voice: “Mu Feifan…There must be no accident!”

Ying gave him a deep look: “I know…I will use my life to protect him.”

The two ejected from the ground, turned into two lights, and left through the air.

The surging Spirit Power erupted on them, like a storm, about to roar out!

Suddenly, Ying’s complexion changed drastically.

He shouted: “General, wait!”

The general on three sides is strange: “What?”

Shadow pointed at the spaceship and said, “Look!”

Three generals looked over.

In the next second, he was shocked.

It turned out that behind the spaceship, I don’t know when, a huge umbrella appeared!

From a distance, the speed of the spacecraft was visibly reduced under the drag of the giant umbrella.

“It’s a deceleration umbrella!” Ying said excitedly.

The three-faced general laughed: “Xiao Hu, the little bastard finally did a good thing.”

Under the action of the decelerating parachute, the spacecraft glided more than 900 meters on the lake and finally stopped!

At the moment, in the cockpit.

Mu Feifan’s face was almost buried on the control panel, and sweat fell from his face.

Xiaoli sat next to her, looking up at the top of the cabin, her eyes lost.

Only those who have experienced it know.

It’s too difficult.

“My wife, fortunately you reminded me, otherwise I would not have thought that there is still a deceleration parachute on the spacecraft.” Mu Feifei slowly moved his face over, and said weakly.

Xia Yuchan smiled faintly behind him, “I also happened to think that it is unreasonable for such a large spacecraft without some special deceleration methods.”

In fact, Xia Yuchan was fortunate in her heart secretly.

Fortunately, anime is watched a lot.

Of those Universe spacecraft landing, which one does not have a parachute?

Although this ship can’t fly a Blue Star, it is a high-tech product anyway.

Although it is a low-profile version, there should be some equipment.


After Xia Yuchan’s reminder, Mu Feihua quickly found the button of the slowing umbrella.

The godly operation of the couple made Xiaoli look dumbfounded.

Xiaoli didn’t even know this.

The most embarrassing thing is that she has also received Hu Yufeng’s guidance.

Such a comparison.

Xiaoli feels that she has learned her own driving technology for nothing.

Not as good as two students.

Was completely crushed.

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Maybe Hu Yufeng deliberately didn’t teach everything. Before the spacecraft landed, he killed you directly.”

Xiaoli was frightened.

But killing people and killing one’s mouth is really common to his dead boss.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

You Bai opened the door and saw that it was Li Xiuzhu and the others.

Li Xiuzhu said happily, “Student Mu, we have landed safely.”

Li Meng corrected: “Mr. Li, I should have fallen into the water.”

The corner of Li Xiuzhu’s mouth twitched.

Mu Feifan nodded.

He looked at Xiaoli: “How do we get out now?”

Everyone just remembered now.

They thought that everything would be fine after landing safely.

Unexpectedly, there will be the last level.

This spaceship is a steel shell, how can I get out?

Xiaoli also thought of something, and smiled bitterly: “Professor Hu set the password…only he knows.”

Master Zhencai said: “It’s all this time. What kind of passwords do you care about, and you will directly violently break the door!”

He likes sabotage things the most.

At this moment, the spacecraft is outside.

Many cultivators are slowly coming up.

“Why don’t the people inside come out yet?” Everyone was surprised.

The city lord didn’t know where to get a big loudspeaker, and said: “People inside, pay attention, you are already surrounded, come out quickly, be lenient in confession, be strict in resistance…”

Before he finished speaking, Lu Renjia covered his mouth.

“Uuuuu…” The city lord was speechless, showing a look of confusion.

Lu Renjia: “Dage, is there a friendly army inside?”

City Lord: “Where did the bad guy go?”

Lu Renjia: “Bad guys generally don’t survive three episodes, you can count if you don’t believe them.”

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