Chapter 425

Join the show group?

Mu Feihua was speechless.

Gu Qiu: “Yes, our team just lacks an IQ.”

Mu Feifan knows that many people who participate in variety shows will set up characters in the show.

“The shows are scripted, it’s not interesting.” He said bluntly.

Gu Qiu said, “We don’t have a script for our show. Immortal cultivators explore, have you heard of it?”

Mu Feifan: “I didn’t know before today, but I have heard you muttering many times this day.”

Gu Qiu and others looked embarrassed.

Li Xuanjing stood up at this moment and said, “This show is quite popular. To be honest, if it weren’t for this occasion, I would have asked them to sign for me a long time ago.”

Master Zhencai: “Listen to the voice of the people.”

Gu Qiu: “This program is about exploring the unknown. It is very meaningful to go to various big cities or wild adventures.”

Mu Feifan: “Adventure? Refers to selling wontons, burning incense and participating in cosplay competitions?”

The three of them blushed.

“It’s not planned this time.” Jun Ruyu said.

Mu Feifan: “…you three have gone, do you still want to see Hu Yufeng?”

“Think about it.” They nodded hurriedly.

When I interrupted, I almost forgot the business.

At first, several people were still a little afraid of Hu Yufeng.

But seeing the young white around him.

Hey, self-confidence swells.

Mu Feifan: “Follow me!”

Based on his memories during the day, he led everyone to the door of a side hall.

Xia Yuchan was slightly surprised: “Isn’t this just…”

Mu Feifan nodded: “If I guess right, they are inside.”

Yes, this is where the treasures of the town hall are collected.

Hu Yufeng brought them in during the day.

To be honest, the monitoring room saw the situation of 15 exhibition halls, and this group of people could not be found at all.

Mu Feifei’s first reaction was that they were hiding here.

After all, this place is still very private to Hu Yufeng.

Mu Feifan glanced at the facial recognizer at the door and muttered: “It seems that you need Hu Yufeng himself to enter.”

“Master, let me come!” You Bai stood up.

Mu Feifan and others hurriedly made way.

Spirit Power surged in Young Bai’s hand, as if holding Thunder.

At this moment, she looked unparalleled.

at this time.

In the hall.

More than a hundred hostages were all tied up with tape in their mouths, curled up on the ground.

In front of them was Hu Yufeng.

Hu Yufeng sat on the chair, his eyes in the gold wire glasses flickered slightly, as if thinking about something.

A row of men in black stood at the door.

The hostages on the ground looked terrified.

They were originally immortal cultivators.

But it doesn’t use Spirit Power, it’s no different from ordinary people.

At this moment, he was treated as if he was kidnapped, which was extremely humiliating.

But no way.

They are powerless now.

Especially Li Xiuzhu.

She stared at Hu Yufeng, her eyes bursting with fire.

At the same time, I was secretly annoyed.

I should not make my own claim and bring the students here.

However, who would have expected that there is such a dangerous existence behind a peaceful city.

It’s simply not seen in a century.

“Hey, I don’t know how student Mu is doing.”

I don’t know why, but now Li Xiuzhu’s first thought is Mu Feifan.

Although the other party was an 18-year-old boy, Li Xiuzhu felt that Mu Feihua was more reliable than most people.


Because this boy is too tolerant.

If Li Xiuzhu hadn’t played in person, who would have imagined it.

A Gold Core teacher will be rubbed on the ground by students?

How deep is this hiding?

“I hope student Mu goes well.” Li Xiuzhu secretly prayed.

Even if she knew it, it was unlikely.

After all, Hu Yufeng is too insidious!

A man in black at the door suddenly said, “Hey, what are you looking at?”

Everyone saw that the person he was talking about was Bai Lesheng.

Bai Lesheng:? ? ?

At this moment, Bai Lesheng squinted his eyes, so he didn’t seem to be looking at people.

I guess if I look at it, I can’t see it clearly.

The man in black is obviously looking for something.

“I f*ck didn’t watch anything!” Bai Lesheng’s mouth was taped, and he could only curse inwardly.

The man in black is gearing up at the moment, as if he wants to do it.

No way, who told Bai Lesheng to be so handsome.

It is normal for him to see handsome guys not pleasing to his eyes.

Bai Lesheng stared with horror and squinted his eyes.

Oh shit!

This bastard!

Suddenly, only a loud boom was heard.

The door was lifted directly.

Like the lid of a big pot, pat a few people in black at the door on the ground!

Including the man in black who wants to attack Bai Lesheng.

At this moment, the audience was dead silent.

Everyone looked at all this dumbfounded.

Even Hu Yufeng, who was sitting in a chair, looked at the door in amazement.

The gold glasses on the bridge of the nose almost can’t hold it!

Bai Lesheng was even more overjoyed.

Could it be that he is the chosen son of heaven?

When someone plots wrong with himself, he gets retribution?

Ah ha ha!

As a result, when he looked up, he was speechless when he saw the person standing at the door.

Countless eyes were fixed on this person who appeared suddenly.

This person is dressed in white, with long hair falling down.

Compared with the embarrassing appearance of everyone being kidnapped, the other party is like a rich and elegant son.

Do not!

This adjective is too tacky.

He is simply the banished immortal who fell into the mortal world.

Xianhui seemed to be lingering around.

Many people were dumbfounded.

“Is this the angel sent by heaven to save us?” someone thought to himself.

They couldn’t speak, they could only make a whining sound with excitement.

“It’s brother-in-law!” Everyone in the first class recognized it.

Teacher Li Xiuzhu was also blushing at the moment.

I really look forward to the stars and the moon, and look forward to them coming back.

At this time, Mu Feifan stepped into the hall.

Xia Yuchan and others followed him.

Especially the Audio-Technica combination, everyone walked in aggressively.

The group of people stared at Hu Yufeng coldly in the distance.

Bang bang bang!

They stepped on the fallen gate.

The man in black who stepped on and was smashed screamed.

Hu Yufeng was a little horrified: “You came so fast?”

Mu Feifan said in an awe-inspiring manner: “Hu Yufeng, prepare to accept sanctions.”

Hu Yufeng sneered: “Only you?”

In the next second, his aura increased steadily.

The breath of terror surged like a tsunami, spreading in all directions.

Nascent Soul late stage!

The people on the ground immediately felt extremely depressed.

It seemed to be pinched by the throat.

Even breathing becomes difficult.

Only then did Mu Feifan wait for others to think of it.

What about finding Hu Yufeng?

The opponent’s Cultivation Base is so high.

It’s almost completely abused them.

Therefore, they collectively chose to hide behind Youbai!

“Leave it to you, Huniu!” Mu Feihua said.

Originally, You Bai wondered how to give Hu Yufeng a meeting ceremony in a compelling way.

Unexpectedly, hearing this name, the whole paragraph almost collapsed.

Youbai said silently: “Master, don’t bring such a morale booster.”

I don’t know who yelled.

“Female Martial Sage, Duck!”

Female Martial Sage?

Hearing this word, You Bai instantly seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, full of fighting power!

What is the name of Hu Yufeng, my old lady is so tender to you!

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