Chapter 392

When Ji Yang heard this, his face was surprised, and asked, “You want to call Brother Fan?”

After all, he has paid attention to the video released by Chen Yun, knowing that the genius refiner in this group of people is Mu Feihua.

Chen Yun sullenly said in a low voice, “Now that’s the only way.”

Ji Yang: “Okay! But do you have his phone number?”

Chen Yun: “No.”

“Then you find a der!”

Chen Yun raised his phone and smiled triumphantly: “But I have his WeChat friends, so I can send voice calls.”

The next moment, he found Mu Feifan in his friends list.

Because the other party’s screen name is Mu Feifan.

Moreover, the avatar is very eye-catching.

Mu Feifan’s sluggish expression and Da Duck complemented each other, and they both looked suspicious of life.

“Duck King, no, Brother Fan, you must pick it up!” Chen Yun prayed secretly, and then sent a voice call.


At this moment, Mu Feifan and the three daughters are still wandering in the street, aimlessly.

His phone is still in the pocket of the pants he changed earlier.

The trousers and tops are all packed in handbags.

Under the squeeze layer by layer, I didn’t even hear the voice prompt.

Suddenly, Li Meng turned his head and asked strangely: “Why do I hear the buzzing sound?”

Mu Feifan seemed to have heard something too.

At this time, on the flowers blooming in the distance, a few industrious little bees hovered.

Yang Xiaojie: “…Mengmei, your ears are really good, there happens to be bees there, why, you want to eat honey when you are greedy?”

Li Meng blushed and hummed, “I don’t eat sweets. I’m afraid of getting fat.”

Everyone smiled.

On the other side, Chen Yun couldn’t get in touch with Mu Feihua, his expression finally changed.

Liu Yichen glanced at him: “Who do you call pretending to be?”

“It must be because there are too many people around, he didn’t hear it, you will wait.” Chen Yun replied vaguely.

He is now anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Started to turn around.

Liu Yichen and the others all showed a look like you continued to pretend.

Chen Yun complained: “Brother Fan, why are you still not answering?”

Ji Yang was speechless: “Are you asking for help? I feel that even if it is connected, Brother Fan will definitely not come.”

At this moment, Chen Yun’s inspiration flashed and said: “I have a way!”


Chen Yun said: “We can contact Sister Xia! They must be staying together.”

“You really are a little clever ghost.” Ji Yang sighed: “But do you have the contact information of Sister Xia?”

Chen Yun was silent for a few seconds before suddenly realizing: “Fuck, I don’t have one, why did I just remember?”

Ji Yang:…

Chen Yun said: “Let’s find the group of animals in Class I first! They must have Sister Xia’s mobile phone number or WeChat.”

“How do you find?”

“Little Red Riding Hood!”

“…There are more than a dozen classes in the town this time, can you find it?”

“I know the few LSPs in Class I. They must have come to see the Hanfu game. They are nearby.” After Chen Yun finished speaking, he immediately looked around and started with Little Red Riding Hood.

Ji Yang was a tall man, and he followed suit.

Suddenly, there was a bright light in front of his eyes, pointing in a direction, and said, “Xiao Yunzi, look at it, are those three hooks and shoulders from the same class?”

Chen Yun stood on tiptoe and almost jumped up, exclaiming: “I can’t see anything.”

Helpless, Ji Yang held Chen Yun under his arm and lifted him up like a child.

“See it now?” he asked.

Chen Yun’s eyes were sharp, and he recognized it at a glance.

“Fuck, Lao Bai, Lao Feng, Lao Yang, come here!” Chen Yun waved desperately as if seeing his relatives.

He was screaming and screaming, and he suddenly attracted the attention of everyone nearby.

“Oh my God, look at that boy, to make his girlfriend see more clearly, lift her up!”

“Yeah, my boyfriend is very powerful!”

“But why does his girlfriend’s voice sound so bold?”

“I don’t know, maybe it’s a big lady in women’s clothing.”

“Damn, don’t scare me, it’s hard for Daoist’s girlfriend to get out bigger than you?”

Not far away, the three Bai Lesheng were looking at the stage with relish, tasting the level of the participating little Big sis.

Suddenly I heard someone calling them.

When the three of them looked up, they saw Chen Yun standing out among the crowd. He was very conspicuous, and they were shocked.

Feng Li: “Chen Yun, is this height a bit faster?”

Yang Dahao: “It must be walking on stilts, I bet on 50 cents spicy food!”

Bai Lesheng: “…You two idiots, I have seen it with my small eyes, he was lifted up.”

The two turned their heads to look, but they saw that Bai Lesheng’s squinted eyes widened the boss, immediately speechless.

Feng Li: “Lao Bai, in fact, your eyes are not small, why do you always squint, are you nearsighted?”

Bai Lesheng: “This is called deep, understand? If I keep looking at the world with my eyes wide open, people think I am stupid Baitian.”

Yang Dahao: “Then shall we go there, he is still shouting.”

“Past wool!” Bai Lesheng’s eyes were angry: “This kid took off my wheelchair wheel last time. I haven’t asked him to settle the account yet. If I take the initiative to find me now, it must be no good!”

Yang Dahao pointed to the distance: “But I just seemed to hear him say that if we don’t go there, he will make up the story about you being beaten in a wheelchair last time into a novel and tell the crowd a hundred times.”

Depend on!

When Bai Lesheng heard this, he almost fell.

“I f*ck!” Bai Lesheng was about to vomit blood.

Finally, Feng Li and Yang Dahao came to Chen Yun with Bai Lesheng from left to right.

Chen Yun looked at it and said in astonishment: “Lao Bai, you have a blood clot again and can’t walk?”

Bai Lesheng: “I am so angry with you.”

Feng Li: “Xiao Yunyun, call you Feng Brother, what’s the matter?”

Chen Yun immediately smiled flatteringly: “Brother Feng, do you have Sister Xia’s phone number?”

Feng Li heard this and immediately became cautious: “Xiao Yunyun, I can warn you, Sister Xia is a person with a boyfriend, so don’t worry about it.”

Chen Yun:…

“Damn, Dage, do you think I live too long? I dare not provoke Sister Xia.”

Everyone smiled when they heard it.

Everyone understands.

Even if Sister Xia didn’t have an object, they didn’t dare to think otherwise.

After all, Sister Xia gets cold, but she will kill her.

“But you found the wrong person. None of us has Sister Xia’s phone number.” Feng Li replied.

“What about WeChat? WeChat always has it.” Chen Yun asked unwillingly.

The three people collectively shook their heads: “No!”

Chen Yun:! ! !

“What about the class group, can you help me join Sister Xia in the group, okay?”

His voice was pleading.

This is his last straw.

Must be held firmly!

Bai Lesheng chuckled and said, “Er Biyun, let me tell you the unfortunate news that Sister Xia is not in the class group.”


Chen Yun’s eyes were almost staring: “You lie to me! Old Bai, I tell you, don’t avenge private revenge.”

Bai Lesheng was speechless: “Who is so like you, the heart of a villain! Sister Xia has not been in the class group, we all know it, besides, with the character of Sister Xia, is this strange?”

Chen Yun cracked directly.

Oh My God!

Thousands of calculations, lose this one!

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