Chapter 419 Underground World, Weird Wall

Mu Feifan walked slowly, his eyes falling into the glass cover.

He saw many ancient creatures that were only recorded in books.

There are hundreds of species ranging from trilobites to saber-toothed tigers.

Occupies the entire laboratory.

It’s just a fossil shell.

Mu Feifan was amazed.

At the same time, he took all shots with SLR.

Keep it as evidence.

“Even if these ancient creatures are resurrected, they will not be lethal. If they really get the dinosaurs, it will be worth seeing.”

At this moment, Mu Feifei really regarded himself as a visitor.

I didn’t realize it was actually a large crime scene.

After spinning around, Mu Feifan was thinking about how to leave the laboratory.

“I should be underground in the museum exhibition hall now, should I go back down the same road and pass through that dark tunnel?” he muttered to himself.

Naturally, Mu Feihua would not go the same way.

The laboratory must have other outlets.

How else did the two fools on the ground get in?

Mu Feifan fumbled the wall and found a row of switches.

“Which one should I press?” He hesitated for a while before pressing one of them.

Just hearing a click, one wall of the laboratory opened automatically.

The exit has appeared!

“It seems that I have good luck.” Mu Feifan smiled faintly and walked in.

It turned out that there was an elevator inside.

However, the buttons that display the floors above are weird.

There are only three.

Except for the positive and negative layers, it is the negative eighteen layer.

Subconsciously, Mu Feifan wanted to go to the first floor.

He was about to press, and suddenly hesitated.

What if you meet Hu Yufeng’s group?

Isn’t this packing yourself and giving it to the other party?

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan looked at the third button again.

Negative eighteenth floor!

Eighteen stories underground?

Mu Feifan was a little surprised.

As a native of Kyushu, he is still very taboo about this number.

Moreover, many developers build buildings. It is said that there are nineteen floors behind the seventeenth floor, and there is not even the number of eighteenth.

Because the eighteenth floor represents The Underworld!

“Hu Yufeng is so sick that he even named such a taboo floor name.” Mu Feifei cursed.

He dare not go to the upper level now, but even less dare to go to the lower level.

I feel that there will be even more terrible things on the 18th floor underground.

“Then stay in the lab first.” Mu Feihua had no choice but to.

There is only this way.

Mu Feifan was about to go out, when suddenly, the elevator door closed like lightning.

“Damn, is this to keep me here?” Mu Feihua was shocked.

At this time, the button on the negative eighteenth floor of the elevator car lights up slightly in red.

It was as if there was an invisible hand touching it.

Mu Feifan:! ! !

Is this going to kill him?

What is really afraid of.

He hurried to press the negative floor.

However, pressing it for a long time can not stop the downward trend of the elevator.

At the same time, the lights in the elevator room started to flicker and dimmed, as if the voltage was unstable.

A huge sense of oppression emerged in Mu Feihua’s heart.

He can only remain vigilant and wait quietly.

A long time has passed.

This 18 stories underground is really too deep.

Mu Feihua was speechless.

Did this Hu Yufeng belong to a rat? He dug a big hole in the ground?

After a while, the elevator room arrived and the door opened automatically.

Mu Feifan hurriedly retreated to the corner, for fear that something would emerge from the outside.

After the door opened, nothing happened.

Mu Feifan looked out the door.

It’s pitch black outside, and you can’t see your fingers.

Mu Feihua, who is accustomed to being careful, will naturally not go out.

He began to press the negative layer.

As a result, after pressing for a long time, the elevator didn’t move at all.

Mu Feifan:…

It seems that when he first discovered the elevator, he still felt lucky.

Unexpectedly, this is a big pit.

The elevator door is still open.

Mu Feifei suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature was getting lower and lower.

From time to time, cold winds pour in.

“Where is it outside?” Mu Feifei couldn’t help turning on the phone’s lighting.

Through the light, Mu Feifan could vaguely see what seemed to be a piece of ice and snow ahead.

He took pictures around and found nothing unusual.

“You can’t get up anyway, then go out and have a look.” Mu Feifei plucked up his courage and walked out of the elevator slowly.

Just a few steps out, the elevator door closed automatically.

Subsequently, accompanied by the sound of rumbling operation.

The elevator room just rises up!

Only Mu Feifan with a look of astonishment left in place.

It’s because he is calm and used to it, and now he can’t help but want to yell at him.

“No, I must be calm.” Mu Feifan breathed heavily.

The more dangerous the place, the more you must keep your head clear.

He didn’t want to brainstorm and do something stupid.

“Hu Yufeng dug such a deep hole, he must not want to collect food, let me look for a switch first.” Mu Feifan held his mobile phone and continued to walk forward.

At this time, with the help of light, he vaguely saw that there seemed to be a wall in front of him.

Where there is a wall, a switch may be designed.

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan was slightly excited, and walked over quickly.

When he got close, he realized that the wall was too tall and the whole was transparent.

However, Mu Feifei didn’t pay much attention to it.

He began to fumble on the wall, looking for a switch.

“This wall is so cold!” Mu Feifan thought to himself.

But in the next second, he immediately reacted.

This is not a wall at all, but ice.

It’s all thick ice!

It turned out that Hu Yufeng was not for the food, but for the ice.

What did Hu Yufeng do with such a big icy tuft?

Is it the same as the ancient emperor’s construction of the Mountain Resort?

For coolness in summer?

He has too many brains. Didn’t he know that there is a modern invention called the air conditioner?

Mu Feifei silently complained.

At the same time, he raised his head.

This ice wall is too high.

Standing in front of the ice wall, Mu Feifan couldn’t even see the top.

“Is it high?”

He became curious and started to back away slowly.

With the lengthening of the distance, the whole picture of the ice wall is gradually revealed.

“No, it’s too high, the light from the mobile phone won’t shine.” Mu Feifei felt that the ice wall was like a skyscraper.

He held the phone and shook it for a while.

Suddenly, Mu Feifei seemed to see something, and focused the light somewhere.

The next moment, his expression changed.


Mu Feifei didn’t notice that he was too close just now.

He could clearly see this distance now under the lighting of the mobile phone.

In the ice wall, a huge black shadow was enclosed.

Mu Feifan could even see the huge soles of the shadows.

Just one foot is five or six meters large.

The other person’s height must not be more than a hundred meters!

Thinking of this, Mu Feifei couldn’t help but feel a chill.

Damn it!

No wonder Hu Yufeng dug a negative eighteen layer like a mouse digging a hole.

Dare to love to hide such a big guy!

“Things seem to be a big deal.” Mu Feifei never thought about it.

Below the dignified museum, there is such a dangerous existence.

What exactly does Hu Yufeng want to do?

At this time, there was another rumbling sound from the elevator, and it was obvious that they landed again.

Mu Feifan’s heart was shocked.

Could it be that Hu Yufeng’s group came down?

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