Chapter 435 What About Add Me? See my secret

From a distance, it looks like a fellow daoist is in Transcends Tribulation!

Director Li hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and sent a frantic message: “Mu Feifan, what’s going on with you, what’s the situation now?”

In the darkness, Mu Feifan heard the broadcast and said: “The screen is completely black…”

Director Li was taken aback: “The operating system is over?”

Mu Feifan pressed a few switches in the dark.

The interior of the entire spacecraft regained its light.

“It’s okay, it’s all right now.” Mu Feifan breathed a sigh of relief.

Director Li also wiped the sweat from his head.

It turned out to be a false alarm.

“Can the forced landing continue?” Director Li asked.

Mu Feifan: “No problem, the operating system is displayed.”

At this moment, in the hall outside the cockpit.

Master Zhencai murmured like a god-stick: “The old man in the sky is as anxious as the law, return my light!”

Next second.

The lights are all on.

Master Zhencai said, “Xiao Yuyu, I’m too awesome, can I do it in the future?”

Jun Ruyu kicked him: “You fake monk, you don’t even know Amitābha. You speak Taoism.”

“What’s the matter with Taoism? Grandpa Ni, an immeasurable Tianzun, kicked my buttocks again.” Master Zhencao complained.

Gu Qiu was speechless: “Don’t quarrel with you, the system must be back to normal again.”

At this moment, above the clouds.

The head with electric arc running through the eyes, seeing the spaceship unharmed, couldn’t help but lose consciousness in his eyes.

However, it quickly showed a grim look.

The eyes condense energy again.

I want to hack it again.

Suddenly, the void tore apart, and a man in a special uniform walked out of it.

This person is very tall, with a very handsome face and long hair like a waterfall.

If it weren’t for this height, I’m afraid many people would think that the other person is a beautiful woman.

The moment the man appeared, the pressure of terror swayed like a huge wave.

The forced discharge monsters are going backwards every day.

In the next second, both parties appeared on the clouds at the same time.

They stepped on the clouds, and their feet seemed to be stepping on the physical ground, very steady.

The man stared at the giant beast with murderous intent in his eyes: “I said, how dare Xiao Hu do such a thing in the alliance… It turns out that there is the Thunder Spirit from the Kunlun world behind it. Have you forgotten the master’s original command-it will never be forever? Step into the alliance!”

The giant beast suddenly said: “You are the shadow of the Guardian Mansion. That person has been absent from Blue Star for many years. Do you think his words still work?”

That’s right, this sudden handsome man is a shadow.

“Even if the master is not there, there will still be our Guardian Mansion on the Blue Star.” Ying said lightly.

The giant beast sneered: “You alone? You can’t beat me…”

Who expected Ying to hear this, and the expression on his face did not change.

At this time, a voice resounded across the sky.

“What if you add me?”

Along with a rough laugh, a golden glow came from far away, tearing everything apart, and falling beside the shadow.

The golden light dissipated, revealing a strong middle-aged man.

He was wearing a battle armor with a pair of golden dragon wings flapping behind him.

The strangest thing is that he even wore a mask on his face.

On the mask, the two painted eyes are actually two gold threads.

The lines are simple and clear, as flat as two horizontal bars.

The shocking thing is when the other person laughs.

The gold thread on the mask was actually bent into two crescents.

It seems to be mocking the giant beast.

This is really weird!

The moment the giant beast saw the masked man, his expression finally changed.

“Three, three generals…The Guardian Mansion actually sent a general to deal with me, it might be too much for me.” It said tremblingly.

The general on three sides smiled and said: “You are indeed unworthy. I just passed by. Who made you unlucky and bumped into me?”

The behemoth’s expression suddenly changed.

It said very solemnly: “The secret technique I have practiced for many years has never been used in front of people. Today, let the generals on three sides see it.”

“Oh? I would like to learn about your Lei Ling clan’s secret technique.” When the three-faced general heard this, there was no fear on his face, but a hint of interest appeared.

The giant beast suddenly roared and almost drank all the surrounding clouds back.

The momentum rose to the extreme.

On every inch of skin, there is an electric arc shining.

The huge body, like a giant luminous body, constantly emits blue electric light.

The three-faced general silently took out his sunglasses and put on the mask, and said: “The combat effectiveness is indeed stronger than before, but I want to beat me at this level-in the next life.”

Ying looked at him strangely.

A weird thought came up.

Isn’t the general’s mask not shading?

The behemoth continued to roar.

More and more thunder and lightning are spawning.

Countless thunderbolts, like thunder snakes, penetrate the void.

Fortunately, there is a large cloud cover under my feet.

Otherwise, this dazzling firework will surely shock the whole journey.

“Look at my secret technique!” The giant beast roared.

Although the three-faced general said lightly, he couldn’t help being secretly vigilant when he saw the other party’s seriousness.

What if this stuff blew itself up or something and exploded my extremely handsome mask?

That way, I really lost my face again after I lost my mask.


The giant beast uttered the first word immediately.

The three generals and the shadow immediately assumed a fighting position.

In the next second, the giant beast made an amazing move.

I saw its huge body directly turned into a beam of light.

Wrapped in the sky of thunder and lightning, he hurried away into the distance.

Exciting thunder!


That’s right, it just ran away… ran away.



And the echo of the giant beast still hovered in the sky.

It hasn’t dissipated for a long time.

The three-sided general’s shocked sunglasses are about to fall off.

He and Ying glanced at each other.

Sure enough, the thunder was loud.

The rain is small.

Lei ran away, really hammering.

“It turns out that this is the secret technique it has cultivated for many years, and it is really terrifying.” General San Mian sighed with emotion.

Ying smiled and said: “The general did not know that when the master suppressed the Kunlun world, the Lei Ling clan was the first to surrender, and their patriarch came over and wanted to be a mount for the master.”

The general on three sides was taken aback, and said: “Lei Ling clan…really a race without integrity.”

Ying pointed to his face and asked, “General, you wear a mask, why do you wear sunglasses?”

He has been wanting to ask this question just now.

The general on three sides helped the frame of the mirror: “You are not a woman, why do you have long hair?”


What he thought of at this moment, he immediately said nervously: “General, the subordinates have retired first, there are still important things…”

The general on three sides was surprised: “What’s wrong?”

Ying replied: “It’s too late to explain, the general will come with me.”

The next moment, the two broke through the clouds and flew down.

At this time, the spacecraft was below them, and the speed was continuously descending.

Ying seldom smiled: “It’s great, it seems that there is nothing wrong, and I can still land.”

The general on three sides grinned: “Mu Feifan is inside, right?”

Yingshou was stunned: “So the general already knows.”


The general on three sides uttered another word that shocked him.

“I am here for this!”

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