Chapter 374 Quickly let go! Is a real dog

Finally, the middle-aged man made a call.

Unexpectedly, it was a self-service speech first.

He followed the prompts, pressing down one by one.

Finally, there was a beep of waiting.

“Hey!” A rough male voice sounded across.

“Excuse me, is it the mysterious investigation department of the Guardian League?” the middle-aged man asked nervously.

Ah Quan could even see the sweat on his forehead.

“Who are you?” The other side did not answer, but asked instead.

The middle-aged man chuckled and said: “I’m Xu Dashan, the head of the Binjiang City Military Headquarters in Longyang Province, Kyushu Region.”

The other party said, “I haven’t heard of it.”

The middle-aged person is a little embarrassed.

I don’t know how to answer these words for a while.

“Wait, you said you belonged to Binjiang City?” The other party seemed to be interested and asked again.

“That’s right, Binjiang City Military Headquarters.”

“You call me, what’s the matter?”

Xu Dashan just remembered now, and almost forgot the business, and hurriedly said: “Hello, leadership, this is how things are…”

So he explained how Mu Feifan’s files were encrypted and about going out of town.

“Mu Feifan?” Hearing this name, the other party was silent for a while, then suddenly asked: “Where did you just say he is going?”

“Tianzhou City, it is said that their school went on a school trip.” Xu Dashan replied.

“Damn! I’m still thinking why the matter is serious, so don’t let him go!” The other party’s tone suddenly became irritable.

Xu Dashan was taken aback, and hurriedly commanded Ah Quan: “Quickly let them out of the city, don’t delay.”

No way, the first-level officials crush people to death.

What’s more, it’s so many levels bigger.

Xu Dashan now feels that he is going to be crushed to death.

Ah Quan ran to Li Xiuzhu and said, “Teacher, you can leave now, and I will let someone open the door immediately.”

Li Xiuzhu had already waited impatiently. Hearing this, he immediately smiled and said, “Great, classmates, all get in the car.”

“I can finally leave!” Everyone exhaled.

Everyone got on the bus again.

The 100-meter-high steel city gate did not open, but at the corner, opened a small gate that only allowed a large vehicle to pass through.

The bus went through the small door.

At this point, they finally left the boundary of Binjiang City.

Xu Dashan has been watching these people leave.

At the moment, the phone has not been hung up.

“Leader, I have released them out of the city according to your instructions.” He said cautiously.

The other party smiled and said, “Yes, it will be interesting now.”

Xu Dashan:? ? ?

What’s the meaning?

He tentatively asked: “Leader, are you in the mysterious investigation department?”

“No!” The other party replied grimly.

“What?” Xu Dashan’s eyes were almost staring out, and his breathing became rapid: “Leader, you are not in that department, so let me let them out of the city?”

“You never asked me again.”

Xu Dashan wanted to cry without tears: “I asked the first sentence.”

“I just answered the phone and don’t know who you are, how can I answer casually.”

Unexpectedly, Xu Dashan was completely speechless.

Cold sweat ran down his forehead now, and he felt like he was going to die.

He released Mu Feihua, in case something happened, it wouldn’t be counted on him.

“Leader, you hurt me miserably, who are you?” Xu Dashan was about to cry.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the phone was hung up.

Xu Dashan was stupid.

“Damn, what’s the matter?” Xu Dashan was on the verge of collapse.

Ah Quan was also dumbfounded: “Boss, what’s the matter?”

Xu Dashan yelled hysterically: “I made the wrong call. It’s not the mysterious investigation department. I don’t know which dog leader answered the call.”

Ah Quan: “…isn’t it a self-service voice? You can enter the wrong numbers when you follow the prompts?”

Xu Dashan leaned back: “I don’t know what I lost at the time, maybe I pressed the wrong hand when I tremble.”

Ah Quan: “You don’t need to call it again.”

“It makes sense.” Xu Dashan reacted immediately.

As a result, he followed the prompts this time, pressing down the numbers one by one, but he couldn’t get through.

What makes Xu Dashan vomit blood even more is that not only the mysterious investigation department, but other departments are also unable to get through.

It’s all nice little Big sis self-service voice.

“Sorry, busy schedule, if you have any needs, please go to the city lord’s mansion or military department in each region to do it yourself.”

Xu Dashan’s eyes were red: “Damn, I belong to the Binjiang City Military Headquarters.”

“What should I do, boss?” Ah Quan obviously didn’t expect that things were so tricky.

The main reason is that the system only provides one phone number, and no one answers every department of the Guardian League. Is it all so busy?

Just a leader’s pain, but Xu Dashan got through?

Who is going to make sense?

Xu Dashan yelled out loudly: “Although Wangcai is not a human being, you are a real dog, the leader of the Guardian League.”

The thought that if something happens to Mu Feifei, the responsibilities will be held accountable, and it happens to fall on him.

Xu Dashan was shaking all over at this moment.

He thought for a while, and as if made up his mind, he said, “Aquan, let’s go!”

“Where to go???” Ah Quan did not react.

“Go after them!” Xu Dashan said word by word.

Ah Quan: “Call the colleagues of the Tianzhou City Military Headquarters. If you deduct them, it will be over.”

“Your grandma’s, is it a tiger? I’ve said it one hundred and eighty times, and they have done nothing wrong!” Xu Dashan wanted to beat him.

Ah Quan: “Then why are we chasing after?”

Xu Dashan took a deep breath: “Protect Mu Feihua!”

Ah Quan: “…Boss, are you serious? You are also the boss of a city military department at any rate. If you want to be a bodyguard for that high school student, you are going to drop the price!”

“…I found that your kid can’t do anything else, and the ability to pierce the heart is first-rate.” Xu Dashan was speechless.

But what can be done?

Xu Dashan does not want to be dismissed.

Can only bite the bullet.

Who can’t get in touch with the Guardian Mansion?

The two got directly into an off-road vehicle and quickly left the boundary of Binjiang City.

“This group of high school students are really Damn it. What kind of travel is there for nothing? Whose responsibility is it if something goes wrong?” Xu Dashan was still complaining.

As he drove, Ah Quan said silently, “Boss, it’s nothing more than a school trip, and you made a fuss too much. Besides, there are so many dangers.”

“Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, there is really something in Mu Feifei’s long and two shortcomings, we both have to finish playing.” Xu Dashan said bitterly.

Ah Quan: “It’s you, boss, I’m just a soldier.”

Xu Dashan:…

At this moment, the bus of the first experimental class is still moving forward.

As expected inside the car.

Lie down one piece.

Xia Yuchan leaned on Mu Feifan’s shoulder and fell asleep.

Mu Feifan also intends to sleep for a while.

Suddenly he looked out the window.

At this moment, an army green off-road vehicle happened to appear outside, passing them by.

“Military car?” Mu Feihua was suddenly energetic.

If he saw it in normal times, he wouldn’t think much about it.

But I don’t know why, at this moment, the middle-aged man’s last look at him appeared in his mind.

I’m afraid it’s not easy.

On the other side, on an off-road vehicle.

Xu Dashan patted Ah Quan’s forehead and cursed: “You are stupid, let you follow, why did you overtake?”

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