Chapter 378: The Lord of Kunlun! Treasure of the Town Hall

At this time, Mu Feifan asked: “Professor Hu, you just said that those ancient cultivators entered another dimension. Could it be that they came to Otherworld through the entrance of the dimension gate?”

Hu Yufeng explained: “The place they go cannot be counted as Otherworld. To be precise, it is a huge secret realm.”

Everyone has heard of secret realm, it is a small world opened up.

Mu Feifan even went to a secret realm.

So I understood it all at once.

Hu Yufeng: “The secret realm, the Spiritual Qi is very rich, very suitable for cultivation. Since then, the ancient cultivator has settled down there and continues to this day.”

“Ah? They are all alive, don’t they all become old monsters?” Someone was surprised.

Hu Yufeng smiled and said: “The cultivator is heaven-defying, and it is impossible to have an endless lifespan without reaching the legendary Realm. Those who survive now are the descendants of those ancient cultivators.”

“Professor Hu, where is the secret realm?” Everyone was curious.

Hu Yufeng raised his head, his eyes gleaming brightly: “In Kunlun, that secret realm is also called the Kunlun world.”

Everyone was immediately shocked!

Kunlun, the ancestor of ten thousand mountains!

Since ancient times, Kunlun has been covered with a mysterious veil.

Unexpectedly, there is still a secret realm with descendants of ancient cultivator.

Li Xiuzhu was also surprised and said: “The Kunlun world? I have heard that those ancient cultivator descendants, Cultivation Base, are extremely powerful and once were enemies with the Alliance.”


“There is such a thing?” Everyone was even more shocked.

At first I felt that the alliance was peaceful, but when I heard this, everyone felt a sudden heartbeat.

It seems that war is not far from them.

Hu Yufeng smiled faintly: “It’s too exaggerated to be an enemy of the Alliance. The entire Kunlun area is only half the size of the Kyushu region. Compared with the alliance’s cultivators, which often amount to hundreds of millions, it is really insignificant.”

Li Xiuzhu was a little embarrassed: “Yes, I heard that there was a period of time when they disliked each other.”

Hu Yufeng nodded: “Yes, that was still more than 20 years ago… It’s just that the battle was solved silently before it started.”

Everyone was curious: “How to solve it?”

The expression on Hu Yufeng’s face suddenly changed.

Replaced with an indescribable reverence.

“A big figure in the alliance single-handedly entered the Kunlun world, suppressing the entire Kunlun world with his own power, and was regarded as the master of the Kunlun world by the descendants of those ancient cultivators!” He said word by word.


Hearing this, everyone felt their scalp numb.

One person suppresses one world!

What a demeanor that is!

Everyone’s blood is boiling.

“This is too awesome.”

“Simply an idol!”

“At first I thought it was because of negotiations that the war was quelled, but I didn’t expect it to be a strong suppression, or to be alone!”

“I don’t know who that big man is?”

“My cultivator should be the case!”

Hu Yufeng smiled and said: “Due to many reasons, that adult’s name has become a taboo in the alliance. I don’t want to be disturbed by the world, so I won’t say more.”

When everyone heard it, they couldn’t help sighing.

“It’s a pity, if I knew his name, I would definitely worship him.”

“Hey, big people don’t want fame and fortune, so they definitely don’t want to be too high-profile.”

“Doing such a feat for the league, without even leaving a name, is really our role model.”

Mu Feifan suddenly changed his expression.

He remembered the white-clothed youth he met when he rushed to the tenth floor of the Tongtian Tower.

Isn’t that young man also said to be very strong?

Known as the first person in the league.

Could it be that the other party is the one who suppresses the Kunlun world?

Mu Feihua thought, and suddenly shook his head.

How can there be such a coincidence?

If you are so strong, can you still be defeated by yourself in the same rank?

Thinking of it, Mu Feihua suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth.

He felt that his guess just now was too naive.

Suddenly, Hu Yufeng seemed to perceive something, his eyes flashed across the crowd like lightning, and he quickly locked onto Mu Feifan.

“This classmate, do you have any opinion on this matter?” Hu Yufeng still kept a faint smile on his face.

Only then did Mu Feifan react, whether he was smiling too obviously, causing the other party to misunderstand.

“Professor Hu, I didn’t mean to laugh…just to move the lower oral muscles.” He explained hurriedly.

At the critical moment, Mu Feifei thought of Hong Yu’s usual excuses.

Hu Yufeng’s complexion froze.

What is the explanation?

Mu Feifan added: “I also respect that big man very much, for the alliance and the people, and the big man should do the same.”

Hearing what the other party said, Hu Yufeng felt much more comfortable.

No matter when, he didn’t want that adult to be desecrated.

However, the smile of this kid seemed to despise the adult.

Hu Yufeng had such a weird idea in his mind.

“Since I have fate with everyone today, let me take you to appreciate the treasures of the town hall.” He said.

“The treasure of the town hall?” Hearing these four words, everyone suddenly became excited.

The word sounds tall.

It’s definitely not comparable to those shovels and hoes in front!

In an instant, everyone looked forward to it more and more.

Xiaoli also said excitedly: “Classmates, you have a blessing. The few waves of classmates who walked past did not have this opportunity.”

“Really, then we are so lucky!” Everyone said excitedly.

Hu Yufeng said embarrassingly: “Actually, it was because I was looking at the computer in the own office before and didn’t come out.”


The truth is always so speechless.

Xiaoli was also helpless.

Professor Hu, don’t tell me if you see it through, you are too real.

Under the leadership of Hu Yufeng, everyone came to a side hall.

The two wooden doors are very tightly locked.

Hu Yufeng stood in front of the door.

The small electronic screen at the door made a mechanical sound.

“Facial recognition begins…recognition passes, and the door opens automatically.”

With only a click, the two doors opened automatically.

Everyone was amazed.

So high-tech!

No, so Fantasy.

They walked in.

The hall is also extremely wide.

However, there is only one window in such a large area.

There was a yellow thing that didn’t know what it was.

Everyone’s sense of anticipation instantly dropped to a freezing point.

“Damn, Professor Hu, are you joking, these stubborn things are the treasures of the town hall?”

“Don’t stop me, I want to go to the toilet and produce a few treasures of the town hall.”

“This color, this taste is really not comparable to the broken copper and iron in front.”

Hu Yufeng flushed and said, “In fact, it’s not what everyone imagined…”

“What does that look like?” Everyone needs a reasonable explanation.

Suddenly, Mu Feifan’s complexion changed drastically.

Because he felt that his right arm was about to move uncontrollably!

what happened?

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