Chapter 433 The major is wrong, are you a student?


Everyone stared at the altimeter closely.

Even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Except for Mu extraordinary.

He quickly adjusted the radio frequency band at hand.

A landing place must be found!

Otherwise, such a behemoth will fall from the sky, and it will easily lead to a catastrophe.

Mu Feifei thought so, not only for the more than one hundred people on the spacecraft, but also for the people on the ground.

Fortunately, the speed of the spacecraft is not fast.

Haven’t left the sky above Tianzhou City.

It can be seen that the scale of Tianzhou City is also very large.

The first thing Mu Feifei thought of was the airport.

There is a wide runway there.

Very suitable for landing.

“I don’t know if I can contact the tower of the airport.” Mu Feifan was a little anxious.

At this time, a group of people walked in from the hall.

It is the classmate who is familiar with Mu Feihua, and the iron triangle of the program group.

The cockpit, which was originally small, suddenly became narrower.

Master Zhencai: “What’s the matter, little brother, why do I feel that the museum is declining?”

Li Meng: “Brother-in-law, what happened, I’m so panic.”

How can Mu Feifan have time to control them.

If he can’t reach the airport, he can only find another place to land on the radar map.

Because at the airport there may be other flights of aircraft taking off and taking off at any time.

If the communication is not timely and a collision occurs, it will be catastrophic.

Give it a try, the fact that bicycles become motorcycles does not exist in Mu Feihua’s dictionary.

There is only one chance.

Mu Feifan will definitely choose the safest way.

The Soaring Dragon Airport Tower in Tianzhou City captured something almost at the same time.

“Director Li, we have received a signal of unknown things in the air.” A staff member reported.

Director Li frowned.

Just now he received an emergency notice from the Autonomous Security Bureau, saying that the museum in the center of the city was flying into the sky.

The museum goes to heaven?

Upon hearing this, Director Li felt that this matter was too nonsense.

He still remembered that when his daughter was young, he took her to visit this museum.

How can it be possible for a ground building to fly to the sky, side by side with the sun?

However, in a cautious work attitude, Director Li has evacuated the flights in the nearby airspace.

Security issues cannot tolerate the slightest sloppy.

At this moment, the expressions of the two people next to Director Li looked particularly excited.

They are Xu Dashan and Aquan.

After the museum went to heaven, the two immediately came to the airport non-stop.

Fortunately, the airport is not far from the museum.

Xu Dashan said immediately: “Director Li, it must be a signal from the museum.”

In fact, the museum has nothing to do with Xu Dashan.

But what makes him obsessed is that Mu Feifan is in it!

Xu Dashan didn’t want to admire Feihua’s shortcomings.

At this moment, Director Li immediately raised his head and looked at the big screen.

The auspicious cloud symbol suddenly appeared above, very conspicuous.

“It really looks like that museum, they took the initiative to send us a signal, what is this going to do?” Director Li was a little strange.

Xu Dashan: “Director Li, this involved a major illegal incident. Curator Hu Yufeng kidnapped more than 100 hostages…”

Director Li was taken aback: “What are you talking about, there are so many hostages in it?”

Xu Dashan: “Yes! Hu Yufeng is now contacting us, probably to discuss terms.”

This is his guess.

Otherwise, Hu Yufeng has already run off, so why turn around to contact the airport?

Daily greetings?

Director Li panicked: “We talked for a while, what should I say, I have been in the industry for 30 years, and I have never encountered a special hijacking, let alone such extortion…Would you like to find a negotiation expert?”

The old pilot of the plane took a back seat because of his age.

Has a wealth of driving experience.

But let the driver chat with the criminal.

Isn’t the profession right?

This topic is super-class!

Seeing the appearance of Director Li Liushen Wuzhu, Xu Dashan sighed.

Isn’t he a rough person?

Go into battle and kill the enemy, no problem.

Whether it’s a cannon or a cannon, Xu Dashan is a good player.

But in this situation, it is obvious that someone who can negotiate and communicate is needed.

“I can only use my fist to communicate with mmp!” Xu Dashan could only bite the bullet.

He took the walkie-talkie in Director Li’s hand, coughed lightly, and glanced over Ah’s whole body inadvertently.

I saw Ah Quan raised his small fist: “Come on, boss, and use sharp words to make the criminal kneel down.”

Xu Dashan tried hard not to scold him.

Depend on!

Let Hu Yufeng kneel down?

Don’t chat for a while, I’m kneeling first!


While Mu Feifan was still actively communicating with the airport tower, he suddenly heard the news broadcast by the tower.

“Hello, this is the tower… What do you need?”

This is a middle-aged man’s voice with very standard Mandarin.


Mu Feifan was stunned for a moment.

Are the staff at the tower so caring now?

He hasn’t spoken yet.

Does the other party know that he has a need?

On the other side, Xu Dashan swallowed nervously.

Just now he was eloquent and tried to maintain a calm state.

It’s just that, why does it sound very humble?

“Why did the other party take the initiative to contact?”

“Is it a ransom?”

“Or what other conditions do you want?”

Xu Dashan sent his soul to torture three times in his heart.

Mu Feifan didn’t hear Xu Dashan’s voice at all.

He directly said: “I request an emergency landing!”

Xu Dashan was startled: “What kind of sauce do you want?”

Director Li next to him was dumbfounded.

He said: “This sir, the other party wants to land.”

Xu Dashan let out a cry, a little embarrassed: “It turned out to be landing…”

Suddenly, he reacted immediately and said in amazement: “No ransom, no conditions, just want to land?”

“Yes!” Mu Feihua replied.

Xu Dashan is strange.

What’s the matter with this bad guy?

He couldn’t help asking: “Where are the hostages, are they all safe?”

Xu Dashan actually wanted to ask how Mu Feifan was.

“Stop talking nonsense, Dage, hurry up to arrange an emergency landing for me, otherwise I won’t guarantee their safety for a while.” Mu Feifan shouted.

Xu Dashan was shocked by Mu Feifan’s momentum.

He secretly asked, is it so arrogant to be a bad person?

It’s a gangster.

However, Xu Dashan was thinking about people in his heart and couldn’t help saying: “There is a student named Mu Feihua in the hostages. I want to know his situation…”

Mu Feifan:…

He finally heard the other party’s voice.

It turned out to be Xu Dashan.

“Mr. Xu, they are all from Binjiang, pretending to be a social person, this Mandarin speaks too much.” Mu Feifei sighed.

Xu Dashan: “???? Do you know me?”

Mu Feifan took a deep breath and said, “I am Mu Feifan!”


Xu Dashan’s eyes widened.

He never dreamed that the person talking to him turned out to be Mu Feifan!

Just now, Xu Dashan had been substituting the other party into the identity of the villain, so he didn’t hear Mu Feifan’s voice either.

Xu Dashan was dumbfounded.

But Director Li reacted.

He grabbed the walkie-talkie and said excitedly: “You mean, now driving the museum, no, the person in this large plane, is it you, are you still a student?”

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